• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 1,079 Views, 10 Comments

All & Nothing - Aynine

Vinyl Scratch is an illustrious DJ, yet uninspired and lonely. What will she do to fulfill herself?

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Relieving Gesture

All & Nothing

By: Aynine

[Disclaimer: I own nothing of the MLP franchise and all rights are reserved by Hasbro and the respective parties involved.]

Relieving Gesture

Vinyl awoke to the obnoxious, almost grinding sound, of her alarm clock. Too groggy to use magic, she rolled over and flailed a hoof over to her nightstand. As she failed to reach it, the sound seemed to grow in volume much to her chagrin. After several more attempts, she finally managed to smack the alarm's off switch. The renewed silence came with an odd serenity. Soon the moments of relief passed and she rose up and rubbed her eyes.

It was the late afternoon. Blinded windows spilled forth a pale light from the lowering sun. The night was always more comfortable and brought with it an air of mystification. Maybe that's why all of the ponies liked to go clubbing and partying at night, rather than the day. Sliding out of bed, she paused for a moment, scanning the room. An armoire sat in the corner and she trudged over to it. A tall mirror rested on the back and she stared at herself.

Her signature two-toned neon blue mane seemed as if it exploded in her sleep. Frazzled strands and wild tufts of hair reached into the air like desperate claws. She inwardly groaned and moved to the bathroom. Another mirror sat against the far wall above a grand sink, but she paid it no mind and started the shower to its right with her magic. The rushing water splashed against elegant tile loudly. The white noise was somehow comforting to her.

Stepping into the heated water, she loosed a shudder and stood up, placing a supporting hoof above the knobs. The water cascaded down her ebony body, matting her coat and mane down. She closed her eyes and raised her face into the water, her eyes closed in thought. Visualizations of lights and sound soared through her mind under the veil of white noise and darkness. Practiced magic sprang forth and lathered her body with soap and shampoo. Somehow the cleansing lacked... feeling.

Rinsing herself, she stepped out and simultaneously brushed her teeth and dried with a towel. The cloth twirled around as she gazed into the mirror with a forlorn expression. Clean and satisfied, it was time to head to the next gig. As she moved outside of the apartment, snatching up her shades and a saddlebag as she went, a mailmare had stopped outside.

"Heya, Miss Scratch. I've got a letter for you," sang the pegasus. Two saddlebags of deliveries were slung over her back almost bursting with letters and boxes. She wore a rough blonde mane with a dreary grey coat, and finally a cutie mark of bubbles. She seemed like an amalgamation of contrasting features.

The letter floated from the pegasi's awaiting hoof and unfolded before Vinyl. Her eyes scanned it, absorbing the text with ease. After nearing the end, her brow sank in wonder, "My show has been moved to the Canterlot castle?" she asked the uninformed pegasus.

"Oooh, that's always a fun place. Maybe I'll stop by!" cheered the mailmare with unending enthusiasm.

Vinyl raised an eyebrow as if to object to the letter's wishes. She groaned in disdain of having her venue changed at the last minute. "At least they're compensating..." she trailed off in defeat. The end of the letter carried the stamp of approval from Princess Celestia herself. How could she object? Tucking the letter away, she shrugged.

"Well, I've got some more deliveries to do. See yah around, Miss Scratch!" The pegasus waved and trotted away.

Vinyl sighed and trudged onward to the castle. She wandered outside and left her shades on her forehead, taking in the scenery naturally. The sun eclipsed the horizon, spraying an orange glow over the city. The moon would be raised before long as the princesses traded their celestial objects.

Her rich location within the city always held awaiting carriages to ferry passengers around. Pegasus drawn carriages were faster, and slightly bumpier, but cost more. Some ponies even complained of whiplash. The DJ shook her head and decided to walk. She had plenty of time to enjoy the wondrous twilight.

Her flamboyant features occasionally attracted fans. Signing autographs, taking pictures--it was all part of the package of fame. Smiles forced and genuine filled the images taken as she passed between them. The sun gave its final farewell and the moon took over, creeping over the horizon and sharing its alluring, pale light with the world. She paused for a moment to look it over. I wonder what it was like for Princess Luna. Being alone on the moon for a thousand years... She found herself holding a hoof up to the moon, reaching for it.

She sheepishly grinned and rubbed her mane as she received looks of confusion from passersby. She pivoted and quickly dashed away and around the corner. Well that was kind of embarrassing. A sigh followed the clopping of hooves as she wandered on to the castle. She passed the same opera house from before and stopped again. The double doors flipped around for each pony wandering in and out. The music inside leaked forth again in low waves. Her ears flicked around to catch the sounds.

Ugh, brass! she complained to herself. The instruments sang of expert play, but it meant nothing to the DJ unicorn. Shaking her head, she pressed on. It took her twenty more minutes to reach the castle. Standing at the bottom of the steps, she looked up to the columns that supported the front entrance. Suddenly, it all seemed so overwhelming to her. She stopped and took in a few deep breaths, collecting herself quickly. Looking back up, the building didn't seem so intimidating anymore.

The odd pang of anxiety didn't sit well. Wow... what was that? As she began to take a step, she ended up being pushed forward and onto the steps, knocking her off balance. "Hey! What was that for?" she snapped while recovering.

"Do you mind moving? This instrument is very cumbersome when ponies are blocking the path," returned an irritated earth pony. A black, elegantly groomed mane rested atop a grey coated head. A large cello lay encased and comfortably fastened across her back. Her face maintained the irritated look, but a cutesy white and pink bowtie fastened around her neck made it difficult to take her seriously.

Vinyl couldn't help but giggle a little at the other mare's lack of intimidation. "I'm sorry," she started, loosing another suppressed giggle.

The grey mare huffed and walked by with her muzzle raised, "I'll bet you are. You could do with learning some respect." She swayed her tail back in forth in a hostile manner as she took the lead.

Vinyl watched her walk away, contemplating the mare. "Hey..." she began awkwardly, "what's your name?" she managed to ask before she wandered out of ear shot. The words seemed foreign to her, as if spoken by someone else.

The grey earth pony paused and stared ahead a moment longer. She turned her head sideways to view the DJ with an odd, yet forgiving look. "If you must know, my name is Octavia." She continued to gaze at Vinyl expecting the same information in return.

Vinyl snapped her head up with an Oh for a thought. "My name's Vinyl Scratch, but everypony knows me as DJ-P0N3. Pleased to meet you," she said a bit timidly with a half-bow.

Octavia's brow sank down to compliment a glare. "A 'DJ'. Why are you even attending such a classy party?" she wondered to herself aloud.

Responding on cue, Vinyl scratched the back of her head and looked away. "Well... Princess Celestia requested me over my regularly scheduled gig."

The cellist cast a disbelieving look to her. "I highly doubt a unicorn of your..." she paused to eye the DJ up and down, "talents would be necessary at such a sophisticated gathering."

Vinyl floated the letter out and showed her. "Normally I don't play when they change the venue last minute, but I can't deny Princess Celestia my skills," she beamed in a jest manner. She looked around and noticed that they had been standing alone for a while now. "So, uh... where do we go?"

Octavia rolled her eyes and straightened up. "Follow me."