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When she first got reformed I hated her, she was too powerful and in my opinion unlikeable. Especially after everything she did. Biggest Overreaction of the series is what I thought at the time. Now my opinion has changed a lot and she's in my top five favorite characters in the series. What about you guys?

She is every self insert ever which probably explains her popularity. Whether one derives pleasure of such a thing is a matter left to the individual

Such a lame handwave. "Self insert bad character." If you contrive hard enough, damn near every character ever made can be construed as a self-insert.

I never said she was bad. Look, if you like her, bully for you. If you dislike her, great. I've said all I'm going to say on the matter.

Fun villain that's all I have to say about her.

Were you expecting an Enemy Mine episode where Twilight and Starlight ended up stranded back in time before ponies exist, like during the age of dinosaurs, and then they team up to survive until the time travel spell wrapped back to the present? I mean, it would make a better story than this.

In my case it wasn't an outright hate, per se, but I would lie if I said I wasn't sceptical about her at first. Though at the time she was introduced as one of the main cast she had a long way to go, but time and time again, my opinion changed little by little to where we are today. A time in which she's, too, definitely in my top 5. Maybe even top 3.

Like a more snark-induced, no bullshit version of Twilight, yet with its own fears and shortcomings... but that's exactly why we love her so.

I came into the fandom when she was already established in S6, so I wasn't hit with the massive controversy flood when she first cropped up. I think she's okay.

You missed my point. She is not a self-insert because that is a non-criticism

My feelings on Starlight over time? Now there's a story with ups and downs...

When we first saw her as a villain, i quite liked her despite her unoriginal name - she was a good contrast to Tirek and her philosophy the other side of the coin compared to the Dazzlings. I looked forward to her promised time-travelling return and inevitable redemption - and was very disappointed.

Not only had she abandoned her philosophy in favour of crude revenge, not only was she shifted out of focus to show off a bunch of fanservice timelines, not only did she get a horribly inadequate backstory, but to top it all off her redemption was crammed into a two-minute MONTAGE! Yeah, at that point I sort of thought they might have ruined her.

Then came The Crystalling and proof that her redemption was in fact a still ongoing arc, and I felt a bit better. I liked pairing her up with Trixie, too. And I loved them in the finale. But unfortunately, the groundwork for it hadn't been properly laid - she'd been in very few episodes and the only one that focused on her had set her redemption back rather than pushing it forwards. Plus the total brushing over of her victims feelings - no, her arc was definitely one with highs and lows.

The next season opened with an episode-long discourse on whether Starlight still had a purpose on the show, and it seemed a little anti-climatic when they settled on "yes". But in retrospect that was a very good thing, because this was a great season both in general and for Starlight in particular. Teaching Trixie, befriending Maud, her first friendship mission, failing with Pharynx, bringing her whole circle of outcasts together and giving the right advice when it mattered - truly this seasons star. (Also arguably a bit over-pushed, but the only outing I wouldn't call worth it is her jaunt beyond the mirror.)

Season 8 Starlight wasn't shining so bright, but that was fair. The counsellor position was both crazy and genius, she got fun outings with both her besties (also revealing some more of her backstory) and was generally OK. This season she's had one of the best episodes and another pretty solid one.. So yeah, I'm overall pretty happy with her journey as a character, even if it'll always annoy me how she never really faced up to her original sins.

Never really cared for her. And after all seasons my opinion stayed the same.

She's still as psycho as she's ever been.

Her reformation seems very shaky to me.

Really? Because I don't think we've heard a peep of Equalist doctrine out of her since Season 5.

6963705 Those were her good days when she still held some ideals. Not anymore.


She is not a self-insert

You're right, she's not a self insert. She's The self insert, the Wesley Crusher of the pony set. Again, not bad, but definitely cynically done and becomes inexplicably popular. I liked her better as a villain in any case


I still think she made an excellent villain. She made the best Twilight foil and worked well in that regard, working towards a twisted version of friendship, and thinking she was doing good. Plus, as a villain, her creating new magic that went beyond previously established limits and rules was fine, as there was no need to consider why Starlight doesn’t just solve X problem with magic (Twilight was limited to what spells existed).

Unfortunately, post season 5 finale, the character absolutely didn’t work for me. I love the concept, the humor around her is pretty great, her voice actress is amazing, and there are plenty of interesting story ideas around her. But the execution hurts way too much.

The first giant red flag was how she was instantly trusted and accepted by everyone, including the Our Town ponies. No one was suspicious of her or was in the slightest not instantly accepting. That on its own would’ve been fine, but characters before all had at least some stumbling if they weren’t completely written out of the show. Luna disappeared for a season and had to adjust to modern life, with ponies still scared of her. Discord wasn’t trusted until after Tirek. Twilight doubted Sunset in Rainbow Rocks. Again, if they had learned their lesson by the time Starlight came around, it would’ve been fine (frustrating at the time but wouldn’t have if bothered me later), but after that we got Trixie, Thorax, and Stygian, all of whom Twilight needed to be convinced to give the benefit of the doubt to at all.

Then there’s the writing around Starlight. So many of the Starlight plots require borderline to outright OoC characterization to function. Instantly forgiving of Starlight Twilight was suddenly super suspicious of Trixie even though Magic Duel ended with them parting on Ok terms. Pinkie’s obnoxiousness was ramped up to its max whenever Starlight was involved in one of her episodes. Trixie was taken up to eleven and made dumber and more airheaded than ever shown in All Bottled Up. Mirror Magic gave Sunset an anxiety problem to be solved by Starlight and reduced the entire EqG main cast to damsels in distress so Starlight could save them... Twilight needed Starlight to convince her that maybe Stygian wasn’t pure evil and somehow only she (and none of her friends, who should know better by then) was able to get Twilight out of her funk in the season 8 premier.

Then there’s spoon feeding Starlight fan favorites for the sake of it. First thing after the season premier 6 premier? She gets Trixie, a fan favorite, as her best friend. Alright, makes sense, Trixie is a great fit even if I wasn’t a fan of the execution. The she gets the return of Chrysalis and to be the leader of a season finale, getting Discord and Thorax as friends and saving the day. Ok, that’s pushing it, especially with everyone else getting kidnapped off screen, but whatever (also found it odd that three of the four in the rescue team were characters Spike befriended that season, and Starlight barely interacted with Thorax and hadn’t interacted with Discord at all). Then the next season premier was the closest thing we had to a Celestia episode, and it was about how far Starlight had come. Soon after, she got Maud, another fan favorite, as a friend. Then, she got the first ever Celestia and Luna (and solo cutie mark map) episode. Somewhere around that time she also got Mirror Magic, an EqG special with Sunset returning to Equestria for the first time since EqG 1, only for it to be a bait and switch where Starlight comes in, teaches Sunset a lesson, solos the villain (by outmaneuvering her after being human for at most a few hours and somehow talking to her even though she was shown to be hallucinating and previous movies had established that shouldn’t be possible. Also the main cast was reduced to helpless damsels too stupid to try and use magic to escape and doing nothing to help...), and got another fan favorite as a friend. After all that was her second episode involving Sunburst. Having scenes of characters talking about how awesome Starlight is mixed in didn’t help.

There are also smaller things that really bug me about her. One is how she never willingly completed a friendship lesson before graduating. In the season six premier, she tried to weasel out of meeting with Sunburst with Spike having to keep pushing her. She gives up trying to find a friend and goes to the spa before Trixie falls into her lap. Then she throws away every friendship lesson after, only attempting them after Twilight catches her. Then she runs away from the festival. Then she saves everyone and graduates (meanwhile the student six started off better at the whole friendship thing and their saving Equestria wasn’t enough to graduate. It also took Twilight three seasons to graduate herself, with her first time saving Equestria being the start of her journey). There’s also how she kind of just existed for two seasons. She was Twilight’s student for season six, yet she wasn’t doing her friendship lessons for most of the season. What was she doing that entire time? Just bumming around in the castle? Same thing with season seven after she graduated, she just kind of existed whenever she wasn’t needed or the focus.

I do think for the most part, she’s fine in seasons eight and nine. Ignoring everything that came before, her position and the way she’s used is fine, and the occasional hiccup is no worse than all the other characters. Unfortunately, I can’t just ignore everything that came before. There was just too much I couldn’t stand about her and while a lot of the problems aren’t around anymore, they were still blatantly there for two seasons spent establishing her. I wish I liked her, especially since there’s plenty of good there, but my problems with her are just too much.

Edit: To clarify, my personal dislike of the character hasn’t changed that much, but in a way, my overall opinion has softened. I’ve accepted that what I see as glaring problems are definitely based on my taste and that not everyone would even see them as problems or even happening. I’ve come to appreciate the good parts of her character more and think that her more recent stuff is fine, but personally think seasons six, seven, and Mirror Magic did too much damage for me.

I have to agree with Jade dawn; as a late Brony to the fandom I only knew Starlight after season 5 and had always thought Starlight was one of Twilight's friends. I LOVED starlight from the get-go,. even going back to see when she was a 'bad guy'.

My honest opinion? The series needed Starlight Glimmer.

The mane six just didn't have that many episodes left to center around them. Without characters like Glimmy, the series would have devolved from being centered around character-driven stories about friendship and watching how individuals grow in those friendships (you know, the very thing that made the series good) to being just another stream of constant action-adventure episodes merely punctuated by isolated instances of character development, ie., what almost every other mediocre and completely forgettable cartoon ever has been.

Her writing could have been much better handled and executed. But for all the complaints people can come up with about her, in some ways I feel like she saved significant parts of the show's soul.

I also feel like the slow, rocky start she was put through has been sort of compensated for by her development and the improved execution with her in later seasons.

I've always liked her. I think "The Cutie Map" may be the most interesting episode the show's ever done, and Starlight was a fascinating villain. I'm also one of those who liked the S5 finale, although I don't think it's as strong as the premiere.

After her reformation? I still like her. That's not to say I love everything about her -- for example, I don't think giving her astonishing magical powers (for a non-alicorn) has been entirely justified in-show. But I don't mind her character flaws, even the really big ones like "Every Little Thing She Does", as I think those make for interesting stories.

Equestria Girls is very much a side-issue for me, so what Starlight does there doesn't have much bearing on how I feel about her in FiM.

The amount of downvotes demonstrates the validity of what you're saying, I think.

Asserting the writers' intentions? That is arrogant and cynical in of itself. It doesn't make you look intellectual, especially when you only have your feelings and empirical evidence to base this off of.

It also demonstrates your unwillingness to read the contexts. You're equating third degree murder and self defense as just plain murder all around. Starlight showed submission and Cozy continued to fight back. One wanted redemption the other didn't. One was acting with sympathetic motivations while the other was just selfish. One needed help and wanted it the other refused it. One had her mind bent and twisted by her lot in life and the other acted with criminal intent.

One was a broken soul, the other was a villain.

I've always liked her.
I still think she's a sociopath.
But the realistic kind that can still participate in society, not the meme cartoon kind like Cozy Glow.

Dude, Enough. I've already said what I've to say verbatim. Now if you please

First impression was from her time as a villain, and I really liked her.

When she turned at the end of The Cutie Re-Mark, I was a little bit skeptical, but wanted to see where it went. Cautiously optimistic, perhaps. If that episode had been the end of it, I probably would have been disappointed, but the way they've followed up on it since has been pretty good, and I think she's contributed quite nicely to the cast. I like her, and I think she was a good addition.

And I really don't get the claim that she's a self-insert. A self-insert of who, exactly?



The child wasn't reformed and had no interest in reforming.
She's already been to the school, there's nothing they could have said to her that she hasn't already heard and studied to make her reform.

And again I find myself say "Go away." I have no intention of discussing this matter further with you or anyone on this occassion. I will also no longer reply to comments on this thread. I've said all I have on the matter, for the third time.


Well the obvious suspect would be Megan McCarthy, but somehow I suspect it would be known if she was a former student radical or something.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin


Biggest Overreaction of the series

That would be Twilight getting her wings. The dark moment when bronies cried out in pain, cats and dogs rained and all that was holy was lost...and then next season came and all was same as before until the next thing came out to complain about. It's a cycle at this point.

Anyway in short I like Starlight and I find her amusing, a fresh breath of air. Though I can't help the feeling that maybe I like her simply because she is relatively new character to the main cast and well main cast itself kinda became dull over time (some more than others).

I enjoy her character, she's funny and all, but one of the things I don't like is that they make Twilight far too OOC in some of her episodes. She just suddenly becomes season 1 Twilight by freaking out that Celestia is coming, and tries to force Starlight to befriend someone other than Trixie (Who she parted on good terms with!).
This is also honestly such a small complaint, but because Twilight is my fav pony, the feeling that she replaced her doesn't sit well with me.
I also find her slightly heavy handed way of dealing with things both funny, and tiresome. Twilight should have gotten her out of that way of thinking, yet it still continues.

Starlight fans, please ignore my comment, this is a very biased opinion of her that I'm sharing, so please don't feel offended.

Twilight has changed... but that may be less to do with the wings than character growth/new writers. Have any others undergone such a major shift?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Twilight has changed because her role in the show has changed. And it only changed because season 3 was supposed to be the grand finale. She went from the audience surrogate character, socially awkward pony that isn't familiar with Ponyville society and was learning about friendship, to becoming the authority on friendship. That's a huge sudden leap and I never had impression that she naturally grew into it. But well her character didn't really change all that much, she was a bit calmer and less prone to panicking (Cadance breathing exercise I think?) but that didn't last long because panicking Twilight is too fun as Lesson Zero had shown. And also Starlight kinda took Twilight's old socially inept role but with a bit of villain regret thrown in.

Other mane six had no need to change since their place in the show remained same. They just happened to reach their life goals in the middle of the show and had nothing to do after that. Except AJ since she was content from the start and I don't think writers ever really knew what to do with her. Now someone might say "Fluttershy is more assertive" but she was yelling at dragons and cockatrices since season 1. And Pinkie is just...Pinkie. If there is any change it most likely is because writers are hired per episode and each writer might have different interpretations and ideas, not because there was any actual character growth. I might argue with myself that Starlight is the only pony that had an actual character growth since she had a season arc about dealing with her issues. Ok, maybe Discord too though he tends to bounce between friend and a menace.

No, I mean that fact she went evil because her left moved away. THAT is the biggest overreaction ever.

She also apparently lost a lot of her cynicism. And if you asked Jawjoe you'd probably get a much longer rant...

She didn't go evil. She didn't lose her friend and went, "welp, time to crush society and the worth of the individual under my heel."

She lost her friend, and then went into a downward spiral of looking for blame to assign. Her friend left her and she was focused on that loss and never made others. Clearly, that was because that was the only friend she could ever have. It wasn't her. She did everything right, but she lost him, so it must have been someone's fault. It must have been that cutie mark's fault. But others cherish their cutie marks.... evidently they don't know how evil they are. She should show them they can be happy and content without them. That they can live life just fine without them, and friends don't have to leave friends because a cutie mark led them away.

Remember that she thought she was in the right. That she was doing a good thing. She just kept lying to everyone, including herself, when it looked like it wasn't so. When the villagers showed they were unhappy without their cutie marks, the same mechanism went at work. The villagers were content until Twilight came along, so surely she was the problem.

It's a classic villain characterization. They focus on something that is secondary to their beginning goal that it becomes their main goal. For Starlight, it was convincing that cutie marks were unneeded to making the convincing itself the main goal. It was the same with Sauron from Lord of the Rings, actually. He went from wanting to spread order and benign works, and needing power to do so, to wanting power for power's sake.

That wasn't an overreaction. That was a proper characterization. The only reason it looked stupid was because explaining the workings of a mind that are led astray and confused in their final goal, would fly completely over the heads of the core audience—young children. The grown audience who watches the show should have remembered that and made allowances for that, actually. Heck, everyone keeps going about headcanon but god forbid they fill in the blanks on their own on this.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Dunno bout her cynicism, I don't remember it that well. Though I don't really agree with a lot of jawjoe's conclusions.

Oh that. Eh, ponies as whole are prone to overreactions by human standards. Being cartoon and all that. Starlight being scared as a kid like that doesn't phase that much. Emotions are magical in Equestria anyway.

Edit. Oh and Crimmar is explained it delightfully.

She did use to have a certain snarky edge to her. Think of "She's not" before Pinkie stated singing for the first time.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Snark is one thing and cynicism is another, at least to me. Don't think she stopped having it, just that she has less screen time compared to early times when she was in every episode in season one and often was only sane mare.

Though that example with Pinkie singing is more of her showing disbelief at Pinkie being Pinkie. Part of her being surrogate audience character, not being familiar with the world and reacting accordingly. I do miss that part of her.


Snark is one thing and cynicism is another, at least to me.

Agreed. Very different things. Twilight was always skeptical, with a good snarky and sarcastic streak, but not cynical. People tend to confuse skeptical with cynical, but they're not the same thing. Being cynical means being deeply distrustful of other people's motives and a general lack of faith in people. Twilight can get snarky and irritable at times, but she generally has a fairly positive view of ponies.

Hmm... does she still come off that way to you?

6963657 Well, Starlight is a character who's had her ups and downs. And I think it's taken this final season for many people to realize they were probably a bit harsher than they should've been on her.

As a villain in "The Cutie Map" she was fantastic. Instead of another obvious monster like Sombra or Tirek they opted for a threat that no one could see coming. For the first time since the Season 3 premiere we had a pony as the villain. She was a villain who left almost nothing to chance, her motives were twisted but you could understand how no one sensed what she was really up to. And it was interesting that she was the first villain to escape defeat at the end of her premiere two parter.

Come "The Cutie Re-Mark" she lost a lot of her appeal, all the really good stuff about her got shunted aside for a petty revenge plot against just Twilight. Even then she was only really a villain for a few parts between the timelines, and it didn't help that Twilight had to be brought down several levels on intelligence and skill for Starlight to match her. And what did Starlight do when she saw where her actions had led her? What did she do when she was outright shown that her revenge would result in dooming Equestria to a horrible future? She tried to defend herself with a sob story that at the time felt incredibly lacking. Yet just because Twilight couldn't defeat her in a contest of strength, she got reformed and made into a student without consequence. I'm not sure if she was supposed to be the show's substitute for Sunset Shimmer in the wake of "Rainbow Rocks" but in a season that already reformed long standing antagonists like Gilda and Diamond Tiara, Starlight's redemption felt sorely lacking.

Season 6 wisely decided not to dump her, and "The Crystalling" was a fairly good first outing for her even though it was jarring to see her be so easily accepted by everyone. But then she just disappeared and became the ghost, never seen or heard from unless the episode focused directly on her. It didn't help that she got to have a two parter finale all to herself instead of established characters that had been around for longer. Her struggles were good though, "To Where and Back Again" was fine but it definitely would've benefited from spending more time on Starlight and not showing her so infrequently, especially when she got controversial episodes like "No Second Prances" and "Every Little Thing She Does" that made her redemption seem questionable.

Season 7 was where Starlight started to turn the corner, despite the early bumpiness in her graduating it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Now she didn't need to be the focus of an episode to have a role. Granted, some of her roles felt like they could've gone to Spike, and sometimes they could still overplay their hand with her, such as "A Royal Problem" giving her a royal sisters episode and a solo map mission. Stuff like that could still make her seem like a writer's pet, especially when Twilight and the mane six were being focused on less frequently. But she really grew into the role of being the sixth/extra ranger of the team.

Come Season 8 she took a step back from the spotlight, looking back it seems like the season was intent on abusing her at every turn. It's really saying something when she was completely taken out of the story without fanfare in "School Raze" when every other two parter could at least think of something for her to do. Still, she had some good episodes. "The Parent Map" did a lot to plug up the holes in her backstory and "Road to Friendship" even though it had cross her a line had her actually realize her mistake and try to fix it. Something that would've been hard for her to do just two seasons ago.

Here in the final season, I think she's really turned the corner and the writers have managed to give her a good role and a good send-off even considering what we're going to get here in the U.S. in a few weeks. I appreciate that she's no longer the only one who can ever talk sense into Twilight, by Season 8 it was getting old. Ironically, now I think she gets too little screen time when she really deserves more. But when she is on screen she does a fine job. It kind of feels like Korra from the Avatar series. She underwent a lot of hardship, but in the grand scheme it helped forge her into a stronger character.

For the most part. She's less prone to snarkiness than she used to be, but it still comes through at times (Particularly when stressed). If anything, I think her view of ponies has improved over time, and that's the main reason she doesn't deploy the sarcasm and snark as frequently. I'd say she's learning from Celestia quite well.

That said, I'd also say that the movie had her leaning much more cynical. It felt rather different than the previous times we'd seen her beat down (Such as when Discord broke up their friendship). I get how they reasoned it, but it felt like much more than a back-slide to me. It seemed very extreme, especially after having gone through so many kingdom- and world-threatening events before.

6964368 I have to agree on that. Even considering the circumstances I can't imagine Twilight saying or doing what she did on the beach. It was a horrible contrivence to get her alone and captured by Tempest, and there had to be a better way of doing that.


She was a great villain. Once the writers reformed her they didn't seem to know what to do with her. But I think making her the student conselor at the School of Friendship was a pretty clever move. Because first I thought "OMG they just put an ethical sociopath in charge of dealing with college students!" But then I thought "Well...who better to do the job? You know, 'set a thief to catch a thief...'"

A. Men. Thank you for explaining Starlight's origins so well. I'd already thought much the same with regards to her losing her friend, and how she wasn't even really a villain by the time Twilight and co. arrived at her village.

Also I want to address a couple points and add proper context for the scenes as I see them.

Instantly forgiving of Starlight Twilight was suddenly super suspicious of Trixie even though Magic Duel ended with them parting on Ok terms.

Context: Twilight had just gotten her own student in Starlight, and was feeling overprotective and worried that she'd get the wrong ideas from Trixie. It would've been fine if it was just her and Twilight, but when Starlight entered the mix, the equation changed. What would I do if my personal student -- who used to be a villain herself -- was hanging out with someone with a history of using dark and dangerous magical artifacts? I'd probably react in a similar manner to Twilight.

Twilight needed Starlight to convince her that maybe Stygian wasn’t pure evil and somehow only she (and none of her friends, who should know better by then) was able to get Twilight out of her funk in the season 8 premier.

Context: Twilight was blinded by hero worship of Starswirl, and by extension so was the rest of the group, never mind the fact that her friends all had their own heroes standing beside them. You had an entire group from a past time espousing how Stygian was irredeemable. Under those circumstances, it made sense to me that Twilight acted as she did. It also made sense that Starlight was the one to see a better way, because out of every single pony in that room, she was the only one who'd come back from an evil path.

(Not a quote, but about how powerful she is:)

Context: Starlight has studied Starswirl the Bearded's own notes on the most powerful spells in Equestria. Many of those spells are likely used by alicorns themselves. Before she'd even met Twilight, she was able to produce a very powerful beam spell that she, quote: "practiced years to perfect". Twilight was at a similar level before she became an alicorn.

In fact, I'm not really convinced that being an alicorn actually affects a pony's magical aptitude that much. Remember Chancellor Neighsay? Not an alicorn, but a unicorn, and who batted an eye when he pulled a Gandalf on the bridge, and locked down an entire building with a single spell? I didn't, because this stallion surely didn't manage to attain his rank just by sitting behind a desk. He had to study for years to develop both the skills and the magical capacity to do everything he did there. And even then, he's savvy enough to help himself along with artifacts, like the one that lets him form portals through space for travel.

Twilight studied long and hard to attain the level of power she had as a unicorn by the time we met her, and she only got better since. I'm not convinced she couldn't do a lot of the stuff she does now as an alicorn anyway, except take the Princesses' magic into herself and go super. Starlight studied for a similar length of time, we can assume, as she was roughly able to match Twilight at the level she used to be as a unicorn. When that wasn't enough to beat her, she looked for an edge, and found a crushing one in Starswirl's own notes on magic. Starswirl ALSO is not an alicorn, and yet, because he's studied and practiced for so many years, his magic is on the same level as any of the Princesses. With his work in hand hoof, Starlight was able to study further and develop better technique, and thus match Twilight.

Starlight earned her power, because she worked for it. Except for stealing Starswirl's notes, of course.

Starlight Glimmer’s one of my all-time favorite characters. I’ve loved her as a reform more than a villain, her development throughout the show, everything!

I’ve frequently felt annoyed whenever people say that her enslaving a town and taking away their cutie marks is even worse than Sunset Shimmer bullying others and mind controlling people, because in all honesty...I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a crime that’s bigger than another. All crimes are bad no matter what.

I’m in between. She have her worst moment in season 6 but In season 7 and onward she somewhat grow on me.

This thread right here, Inquisitor. There's necromantic activity here.

Comment posted by Ocellus The Changeling deleted Nov 28th, 2020
Group Admin

7380944 Stop bringing back this thread, or I'll put it in the grave for good. I can send it all the way back in time from whence it came. I have that power.

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