Lyra & Bon-Bon 1,669 members · 537 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Does anyone know ang really good lyrabon fic, my only single requirement is that it is cute and that they don't include changelings I never liked that, I gues that 2 sorry:facehoof:
Ps please don't hate me cuz I dislike the changeling thing for Bon bon I just don't like it (Lyra the human lover is fine) and it ok if people like changeling Bon bon love and tolerance::heart:

If you're just interested in Lyra and Bon Bon interacting, I'd recommend Flash Fog. They are minor characters, but its a really interesting take on the pair (especially Bon Bon).

At least two Lunaverse stories have their relationship as a plot point. I'd recommend Helping... Hands? since it does a cool job of showing how far they'll go for one another.

I never got to read it but look up "The Lyrabon Cronicles" idk how good it is but it is literally named what your looking for :rainbowlaugh:

4346359 Have you tried Wings, a Horn and Hooves? It's a really sweet Lyra x Bon Bon story that includes them adopting Scoots after her aunt dies.


Is it possible you are thinking of Hearts holding Hooves?
It is my all time fave fic :D.
I love LyraBon too ;).

4346967 That's a really good one Ninelives. I wish it would get more updates though.

Yeah, the author is working on some other projects, including a personal project: a novel from memory.

I think he mentioned he was considering revisiting it this (Northern hemisphere) Summer,
but life don't always go as planned right? I'll be happy if there is more though :).

4346986 Yeah life get in the way of a lot of things. It is what it is.

Another LyraBon story I enjoyed was Baking is War, Sister.

I didn't think it was quite as well written as the above, but it has a very interesting characterisation of BonBon that I loved. I'm really glad I read it because it gave me another read on her character.

The second last of my LyraBon favourites is Anniversary Dinner

This one feels more like a Lyra focus to me, there's slightly intense feels (and not all happy), but I really enjoyed the flow of the story, and it is a wonderful experience to read :D. I get kinda shivers just thinking about it. Anniversary Dinner is saucy in that they tease each other, which I love in a fic, so be prepared for that. There's no actual mature stuff though :).

Finally, the first LyraBon fic I came across - A Recipe for Sweet Music.

Not the best I've read in terms of being engaging, but I enjoyed it anyway :). If you're looking for a quick read it's worth taking a look!

By changeling Bon-Bon I assume your talking about Bonafide. A great fic, but if it's not your cup of tea it can't really be helped.

For a story without changelings, I would have to second A Recipe For Sweet Music.

If you can look past some mechanical problems for the sake of good plot and characterization, I would also recommend Who Really Cries Happy Tears?.

Lyra is a Mother isn't bad, and The Twin Students of the Sun plus its sequel Welcome to Ponyville! are decent fics that include lyrabon as a side-ship.

After reading a couple of the other recommendations, I would also like to second Hooves Holding Hearts big time.

Thanks everyone who commented, this us really helped

Welcome, looks like I found a few new LyraBon reads here myself ;).


Actually... no. I was thinking of this story.

I have to preface by saying that I read this a while ago, but I remember liking it. As well as just being a funny story, I thought it did a good job showing just how far Bon Bon will go for Lyra- which I think is imp[ortant since a lot of the time, Bon Bon seems like... well, the "boring" one. The straight, stabilising influence to Lyra's wacky charms.
Which is necessary, of course, the same way that Applejack's common sense is needed to ground the Mane Six's absurdities- it just has the side effect that, unless the story is about Bon Bon (usually involving the "secretly a changeling" twist), she's usually just a side character to roll her eyes and bounce off Lyra.


Hmm. I'll take a look at it.
Maybe recommend it to Eveyann too, who started the thread.
(or does she get notified about everything posted here?)

I know what you mean by Bon Bon being portrayed as the stabilising influence - I felt the same way about 'Baking is War, Sister', which shows a more intense (and heartstring-pulling) side to Bon Bon.
I think it may have been in 'Hearts Holding Hooves' where Bon Bon said that rather than her balancing out Lyra's craziness, she and Lyra have two different kinds of craziness that sort compliment and balance each other out XD.

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