• Published 17th May 2013
  • 11,197 Views, 785 Comments

Brushed Away - TheVClaw

For Troy the Gryphon, life in Equestria wasn't exactly as fulfilling as he imagined on his own. However, after volunteering to help out with a storm prepping project, he discovers a pony who helps to change everything.

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Chapter Six: Welcome to Ponyville

After two days, the bandages on his hooves came off, now being almost completely healed (but still soft and sensitive); and Canvas was allowed to leave the hospital. Unfortunately, Stable's efforts to contact both Twilight and Troy were fruitless. Princess Twilight Sparkle was apparently in the Crystal Empire for some important job that neither he nor the dragon he contacted knew about, and Troy was sent to help with water transport to Appleloosa due to a severe drought earlier that year.

After the first night, Canvas was a lot more quiet around Stable and the staff, but he did stay polite whenever they checked in on him. The only thing that he wouldn’t talk about was how he got his injuries.

Canvas insisted that he couldn't remember how he ended up with a shattered eye socket or how he ran his hooves raw, but Stable was certain he didn't have amnesia. He didn't want to think the pony was lying, but as time passed, he felt more certain that Canvas was hiding something.

Something big.

Regardless, Stable knew that Canvas would have to come back to have the stitches removed, so he was hopeful that spending some time in Ponyville would calm Canvas down enough to talk about what happened. Fortunately, Canvas seemed more than alright with staying around Ponyville for the time being, and was surprisingly optimistic after his checkup with Stable was completed.

"I really can't say enough how grateful I am for everything you've done for me,” said Canvas as he lifted his bag from the floor. "I mean, I was getting worried about whether or not I could even use my hooves again."

The doctor only nodded as he used his magic to readjust the bandages on Canvas' right eye. "Believe me, I’m just as grateful. But if I’m being honest, Twilight Sparkle and Troius are the ones you should be thanking. They're the ones who found you in time for me to help. Plus, Twilight was generous enough to pay off your medical bills."

With a heavy sigh, Canvas adjusted his bag’s shoulder strap so it hung only a few inches off the ground. "Yeah, I still can't believe she did that! I mean, I know she's royalty and all, but it’s still shocking to think about, you know? Do you know when she'll be back from the Crystal Empire?"

Stable shook his head and wiped his glasses clean. "I'm not sure, but I’ve heard that she might be back later today. And I'll be sure to try contacting Troius again as well. I’m not too familiar with Cloudsdale’s scheduling, but I'm certain he should've come back from Appleloosa by now."

"Alright,” said Canvas with a smile, holding out his freshly healed hoof. "And thank you again, Doctor Stable."

"Not a problem. Just remember to come back in two days to get the stitches removed." As he shook Canvas' hoof, his expression became more serious. "Just so you know, though… within these walls, anything that you tell me will remain confidential. If you can tell me anything―and I mean anything―about what happened, please let me know. I promise you'll be alright."

Canvas nervously nodded before pulling his hoof back. He knew that the doctor was being sincere, but he didn't even want to think about what happened, let alone talk about it out loud. Maybe he’d be able to tell him when he came back for his next appointment; but for right now, he just wanted to get out of the hospital and breathe some fresh air. He also had quite a bit to do, starting with giving some well-deserved thanks to the two who saved him.

He was given his medication and directions on how to change his bandages, and then Canvas finally stepped out of the hospital. After spending so long cooped up in a sterile room, it felt incredible for Canvas to be outside, taking in the fresh air as it brushed past his long chestnut mane. The stallion saw nothing but luscious green fields with magnificently tall trees, all under a clear blue sky that brought out a content smile as he walked down the road. Everything looked just… perfect, and it took everything in him to keep from constantly pausing his steps to savor his elation.

Canvas reached the town limits of Ponyville around noon, just as the hamlet became vibrant with ponies going on about their daily routines and lunch hours. As Canvas walked over the bridge into town, he could see just how bright and colorful the community really was: houses and buildings were painted in appealing shades of every color he could’ve imagined. Banners and signs decorated the streets above with vivid colors and designs, all coming together to provide a tone that could uplift anypony's mood.

He then walked through the quaint streets, seeing how happy and kind ponies were as they passed by; townsfolk were giving their greetings and compliments to each other without a shred of sarcasm, pessimism, or insincerity. For the aqua pony, it all felt like something out of a story book, something he would’ve never thought he’d see in real life.

This certainly feels a lot better than Gallop Creek.

As Canvas trotted along, he tried to keep his uncovered eye occupied on anything other than the ponies staring at him. He knew that the bandages on his face and knees (a suggestion from Dr. Stable to ensure there wouldn't be much stress on his legs) would attract some attention; thankfully, most of the ponies he passed were courteous enough to not do anything more than look. Canvas held his bag closer to himself, trying to keep his mind focused on finding the library. He learned from some of the hospital staff that Princess Twilight Sparkle was living there, instead of a castle like any other princess would. Just as he reached the large fountain at the center of town, a sharp burst of pain struck Canvas' right hindleg, almost knocking him down as he grimaced at his now-throbbing knee.

Knowing his other legs would give out just as soon as the first one, Canvas looked around and noticed an empty bench near the fountain. Canvas gritted his teeth as he tried limping towards the spot, even as his other hindleg started to fail. Canvas then felt a sharp stinging hit his left foreleg, causing him to yelp and drop to the ground, only a few feet from the bench. Wincing from his aching joints, Canvas tried to raise himself up, until suddenly, he felt himself being lifted from the ground.

"Are you alright, sir?" He was hoisted up to his hooves by his torso, and Canvas turned his head to see the source: a mint-green unicorn mare with a matching green and white mane that was styled surprisingly short. Her amber eyes looked at Canvas with worry. "Do you need to see a doctor?"

"N-No,” he said with a shake of his head. “I… I just got back from a doctor. I was just trying to get to that bench over―"

Before Canvas could finish, he was lifted up by the mare’s aura of green magic and placed gently on the bench. As he adjusted himself, making sure to move his joints as little as possible, the pony walked closer to him with a look of concern. "Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor? You look like you're in pretty bad shape."

Canvas put his good hoof up, and glanced up at her with a quick smile. "No, I'm fine, really. I just didn't think I had to walk that far from the hospital.” Canvas sighed, maintaining his smile. “Trust me, I've been through a lot worse."

Canvas didn’t intend for that statement to sound too troubling, but was quick to notice the pony eyeing his bandages. The stallion’s smile lessened, but he tried his hardest not to let it show; he didn’t want to worry the unicorn more than he already had. "Thank you for helping me, though. My name is Canvas." He held out his hoof, which the mare shook gently.

"Lyra. Pleasure to meet you." She gave a smile that Canvas found to look kind. "So what brings you to Ponyville?"

"I actually came into town to talk to Twilight Sparkle,” said Canvas. “She was actually the one who got me to a doctor in the first place."

Lyra's eyes widened. "Wait a minute! Were you that pony she found in the storm a week ago?"

Canvas' ears dropped down and his smile fell to one of embarrassment. "Ummm… yeah, I… I guess I am."

"Wow, everypony's been talking about that!” Lyra leaned in closer to Canvas. “What exactly happened? I’ve heard bits and pieces, but it’s all been kinda hearsay, you know?"

"I'm… I-I’m not really sure how I got to the hospital,” said Canvas, looking away from her sheepishly. “I was unconscious at the time. I honestly don't want to talk about it right now..."

Lyra blinked a couple times. "Oh, um… Alright, I understand. I didn’t mean to freak you out or anything.” She glanced over her shoulder before adding, “I think Twilight is supposed to be back in town pretty soon. I'm sure you'll catch her when she comes in. She’s kind of hard to miss."

Canvas nodded as he got more comfortable. Lyra looked up at the clock tower, nearly jumping out of her skin. "Oh shoot, I gotta get to work! Nice to meet you, Canvas. Be careful on those hooves!" She hurriedly galloped off.

"You too.”

Now alone on the bench, he turned his attention toward the fountain in front of him. Canvas' thoughts started to drift back to what he needed to do. Aside from thanking Twilight and the gryphon for saving him, he realized he didn't have anything planned after that. In fact, he didn’t have anything at all.

His heart sank in his chest, and Canvas knew that despite his recent luck and his miraculous recovery, he was still no better off than before his hospitalization. He had no money. No job. Nothing to his name, other than his art bag. And worst of all, Canvas had no place to live.

Canvas felt his throat close up at that last one, knowing that what happened was, in fact, real.

No matter how much he wanted it to not be real, he knew that wasn't going to change anything.

I'm… I'm all alone.

Canvas struggled to hold himself together as the reality of his situation began to sink in. He really didn't want to think about that night, but the events loomed over his head like a black omen he couldn’t shake. He knew that if he didn't do something soon, he was just going to break down right there in the middle of town, in front of everypony.

Canvas grew desperate for anything to keep his mind distracted, and he quickly looked to see what was in his art bag. He knew he didn't have much inside, since he barely had any time to pack beforehoof. But as he rummaged around the inside, he found his art supplies among his remaining work―the various paintings and drawings he'd made in his hometown.

Or at least, what was left of them.

In an attempt to clear his head of any more dreadful reminders, Canvas took out the supplies he needed: a piece of graphite, a thick rubber band, another piece of graphite covered in cloth, and a large notepad of paper. Canvas placed the rubber band around his right hoof like a tight bracelet, and stuck the graphite under the band so it protruded from his foreleg like an extension of his body. He then grabbed his pad of paper and opened it to the first empty sheet. Canvas used his free hoof to rub the cloth along the paper, covering the originally white sheet with a fine layer of gray. When the new shade looked evenly toned, Canvas looked around for something to draw.

He just needed something, anything to draw.

Canvas took notice of the statue of Princess Celestia near the fountain, staring off into the sky, the very picture of grace and implacability. Canvas took a deep breath before looking down at the paper. As soon as he placed the end of the graphite on the sheet, he drew a quick framework to match the statue’s position, leaving his lines as faint as possible so they would be easy to remove later. Satisfied with the way the lines turned out, he looked at the statue again, and that’s when he truly began.

As ponies walked past the center of town, many took notice of the aqua stallion as he drew, his eye burning with focus. The shape of Princess Celestia started to take form on the paper, with her figure and face flawlessly replicated beneath his hooves. Canvas kept his attention solely on his work, his mind only concerned with his creation.

Of all the things that could calm a pony down, whether it be a massage or a relaxing bath, nothing seemed to ease Canvas' mind better than his art. Though his long mane kept falling into his face (which he just blew away every three seconds or so without caring), a weight was slowly being lifted from his shoulders as all his frustrations and worries were channeled into his hoof, expressing himself and his feelings into the lines and shades of graphite in front of him.

He wasn’t sure how long he was drawing, but as the drawing of Celestia in his hooves neared completion, the maelstrom within Canvas’ being had settled into a tranquil stream of smooth, flowing contours. By the time a confident smile spread across his face, Celestia's figure looked almost exactly like the statue.

As he glanced between the paper and the statue, Canvas failed to notice when a pink mare saw him from across the block. He also didn't notice that when the next time he looked at the statue from his paper, the mare was now at the fountain, seemingly snapping into existence in a movement too quick for the naked eye to follow. As he finished the final shading on Celestia's mane, Canvas looked up one last time, only to see the face of the bright-pink mare inches away from his own.


AAAHHHH!!!” Canvas shrieked and jolted off the bench, falling to the ground. "Ooooww" Now his back and head were aching, and his sore hooves felt even worse than before. As he struggled to lift himself, the pink pony was once again in his face, except now her cheery smile was replaced with a worried frown.

"Ohmigosh, I'm soooo sorry, mister! Here, let me help you!" Before Canvas could object, she lifted him up with her forehooves and plopped him back on the bench. Though grateful, the stallion was left dumbfounded over how she lifted him with so little effort. "You okay, Mister New Pony?"

Canvas wasn't sure how to respond, partially due to not being used to meeting a pony like this, but mostly because his head was still spinning a bit from the fall. "...Yeah, I think I'm fine."


Startled by her sudden, cheerful outburst, he could only stare in slightly unsettled silence as the mare started talking a mile a minute.

"My name is Pinkie Pie and I know you're a new pony because I know everypony and I mean everypony here in Ponyville, and I saw you sitting here drawing so I thought I should be the very first to welcome you because you looked kinda weird and upset like the first time I tried to eat fifty cupcakes in a row for breakfast and almost threw up everywhere but I still won fifty bits so it was totally worth it, and I wanted to make sure you were happy so what brings you here, what's with the thing over your eye, what's your name!"

Her face was now only a few inches from his again. Canvas tried to move his head back before realizing she asked him a question (or twenty), and tried his best to answer. "M-My name is Canvas! I just got out of the hospital, and I was just waiting to see Twilight Sparkle ab―"

"OOOOHH!!! I know who you are!” Pinkie beamed as she rambled. “You’re that pony Twilight found in the storm, right? I heard about that and I was like 'Whaaat?' so I asked her what happened and she told me she found you and a gryphon and got you to a hospital and I was like 'Double-whaaat?’ so I wanted to throw you an ‘I’m super-duper glad you’re okay and not in a coma!’ party but she told me you were still in the hospital so I was all sad because I wanted to throw a party but now you're here and I know Twilight is gonna be here later today so I can finally throw a PARTYYYY!!!"

Canvas wasn’t sure how to react to this mare's borderline-insane manner, and could only put his hoof up to get her to stand still. "Umm, thank you for the idea, but I just got out of the hospital! So I… I don't know if I would be up for a party right now."

Canvas' heart almost broke in half when Pinkie’s face fell. She looked like he’d kicked a bunny right in front of her. "But… maybe some other time? I really want to talk to Twilight to thank her for helping me out. I was actually drawing something to pass the time while waiting for her."

Once he settled back on the bench, Canvas looked for his pad before noticing that Pinkie Pie was holding it. Her blue eyes were as wide as frisbees as she marveled at his sketch of Princess Celestia. "Wow, this is really really, REALLY good!"

The stallion tried to snatch the paper back from Pinkie, feeling slightly panicked at not having his artwork in his hooves. "C-Can you give that back please?” he asked in a flustered tone. Pinkie, seeing his troubled look, was quick to hoof the pad back; but her face shined with a new look of admiration.

"You’re a really good drawer, Canvas! I mean, I like drawing too but I can't draw nearly as good as that. How long did that take you to make?"

Canvas looked up at the clock tower to see how long it'd been since he started.

"Ten minutes?” he said to himself, his brows raised in surprise. “That can't be―"

"WHOOOA! You did this in only ten minutes?!" Pinkie looked at the sketch again (except this time sticking her head around Canvas to look from his angle), and then looked at the artist with a huge smile. "What else can you draw?"

Surprised that Pinkie just asked one question this time, he stammered to think about what it was he usually drew, which was basically anything. "Umm… things in nature, random objects, maybe a pony―"

"OOH! Ooh, ooh! Draw me, draw me, draw me!"

Canvas stared at Pinkie, who was now raising her hoof like she was a foal asking the teacher to go to the bathroom. He didn’t say it out loud, but he was surprised that she asked for something that would require her to stay still for more than two seconds. "I… I guess I could… Do you want me to?"

"Abso-luppa-tivvy-dibbley!" shouted the pink mare. "You can draw Celestia really well, so why not me? You were drawing stuff anyway, and I need something to do until Twilight arrives, too, so I figure we can both wait for her while you draw me!"

He was unsure of whether or not he could keep this mare still enough to draw a good picture of her, but she did make a good point. They were both waiting for the same pony, and he just finished his sketch of Celestia, so why not?

With a shrug and a slight smile, Canvas turned the Celestia sketch over to reveal a new sheet, using his cloth once more to make a new graphite layer. When he looked back up from the fresh pad, he saw Pinkie Pie in front of him, sitting on a small stool (which he was certain wasn't there before) and smiling at him, like she was posing for a school photo. Chuckling under his breath, Canvas analyzed the basic shape of her face and fluffy mane, and began to draw.

Author's Note:

Just so any newer readers are aware, I've recently been undergoing a big project to turn the Brushed Away series into physical books for individual sale. Because of that, I just wanted to make a quick note for which chapters have been revised so far, including this one.

I want to give my deepest thanks, as well as some well-deserved credit to the editors helping me out with this process: SirReal, and Double R. Forrest. And if anyone is interested in helping out with making this project a reality, I highly recommend checking out my Official Ko-Fi page dedicated to it.

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