Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,100 members · 2,423 stories
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In those series, human and other sentient race exist in the same world together, yet there's aren't a lot of stories between a human male and non-human female.

Compared to MLP FIM, where the humans don't even live in the world of the ponies and other creature and only exist in some mirror world, But still have more human male x non-human female stories than those two fandom combine.

Is it because the brony fandom was mostly adult males? perhaps it was just easier to find those sort of stories because of this website and this group?

Is the premise of a human guy being sent to another world and falling in love with a girl of different species just more engaging than a establish two sentient races world interspecies romance story?

What are your cents on this, Hmm?

Because the majority of the fandom are guys who imagine having a pony waifu. It's very common because even in other fandoms, it's mostly guys. Yes, there are women with husbandos but it's mostly the other way around. That's just how it is, as it's a form of escapism and fantasy. Nothing really wrong with it.

Let me Cave Man™ this:
Pony not flawed like human. Human girl self centered. Human girl ick. Pony nice, much cuddle, loving. Grug want love. Grug no get love from human girl. Grug get love from pony.

Anywhos, the basis of FiM is relationships. Those that want to be loved, requiring said relationship, are going to be attracted to the media that, at the very least, simulate it.

This is unironically the most accurate explanation of what drew in most of the fandom (myself included) to the show. :rainbowderp:

Just goes to show how deep down, maybe all we ever wanted/needed in life was a warm hug, a nice cuddle, and a good talk with another being who understands. Gotta love ponies for that.

I have wondered this, and I wish I knew the answer. I honestly wished there were more stories in other fandoms that had this happening.

Hmmm. The most recent example i can think of is the Murder Drones fandom (well the 4chan side at least) if you like robot girls of course. You can find some stories in the 4chan Archive and DroneBooru.Co


Well you if say it like that. Perhap it's really is because of this place that make it easier to find those sort of stories.

Hi Erynaster! nice to see you here!

SPart #7 · 3 weeks ago · · ·


Also the attraction of reverse gender roles equestria (RGRE)

I agree a lot with what 7968265 said, but I think there's a little more to it:

Not only is the MLP fandom overwhelmingly male, but the cast of MLP is overwhelmingly female. Also, most people are straight. So it only follows that most OC X Canon shipfics will have the canon character be female and the OC be male.

Furthermore, HiE is a long-standing niche within the MLP fandom, so it's very easy to justify putting a human into the setting. Most other fandoms are somewhat less provisioning toward human inserts, so authors just come up with a self-sona.

I also don't think that there's a disproportionate amount of Author Insert X Canon fics in the MLP fandom than in any other fandom. Fanfiction is primarily an outlet for wish-fulfillment, so regardless of the fandom, there's always going to be plenty of stories where an author insert gets into a relationship with the author's favorite character(s).

The MLP fandom just has its own website dedicated to only MLP fanfiction, so it's much, much easier to find a fanfic of whatever niche you want.

It's almost always wishfulfilment with the male human usually being a self-insert for the author. And the human usually was protayed as an anime "nice guy", a complete asshole, or creepily awkward, and yet every female would get soaking wet just by saying hi to them. The only times a female pony would reject them, it would be because that pony is a one dimensional racist and is used to show just how much of a poor, poor victim the autho-, I mean human character, is and how the whole world is against them. With exception to the main cast, of course, who can only not help but fall in love with the MC and form a harem. Bleh. I stopped reading cringe stuff like that almost a decade ago.


Just goes to show how deep down, maybe all we ever wanted/needed in life was a warm hug, a nice cuddle, and a good talk with another being who understands.

You understand! We all struggle, but you are not alone. Also, I'm a fan of your stories.


Also the attraction of reverse gender roles equestria (RGRE)

Funny that you mention RGRE. The basis of why human males are attracted to the relationships of MLP:FiM is to be valued. You can be valued platonically, but you can also be valued sexually: enter RGRE. It is a grave tragedy that not enough men get valued by women these days.

Hiya! I've always been a lurker, heh.:twilightsmile:

True. The best thing that comes from our struggles is the fact that they become a lens for us to see the struggles of others, which in turn helps us to better empathize with them.

(also, tysm akfskshkfhakfla I'm glad❤️)

I mean I can't talk about Undertale but back when I first got into the Sonic fanfiction scene, decades ago there was more than a little of the same sort of thing, of course there was just as much if not more fics with people inserting whatever there fursona happened to be at the time lol

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