TF2 Bronies 824 members · 151 stories
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Slaughter's Syringe
Stab a teammate or yourself with a syringe containing a 5-second Ubercharge that can be either invincibility, or a damage boost.

Replaces secondary weapon
On Use: Whoever the item is used on loses 25% of their current heath
Takes 30 seconds to recharge


5830740 Not bad, but the 75 health loss for a three second ubercharge is way too high a trade-off that wouldn't be worth it. Most classes would lose over half their health, and a Scout with a Sandman would only have 35 health left, meaning he'd probably get picked off before he could hope to exploit the ubercharge, especially since it then takes 30 seconds to recharge.

Maybe take away the health cost or reduce it to be more reasonable (like maybe 25 health). And which slot would be this be in, the syringe gun slot, the medi-gun slot, or the melee weapon slot?

5830748 Right, I was thinking about that first question. Fixed it.

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