• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 17th

Pearple Prose

"A cheeky idiot tweedling around the moors." ~ Aragon || Avatar by Aragon and Mousse


"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius

Another day, another dawn, another morning. For Celestia, time is a road that goes on past the horizon. But she will endure.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Personally I don't think this needs the Sad tag, but the sadness is there somewhat. This is one of the better Celestia Introspection fics I have seen, you didn't go into angstfests that I normally see, and the quote makes it so much better. You did good with this, thus as Admin of Protect Celestia add this the my group for all members to enjoy.

2672035 Thanks! I was worried that it would end up being too emo-angst, so I'm relieved that you think I did a good job.

I've seen angstfests and emotality fics, this is nowhere as bad those.

Cool little short :heart:

Ermahgerd. :fluttercry: D'awwwwww overload *Heart a-splodes*

Ahh. Now this was sweet. Can't say I have much to say about it, but I'll shoot.

Celestia's characterization was brilliant. Though the fandom has seen this 'trope' many a time before, this one is more visceral by far. I particularly liked the 'stuffing herself with cake' bit. At the very least, your Celestia brings out more realism. Her desire for a normal life-- while a bit boring--is palpable.

I did have one, tiny, little problem with it.

Luna's dishonorable mention. Don't get me wrong; I knew exactly what you were aiming for. It's rare--for me, at least--to see Celestia dutifully ignore her shame with eons of well-practiced fraudulence. But, come on. Come ON! This is Luna we're talking about here! Sure, this was Celestia's story, but you'd think she'd wonder if her own sister could feel 'alive' while cooped up in that godforsaken Rock!

**Huff*... *Puff*

All in all, it was pretty solid. Enough to keep me grounded, and drawn to the character involved. As usual, nice work.


2672084 hey, some of those are pretty dang good. It's all about the execution.

After the third one I get very annoyed at them. It's tiresome to see the same thing, over and over. Don't get me wrong there are ones that are good, and yes I do think Celestia would have her angst moments but in the end she would continue on and look forward to the dawn of a new day, new hopes, new dreams, and new ponies.

2673447 well naturally. I'd be interested in a story, like some of the stories of Twilicorn that have sprung up recently, that portray her as never forgetting her friends, loves and family, but still accepting the ache of their loss and seeing the good they brought into her life. To me that's a far more touching tragedy than a never ending sorrow at grievances and loss.

I would love to read those, I just at times can't get past the summaries, cover art, and tags. One can only take so much Emortality fics.

2673578 I tend to read some fluffy Twilestia between those. Especially ones where they're both immortal. :twilightblush::heart::trollestia:

Yeah people tend to forget that Twilight would have someone that is in the same boat as her

2674796 as well as having Cadance, Spike and Luna. Heck the fans who write angsty Twilicorn stories rarely care about Twilight's actual feelings about losing her friends. Many of them don't even care about Twilight at all (and a number of them out and out hate her). What they really care about is fixing or pointing out the "mistakes" the creators and writers have made so canon works the way they want it to.

Bingo, a reason why I can't stand most of them. I don't help that the main writer added her two cents and made things even more wonky. Do I think Twilight will outlive her friends, yes but she will never forget them nor will she angst about it because those five will come back as spirits to give Twi the kick in the flank she needs.

2674833 I prefer to think in a more secular way that she will always be influenced by and connected to the families of her friends, never forgetting the joys they shared or the lives they lived, and never being overwhelmed by her grief. Using her pain to strengthen her drive to make the world a better, brighter place for those who live in it. You know, something moving and profound as opposed to self-pitying and ungrateful.

pretty pro pear, you'd better keep it up for Mr V. :trixieshiftright:

2675627 I take that to mean you've actually read this then?

*psst* Hanoi Keith :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

2675755 indeed, slightly douchey teacher would be proud. If he existed yet.

Impressive piece, I liked the added philosophy pieces. I think the sadness was well paced and didn't go over board while clearly painting a picture of someone who is so utterly sick of their duties but who would never abandon them being frustrated, isolated, sad and bored. One thing I especially liked was that it didn't go to far into "it sucks to live forever" story type which I will freely admit to loathing.

This seemed far more like someone who was trapped in a life they had grown to resent but who wouldn't leave it. Plus you managed to portray her job as one frustrating enough that her own desires and frustrations were very relatable. I really liked the subtle background details as well as Celestia's perspective on her subjects and how they treated her, it really helped bring the perspective to light.

And the ending with Twilight was just magnificent. Though, at risk of having misunderstood, it seems odd for Celestia to cry or even get a bruise form something like that, but that's just me.

Your works are always such a joy to read!:twilightsmile::heart:


Hehe, thanks :twilightsmile:

I should probably get off my arse and write more.

3030262 That's how I feel about life:twilightoops: I should probably be doing homework now:twilightsheepish:

I... This fell kind of flat for me. Because it doesn't really resolve anything. Just when Celestia is about to have an epiphany of some sort, Twilight bursts in, and Celestia instantly rejoices in having her student to teach. But she still has all the usual shit she has to deal with, and she hasn't dealt with her feelings regarding her routine, just repressed them again. I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm certainly not going to downvote it, but, idk, it just didn't ring with me, you dig?


Yeah, good point. There are a lot of things I should have done better with this story. Thanks for the great comment!

Aww, the ending is so sweet and cute! I love it!! :D

Beautifully done.

This is a really god story:rainbowkiss:


Awesome, really really good job

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