
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

Hitler... Memes? · 1:24pm Jan 20th, 2020

Report IDontWatchMLP · 226 views · #Adolf Hitler

Public Service Announcement · 7:35pm Aug 13th, 2017

Jake the Army Guy is Hitler. Pretty sure we just proved it in Quills & Sofas. Three times in a row.

Later edit : I forgot to detail out testing apparatus. Context is important.

The game Secret Hitler.

Later later edit: Wait! Might have only been twice. Curse my terrible memory. So there might in fact be more Hitlers out there. I'm still hoping to be space Hitler.


Update on writing. · 12:32pm Aug 9th, 2016

So in my last blog I explained how I would write a chapter of the story that had the most requests. Well the top two were lust of mares and tradition and customes so to hell with it I will write both then get to work on other pieces. Lets hope I can motivate myself to actually finish these fucking stories.


On Christianity · 8:19pm Mar 25th, 2018

You know, sometimes, my atheist friends are all "Dude, how can you be friends with Christians?"

So I say to them, "Well... You know what Christian Minecraft Servers are like, right?"

And they go "Haha, yeah. You get warned for swearing even a little or saying anything mean about their religion and if you do it enough they ban you and-"

And I interrupt and say "Compare that to an Islamic Country."

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I'm back! · 10:07pm Dec 10th, 2016


And a big hand, please, for the picture that made the Minister lose all faith in humanity less than a fortnight into the new year: · 8:06pm Jan 13th, 2016

Crank up the bull***t detector, guys and gals. I'm about to vomit.

Interesting opinion test:
"I think the world would be a better place if Adolf Hitler had never been born." - Not respected, as it disrespects Ol' Hitler's existence.
"I think every man should have his genitals placed in a blender and thereby ripped off." - Respected, as the men will be allowed to continue to exist.

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Blaze it. · 12:45am Feb 18th, 2020

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would accomplish a feat like this, of my newest story.


More Crazy Videos Because I Need Something To Entertain You Guys While I Write · 6:41pm Aug 29th, 2015

I don't like Minecraft, but this is funny.

Why can't this be our real life?

I don't know if this is funny or not, but I give points for effort

I said it before and I said it again. Asia is weird! (This is a commercial for a love hotel if you don't get it)

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Amigo Imaginario · 6:08am Jan 15th, 2021

When your imaginary friend starting telling you to murder everyone, you realize that the whole experience would make a pretty good song.

When the little voice in your head start speaking to you in Spanish only, you realize just how awful google translations actually are.

When your sister starting making it very clear just how willing she really is, you realize that the old say, "Where there's a will, there's a way," is always true.

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The One with the smiling, I'm the one with the accent. · 8:22pm Jan 10th, 2020

I've been glancing through various derpibooru users' comments. I literally have nothing better to do, though I am listening to MLP Fan made music, Where Is Your Heaven Now from Midnight Musician.

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"Sweet and Smoky" Review: Garble and the Parallels to Earth's Worst Dictator · 6:03pm May 26th, 2019

This episode almost made me spill my drink on the screen. The reveal that Garble is Smolder's brother came quick, efficiently and merciless. Even after missing the first few minutes of the episode, and therefore all that talk about how Smolder's brother is a softie like Spike, this plot twist still blew my mind. Smolder isn't anything like Garble, how can two dragons who are so different be siblings? One of these apples definitely fell far from the tree. And knowing Garble and looking at his

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results