Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,100 members · 2,423 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Either way, I cant get over how beautiful she is.

Same. They nailed her design

Both have pros and cons but in the end both are well designed especially if her designed are drawn by the fans her beauty has know limits when artists have free rain

I don't blame you, I had a major fan crush on her when I started MLP. In fact she's what got me into the series because I first saw her on a porn game involving her and an apartment manager. I forget what the game was called though.

Split the difference, and go anthro.

Nothing wrong with either of them. I'd personally be happy with either version honestly. But Fluttershy isn't my mare, that belongs to Ruby, the mare in my thumbnail.

Not a bad compromise, though I think all versions are a winner.

I love her blue dress in the EQG series.

Pony is best

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