• Published 27th Apr 2013
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The Private Scrapbook - Cadabra

Ever wonder why Granny Smith gives Filthy Rich those 100 jars of zap apple jam? Or who her husband is? Or why zebras are treated differently in Ponyville? All the answers are in Granny Smith's private scrapbook.

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Chapter 13: What’s Holding Up the Line?

Chapter 13: What’s Holding Up the Line?

The photo that held its place next to an old jam label showed the Seed Family all grown up and standing around their zap apple jam stand. Big Macintosh stared wide eyed at the youthful image of his grandmother and her family. “Wow! Yer a real beauty there, Granny!” he said as he looked at the photo, whistling low at the once attractive mare that was now his wrinkled old granny.

Granny Smith blushed at her grandson’s compliment. “Ah, well. I was right purdy enough fer a young lady,” she giggled. “I was just a lil’ older than our Applejack here in this photo. Why, I had a few fellas tryin’ to court me off and on, but none of ‘em seemed to capture mah interest enough to steal mah heart. None that is, until he came along again…”

With the zap apple jam stand set up once again, ponies were lined up for miles around to get their own jars. The Seed Family was expecting to see several familiar faces this season considering the popularity of the product, but nothing could prepare Smithy for the sight of who she was about to see standing in line. “Stinkin’ Rich!” she said in surprise at the tall, lean loan pony’s son standing in line at her jam stand.

Gone was the gangly, pimple faced grease ball she remembered from her youth. In its place stood a confident, handsome pony with bright blue eyes and an easy smile. Smithy could feel herself blushing at the sight of this pony wearing little more than a smile and a straw hat.

Seeing the rising color contrasting against the light green in Smithy’s cheeks, Stinking Rich decided to give her a flirty wink to make that blushing stronger. “Well, ain’t ya a sight fer sore eyes,” he smiled, taking in the sight of the lovely mare before him. “I never woulda thought such a scrawny lil’ filly could grow up into such a prize piece.” Pouring on the charm, the handsome stallion grabbed Smithy by the hoof so that he could give it a gentlemanly kiss.

Smithy was beside herself with the sudden attention, blushing all the more strongly as her family watched the affectionate display with encouraging expressions. “So, uh, what brings ya ‘round these here parts?” she said, shrinking back demurely in the presence of the charming young man. “Last I heard ya were still livin’ in Dodge City, tryin’ to help yer brother with distribution fer his general store.”

Stinking Rich chuckled easily at the attractive pony’s question. “Why, yer jam’s what’s brought me. Though iffn ya ask me, the ponies in this here town could sure could keep a man stayin’ put, especially purdy lil’ enterprisin’ types,” he flirted, looking at her hungrily with those deep blue eyes. “Dodge City got a taste of yer talents, and now they’re askin’ ‘bout it all over town. I thought I could help Grossly Rich keep a good stock of yer zap apple jam in his general store. I was hopin’ perhaps we could strike up a nice lil’ business agreement together, just the two of us.”

Stinking Rich giggled as he watched Smithy embarrass herself by jumping around for joy at the thought of her zap apple jam being sold in an out of town store. “So it’s settled then,” he said, wrapping an arm around Smithy’s slender shoulders to calm her exasperation. “What’s say we hammer out the details tonight after the Box Social at Town Hall.”

The Box Social had become a big annual fundraiser for the town of Ponyville, and the Seed Family had been the heads of the party ever since Ponyville had become a town. The object of the event was for women to prepare a decorative boxed meal for two, allowing the men to bid on the boxes and essentially bid on the women who made them in the process.

Stinking Rich set a gentle hoof upon Smithy’s, looking her in the eye with those deep blue eyes of his. He was so easy on the eyes, and Smithy could feel herself quivering as she looked into them. “I hope I have enough bits to bid on yer box,” he whispered in her ear in a low, flirty voice. The sensation was spellbinding.

Smithy could feel herself reaching out to Stinking Rich as he walked away with his purchase, watching him as he waved a friendly goodbye to the rest of the Seed Family. “See y’all tonight at the social!” he exclaimed, giving Smithy one final wink before walking away.

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