Transformations 5,819 members · 5,266 stories
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Group Contributor

Hey everyone! Sorry to keep you all in suspense for so long, we wanted to end the TF Story Contest voting before Christmas since we knew over the holiday people would be busy with silly, non-pony related holiday things. However that means by the time we got the votes counted half the admins were off on holiday vacations and it got hard to organize things. The only ones left at home to work had already turned themselves into ponies, so naturally, it was hard for them to announce the winners, given the whole "hooves on keyboards" problem that many of them still haven't figured out.

But alas, we have stalled long enough! Time to announce the winners of our contest! We had ten wonderful contenders and ten amazing stories of juicy transformations. They were voted on by your peers, the members of this very group, and I am now finally able to give the results.

Drum roll please...

1st Place - Interviews at the Canterlot Exchange!
- $90 cash awarded to the author, billymorph!

2nd Place - Mare Man! $50 cash awarded to the author, tf-sential!

3rd Place - Consequences! $20 cash awarded to the author, Starscribe!

4th Place - Pony Pet Factory! $10 cash awarded to the author, City Lights!

5th Place - The White Tower! $5 cash awarded to the author, WiseFireCracker!

* Here's the link to the complete story listing, now with author names and story rankings shown.

I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a story for this contest, several of whom were first time authors! The whole point of this contest was to celebrate our group and to encourage more people to go out there and put their story ideas on paper, even if they've never done it before! Seeing new transformation stories is something we all enjoy, so please join me in celebrating all the contributors, new and old who wrote these fics. And as always, if you enjoyed something they wrote, let them know! Remember, the awesomest, bestest thing you can do for any author or content creator is to comment on their stories and give them feedback! Especially if it's their first story! That's the fuel that keeps them coming back to their keyboard! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for coming everyone, it's been a great contest and... wait, I'm forgetting something aren't I? Pretty sure in my earlier contest posts I promised/threatened to turn everyone into a pony or some such thing. Ah, see, we had a bit of a problem on that end. I outsourced the TF-potion making to a small factory in New Jersey, and they were supposed to FedEx us our potions. But instead of lab potions, the FedEx guy dropped off a case of Diet Coke on our doorstep. We even tested the Diet Coke on our interns, and yep, it's just Diet Coke. I can only assume our address got mixed up with some store's address and we got their Coke. Though, that makes me wonder what happened to the 3000 transformation potions we ordered... Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Keep being awesome everyone, and thanks for being part of our crazy group.

Group Contributor

Winners will be getting messages from the admins about how/where to collect their prize money!

And authors, you are now free to publish your stories on FimFic! Share the fruits of your labor with all the other readers!

i say, congratulations, everypony!

Congratulations to all the winners! And also to everyone who entered the contest. I was so surprised by all the high quality content submitted to it, it makes me really happy that so many authors get what makes a transformation story interesting.

Also a thank you to those who took the time to read the stories and give a vote. Some of these placements were really close, and a single vote could have changed the position of them. Every vote really did matter.

Really hoping to see Interviews start a new universe of people posting stories, it had so much world building in it, and it's a really great idea that left tons of room for additional stories.

I hope to see Consequences, Mare Man, and Canaries expanded. I feel those stories have a lot of potential for future chapters.

I'd really like to see Pony Pet Factory reworked and expanded. It's a story that had a lot of potential for interesting expansion (and scenes with additional details in them), and I'm pretty sure that is why it won 4th place, for the potential involved, and also a different take on transformations from every other entry.

The White Tower is a nice stand alone story that I am pretty sure would hit the feature box if posted. I kinda wish it was reworked a bit to bring the TF element a bit more into the forefront of the story, too.


You know, funny thing about Interviews At Canterlot Express?

I was one of the pre-readers/editors on that, and I thought it was going to barely place due to being very well-written but being so light on any direct transformation themes in it. Heck, I was outright worried it would be disqualified before a rather big rewrite adding Terry the gryphoness welder to the interviewees happened.

Good thing I'm not a betting man, I guess. :derpytongue2:


It has way more transformation stuff than some of the entries. True, no direct transformation shown, but let's be honest: More than half of all stories with people ponified on this site are poof TFs or off-screen TFs anyway, so it would be folly to disqualify it on those grounds alone.

I personally didn't vote it first place for the reason you feared, but it was still amongst my top three votes, and apparently a lot of other people, too.

I'd like to thank everyone who enjoyed my story!

surprised at the way the voting went.. would never have picked the actual lineup that we got, certainly didn't match what I had expected/picked, but that makes it a fun surprise. Congrats to the winners!

First, thanks everyone who voted for Interviews. It's been so dificult to keep this under my hat since I heard I won :pinkiehappy: and its great to see so many people loved the story. I took a bit of a gamble with Interviews, in the narrator, the short story focus and shifting away from the physicality of the transformation, and I defintely had my fingers crossed during the judging phase because of that. There were some great entries in the contest and it was a joy to read them all. Well done everyone!

Anyway, Interviews is now live on FiM, so if you enojyed it in the contest do leave a like, favorite and comment.

Thank you for those who voted for Mare Man and congrats to the other winners ^^ I'm glad to have tickled some folks's funny bone with it. I'll be posting Mare Man on my FiMFic soon- keep an eye out!

4970903 Woot! Congrads people! I've enjoyed all the one's I've read so far (the winners, hitting the others next).

Heads up though, the links to the discussion are in the wrong places for some of them. The White Tower for one.

Whelp, it took a while, but I finally got around to uploading The White Tower on fimfic. I contemplated a bit of a rewrite, but I've got too many things to write at the same time, and well, this is the entry that people read during the contest anyway.

Thank you, anonymous people who voted for me to place. That was a very pleasant surprise. And congrats to the winners above too.

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