Equestrian Saiyans 671 members · 232 stories
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Group Admin

Hello authors of every kind of Dragon Ball related fanfiction! I'm your admin for Equestrian Saiyans and I'm here to explain what exactly the Main folder for Equestrian Saiyans is used for. And the general rules you can expect in threads for Equestrian Saiyans.

To star us off, I will post the general rules for threads:

1) Be Nice. Be tolerant of other's opinions. It's a no-brainer, nice people are more generally well received from the community and being tolerant of other's opinions makes you an understanding person. It's the internet, expect different opinions.

2) Equestrian Saiyans ONLY makes posts related to, in some form or fashion, to the Dragon Ball series. If your post is not related to the series, it will be removed with a Message notice to you personally.

3) You are free to advertise your own personal Dragon Ball stories, I know personally how hard it is to get your story heard with so many others out there. However, I expect you not to flood the group forums with your advertising.

4) Do not advertise different groups in Equestrian Saiyans.

5) Do not use Equestrian Saiyans threads as a means to communicate with another user that has blocked/banned you from communicating with them. Private conversations should be left to the Private Messaging System. If that individual has blocked you, then it is well within their rights of privacy.

That's the basic important ones, and don't ask for Moderator or Admin powers. I won't answer.

As you might have noticed in the 'Note on Folders' thread. The Main folder is where popular stories go if they are going well. What you may not know is that sometimes a story can be removed from the folder for a number of reasons.

A story can be added to the main folder if I see that the story succeeds in a number of checks. These checks are as followed...

1) Story has a great number of likes and a small number of dislikes to counter that. Ex: 130 Likes to 20 Dislikes

2) Story has a substantial number of Total Views. Total views can be seen by hovering your mouse over the tiny graph to the right of the like bar.

3) Story has a sizable number of Reviews made by other users besides him/herself.

4) Story has had updated to a maximum of six months ago. Why so long? Well it because we don't have a huge amount of Stories anyhow.

5) Story has reached a certain amount of Favorites/Bookshelves. (Currently 100+)

6) Story has decent grammar, that means above passable.

I hope this gives a goal for authors out there. I will go along and check stories periodically once a month to see if any reached the criteria, or if any fail it.

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