Twilestia is Bestia 3,276 members · 956 stories
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Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Come one and come all! It's time to ring in the New Year with a new contest to better celebrate our beloved ship! We've done enough of these that you should be at least a little familiar, but if you aren't, there's a simple set of rules and a few conditions to get out of the way first. The first one being your prompt.

The Premise: The prompt for this year's first story is marriage. Cadance and Shining's big wedding proves that ponies in this little tv show end up getting hitched just like humans do, and that means that this premise, oft plumbed by romance writers for both comedy and tragedy, is ours for the taking! Write anything about the process of proposal, the big, terrifying ceremony itself or the the married life itself. See you at the honeymoon!

Limitations: A quick glance to the stories we have here of Twi and Tia examining one another's internal organs will tell you that we here at Twilestia aren't too big on censorship, in any context. Don't expect that to mean that your hi-larious Happy Tree Friends rape fic is gonna be too successful with the group, and rightfully so, but if you want to write it, the choice is all yours. I suggest going over the rules thread if you have any worries about content. If it's within the rules, it's fine. As for word count, our lower limit is 1000 so that your story can actually be, y'know, a story, and our upper limit is 25,000. Yes, that's three zeroes. Any more and our judges would be fatigued reading the lot of them. Lastly, the story you write for this contest must be original. This means that you have to have never posted it before. Stories that have been written up but not posted are allowed. Reworks of stories written and posted two months ago are not. Fair?

Entering a story: Add your story in a comment in the thread of the contest. This is important. Last time, an author that wanted to apply for the contest missed his chance because he forgot to do this step. If the judges don't know where to find this story, it can't be judged.

Judging: Our judging is once again going to be based upon a first-come, first-serve panel of judges who will apply to read the story. There will be three slots as always, so get your applications in quickly!

The Judges are:

--Johnny Tsunami

Winnings: Just like last time, runner-ups for third and second place will receive an advert in the form of a group comment post on them. Second place will also receive a group post about its placing, with an optional interview from a willing group member. First place will receive a position in our lovely contest box, but because it's also getting a little crowded up there will more importantly be featured on the front of the group page beneath the description. In addition, offers of fanart will go to first place, then second, then third as they arrive.

Deadline: This one will last until April 30th, meaning it should come just in time for the period just after exams (or the start of the best part of spring, if you're one of those employed-type people I keep hearing things about).

Group Admin

I already have other stories in the works. Time for some judgin'!


Can someone stand next to me with a gun pointed at my head so that I'll actually write something?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4013293 First judge!

4013299 I am kind of in Canada, so that might be hard.


'Cause you're not allowed guns?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4013311 Or, only allowed guns with a permit, but yes.

Comment posted by ArguingPizza deleted Jan 27th, 2015


Huh. I didn't know that. I thought it was like the UK (or here) where you just couldn't have a gun if you were a civilian.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4013344 Nope! You can get one with the proper licensing and training. Anyway, to Twilestia!


Yeah, sorry for the digression. I just love picking up trivia about different countries. :twilightsheepish:

Okay. Wedding. 1,-25,000 words.

Yep i'm in. Because i'm insane... Very very very insane.

I have zero confidence in my ability to write to this prompt. I shall try. I can't even promise puns.

I am willing to enter, but what is the end-date?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4013277 4015162

Deadline: This one will last until April 30th

Perhaps I shall throw my over sized novelty hat into the ring this time. No clop, but almost definitely anthro, because I'm weird like that.

I think that I, also, will have to give this one a go. Vague ideas of the political fallout surrounding a royal wedding and subsequent royal honeymoon have been popping into my head of late. Fallout which Luna gets to deal with all by herself (Huzzah!).

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Just reminding people that this exists.

I say this a lot and I don't make it A LOT because motivation is a scarce resource for me but I think I might actually have an idea this time around; though those are often scarce resources for me to.


Add your story in a comment in the thread of the contest.

Which would be here, right?

Count me in. Might follow through on that Troubleshooters wedding-proposal prompt I posted the other week.

Group Admin

Four more weeks, you lot. Get crackin'

It seems my idea was not as fleshed out as I thought, causing me to reevaluate the story and why I was writing it. That, and I have far too many things vying for my attention right now, so perhaps next time I shall enter, assuming it's a prompt that I actually have a good idea for.

But I do wish luck to all who do enter. This site needs more Twilestia, damn it!

I might actually make the deadline this time. WHOOOOOOOOO. The competition though might not be what I hope but that's all good bbeccause it's more Twilestia

Group Admin

Ah, two more weeks! You guys can do it! Thanks to Silver Scrolls and Foals Errand for already getting their stuff in, though!

Here is my entry.

One more week to go.

What time on the 30th is the deadline?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4315149 End of the day.

Just posted the final two chapters. Longest thing i've written so far...

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4326158 4326064 4298243 4293380 4288208 4283148 4282752 4281336 4244315 4018669 4015162 4013784 4013404

And that's all, folks! The Seventh Bimonthly Twilestia contest is now over!

Thank you all for participating! Judges, I expect to hear back from you within two weeks' time!

Group Admin

Hey, if any of you are interested in the feedback I have for your stories or my judging methodology, feel free to send me a PM or reply back and I'll PM you. I submitted all my final stuff to KoC so he's got it, we're just waiting to get all the results back and tallied.

4360579 I'd be interested. Always nice to have feedback

Sure i'd love to see what you thought ^^

Cool! I'd be interested in hearing what you've got to say.

4360579 Thanks a lot for judging! I'd love to see what you thought and any tips you have,

4360579 Sure thing.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

So without further ado, now that we finally have all the judges' responses back, let's announce our Winners:

In first place, with an overwhelming majority of the votes, is 4288208 Arguing Pizza with I Waited For You. Enjoy your feature in the contest winners folder and at the bottom of the group page, Pizza!

In second place comes 4326158 Subsolar Drift's well-beloved worldbuilding smorgasbord The Bond Of Immortals. Lemme know if you want to have that interview with one of our judges/mods or not, Drift!

In third place comes 4186091 The Twilight Of Her Singularity by Foals Errand. Be sure to go visit her page and congratulate her on making third place, and I'll be sure to make a post about it on the group page!

Thank you one and all for participating, and could we get a round of applause for our judges 4013293 JKinsley, 4133783 Old Man and especially I am awesome, who volunteered for last-minute judging after Johnny Tsunami bowed out within the final week.

4411742 Thank you so much! I wouldn't mind an interview at all. Thank you to the judges as well, and congratulations ArguingPizza

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4412757 So on that note, who would you like to be interviewed by? Myself, one of the judges, Fuzzyfurvert or somebody else not mentioned? If you pick anybody but me, do remember to ask them first (though I doubt they'd say no. Most of the ones I know are nice people).

I'm glad to see you folks liked my story, and I'd like to make a special thanks to KoC for all the help he gave. It wouldn't be nearly what it is now without him. Congrats to Subsolar Drift and Foals Errand, I enjoyed both of your stories immensely!

I didn't have the time to write reviews so far, but expect one from me as well in the next days.

4414269 I'd love to be interviewed by you!

4414964 Thanks for the compliment

4415001 Thanks so much!

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