• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,077 Views, 470 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 44 - The Encounter (Not Rewritten)

Chapter 44 - The Encounter

*Third Person P.O.V.*

Trixie very quickly and quietly made her way out of the caves where Sombra kept the human child captive. She felt bad she couldn’t free him from the magic crystal walls that concealed him, but she knew Sombra’s magic was stronger than hers. If the Alicorn Amulet didn’t corrupt the user when worn, then surely that would’ve been enough, but no, she had to go and alert Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

As she exited the dark cave, she quickly descended the mountain. She was lucky to stay on Sombra’s tail while he was taking Joshua into the caverns, but now she would have to navigate the cavern again when she came back with Twilight Sparkle and her fellow Element companions. She would only hope that they would let her explain herself, considering what happened in Ponyville the last time she was there.

After she got down to the foot of the mountain, the Crystal Empire could be seen a few miles away. It was night time and she had to hurry and relay her message. She quickly sped up her gallop. She didn’t have to go far as she saw Prince Shining Armor in the distance with guards nearby.

“Your highness!” she called out. Shining Armor looked up to see Trixie rushing towards him, but he didn’t know it was her because her black cloak was concealing her face.

“Who are you? I’m busy trying to locate my nephew,” he said briskly.

“Yes, I am here with information regarding the human child,” she said, “I was visiting your wonderful kingdom when I spotted a black shadow flying through the air. I followed it up into the mountains and into a cave at the top of one. I then saw the shadow deposit the human child into one of his crystal prisons. I couldn’t free him because my magic isn’t strong enough, but I did get important information from him: Sombra will be attacking the Empire at some point tomorrow.”

“That demon hasn’t harmed Joshua at all, has he?” Shining pressed.

“Not from what I could see,” Trixie said, “I know which cave the young child is inside, you have to trust me your highness.”

“Very well,” Shining said, “My sister and her friends should be along very soon with the Elements of Harmony to rescue him. I’ll point them in your direction.” Shining gathered up the guards he brought with him and hurried back to the Empire. Trixie hurried back to the foot of the mountain the held the cave where the child was.

*Twilight’s P.O.V.*

It was early morning when we arrived at the Crystal Empire train station. As soon as the train stopped, all six of us exited the train. We then ran through the streets to the castle. Shining Armor and Cadance were waiting with my nephew.

“Shining Armor! Cadance!” I said running up to them.

“Twily!” Shining said, “I have good news! We know where Joshua is! There was a unicorn mare in the mountains up north and she saw Sombra enter a cave at the top of one! She’s waiting for you all at the foot of the mountain where Joshua’s held captive.”

“Thanks big brother!” I said quickly hugging him, “Let’s go girls!”

“Be careful Twilight!” Cadance called out to me as we ran to the mountains.

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. The cave floor was very hard and uncomfortable. I really hope Trixie got to my Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance in time.

“About time you’ve woken up.”

Sombra was right behind me. I didn’t want to look at him, he was too scary to look at, so I didn’t turn around or say anything.

“Nothing to say, child?” he asked me, “I’m surprised. Most of the crystal ponies I enslaved back then put up more resistance.” I still said nothing. “You think your so called family will come and save you don't you?"

"They are my family," I said, "They love me."

"Love?" Sombra said, "Don't make me laugh. You think they love you. If they did, they wouldn't have let me capture you that easily. You’re going to be staying right here while I take back what’s mine.” He turned into a shadow and left the cave. I tried not to believe what he said, but those words hurt.

Trixie, I thought to myself, I hope you made it to Uncle Shining in time.

*Twilight’s P.O.V.*

It was getting colder as we reached the mountain. Suddenly, the sky got darker. Fluttershy screeched in terror. King Sombra appeared from a dark shadow in front of us. I furrowed my brows in deep anger when I saw him.

“Well, well, well,” he said, “The angry mother bird shows up.”

“Angry is right!” I yelled at him, “You’ve got some nerve kidnapping a young child like that!!!”

“I’ll gladly let him go if your fellow princesses give up Equestria to me.”

“Fat chance!” Rainbow said charging him. Sombra turned into a shadow just before Rainbow reached him. He then rematerialized further away from us.

“Very well then,” he said lighting his horn, “If you’ll stand in my way, then I’ll have to AAUUUGGH!!!” Something suddenly struck his behind, making him turn his horn off.

“Back away from them foul stallion!” said a voice that sounded familiar. I looked back and saw a pony with a black cloak over her face, and back, reaching down below the knees of her light blue hooves. Sombra looked behind him, furious.

“Who dares strike my flank?!” he yelled.

“It is I!” the mare said pulling back her hood, “The Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!! Turn back while you can Sombra, and return that human child to his adoptive mother, or face the wrath of Trixie and the Elements of Harmony!”

“NEVER!” Sombra exclaimed turning into a shadow and heading toward the mountains.

“Trixie!” I said, “Are you the one who Shining said knew where my Joshua is?!”

“I am Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie said, “Now follow Trixie, all of you, before Sombra takes your child somewhere else!” She started running toward the mountain where Sombra went to, with us hot on her hooves.

Hold on Joshua! I’m almost there!

We soon got to the mouth of a cave.

“The child is captive inside this cave!” Trixie said pointing at it, “Now go! Trixie will make sure Sombra doesn’t get out!”

“Let’s go y’all!” Applejack said.

“Be prepared to explain yourself when we get back Trixie!” I heard Rainbow say, “I expect answers!”

“Rainbow darling, not now! Joshua is in there, probably scared to death!” Rarity said. The six of us hurried inside to go after Sombra. The cave was filled with red and green fiery lanterns as we went along. I pulled out ahead of even Rainbow Dash as we went along.

“Twilight! Slow down!” Rainbow called to me.

“I can’t Rainbow!” I called back, “My son needs me!” I quickened my gallop faster than I ever had before. The others were soon too far behind, but I could tell I was close. “Joshua!!! Are you there?!?!?!” I called out.

“Mommy?!” I heard Joshua’s voice call back, “Is that you?!”

“HOLD ON JOSHUA!!!” I called to him, “I’m coming!!!”

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

Mommy was coming!!! She was almost here!!! At the mouth of the cave, I saw a purple light coming. It was Mommy’s magic!!! I shook my hands to make my magic light up to let Mommy know where I was and that she was close! Then Mommy came in at the entrance, wearing her crown.

“Joshua?!” she called looking around the cave for me, “Are you here?!”

“Mommy!!!” I called back reaching a hand out of the crystal wall I was behind, “I’m over here!!!” I felt tears stinging at my eyes when I saw Mommy running to me. I saw tears in her eyes too.

“Joshua!” she said, “Thank goodness you’re alright!” She wrapped her hoof around my hand and held it. “Don’t worry, the others will be here soon! We’ll get you out of there!”

“What about Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance and cousin Guard?!” I asked her, “Sombra said he was going after them and the crystal ponies!”

“Trixie managed to make him turn around,” she said, “Where is he?! I have a few choice words to give AAAHHH!!!!”

“NO!!! MOMMY!!” She was hit away from me by red magic.

“Hooves off my prisoner!”

King Sombra was standing right in front of me, blocking Mommy from me. I was really scared right now. Mommy was lying on the ground hurt, and I couldn’t help her. Just then, Mommy’s hair started waving. Her horn glowed white and not purple. A circle of fire appeared around her. She then got back up on all four of her hooves.

“What is this?” Sombra asked.

I knew what it was. Mommy told me about this. She was going into...


Fire exploded where Mom was standing and she was screaming really loudly. Sombra and I blocked our eyes from the bright light. When it went down. Mom was still standing there, but she looked different. Her coat was white, her mane and tail turned into flames, her eyes were red, and her cutie mark disappeared.

“HE IS NOT YOUR PRISONER!!!” Mommy yelled, “HE’S MY SON!!!”

Mommy had turned on her rage shift. I looked up at Sombra and he was still smiling.

“Well,” he said, “this should be interesting.” He lit his horn and a weapon appeared next to him. Mommy lit her horn and a fire sword appeared in front of her. They were going to fight!

“Be careful Mommy!” I said looking on. Mommy jumped at Sombra, and he jumped at her. Their weapons made a loud clang noise. They landed on the ground and slid to a stop, Mommy fired some magic at Sombra with her horn, and it hit him. He yelled as it hurt him. Sombra swung his weapon at Mommy, but Mommy blocked it.

“LET MY SON GO!!!” Mommy yelled at him.

“He is essential to my plans for taking over Equestria!” Sombra said, “If you surrender now, I’ll let him and you go peacefully!”


They kept fighting for a very long time. After the fight, Sombra was lying on the ground, breathing hard, and his weapon disappeared. Mommy was near the entrance of the cave as her rage shift ended and her sword disappeared. I heard running hooves coming from behind Mommy and saw Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie coming in, all of them wearing their Elements of Harmony necklaces.

“GIRLS!” Mommy said, “FORMATION! NOW!!!”

They all stood up straight as the Elements of Harmony started glowing, and Mommy and her friends started floating in the air. King Sombra opened his eyes and saw what was happening.

“What?!” he said, “No! NO!!! STOP!!!”

Mommy and her friends didn’t stop. They opened their eyes and they were all white. A rainbow shot out of the Elements and came down on Sombra, but Sombra shot magic from his horn at the rainbow.

“I will not be beaten this easily!!!” he yelled.

“Come on Mommy!” I called to her, “You can do it!!!”

Author's Note:

Once again, CLIFFHANGER!!! :pinkiegasp: But luckily for you all, I'm releasing the next chapter along with this one! :pinkiehappy:

Also, you do not piss off Twilight like that, or else you get to suffer the wrath of her rage shift. :twilightoops:

The Encounter is composed by Yoko Shimomura.

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