• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,182 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

  • ...

A Thousand Years

Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 29: A Thousand Years

"Look she's waking up!"

"Quiet down, Pinkie! And don't crowd her!"

"Oh, thank goodness!"

It took some time before the garble of concerned voices untangled themselves for Twilight to recognize. She was lying belly-first on something soft. What had just happened? There was agonizing pain and waiting for the next lash, then…nothing. She opened her eyes weakly and tried to stand. She winced and stayed down when her back protested.

"Do not move so much, Twilight Sparkle, you're not fully healed yet."

That was Princess Luna. The haze of pain cleared up enough to let her see some blurry colors: Princess Luna's dark coat against gray, stone walls, Rainbow's mane, Pinkie's tail...

Fluttershy gasped. "She's up! Does she need anything? Doctor Redbrand gave me something for the pain."

"I don't think sipping brandy's gonna do Twilight much good, Fluttershy," Applejack said. "She's been out a long time. No need to knock her out some more."

"Stay still, Twilight," Spike said. He was standing on the bed, close to Twilight's face. He placed a claw on her shoulder. "Just keep resting until your injury's gone."

A minute passed before the haze lifted completely. Twilight was back in their shared quarters with all of her friends surrounding her. She tried to get a feel of her back, bracing for the rough feel of scars, or even the moist, painful feel of still-fresh wounds. Surprisingly, there was only a bit of roughness. Touching them still hurt, but not as much as she had expected.

"How are you feeling?" Luna asked.

"Awful," Twilight groaned. She tried to rise again, and winced at the second attempt. "Not as awful as I thought I'd feel though." She raised a hoof to her face, and squinted. She seemed to be...glowing with dark blue magic. Luna's horn was doing the same thing. "Princess?"

Luna smiled. "Surprised at your recovery? Give me a little credit, Twilight Sparkle. I am Princess of the Night. Most ponies only think of shadows and monsters when I'm mentioned. They tend to forget that night is also the time of rest and regeneration."

"It's really amazing," Fluttershy said. "Your back looked horrible when they first carried you here, but it's only been a couple of hours, and it's looking much better!"

"Yeah," Rainbow added. "From the look of it, you wouldn't believe that you just got lashed eighteen times!"

"There will still be a few marks," Luna said. "Healing magic works with the body, and the body isn't perfect."

Twilight stretched her back, still marveling at her quick recovery. She should be crippled by now. "Healing," she said breathlessly. "I found a few obscure references when I was studying the school of Conjuration, but that was about it and-- Wait a minute…eighteen? I was only lashed eighteen times?"

"Woah there, partner," Applejack said. "Only? You're making it sound like a bad thing."

"You fainted after the eighteenth," Luna said. "My brother put a stop to it after that. The rest of the lashes went to Vanguard Clash."

"That leaves forty-two," Twilight exclaimed. She looked around in a panic. "Where's Vanguard?"

"He's fine, darling," Rarity said. She pointed towards one corner of the room. "He's over there."

Vanguard was sleeping nearby. His breathing was steady, and the lines around his face from his frequent dour looks weren't there. Like her, he was also surrounded by Luna's magic. Twilight smiled. For once since she had known him, Vanguard Clash looked vulnerable. A half-full bottle lay by his bedside table. "They lashed him forty-two times?" she asked. Prince Terrato had called what he had done treason. She knew that he was going to get into trouble for what he had done, but it was only now that she understood just how much.

"They stopped at forty," Luna replied. She let out a sigh. "I suppose even my brother is capable of small mercies, if he exerts himself."

"Actually, it was thirty-nine. I counted," Rainbow said.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Thank you for keeping careful count then," she said flatly. To Twilight she spoke in a gentler tone. "Don't worry about numbers. Even my brother's stubborn sense of justice will be satisfied with what happened today."

"Eighteen…" Twilight said softly, her smile fading. "So much for half and half." She stared at her front hooves. She had demeaned herself before Vanguard. She had been talking about taking on thirty, and she had fallen short of the bare minimum.

"You had noble intentions, and it was a valiant effort," Luna said. "But your time here hasn't been that long. The Barrier Lands haven't hardened you for thirty lashes, Twilight Sparkle. At least, not yet."

"She shouldn't have taken eighteen to begin with," Applejack snapped. "Twilight and Vanguard have been nothing but good legionnaires. Why'd Terrato have to punish them? Why, he should be rewarding them for their hard work!"

Luna opened her mouth to answer, but it was Twilight who spoke. "He had his reasons. Princess Celestia's law was broken and, as prince, it was his duty to make sure somepony was punished."

"Haven't you been punished enough for finding out about this place when you got banished?" Spike asked. He jumped down from his perch on Twilight's bed, and kicked up a bit of dust. "It's not fair that you're punished again. And you came here to help out too. I say that prince is just being a jerk!"

"Spike!" Twilight motioned towards Luna. "He's her brother!"

Spike glanced worriedly at Luna, then crossed his arms. "Not changing my mind," he said. "I saw what you looked like when they carried you here. He may be a prince and Princess Luna's brother, but he's still a jerk!"

Luna let out a sigh. "I apologize on my brother's behalf." The downcast look on her face made even Spike hesitate. "He does have a gentler side. It's just that…he's very devoted to my sister. The only way he really knows how to express that is by lashing out at anything he thinks is a threat to her."

"Hasn't he ever heard of hugs?" Spike asked.

Luna smiled slightly. "He'd try it if my sister would come close enough for one." She focused on Twilight. "I must apologize for her as well. This banishment is wrong, and it's only going to hurt all of us as it continues."

Twilight made her third attempt to rise. This time, she managed enough so she could put a hoof on Luna's shoulder. "There's no need," she said. "None of us here bear any grudges. Not towards Prince Terrato, and certainly not Princess Celestia."

Spike raised a claw. "Well--" Twilight gave him a stern look. "Fine," he said. "No grudges. But he better not get anypony else whipped!"

Luna's smile widened. "Why is it so much easier to get along with you ponies than my own siblings?" she asked. "I wish I could stay with all of you, but I must return to the Heartland. Is there something you want me to tell my sister?"

"Tell her we said hi!" Pinkie said.

Applejack frowned at Pinkie, and stepped forward. "I don't really know what to tell Princess Celestia, your highness, but we'd be much obliged if you could tell our folks and friends that we're all safe."

Luna nodded, then looked at Twilight. "What about you?"

Twilight was quiet for some time. The pain on her back faded to the corner of her mind as she contended with a more painful matter. "Tell her we're all doing well and…" Her lips quivered. For a moment, it seemed like a bad idea to even say this. Still, she gathered her resolve. "…and I haven't changed my mind despite the difficulties."

Luna nodded, and concentrated on a spell.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight called out. "Thank you for everything! And don't tell her about this whole whipping matter. From what you said, your brother and sister aren't getting along very well. I don't want things between them to get worse."

"Don't worry, I won't," Luna replied. "Stay safe, Twilight Sparkle." Her horn glowed, and arcs of magical energy surrounded her. There was a flash of light, and she was gone from the Barrier Lands.

Luna's destination was a carefully planned one. She had left the Heartland in a huff, and despite Celestia's admonishments. Appearing in the throne room as if nothing had happened wasn't a good idea. Better to appear just outside the Royal Palace's main gates. From there, she would approach slowly, and respectfully. Fortunately, she had some good news to share: Twilight Sparkle and her friends were alive and well. The wolven were pushing hard, negotiations with King Fenrir had failed, and Terrato's once-dead apprentice was leading a rebellion that would end in Celestia's assassination, but Twilight Sparkle was safe at least.

Luna emerged from her transportation spell already exhausted. Breaking through the barrier was a difficult task, and she had just finished healing Twilight and Vanguard Clash. The moon also had to rise just a few hours from now, and she was going to blot out the moon for tonight as well.

"Your highness!"

Luna recognized the surprised voice. "Captain Bright Shield," she said to the first royal guard of the squad heading towards her. "Wait...what are you doing all the way out here?"

Bright Shield bowed once he came closer. "Welcome back to Canterlot, your highness. We have all been worried about you." He glanced at the Royal Palace worriedly. "Strange things have happened since you were last here."

Luna followed his gaze. There was something wrong here. The very feel of the magic in the air had changed. There was a presence here she hadn't felt for more than a thousand years. "Where is my sister?" she asked.

"She is in the throne room, your highness," Bright Shield answered. "Nopony has been allowed in there for some time. Not even the Royal Guard."

"I'm going in," Luna said. She rushed towards the palace.

"Your highness, wait!" Bright Shield called out. "Those things guarding the--"

Luna didn't have to hear the rest. She pushed the doors to the palace aside with magic, and froze.

There wasn't a single pony within the palace halls. Had the palace developed such a fearsome reputation in such a short time that nopony dared to even come near it? Then, she saw the reason for that.

At the end of the first hall was a pair of beings that she hadn't seen for centuries, and hadn't expected to see for centuries more. They appeared as pony-shaped blazes of white flame. Each was about Celestia's size, and encased in burnished golden barding. Gouts of fire emerged from their backs to form wing-like shapes. Two bright red spots of light burned from where their eyes should be.

"Your highness, please be careful!" Bright Shield called out as he galloped towards her. "There are--"

"Equi Ignei," Luna breathed. "Enforcers under Celestia's command. What have you done, big sister?"

"Equi...what?" Bright Shield asked. "Your highness--"

"Keep your guards back, Captain Bright Shield," Luna ordered. "I have to speak with my sister."

She ran towards the throne room's direction. As she approached, the fiery ponies moved to block her path. The heat they radiated was intense. They were bigger than her already, and they raised their "wings" to make themselves even more intimidating. Luna hesitated, a bead of sweat dripping from her brow to the floor. The Equi Ignei were creatures outside of this world. Defeating them would require a vast amount of power. Even she would be hard pressed against them. Yet...was she even going to try?

Luna steeled herself and stood tall. The Equi Ignei were extensions of Celestia's will, and Celestia still owed her respect. "What is the meaning of this?" she asked. "Stand aside!"

One of them opened its mouth to answer. The first thing that Luna heard, however, was Bright Shield crying out, and falling to the ground. She glanced back to find him flat on his belly, clutching his ears, and shaking. The Equi Ignei did not seem bothered by the effect they had.

"Very well," she said. "I will see her no matter what. 'Escort' me to her if you wish."

The inner hall's doors opened, and two more of the fiery beings appeared. Luna motioned for Bright Shield to leave before moving on. Two of the Equi Ignei flanked her. Another one led the way while a fourth brought up the rear. To their credit, they maintained a respectable distance, and didn't watch her like hawks. They had also dismissed the heat that they emanated. She was worried that they would attempt to roast her with their formation before she even made it to the throne room. The only hoof-falls resounding within the hall belonged to her. For all their grand appearance, her escorts were perfectly silent.

Four more Equi Ignei guarded throne room. Two stood at the foot of the stairs that led to the throne, and two more flanked Celestia.

"Welcome back, Luna," Celestia said. She spoke softly, and respectfully. The mere lack of warmth still put Luna on the defensive. What had happened while she was away? Perhaps her brother was right about sending her back.

"Explain yourself, big sister," Luna said. She gestured towards the blazing pony-shaped flames all around her. "Why are they here? What could possibly drive you to risk a gate to the Eternal Herd?"

"Precaution," Celestia answered.

Luna stared hard at her sister. All enforcers were forbidden to interfere with the affairs of this world. They could not be sent against the wolven, or any of Equestria's enemies. In this world, the only creatures they could be sent against would be…

"Are you also afraid that I'd allow Nightmare Moon to possess me again?" Luna asked. To her, even that didn't make sense. Even during that time, Celestia had not dared to summon the Equi Ignei. Then again, the Elements of Harmony were still there to be used. 'Elements of Harmony…' she thought.

"Nightmare Moon is gone," Celestia replied.

"Who else will you need them for if not me?" Luna eyes widened at the only option. "Terrato…" she whispered.

The lack of immediate response was more than enough confirmation. "You actually think that big brother will come here, and attack you?" she asked. "That it would reach the point where you will have to send the Equi Ignei against him?

"They are here as a precaution," Celestia said firmly. "Now, will you answer my questions, Luna?"

"Is that an order?" Luna asked. "Am I being interrogated?"

"What have you been doing in the Barrier Lands?" Celestia asked.

"I went there to find out what happened to Twilight Sparkle and her friends," Luna answered. "Something you should have done yourself, big sister!"

A look of concern crossed Celestia's face. She looked tired and worn, something that she had never appeared to be for centuries. Celestia's coat lacked luster, and her mane was disheveled. Her legs trembled, and her eyes were dull and lifeless. Merely opening a gate to the Eternal Herd strained even an alicorn's magic. To actually call things out of it demanded a great deal even from a master summoning conjurations like her sister.

"What did you find out?" Celestia asked. "How are they? Where are they?"

"She's safe," Luna replied. "All of them are." Seeing Celestia overcome with joy and relief took her aback. Another question marred that joy, however.

"Why aren't they with you?" Celestia asked. "Haven't they seen enough?"

"They've seen enough, big sister, enough so that they've decided to help in Equestria's defense. They're with big brother at the moment, and they've joined the Equestrian Legion. Twilight Sparkle wants you to know that they're doing well, and that she hasn't changed her mind."

The relief turned to shock. "They…they've joined the Legion?" Celestia asked.

Luna frowned. "I just said that they wanted to help, big sister, joining the Legion seems the natural result of that."

"The Legion belongs to Terrato," Celestia cried out. "If Twilight has joined it, he will claim that she belongs to him as well! He will think of the Elements of Harmony as weapons he now has at his disposal!"

"The Legion belongs to Equestria!" Luna replied. "As does big brother's loyalty!" She had more than her fill of this rift between her siblings. How could she have let so much time go to waste while that rift grew? One thousand years…even if with the most modest opinion of herself, she could have done something during such a length of time. Instead, she wasted it over a petty grudge that appeared more foalish with each passing moment. One thousand years seemed so long. She had once thought that it was because she had spent it in isolation. As it turned out, her siblings had also spent those years in isolation.

"Is that right?" Celestia asked. Her voice dropped to an unnatural evenness.

"What ideas have you been entertaining, big sister?" Luna asked suspiciously. "Better yet, who have you been listening to?"

A stern look came upon Celestia. "There is a pony here by the name of Sun Gazer. He claims that Terrato plans to take over all of Equestria, and banish me to the moon with the Elements of Harmony that have now fallen into his hooves. He says that Terrato is conspiring with you."

"Bring him out," Luna said, her voice shaking. "I will confront this liar myself!"


"Why not?" Luna stomped a front hoof. "If he is going accuse two thirds of Equestria's royalty, he had better be able to do it face to face!"

"If I bring him out, you might strike him down to silence him."

Luna stared at the alicorn sitting on the throne. Was she even talking to Celestia? "You think that I will outright murder a pony before your eyes?"

Celestia sighed, and shook her head. "I don't know what to think anymore, Luna. So many things have turned out differently from what I had expected. It seems only yesterday that I believed Twilight would believe in what I had to do, that the Legion would always stand strong, and you will always stay by my side. I can't rely on beliefs anymore."

"Twilight Sparkle still believes in you," Luna said quietly. Her sister may as well have said yes. Her voice rose with each assertion. "The Legion still stands strong. And I am still by your side!"

Celestia did not seem to hear any of those words. "I will look into these matters myself."

Luna gasped. "You would give weight to these lies against big brother?"


Something snapped within Luna, something that had wound up each time Terrato said "dearest sister", and each time Celestia had that worried look on her face whenever he was mentioned. "He is our brother!"

"He used to be our brother!"

Celestia's voice cracked like a thunder strike. It wasn't intimidation that took away Luna's words. She stared at her sister, her silence demanding an explanation.

Celestia looked away. "Terrato knew of the dangers when he volunteered to lead Equestria's defenders. He knew that war would change him, as it always changes alicorns, which was why he insisted that he lead the Legion alone while we governed. He has been out there for so long, Luna! An ocean of blood has soaked him, and the corpses of millions weigh down on his shoulders. You would know of what he has become. When Nightmare Moon possessed you, his first reaction was to kill you. Even when the Elements of Harmony freed you, he still insists that you were better off dead! How am I supposed to see his actions of late? Insisting that the barrier be breached…turning Twilight into a legionnaire…"

"I had a feeling that you were hiding this," Luna said. "I just had to hear it for myself. A thousand years has been too long, big sister, for all three of us."

"It has," Celestia said. The two of them were silent. It was the first thing they had agreed on all day. "I will see to this matter, Luna. In the meantime, please stay here in the palace."

Luna glanced at the Equi Ignei. "You're confining me," she said. "Again."

"For Equestria's sake--"

"You've lost sight of what those words mean."