Just something I came up with during the start of Season Two, well before the Nightmare Night was announced, hoping that Luna would somehow help with handling Discord.

This is a one-shot so there won't be anymore to it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Good idea.

Amazing story. The plot so far is good. and i ALSO was hoping for luna to get a part in defeating discord.:raritycry:

overall, cool story bro. (insert meme here)

bronies- because all of us, is better than none of us:heart:

You know, it really is too bad that Luna wasnt a big part in the show itself, your idea for Luna was very neat. Hopefully, Hasbro gives Luna a bigger role.

There are a few run-on sentences and the dialogue is a bit stilted in places, but this would serve as a good introduction to a battle scene. I like that something integral was missing when Luna was NMM, as it can substitute for the common (fannon) theory that she was possessed by something (whereas yours in more cannonically aligned). Given that she's locked in her room at the moment and not describing any physical actions she's taking while monologuing, I think this story would benefit from a frame. Perhaps you could treat it like a journal entry (introduction/date of entry/signature/etc) in order to make the most of a brief exposit.

Finally got around to reading this.

Short, but sweet. Keeping in with her character as one that works 'behind the scenes' as it were. Shame there isn't more, but still good.

Kind of wished something like this had happen in the show.
Like with Luna still having something connected with the elements so she can truly redeem herself to make up for the 1000 years of being sent away to the moon for the Nightmare Moon mess. Like making up for a 1000 years of causing Celestia to be burdened with protecting Equestria all alone pretty much.
Like by being a big help during times of crisis.
But nope, the writers instead shaft/nerf her like they do to her sister(and usually Cadance if she is involved too) or not let her be involved at all, at times of huge crisis.(Yeah, I know she and Celestia might have helped at times but I feel like those times are outweighed by the amount of times they ended up being "useless" that the fandom claims them to be).

Just wished they had Luna have a big hand(er.. hoof) more in times of crisis much more often. Like I said, to make up for Celestia having to protect Equestria on her own for a 1000 years. Like its now Luna's turn to help protect Equestria(in this case, helping the Mane 6 more directly).

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