
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

An Important Announcement · 6:24am Dec 12th, 2021

I would like you all to know that I have just moments ago received a piece of fanart featuring the lovable sisters, Ana and Gava. I will not show it here, however, for it is lewd. Relatively tame, but there's some heavy tongue action. It was drawn by Elicitie, an ornithologist who some of you may recognize.

Truly this is a historical event. Finally, someone has drawn porn of my characters.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,101 views · #very-important #fanart

Plan for the rest of the forever- story wise · 11:51am Aug 1st, 2016


Now as you may have gathered from the last I dunno ten? or so blogs I rather like writing something- and then life happens and I stop writing- now that's primarily from a whole lot of issues- interest, drive, depression, general borderline personality disorder type stuff (a rather interesting read for a mental hula hoop that doesn't get talked about a lot- even with the problematic name)

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Power Outage Followup · 12:08am Jul 25th, 2022

I promised a second blog with more pictures, and this time you're not gonna have to wait a month or two to get it!

There'll even be a video which isn't exciting but it does have pretty flashing lights.


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This is your Civil Defense announcer speaking (er, typing) with a VERY important message. · 9:31pm Oct 31st, 2016


This is important and you should read it even though I hate that this has to be the 101th blog even though it is very important and just how many times do I have to sate that? · 5:34pm Jun 26th, 2016

Hi guys, it's Ice and unlike some of my other blog posts which center around silly .gifs and notifications of new stories, I have something else to say that is becoming more and more important now that there are almost 150 of you.

I don't know why every single one of you guys followed me. Some because I'm cool or something but I know that most of you are here for my writing. It's rather obvious.

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Story #50, It's Up to You... · 7:25pm Feb 8th, 2017

So for my 50th story I have decided to make it extra super special by letting you choose what it's going to be about.

(And the same thing with 25).

Only one small slight problem.

If I am to write for the mass majority, then I need to have the mass vote.

Therefore I am requiring 50 responses (you can only vote/ respond once) before I even actually start writing it.

And please vote fast because I have Valentine Story Specials planned.

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A hard question for ALL my readers · 8:41pm Oct 30th, 2019

Okay, guys. I have a serious question to ask all of you. Are you enjoying A Tale of Two Suns Book 2? And more importantly: Do you want me to continue?

I know people have favorited it, and liked it, but here’s the thing: I published the latest chapter more than a month ago, and on the day that I published it, the response I got was lukewarm at best.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results