FlutterDash 2,595 members · 1,424 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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It has been some time, hasn't it? When was the last one? I don't recall. For a while, it seemed like our favorite combination was the only one the episodes weren't focusing on, leaving us with quite the dry spell when it came to new fuel material.

But in any event, the wait is now over.

According to the summary, tomorrow's episode will focus on our beloved pegasi pair! Oh, I can just hear many of you getting exciting for it now.

Regrettably, I'll have to wait to watch it as I'm taking my time watching season 9. However, I'm sure when I get to this on, I'll really enjoy it! I hope the rest of you will as well!

It was indeed nice to see the focus on them again, i'm sure you'll enjoy the episode!

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