• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 3,074 Views, 30 Comments

Ponies Vs. Monsters: More Friendly Games - TimeBomb0

[2nd-person] [Sequel] You and Pinkie get wrapped up in a game of PvM. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Closing Ceremonies

“Owwwwwww…my spleen…”

You have no clue where you are or what happened after you heard the cannon fire, but you don’t dare open your eyes to witness whatever mess you’ve landed yourself in. You’re not even sure you can, anyway; in addition to your oddly-specific moan, you feel pain radiating throughout your entire body, rendering you almost unable to move.

Stupid, you berate yourself. You climbed into a cannon made to shoot party streamers just to win a silly game. What did you expect would happen?

You lie curled up in the fetal position while you hope that someone, anyone, finds you, wherever you may be, soon…


Anyone but her, that is.

“Pinkie?” You mumble almost inaudibly as you feel a set of hooves run up right next to you.

“Oh gosh, are you okay? Please be okay!” Pinkie’s voice carries a hint of fragility. Though your eyes still remain closed, you can feel Pinkie darting about as she frantically looks over you to see how serious your injuries are.

“How do you feel? Can you move your limbs? Do you feel any blood? How many hooves do you see? What’s the square root of apple pie!?” In her panic, Pinkie throws a barrage of questions at you faster than you can comprehend, let alone answer.

“Uhhh…Pinkie…” is all you can reply. She has the right mind; as much as you dread doing so, you really need to see how badly hurt you are.

Finally opening your eyes, you glance down at your body to assess the damage. Although your view of your body is slightly obstructed by some dirt and debris, you can still spot quite a few bruises and scrapes. Some of the cuts are even deep enough to draw blood, but only just. Other than this and the pain you feel in nearly every joint, you can’t see anything from your view that would require immediate medical attention.

“I think…” you mumble a bit louder than before, “I’ll be fine. It just…really smarts…”

Deciding to test the extent of your injuries further, you force your body to roll over. It hurts enough for you to hiss through grit teeth, but you manage to power through and rotate onto your belly. With that taken care of, you reach a hoof up and push the safety helmet off your head. Celestia-only-knows how bad things would be if I wasn’t wearing that, you think to yourself.

“How do I look?” You grin weakly as you look up to meet Pinkie’s gaze.

Your smile immediately fades once you finally get a good look at her face. Pinkie’s eyes are wide open, shimmering and threatening to overflow with tears. Her mane has somehow grown flat and drooped to one side of her, and even her coat has taken on a darker shade. You have never seen Pinkie like this before; it’s almost as if she is a completely different pony, one drained of all the fun she normally finds in life.

“Pinkie?” you ask as delicately as you can.

“I...I...” she squeaks, her voice even more tenuous than before.

“What is it? Is something wrong with me? It’s not as bad as it looks...right?” you ask.

“I...I...I’M SO SOOOOORRYYYYYY!” All at once, Pinkie’s fragile demeanor shatters. A fountain of tears sprouts from each eye as she bawls as loud as she can.

“Sorry?” You inquire, “For what?”

“IT’S ALL MY FAULT!” she sobs, the impossible fountains of tears coming to a temporary stop. “I...I totally ruined the game for you! I barged into your house when you were barely awake, I forgot the super-duper game-winning plans, I blamed you for breaking our promise when I did the same thing, and I forced you into the cannon when you kept telling me it was a bad idea, and now you’re all hurt and not having fun anymore and it’s all because of me!”

“But...I know you didn’t mean to do those things...”

“But I still ruined everything!” Pinkie continues whining, “I knew how much you were looking forward to this game and I just wanted to make sure you had the most fantastical time ever, but I’m just a...a...BIG PARTY POOPER!”

Her lightning-fast explanation comes to an end as her voice becomes overwhelmed with sobbing. The tears spray out to her sides once more, the puddles they form almost touch your hooves.

As you stare at the hysterical pony, you feel a part of you breaking up inside. Pinkie Pie, the fun-loving and eternally happy party pony of Equestria, is reduced to tears because she thought you weren’t having any fun? You know this isn’t right; you can’t let such a normally bouncy pony become a blubbering wreck because of you.

“Pinkie, please don’t cry!” You plead.

“B-but, I...” she sniffles, “I made your day no fun at all...”

“No, you didn’t,” you muster another weak smile, “I had a lot of fun today, especially when I was...with you...” Your voice trails off at the last two words, albeit for a reason you can’t blame on your wounds.

“You...you did?” Pinkie quietly inquires. “You’re not...mad at me?”

“I could never be mad at you,” you reply. “In fact...” you take a second to ask yourself if you’re really sure you want to say this next line before deciding that it has to be said. “I...I...always have fun when you’re around. You’ve made my life the most exciting it’s been in a very long time. I never realized how much fun having a friend could be until I met you.”

“R-Really? You’re not just saying that...are you?”

“I really mean it,” you reassure her. Gathering up as much strength as you can, you slowly get up from the ground, joining Pinkie at eye-level while somehow stopping yourself from letting out a painful whine. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I’ll always look forward to hanging out with you...even if I have to be fired out of a cannon every single time.”

For the next few seconds, Pinkie stares longingly into your eyes, her baby-blue eyes still heavy with tears on the bottom. Did your words have any effect? You cannot tell for sure. Her only response is an almost-breathless mention of your name...

...right before she immediately pulls you into another hug.

“Ack!” you gasp as you finally notice some bruises had formed around the very parts of your neck that Pinkie is hugging.

“Oh thank you thank you thank you sooooo much! You’re one of the bestest friends ever!” As usual, Pinkie doesn’t seem to notice your pain or inability to breathe.

Fortunately for you, this hug doesn’t last very long. Pinkie soon withdraws her hooves and leans back, allowing you to get a good look at her. Somehow, her flat mane has returned to its normally poofy look and her coat is back to its normal shine. I thought I heard noise-makers, you quietly muse.

What gets your attention the most is the return of her bright smile, eager to show off her eternal happiness. Despite your injuries, you feel a sense of relief wash through your body knowing that the Pinkie you enjoy so much is here to stay.

“Eh, don’t mention it,” you reply with a smile of your own, “You’ve made this day an exciting one, that’s for sure. I never thought I’d experience what it’s like to be fired out of a cannon.” You toss in a quick chuckle to help lighten the mood.

“I really mean it! You’re always so super-nice to me whenever we’re hanging out at a party or playing games in your room. I’ve had nothing but a really good time since we’ve been friends. In fact...”

A blush forms on Pinkie’s cheeks, and she looks away for a second. This may be the first time you have ever seen her acting shy.

“...I, uh, I’ve been wanting to give you a super-special surprise gift for a long time now, something that shows you just how much you mean to me as a friend...”

“A...surprise?” you ask, blinking a couple times. She couldn’t mean...nah. We’re just friends...right?

“Yeah, a surprise...I was gonna wait until after the game if we both won, but I’m just so excited, I can’t wait any longer!” Pinkie bounces with the giddiness she always seems unable to contain whenever she throws a surprise party. Whatever this surprise is, it’s probably going to be a doozy.

“Okay, so what’s the surpri-MMMPH!”

...Yep, definitely a doozy.

In an instant, Pinkie’s head leaps forward, trapping you in yet another embrace. Unlike the last few hugs, however, this embrace comes with one major difference.

At first, you stand completely dumbstruck, eyes open in shock, as a part of you refuses to acknowledge what happened, denying the very warm and very real sensation on a certain part of your head. After all, there is no way that you could be...right?

A few seconds and several rapid heartbeats later, you realize that there is no other possible explanation for this wonderful feeling:

Pinkie Pie, the fun-loving and optimistic mare of Ponyville and your best friend, is kissing you.

Your mind races with dozens of questions at once. How long has Pinkie felt this way about you? How many signs had she dropped that you didn’t notice? Is this why she kept inviting you to all those parties and trying to get you to have more fun?

Most importantly, do you really care that much about getting answers when she is kissing you right now?

For now, you decide that you’ll worry about your questions later and instead focus on this wonderful feeling coursing from your mouth throughout your entire body. You let your eyes fall closed and return the favor, pressing your lips back against hers.

The kiss itself is a very mild one, little more than both pairs of lips coming into contact with each other. You could not care less for this, however, as even this simple kiss is one of the best things you have felt in your life. Pinkie’s lips are as soft as a marshmallow, and the heat coming from them is more inviting than any blanket you have ever slept in.

As good as it feels physically, it can’t compare to the elation you feel deep inside you. Out of all the ponies in Equestria, Pinkie Pie chose you, a reclusive geek who rarely leaves his home. Not even the greatest video game in existence could make you feel as happy as this one truth does.

It feels like hours, but the kiss only lasts mere seconds. Pinkie soon withdraws her head before too long, staring at you with half-lidded eyes.

“Surprise...” she whispers.

“Wow...” you reply almost breathlessly. You are quite certain you have some sort of goofy expression on your face right now.

“Hee hee, you look really silly right now,” says Pinkie, confirming your suspicions. “So, what did you think? Was it really good?”

“It was...amazing,” you say.

“Yeah, I knew you’d like it,” Pinkie replies matter-of-factly.

“So...can we do that again?”

“Of course not!”


“We gotta take care of you first, silly!” Pinkie playfully nudges your head, one of the few spots on you that doesn’t hurt.

“Oh. Right. My injuries...” you chuckle a little at your own forgetfulness. Pinkie’s kiss had almost made you completely forget how incredibly sore you feel. “Yeah, I should probably do something about them.”

“Well, don’t you worry a thing! I got a first-aid kit back at Sugarcube Corner that’ll get you all bandaged up, just like a mummy...or a daddy!”

“Sounds like a plan,” you reply. You slowly take a step forward, only to immediately buckle when you feel a sharp pain in your hoof.

“Ah!” you hiss out loud. Something tells you that putting any more weight on that hoof would be a bad idea.

“Uh oh! Here, lemme help you with that!” says Pinkie. In an instant, she moves to your side, reaching under your torso and pulling the sore limb over her neck. “There! Now let’s go get you patched up!” she says once her face is back at your eye-level.

“Thank you,” you reply meekly. In a moment of shyness, your gaze drifts towards the ground.

It’s at this point that you finally notice a key change in Pinkie’s appearance.

“...Grey?” you ask about the change of color in Pinkie’s socks.

“Oh, yeah, about that...” She nervously laughs, “Dashie got me right after I fired the cannon...”

“But...” Your confused look turns to one of horror as you piece things together. “If they’re grey, then that means...”



“...And once again, I wish to thank all of you for making Ponyville’s first official game of Ponies Versus Monsters a huge success!”

The mayor’s voice slowly becomes audible as you and Pinkie make your way to the edge of the crowd at the town hall. Even from the rear, the smell of sweat is especially prevalent. All the players show signs of being worn out from the game; some pant to get control of their breath, others are covered in dirt and even a few scrapes, but all carry a smile on their face, happy to have been part of the game.

Your trip to Sugarcube Corner to get yourself patched up forced the two of you to miss out on the last few minutes of the game. The actual bandaging process took up a surprisingly little amount of time. You were prepared to head back to the game when Pinkie’s stomach grumbled, making her declare “Cupcake time!” and immediately set out whipping up a batch. The ensuing meal left you with a full stomach and more than a few good conversations with Pinkie, so all in all you consider it well worth the time spent.

“And now, for the final results!” says the mayor. “Both sides played a marvelous game, but alas, only one pony managed to last the entire game without being tagged, making him the game’s sole winner! Everypony please give a round of applause for the first winner of Ponyville PvM...Caesar Salad!”

All at once, the crowd erupts into a thunderous applause, with ponies eagerly clopping their hooves on the ground, and some even throwing out wolf whistles. You spot the green unicorn being nudged up onto the stage, his face wide open in surprise and disbelief and his body relatively unscathed from his launch from the cannon.

“I...I won?” He says as a medal magically glides through the air (courtesy of Twilight), coming to rest around his neck. He stares at the medal in wonder.

“Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!”

The crowd’s applause grows into a chant of his name. That seems a bit excessive, you think to yourself...but it was an intense game, I guess.

“I won...” you barely make out Caesar’s voice over the crowd’s chants. He stares at the mass of ponies in a manner not too different from you when you see an ad for a new game in the newspaper. Sure enough, his expression changes from amazement to excitement as he finally comes to terms with his victory. “I-I won! I really won!” he now shouts with a wide grin on his face.

“Heh, I guess you were right, Pinkie,” you speak up.

“Huh?” Pinkie turns to you. She had been cheering right with the crowd when you spoke up. “About what?”

“Your Pinkie Sense,” you explain as you turn from Caesar to her. “It told you that as long as you aimed for the cafe, everything would turn out okay.”

“But you ended up getting really hurt and losing the game,” says Pinkie with an arched eyebrow, “Doesn’t sound like a very honest Pinkie Sense to me.”

“That is true...but hey, if it wasn’t for that accident, I wouldn’t have such a good marefriend to look after my wounds now.”

“Well, I guess you’re right about that...” Pinkie’s curious expression fades back into her usual cheerful grin. “You know, this almost sounds like one of those stories that my friend Rarity likes to read all the time. I’ll bet she’d be real happy to hear a story like this. Maybe we could tell her about it sometime to help brighten up her day?”

“Uhhh, if you want to...” you reply, your eyes shifting left and right. You want to think Pinkie’s joking like usual, but her sincere smile seems to suggest otherwise.

“In fact...” Pinkie’s eyes lower halfway, and she leans closer to you. “We could try giving you my present again real quick just so we know how to describe it to her later.”

“...If you want to...” you reply, your cheeks starting to grow warm while your heart pumps faster. Are we really gonna...in public? you think, glad that Pinkie doesn’t possess the ability to read minds.


You and Pinkie both snap away from each other and turn your head to the source of the raspy voice. It’s the blue pegasus from before, her socks now colored in the standard PvM orange, and the rope around her midsection removed. I guess it’ll have to wait until later, you think through a toothy smile.

“I’ve been looking for you guys,” Rainbow says as she walks closer to both of you. Her eyes open slightly wider when she spots all the bandages and bruises on you. “Oh, wow, that landing did a number on you, didn’t it?”

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” you reply, “I’m just gonna be real sore for a while. It’s a good thing Pinkie found me when she did before it could’ve gotten worse.”

“Yeah, about that...” Rainbow glances off to the side while bringing a hoof to the back of her head. “Listen, I found Pinkie lying on the side of the wall when the safe zones disappeared and sort of ran in and tagged her without thinking. I didn’t even notice that Pinkie’s party cannon was peeled like a banana.”

“What, really?” you reply. Looks like you were too big to fit in the cannon after all.

“Yeah, and then Pinkie came to and ran off before I could get any answers out of her.” Rainbow’s eyes drift away again, and her voice falters for a second. “...I guess, what I’m trying to say is...I’m sorry that I didn’t try to help you out. I totally would have been there if I knew what happened.”

“That’s okay, Dashie!” says Pinkie. “I know you would’ve helped if you knew. I was so worried about my friend that I ran off without thinking about asking others for help.” She turns from her cyan friend to you. “I guess we both have something to apologize for, then.”

“And I forgive both of you.” You offer a warm smile to the two mares. “If not for the two of you, this game wouldn’t have even been have as exciting.”

“No kidding,” says Rainbow, her frown slowly growing into a smile. “I mean, I still can’t believe it, myself. A cannon! I thought I was the super-competitive one around here, but that’s like something right out of a Daring Do book! Only Pinkie would come up with something that crazy.”

“Yeah, even I think that idea was just a little too crazy, even for me,” says Pinkie, “But I’ll bet the readers really got a kick out of all this.”

“...Readers?” You ask.

“You don’t wanna know, trust me.” Rainbow shakes her head. “Well, I’m gonna take off now. I haven’t used my wings for hours, and they could use the stretching.”

With this, Rainbow turns around and promptly stretches her wings wide. Thanks to your exposure to some of the gaming subculture in Equestria, you can’t stop a certain guttural thought popping into your head, even if just for a split second.

“Bye, Dashie!” Pinkie does not appear to have this problem as she waves at her friend.

“Catch ya later!” Dash yells as she takes to the skies in no particular direction.

Pinkie sure has interesting friends, you think to yourself...although not as interesting as Pinkie herself. You can’t resist smiling to yourself a little at just how lucky you are.

“So, what do we do now?” you ask the pink mare, who was now finished waving at her long-gone friend.

“That’s easy!” she responds, raising her hooves skyward “It’s time for us to throw a super-special ‘End of Ponies Versus Monsters’ party!”

“Sounds good,” you reply, “But...isn’t the party cannon a wreck now?”

Pinkie gasps at your words and immediately drops down to all four hooves again. “You’re right!” she says, her body frantically shifting as fast as her mind races. “That means I’m gonna have to be quick to get this party started soon! I’ll need to whip up the party food first! Oh, and then get all the paper cups and punch and stuff, so everypony have something to eat and drink off of! I need balloons and streamers too, so everypony knows it’s a party! And confetti! Lots of confetti! I need scissors! Sixty-one!”

“Whoa, whoa, calm down!” You reach your hooves and somehow grab Pinkie at her shoulders in mid-flail. “You don’t have to do all the planning by yourself. I can help put the party together too, you know.”

“But your injuries...” says Pinkie.

“Just don’t put me on anything that requires heavy-lifting,” you say half-jokingly.

For a second, Pinkie looks unsure of what to do, but she soon finds her smile again. “Okay, I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you again.”

“Pinkie promise?” you ask.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly,” she replies, lifting up a hoof to go through the accompanying motions.

“Alright, then.” You take your hooves off Pinkie and place them back at your side. “So what’s the plan?”

“First we go back to Sugarcube Corner so we can whip up all the treats for everypony! Come on!” Before you can get another word in, Pinkie rushes off in the direction of the sweets shop. A second passes, and she promptly returns to your side, her cheeks carrying a different shade of pink than the rest of her face.

“Heh-heh, almost forgot that you probably shouldn’t run with those bandages on,” she explains.

It’s at this point that you feel something warm and slightly ticklish wrap around your tail. You twitch a little at first before you finally piece things together: you and Pinkie are now holding tails.

“Well, then,” you say, certain that you are blushing heavily now. “Shall we?”

“You first,” is all she replies.

Leading the way, you step off towards Sugarcube Corner with the bubbly pink mare closely by your side, her warm coat brushing against yours, tails intertwined with each other, smiles adorning both your lips. You don’t even make it halfway when a thought more uplifting and comforting than anything you have have felt hits you:

You have not just made a friend who likes you for who you are. You have found love.


Note: You now have a thing for giant games of tag and Pinkie Pie.

Wait, that’s all?

Well, yeah. Why?

But that’s so bland and boring. Nopony will find that clever or funny!

Well, I was kinda going for like an anti-humor approach. You know, sometimes unfunny things can be funny in themselves...

...Yeah, might wanna leave the end notes to the professionals here.

...How do you even type with hooves?

Same way that gamer pony plays video games with them, why?

...Forget I asked.

Okey-doke, then! Oh, by the way, great job on beating the show’s writers to that gag about me really having to take a pi-