
Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results

Blog Post #54-15032016: Random Wrestling Videos · 4:48pm Mar 15th, 2017

I've been a fan of wrestling since I was kid and I've witnessed the great, the terrible and the weird stuff that you can't really know what to think of it.

Our first video is just...weird. It's from the promotion CHIKARA and Archibald Peck looks to be in serious trouble.

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Report Duke Moon II · 216 views · #wrestling

Final chapter of ‘Title Holder’ + a small challenge · 8:37pm Feb 24th, 2020

Hey all! Normally today, I would post a chapter for ‘Title Holder’, which would actually be the last chapter. However, I start a to new job this week, so I’m going to hold off right now. That means I’ll probably post it later in the week. It’s worth the wait!

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Newest Fic · 5:15pm Jan 6th, 2020

“Born up in Yakyakistan, where the air has a chill,
To the heavyweight champ of all Ponyville.
She has wrestled many matches, but has always won,
She’s simply only known as Mastodon.”

(To he read/sang like the first stanza of “The Legend Of Chavo Guerrero” by The Mountain Goats)

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Reminder of my current fic. · 11:41pm Jan 27th, 2020

Just a reminder that the fic I'm uploading, 'Title Holder', is still going on and it's really fun. Spread the word, if you will.

I'm quite proud of this fic. It's full of legit wrestling moves, horse puns, music references, friendship, and the best yak of them all.

Also, please let me know what you think about it. Depending on how this fic is received by y'all, I might do the last fic I have planned.


Spreading Awareness for Youth Wrestling Club Safety · 6:07pm Nov 9th, 2023

The Importance of Safety in Wrestling Clubs for Youth & Kids

Ethical Training Approaches

Wrestling transcends mere sport; it's a route to personal development, self-control, and integrity. Adequate training techniques are vital to ensure that young athletes progress without exposure to unwarranted risks. Some clubs may resort to shortcuts, leading to possible injuries.

Quality Tools and Venues

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Equestria Championship Wrestling...or Cage of Death 17. · 2:12am Dec 15th, 2015

So throughout my time being a brony, I have noticed that a lot of fans also enjoy wrestling. This was evident by time on Facebook, and browsing derpibooru recently. A few years ago I actually ran a MLP and WWE crossover page under the original guise of Sweetie Ziggler. During the tenure that page was active I made a lot of friends, and I still keep in contact with some of them. One of the upsides of being a wrestling fan that lives in NJ is that there is a abundance of wrestling federations

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Would you challenge Princess Celestia to a wrestling match? · 10:57am Jan 9th, 2017

Would you be brave enough.... or stupid enough to challenge Princess Celestia to a wrestling match? (note you have been her friend for at least a year)

What do you think her reaction would be? Would she straight up pin you down then and there? Or would she be a little more playful, half heartedly wrestle you while laughing and possibly let you win?


On Donald Trump · 8:16pm Jan 20th, 2017

Greetings fellow sufferers!

So the Trumby has been sworn into office and stuff. Here, have a video of Stone Cold Steve Austin getting the Trumby drunk and then opening up a can of whoop ass on him.

So yeah. It's not everyday that you can say you stunnered a president. Also it's not everyday you can say Stone Cold Steve Austin tried to put you over :D



wrestlemania 33 · 4:26am Apr 3rd, 2017

just finished watching wrestlemania and i have to say... i was largely happy with it

it's not going to be among the best of the shows series but for it was it was a very good show.

except for the main event.

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zherp. · 4:10am Jun 15th, 2015

So my stories. Work on them at some point tomorrow or something.

Also, WWE MITB today was interesting.

Sheamus became Mr. Money In the Bank. Fuck him.

Nikki won, by DQ either way.

Disqualification with the match that Ryback and Big Show had for the intercontinental title (Ryback is champ to note).

Tag team changed and Prime Time Players are champ.

Seth Rollins beat Dean for his title in a ladder match.

Dur, also Kevin Owens lost to John Cena......3rd match activate.


My journey continues · 5:09am Dec 5th, 2015

Honestly, I came over to the fanbase fully earlier this year during the whole mlp/squaredcircle subreddit exchange. I was one of the later people, and the subreddit was a nice change from the tons of butted heads and strong opinions that would happen on SC, where people would throw down fighting words for pretty much everything. Granted, the wrestling fanbase is one of the most passionate of fanbases that is out there, and I found out MLP had just as a passionate fanbase. ... Except arguments

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I had an odd dream where various ponies of Equestria were pro wrestlers · 5:51pm Oct 10th, 2023

The title says it all.

Let me expand on it a bit more. Since I was 8, I have been a big fan of pro wrestling. From time to time there were periods I wouldn't watch any pro wrestling, mostly during the time when WWE had no real competition from other companies. But I'd always come back to it.

For the past 3 or 4 months I have been watching a lot of older WWE matches that they have put up on their channel, mostly PPV matches from their Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras.

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So I had this idea... · 4:02am Jun 26th, 2021

...that I'ma get into soon. First, hey my very blog post on this site oh wooooooooooow.

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Report Twinny · 192 views · #wwe #pro wrestling #mlp #humanized

In hospital · 2:44am Mar 15th, 2017

Wrestling is fun. Heard my knee snap and pain shot through my leg. Had an X-Ray.


RIP: Rowdy Roddy Piper (1954-2015) · 11:48pm Jul 31st, 2015

One of the true legends of wrestling has left us, only a few short weeks after the untimely passing of The American Dream himself, Dusty Rhodes. Love to you forever Piper, hope you're in a better place.


And here we go! · 7:56pm Jul 3rd, 2016

Finally coming around to the completion of a multipart story. Of course, I have ideas for a prologue and epilogue, but that doesn't count. It's Applejack's turn to be with Twilight, but she's a bit cranky about how Twilight didn't come to molest her sooner! Twilight decides to ask for a little extra sass, and AJ?

She brings the sass. Wrestlesex ensues. Hope you all enjoy!


Report Card/73 Followers · 8:55pm Jan 14th, 2017

Hey guys , i'm back! Sorry i've been out for a few days , i wasn't feeling like myself lately. I've been so busy with school , but lucky enough my report card came from First Semester.

I've passed all of my classes with A's & B's! Woo!

Plus , i managed to get 73 followers!

Thanks for all the follows!

Catch ya later , EchoManaics!

Oh , here are the grades from my classes on my report card:

French - B , 83

Drama - A , 93

U.S. History - B , 81

Drawing - A , 90

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Happy New Year/Story Update · 5:07am Jan 1st, 2017

Happy New Year , folks! WOO!!!

Sorry , i felt like Ric Flair , but Happy New Year guys. My story will come out soon this year and i'll try to have some of the chapters out on weekends and weekdays , if i don't get any homework (well too much homework).

Have a Happy New Year , Echomanaics!

Happy 2017!


Rumble review (or ramble) · 4:24am Dec 21st, 2021


It's Not That Deep · 3:26am February 22nd

I don’t often speak about my encounter with Laurent Faust.

It was something bizarre… A few close friends know about it, but even they only have the outline. One would think that being in possession of such rare ‘yakety-yakyakistan’ as hers, would have made me a more well-known figure in the extended ponywebs--never mind ponylit. So why, for the sake of my career, hold anything back?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results