Rainbow Dash 4,158 members · 7,326 stories
Comments ( 37 )
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Group Admin

It's been too long since anything has been done for this amazing group. The two original admins had done nearly nothing for an extended period of time. I finally got under Dash's tail and got her to promote me. So, now we have a contest!

This shall be a kind introductory contest to the group, so it's starting off fairly small.
Topic: Anything about our Dashie. Anything at all (except death), she just has to be the main character in the story.
Length: A minimum word count of 5000 words because it is a very open prompt.
Rating: It can be E, T, or M for you creative nutjobs.
Deadline: I believe that a fairly good deadline for a competition like this can be Halloween. So, you will have until the 31st of October to get this done. If any of you manchildren want to go trick-or-treating, you had best get your entry in by then. Deadline is subject to change though.

Forgot to mention a prize! Your story will be on the front page of the group for quite a while.

Leave a message here if you want to take part in the contest. Send me a PM when it is done and I'll add it to the contest folder. Best of luck to anyone that wishes to take part in the competition.


Blue Dragon
Colonel J

I'll take part:pinkiehappy:
No garentee I'll be done on time, but I'll submit if I do

I'll try. I shouldn't, but I'll try.

1746666 Pm me on your story's and I will rate them.:pinkiehappy:

1746389 I was going to write a Dash story, so I might enter it.

Group Admin

Thank you for entering, you may start whenever you want and submit when you're done. Best of luck!


Must it be a new story, can it be a Dash story we're particularly proud of?

(Edit. Never mind, no death.)

1747145 I'll keep you in mind, thanks.

Well how about that. First night, about eight-hundred words, and already a new minor OC pops up. How common a name is Sky Scraper? Because my entry has got a pegasus of that very name.

I didn't say this before, so lemme remedy that: Good luck to everyone who joins in. I hope I'll be able to take part in time.

1746389 guess I will sign up. might not finish it on time though

I can has a contest ticket


Can Rainbow Dash be one of the main characters if we so choose? And, can it be a multi-chaptered story? I've actually got a fairly good idea for this, but I think it'd be better suited for a chapter story and it probably wouldn't be complete by the contest's deadline.

If all that's okay, sign me up! I'll do my best. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Yes, that is all fine. As long as the story has at least 5k at the deadline, it is fine if it is not finished. Best of luck with it!



Yeah, it won't be less than 5k words by then. Thanks! :rainbowkiss:

1752175 I would like to enter

Group Admin

Alright, I'll add your name, best of luck!


[unrelated] Am I the only non-pony-avatar user in this thread? -forum? -site? Oh Luna help me. [/unrelated]


I think I'll enter; I've got a plan.:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

By the way, you say that the main character has to be Rainbow Dash. Now, there are many works in the world that star characters that are not the perspective character. The story focuses on the journey of one person, as told by someone who was there with them.

In other words: I want to write a story for this contest that stars Rainbow Dash, but is told through the eyes of Twilight Sparkle; is that okay?

Group Admin

I see your point. It is indeed okay for you to enter your story. That sort of view shall be interesting to see. Best of luck!


eh i could do that by today ! but i guess i can russle up something for it :scootangel:

I'll try my best.

Group Admin

Glad to see you're both willing to give this a shot. Best of luck with it! And remember, you've got over a month for it.


I also have a question; are you allowed to write more than one entry, or is one only plausible?

Group Admin

You can submit as many stories as you want for the contest. Just so long as they conform to the rules. I hope that helps.


1892732 Okay, thank you!

1746389 Hmmm, Alright I'll give this a shot. No guarantee I'll have it done in time, but either way I might make a good story from this.

Group Admin

Well, best of luck considering that there is only two weeks.


1958476 Two weeks huh. I got this. :twilightangry2:

1746389 Please consider me entered :rainbowdetermined2:

I suppose I'll submit this, if it qualifies. It takes place mostly from Rainbow's POV, so unless the admin disagrees, there you go.

Happy writing!

1746389 I have a few questions.

1. I'm writing a Rainbow Dash x Thunderlane romance. RD is a main character, but she's not the only one. Does it still count?

2. Does the story have to be complete?

Group Admin

The story does not have to be completed, and it does not have to be solely about Dash, but she must be one of the main focuses.


2054267 Sweet! Expect to see my story sometime soon.

Got a question about this. So the story I'm writing (which originally wasn't for this contest) is centered on Rainbow Dash, but the entire story is told through 1st person POV of Twilight.

Is this okay?

2107710 Pretty sure that's alright. 1761454 had the same question.

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