TF2 Bronies 824 members · 151 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Stout shako for two refined !
... I'm drunk !


Have at them, laaaaaaaaads!

DOMINATED! And I've been shagging ya wife! HAHA!

Pootispecer here

5408480 That heavy is bloody spy !

One crossed wire, one stray pinch of potassium chloride, one errant twitch... AND KA-BLOOEEEEEEEY !!!!!

I'm still drunk ya know

Ah Demopan, loved his freak videos on youtube, love his design and even playing him... except for that bloody Trade Spam rage of his. It hits the whole hame field, covers the entire bloody screen, and happens so bloody often. Hes the only Hale character whos rage I almost never use and even then it onmy affects players so a group of mini-sentries will still kill you easilly.
Awesome design, awesome idea, genuinly awesome character... crappy boss lol
Does make me wish Stout Shako was an all class item though.

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