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Fire Soul

Ah...it's good to write.

Comments ( 368 )

good chapter, and scary filly is scary...

sheesh, fillies these days...
anyway nice chapter!

Okay not nyx.....and what's up with twilight? Loving the suspense just hope that strider is okay, he should be due to plot protection but......

worth the wait hope you update again soon can't to find out what happens next :heart::twilightsmile:

Damn, Fluttershy knows her psychology shit! :yay:

That is a cruel, cruel cliffhanger. Good job.
A good, and very interesting chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Aaaaand Strider gets his ass kicked. :facehoof:

Oh well. Let's see what happens next :)

Twilight is all like
"Fuck im high"

strider, You stupid git :facehoof:

Know what the best part is? Some bronies think that Strider's a very Gary Stu-ish character, or at least they thought he was, because he can do incantations in his head instead of having to speak them. It's just EASIER to speak them because that requires less mental focus. And yet, he's not the only one that can do that, he was just one of the first in his squad. :rainbowlaugh:

Plot armor isn't as strong on OCs. Remember, he had shards of his RIBCAGE fly all the way out his back, with plenty more lodged in his heart and lungs. Combined with his severed wing, and potential nerve damage in his neck and spine, he might never walk or fly again, even if he DOES live. And even if he DOES recover, he is clearly not going to be an active player in this story anymore, short of any mention of Dashie visiting him in the hospital.

Now the BIG question: Is this Nightmare a piece of Nightmare Moon that got ripped out of Luna, or is it a seprate entity that TURNED Luna into Nightmare Moon?

...finally, does `Tia have any Nightmare Dusk protocols set up, or will she be flying by the seat of her throne? :trollestia:

....What? No, no parts of his ribs went flying out his back. :twilightoops: Just the force of the backlashing spell. That's what sent him flying in the first place! Trust me, if he'd gotten THAT injured, I would've written in some comments or thoughts about how he can't feel most of his body, not that he's in utterly agonizing pain. Nor did any of it reach his heart, just his lungs.

Ok, so unless he drowns in his own blood (A very real posability, but unlikely due to this being fiction), that leaves his laserated lungs (which will leave him bed ridden for a month and change, at LEAST), head and neck trama (Probbably overstated, given Feeling Pinkie Keen), a detached ribcage, a "Tenderized" leg (years of physical therapy PLUS however long it takes for it to heal correctly, if it even CAN), and one severed wing (which, unless they can get it reattached fast enough AND get it to heal right AND put in MORE physical therapy, could leave him grounded for the rest of his life).

...yah, I think it is safe to say that the poor guy isn't going to be an active part of any more action sequences in this fic. To bad, really. I actually quite liked him.

At least i'm not the only one who felt the story actually killing Strider... The things you've written would be quite extreme even for a fic like "one way" where they have ghost ponies who can heal themselves from about anything... I think you overdid this even if you want to kill Strider. But if not, this is seriously too much. If you took just 20% of this you would die.

And this is not the only problem with this battle scene. Twilight's doing nothing but some shields, and Rainbow Dash The Element of Loyalty and the lover of Strider doing NOTHING?! What the hay?! She just watches her friends fight their worst battle in their life? This is completely out of character.

Still i'm looking forward for the next chapter, and i meant this to be "constructive criticism", i don't know how well i succeeded with that :)

You're talking about these injuries as if magic can't heal them well enough to allow him to recover within a couple of months and get back into active duty. Not to mention that he's still plenty capable of using the magic he's learned until he does, though he WILL take quite some time to fully recover. Also, his wing was severed, but it's not like it was ripped off at the base or left detached for hours on end, though he'll likely be grounded even longer than it'll take for him to get walking once more. On top of that, an equine's body has a lot more muscle mass than a human's, so his neck is fine, though he's probably got a headache from Hell, given the concussion.

Twilight was HORRIFIED, and didn't know what to do. Strider told her to cover him, and she did as best she could, but her magic couldn't hold up against those stabbing tendrils. Rainbow Dash was moving into position to do something, but never got the chance before he was thoroughly trounced. Aside from that, they're only powerful when all six of the Elements are together, not apart. What did you expect Rainbow Dash to do? Get herself killed? Being sensible in the face of terror and death is not out of character. As for the battle and Strider's injuries being overdone, that's the consequence of the Paring Shield. It's a very dangerous spell just as much as it is useful in a pinch.

137488 That is exactly what I thought

shit just got real! :pinkiegasp:
keep it comming!!!!

Oh shit.....:pinkiegasp:

Well that was one hell of a fight!

Hmm, I've read some of the comments about Strider and his injuries and I think people are jumping the gun a bit early about commenting on it and how it will affect him throughout the story. People are already counting him out without giving the author a chance to put out the next chapter, which would conclude this little situation here. I'm just nervous that a "magic wand" will be waved and everything will be "set right." Some consequences need to come from sustaining those huge injuries, but I'll just have to wait to see how the author is going to handle this.

Have a good one.

Thank you, NightCore. I'm glad somepony seems to realize that we're dealing with a setting shrouded in a whole lot of magic. That doesn't mean he's going to insta-recover, trust me, he's horribly injured for a reason. Magic just means that he'll recover....eventually.

Well that, undoubtedly, is the most brutal ass kicking I've ever read. You KNOW Strider's not gonna be moving for a while. Kinda spoiled future chapters for myself when I read the comments, but still great story, keep it up!

I wouldn't mind having stories like this animated or made into a comic. It would awesome.

Huzzah! Brutal was exactly what I was going for! I'm glad I got that across. Actually, now that I think ahead....wow, Strider's on the receiving end of a LOT of beatings. I wonder why my subconscious hates him so?

been waitin' a long time for this one
thank ya kindly:ajsmug::eeyup:

More than welcome, Chapter 10's being worked on right this moment!

137488 HA! I KNEW I wasn't the only one who thought that!

"...the whole thing all at once, the whole thing in your mouth, don't bite into it."
I have a horrible, warped, perverted mind:facehoof:

What in the world am I missing here? And I've noticed that a lot of people seem to be reminded of Nyx. I can't really help that, considering what Nyx was and what the Nightmare is similar to.

142701 bwhhahahahhahahaha your not the only one

FIre Soul, y u so sexy~

Poor Strider. :fluttercry:

Aww Scy, y u flatter me so~. <3
Yeah, Strider kinda got trounced pretty soundly, didn't he? :unsuresweetie:

:flutterrage:BUCKING CLIFFHANGERS:flutterrage:
BTW Nice chapter.

All I can say is:
Hot damn.
Can't wait for more, Fire!

Sorry 'bout that! I know, I'm such a bucking jerk for these cliffhangers. I B TROLLIN :rainbowwild:

Glad to hear that you approve! Keep on reading, it only gets deeper and deeper from here, with plenty more Wind Strider, the other three of Luna's personal guards that serve alongside Strider, and lots of stuff involving the Mane Six, Sweet Apple Acres, the Nightmare and plenty of shipping drama! Not to mention Twilight's issues....

ok, 1 question..

i know youre going for quallity, but did you really need this long to make a new chapter? i forgot about it already :applejackunsure:
also there are people saying cliffhanger, but since i dont know what is it... can somepony tell me this?

dont get me wrong, its a really nice story and a really nice chapter, i just think the waiting time was rediculous

Considering the Christmas season got hectic for me, and I just had one epic bout of writer's block combined with quite a few new games to distract me, no, I didn't need this much time to put out a new chapter, but I took that much time because I simply couldn't sit myself down and write it. I don't need to try really hard to get my usual writing quality, and my ability to just sit down and write is coming back now that lots of those distractions are less distracting. You just gotta remember, things get in the way sometimes. Besides, have you ever tried writing a chapter a week? Doesn't sound rough, but when your hobby begins to feel like work....

As for the cliffhanger everypony's talking about, they're referring to Wind Strider's grievous injuries, and whether or not he'll survive them even remotely intact, I believe.


i see. its not that i dont admire your work, and i understand things get in the way and all, but you failed in something lost of people fail in:


i have serveral story's in my watchlist that havent seen activity for a long time. and for most i dont know if the autors are still working on it.

best regards,


'Fail' would imply that I simply haven't updated at all. I had some blog posts during that time trying to explain my position with the writing, and that issue is no longer the case. That's a very strong word to use to describe a story going on an unintended hiatus for only a month and a half.

So, in a nutshell, Strider broke almost every bone above the belt, and a few below.
Just...damn. He sure got fucked up... :rainbowderp:

Also, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE NIGHTMARE? :flutterrage::trixieshiftleft:

Mwee-hee-hee-hee! I try my best. :twilightblush:

Comment posted by Fire Soul deleted Aug 21st, 2014

Tracking! This is awesome. Great and origional plot. And Strider is a boss. A name like Aragorn, a body like Boromir lol. But yeah, keep it up man, I'm really enjoying this. Cheers! You have my support.

By Celestia....can....can it be?! Somepony that likes Wind Strider?!


Heh, just kidding. :twilightblush: I'm glad you like his character though, you should've seen some of the comments about him when he was first unveiled, readers seemed to hate him!

What can I say, he sticks to his own moral code, protects those around him and does all of this while maintaining a professional demeanor towards his duties as the princess' guard. I like him as he isnt stuck up, arrogant or rediculouly pridefull. To me he's an honest guy, (stallion), just doing what he can to make the best of the situation. Also, he's awesome with his runic magic.

He's also not the only one that can do the Runic Magic he's skilled with, he's just a deep thinker and a logical pony. He doesn't lose his cool and keeps calm even in the most dire situations. Because of this, he's one of the few users of that form of magic that can do the incantations in his head, rather than speaking them.

That said, you'll be meeting the other three that are just as skilled, if not more skilled than he is, in the same position, in the next chapter. :pinkiehappy: Especially Valkyre, since she's a Unicorn and already inclined to be naturally gifted at magic.

Awesome! I look forward to it. Cool name by the way. I presume they're in Luna's guard too, not Celestias. Don't tell me, I want it all to be a surprise! But yeah, and to be honest, I like how you've portrayed all of the characters, even Twi with her depression/rage. It's putting her in a situation new to the readers and I think it comes across really well, a change in mind, a change in behaviour; it seems natural, which is a good thing!

A change in one's mindset is nice only if it is a welcome change and one that they made by their own choice: Twilight's issues are being forced upon her, she doesn't LIKE being how she is right now. But, I'm glad you like how I'm portraying them all, I'm just using my common sense and knowledge of the show. :pinkiehappy:

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