
Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results

Should I cancel the Lore? · 5:23am Jan 1st, 2017

Being honest, it doesn't seem like many people are enjoying it. It was also gonna branch into me announcing a HUGE project that me and some very close friends of mine are working on. So, should it be cancelled? If so, I'll just go ahead and change everything on my user page back to normal and just announce it. I just had a big plot reveal or whatever with the big project which may or may not be the backstory of Corrupted, but had nothing to do with me but that probably isn't the

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Report TheArquius · 316 views · #Sadness #Kms #lol #jk

Yayyyy, first day of internship! · 6:47pm Sep 21st, 2015

Lookie how professional I looked!:rainbowkiss:

Excuse how huge I look, even though the clothing was size small it was still huuuuge:rainbowlaugh:

But yay, it was so much fun! I'm loving this internship so far. Though my friend ended up at another floor, and well...after what she had to do she doesn't want to work there anymore.:trollestia:

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JK Rowling is terrible (vulgar language below the break) · 1:28am Jun 7th, 2020

I think anyone who's been paying attention can agree with the title, but she's largely been hiding how horrific she is behind "honest mistake" and "I didn't read the whole post" and "I just accidentally posted a transphobic message". But in the past few hours, she's stopped pretending.

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Sorry folks, I've been infected. · 6:39am Jan 2nd, 2017

The oppulent magnificence of a growing love has taken my mind away from such trivialities of man and pony love making.


So I've been helping Boss Level write a story called "What Dreams Shall Come" and the guy has a much more... refined form of writing than myself. I'm a huge feckin fan of wordplay and poetry so reading and editing the first chapter has infected me with some kind of poetry bug.

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No Pony is an Island · 4:06pm Jan 23rd, 2016

GM Berrow is true master at the art of the pony place-name pun, that unique literary device which makes our genre of writing so supremely equine.

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Holy shit, you guys! New Sun and Moon gameplay released! · 3:44am Sep 13th, 2016

Well, I wasn't technically lying...


...Um Ask me? · 7:47pm Jun 24th, 2015

*giggles* Wow 700 of you are following me??? I dunno what I did to deserve this but THANK YOU!
Now what to do... Oh I know AS OF RIGHT NOW I AM HAVING A ASK ME ANYTHING!!!
OR you ask any of my characters anything as well! Anything you ever wanted to know ask i'll give some sort of answer!


Wait, hol' up, haven't we been here before? · 5:51am Dec 28th, 2019

Hey folks, Tact here for the Nth time. So, there's a reason why I kinda dropped off of the face of the Earth, for both my FanFiction and FiMFiction accounts; I moved!

Ya boi is moving on up in the world and he's happy. Internetless, but happy! Eventually, when I can stable myself enough, I'll be back and with a passion. Until then, I—wow, this almost hurts saying:

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Leaving Fimfiction · 12:05am Apr 2nd, 2016

Hey guys,

After much thought, I've decided it would be best to leave fimfiction. Quick and simple as that. I thank everyone who has decided to help me out and those that have read my stories, you guys are the real mvp's.

On that note, I bide thee all farewell.



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And now, a cringe-inducing bit where Flim and Flam try (and probably fail) to convince you to join my Patreon! · 6:12am Sep 30th, 2021

"It's the absolute worst!" Flim yelled, cartwheeling in front of the conveniently-placed pile of dynamite. "There's nothing there, really--you should join my Patreon instead, where you'll get access to my OnlyFlams posts for the low, low price of your soul and half of your pocket change! Unlike a certain somepony, who only offers marker-scented markers."

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New year? Already? Really? Happy new year! · 2:49am Dec 30th, 2020

Nah I'm kidding, but 2020 really is coming closer to ending. I want to start up the new year by working on my van. Gonna try and make the damn thing more livable lmfao, I'm kidding. I'm converting an ol' Ford '89 Econoline into a minicamper and I wanna see it through!

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work in progress · 2:56am Mar 17th, 2016

moar artz
if u can guess then kudos to you :yay:

this is also kinda a step by step, but not really a tutorial

step 1 ish?

step 2 ish?

step 3 ish?

step 4 ish?

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I'm Leaving FimFiction TEMPORARILY. · 5:44am Jun 19th, 2015

If you're reading the title and thinking this is going to be a whiny, emo blog post about how much my life sucks and how I want to commit suicide, then fuck off. This isn't one of those.

No, I'm going to be leaving Fimfiction until the end of the year, and will come back next year. I want to try different things, write new stories besides plots that revolve around ponies, and branch out.

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My Say on "Horse Play" · 4:17am May 10th, 2018

I was running super behind on MLP, and I'm almost caught up (I still need to watch The Parent Map). However, I had a feeling this episode was going to be my favorite of the season, and so far, it definitely fits that role. It's basically a mixture of a lot of what I've wanted from MLP: or, to be more precise, basically just a fun Celestia episode and more stuff about Equestrian theatre. But more importantly, I knew there was a reason Celestia was my best princess.

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JK Rowling · 2:02am Aug 1st, 2021

I'm no fan of Harry Potter, since I know nothing of the works, be they the books or the movies, but I'll stand with J.K. Rowling.

Remember, good decent people, your silence won't save you.

Hashtag: I stand with JK Rowling.


I should make one of these for good news some day. Not this time though · 10:18am Apr 12th, 2016

So, I made the schedule, and I try to follow it as best as i can, otherwise I would never ever EVER have written almost 200k words, but sometimes stuff just happens.
That stuff being my group mate's loading a lot of work my way, not that I mind, I rather like doing this stuff, but it has been very time consuming, and coupled with what I think is a writer's block, I haven't written very much. I'm not going to be able to make it till Sunday. I need more time.

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Story Update and Other Miscellaneous Things · 5:13pm Sep 4th, 2017

First of all, thank you all so much for the support the stories I've been writing have gotten. Shout out to all those who comment on every single chapter update and put up with my sporadic updates. Thank you so much.

I've really just been resting from writing as it is quite exhausting when you're writing multiple stories on multiple accounts (though you won't hear anything from me on what those other accounts are :raritywink:)

Anyways, I'm just posting this to cover a bunch of things.

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Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results