Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

These days, Twilight's Library's not very active, as there's no sorting going on or approving new fanfics, and not very much discussion seems to go on. This group is also large enough that when spammers come around, it's one of the ones that gets hit. I usually delete those, but there isn't always an admin around.

So, for the moment, anyways, the group's set to invite only. If anyone does want to join, you can pm me and I'll send you an invite, or an active admin, which would probably be Winter_Solstice.

--Sweetie Belle

Sucks that you had to do this, but on the other hand, thanks for drastically reducing the chances of me logging in and seeing...oh, any number of horrible things that I've been seeing over the past few weeks.

7088130 Sounds good to me. :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I've been actively combating them, too. I'm not sure how many times I've come to the site and deleted threads on, say, five groups or so, including this one. With the Writers Group, at least I'm one of a bunch of active admins, so there's usually someone around when it hits, and the same pretty much goes for the Shameless Self Promotion Bureau.

I'm still thinking about whether I want to do this for Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo, and I probably should check in with TheMajorTechie on whether he wants to do this for "I Want a Comment".

Main trouble is it kinda discourages joining the group a little, which I don't like, and there are a lot of big groups I'm not an admin in that get hit. Of course, I'm not in a lot of those groups, too...

One less group to worry about's never a bad thing.

--Sweetie Belle

This needs to be a rule for every group on the site honestly. Or at least make it so that, if someone does want to join one, they can ask in the comments on the main page.

And then an admin can make sure they actually deserve to exist on the site at all.

I say you should do this for only temporary amount of time, as in for a good while. But yes, you may need to do this.

No argument with the access change -- but I think a lot of people (sometimes including me tbh) aren't really sure what this group is for nowadays. The Writers' Group tends to be where the discussion threads are posted, and of course it's a long time since this group stopped with its original focus. Twilight's Library's front page consists of first, a notice about what it doesn't do any more; and second, a bunch of links to various other groups. There's nothing at all about why people might want to be here in late 2019.

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