• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 11,863 Views, 614 Comments

Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night - Jetto

Six stallions must use all their willpower in order to harness powers of Elements of Harmony and stop Nightmare Moon from casting an everlasting night.

  • ...

20. Because it wasn't awkward enough

Everything was just right- the sun was shining brightly, but not blindingly so. The sky was almost crystal clear, aside from those few stray clouds, which didn't detract from the moment in the slightest. The grass was green and soft, just perfect for lying around on your back and doing nothing, just relaxing, with his head lying on a set of warm hooves, with one more carefully and gently stroking his mane. She was just like he remembered- light shade of pink, long blonde mane which reflected the sun, bright smile and caring eyes. He was also there, a white unicorn with perfectly kept mane, almost spitting image of his offspring, gently nuzzling his wife as they all enjoyed the weather. Together.

"It's a dream, isn't it?" asked Prince. Much to his surprise, the stroking did not stop, neither did the smiles.

"Yes, it is." his mother answered calmly.

"Then... it's all in my head?"


"So, none of this is real?" he asked calmly. He took a deep sigh "I just collapsed from exhaustion and all of this... is just in my imagination, right? Figures. But this is what I wanted, right? To see you two, together... alive. So I wouldn't feel lonely again, for at least a little bit. But..."

It took a lot of willpower to force himself to stand up and separate himself from the two.

"... I realize just now, that I'm not lonely. Not anymore. I never really was. I mean, auntie Celestia is always busy, what with all the kingdom to rule, but she did all she could. I need to go back and apologize! And I also made a promise to my friends. So, you know, I can't stay anymore and, and... I'm talking to my imagination!" he facehooved.

All things considered, it still felt good to get it out of his system. He turned to invisible stairs, leading right into the sun itself. He couldn't ask himself questions like why were there stairs and how he knew it. Dreams are dreams, they make no sense by definition.

"So, I gotta go now!" he took the first step and stopped. He could still go back, stay a little while longer. Nopony would blame him for that. Nopony would even know.

"Just go," Prince's eyes widened as he heard his mother speak. He turned around to see her just sitting there, holding hooves with her husband "we have all the eternity ahead of us. We can wait."

Prince froze in place and just stared. His father nodded to him.
"Go. And don't try to come back too soon."

Prince nodded in confusion and turned to the stairs once again... then took a sharp turn and ran towards the pair, throwing himself on them with a tight, tender hug. Maybe this was just his imagination. But to hell with that, he can do anything he wants in his own dreams. And there was one thing he wanted to say for a long time.


Actually, two things.

"I love you!"

"We love you too, sweetie."

Once again, he forced himself away, quickly wiped his tears and rushed towards the stairs, not allowing himself too look back anymore.

"Time sure flies when you're not around," Duke Blueblood sighed, then smiled at his wife "He has your eyes..."

"...and your everything else," she smiled and leaned her head on his shoulders, as they both observed their son climbing through the sun. As Prince got close and closer, the light started hurting his eyes more and more, but he didn't mind, he just closed his eyes and rushed forward.

When he finally opened his eyes, slowly and lazily, the light was still there. Everything else in his surroundings was alien to him. For one, he missed the comfortable grass, unlike this bed. His parents made a better pillow then those designed to be such. But even so, he was just content with lying on his back, staring into the white ceiling. Then, his gaze slowly shifted towards the open window, where curtains waved and danced from the wind, as sun shined through them. He looked further right and couldn't help but open his mouth at the sight.

Flowers, lots of them, of many colors, filling the room with gentle, appetizing aroma. Gift cards saying "Get Well Soon". Small chocolate boxes. Few baskets with fruits sticking out of them and even airtight box with four muffins. And weirdest of all, two wooden frames, both with crude, childish, yet charming at the same time, drawings of some sort of white monster with yellow hat, smiling like a murderous maniac.

"Those two are from Dinky and Rumble," a soft voice said in between munching something "that was the least they could do."

Prince quickly turned around and froze as he witnessed one pony he wanted to see the most. She was eating a banana.

"I helped myself to a few, I hope you don't mi--" Princess Celestia couldn't finish her sentence, or even her banana which she dropped on the floor after getting surprise tackle hugged by her nephew. She sighed at the wasted snack and wrapped her wing around Prince Blueblood.

"I'm sorry!" he muttered "I'm so sorry!"

Princess giggled "It's just one banana..."

"N-no, I meant..."

"I know," she nuzzled his cheek "And I'm sorry too. For all I said, back then... I," she looked back and sighed "I should have known better then to force my ideals at you."

"No, You just wanted my best... even if I didn't." his head lowered. Princess raised his chin with a hoof.

"That is all in the past. You more then made up for your mistakes. What do you say we forgive each other and go back to the way we were before?" Prince looked into her eyes, but soon after started tearing again, before throwing himself with a hug once again "I'll take that as 'yes'."

Their tender moment was interrupted with a sudden, garbling noise coming from nopony other then Prince Blueblood himself, who had a sudden realization. He hasn't eaten in days and his stomach was not happy about it.

They rolled their eyes and laughed. Prince got back to bed, although reluctantly. He wasn't tired or injured, as if nothing happened. Even his hair was in perfect shape, no sign of charred remains from a certain almost deadly explosion. Princess Celestia levitated a single, giant apple from one of the baskets and broke it into several smaller pieces, disintegrating the inedible parts into nothingness. She conjured a small, ceramic plate, on which she placed all the slices of apple, except one, which slowly flew towards Prince.

"Here's comes a mailmare!" she cooed happily.

Prince rolled his eyes and averted his face.
"Auntie, I can feed myself."

The apple slice stopped mid-air. Celestia didn't say anything, but slowly lowered her head and gazed at the bed.
"Oh, right... I forgot," she gave a big sigh "how foals grow up quickly. Then they don't need you anymore. Leave the nest, forget about good, old, useless aunt..." as she kept talking, her mane gradually lost colors, losing it's rainbow pallet in favor of simple pink. Prince Blueblood knew she was trying to trick him. He knew she was just acting. And yet, he groaned and chomped the floating apple, chewed it thoroughly and swallowed.
As expected, she immediately regained her colors and smile. If Princess Celestia wants something, she gets it, even if by cheap tricks.



Prince looked at the amused face of his aunt and decided that if this little humiliation would help humor her, he would allow it. That, and he was really hungry and couldn't say no to a sweet apple flying straight into his mouth, even if it made him feel like a foal again. But pride aside, why was that a bad idea again?

"What happened to my friends?"

Princess took another slice of apple.
"They are all fine. The Elements of Harmony healed your bodies completely," which explained why his hair was intact, for which he grateful "but in your case, damage was as much physical, as mental, there was only so much Elements could do."

"The sixth element," he ate the apple and continued "What is it, exactly?"

"Magic," Celestia quickly replied and took another slice of apple "friendship, unity, quintessence, Core, root of creation, power of bonds... and many other names were used to describe it, none coming even close. But quite honestly, there isn't much to know about it, you have to FEEL it. And from what I heard, there were many feels."

"Yup," he nodded and ate another apple “I'm sure that isn't a proper sentence."

Princess shrugged "Works for me," another apple from the basket got sliced and diced magically "as long as nopony from press finds out. I don't need another 'Princess is acting silly' article, thank you very much!"

"Like that time when somepony took a photo during 'cake time'?"

Princess groaned "I would like that smart-flank pony to know, that raising the sun is more tiring then it looks! Just because I don't sweat or even blink when I move a giant ball of fire, doesn't make it light...no pun intended. I need those extra calories to keep my figure the way it is!" she sighed again took a bite of an apple herself "I mean, nopony is praising me for giving not just one or two, but FIVE well paid jobs to bakers from all around the Equestria. Or for hosting variety of pastry related events with generous prizes coming out of my PRIVATE pocket money. Or the annual 'Cake for Everypony' charity events, but nooo... all they ever say is 'Princess is a glutton!'"

Now that's the aunt he knew and loved. A frustrated, middle aged (counted in thousands) mare with small problems. And he might be the only one to witness this side other. He never gave it much, but if he wasn't there, what would she do? Would there be another pony she could rant to? Somepony she could have regular, equal to equal conversations with?
Maybe his life was more important then he thought.

"Yeah," he nodded "besides, if you didn't eat those cakes, then what? You'd turn into a walking skeleton!"

"Exactly!" she exclaimed happily "And nopony wants their leader to be a zombie pony! Except maybe in Tartarus."

The urge to ask his aunt about inner politics or fashion sense in Tartarus was thankfully subdued.
"Let's be honest, auntie, Canterlot ponies would probably take that as the new fashion."

"Oh heavens, no! I can barely watch those poor models these days, all skin and bones. I might be a wrong pony to judge, but when I see one of them, my first instinct is to offer them a sandwich!"

"You truly are the kindest of mares."

"That's what they say."

There was a short pause. Slowly, their smiles grew wider, until they couldn't contain it anymore and let out a long, loud, healthy laughter. They weren't even sure what was so funny anymore, but couldn't stop regardless. It was way too long since they enjoyed a moment like that. No business, no duties, no work, just spending time together, eating fruits and talking about nonsense.
With his mood fixed and starvation turned into simple hunger, Prince realized that he still had a lot of questions to ask. One of them was especially overdue.

"By the way, where am I, exactly? And how long was I out?"

"Room 203, Ponyville Hospital," she calmly answered, as she continued feeding him with more apples "You have been sleeping for about 40 hours."

He really shouldn’t be surprised. Even with Elements of Harmony healing his wounds, he expected to learn that he was in coma for years. It was hard to believe it even happened in the first place, yet here he was. If his aunt wasn't here herself, he might have still thought that this was all a honey-induced dream.

"And Nightmare Moon? Is she really gone?"

The apple stopped in midair. Prince looked at his aunt, as she stared blankly into the window, but eventually turned to him and smiled weakly.
"Yes, she is gone for good," she hummed, then stood up and put the apples on a table "I would like you to meet somepony. I'll be right back."

They nodded to each other and Princess was gone behind the door, slowly shutting it as to not cause a noise. Prince sighed and concentrated on ceiling once again.

"By the way nephew," before the door shut completely, Princess slid her head inside "your dream, just now. How was it?"

Prince raised an eyebrow at the odd question, but answered regardless.
"It was... good. No, actually it was perfect. I can tell you about it, if you want."

"No. That's all I needed to know." and then she was gone again. Prince once again sighed and looked at the ceiling, wondering, when the door opened once again. His aunts head stuck out once again. This time she only glowed her horn and levitated a single banana from one of the baskets.

"What?" she asked her glaring nephew, as she peeled it away. He just shook his head and snorted as she disappeared again, this time for longer.

Prince lost the track of time before she came back. He spent it by glaring aimlessly at the walls, decaying paint on the walls and a butterfly that flew inside the room, but soon after left, not interested in anything inside. He couldn't blame it. Then, he shuffled through the gift cards. As he expected, they were from his new friends, although Macintosh sent one for the entire Apple family, curiously signed only by himself, Applejack, Applebloom and Granny Smith, no Oranges or any other members he remembered or forgot. Among the good news, Blossomforth, Spitfire and other petrified ponies were cured once the sun rose from the sky. The muffins were from, who else, Ditzy Doo, with added 'Thanks for taking care of my Doctor'. And she was plenty grateful, because they were delicious. Common food or not, his taste buds couldn't care less. That came from a mare he almost seduced (not entirely his fault) and then publicly insulted (that was). He gladly took her gratitude as punishment and devoured all the muffins. Except one, which he saved for his aunt.

Princess Celestia came back just as Prince was about to take a bite of some of the roses, out of sheer boredom more then hunger. She opened the door wide and stood right next to them, making way for somepony else.
"Come on, don't be afraid."

Prince gulped. He couldn't even begin to guess who could that be, but he felt his/her presence even from here. The feeling was... strange, to say the least. The presence was powerful, tense and great, yet at the same time subdued and timid. She walked inside very slowly, first revealing a dark blue horn, longer then most unicorns, but not quite as much as Celestia's. Then, he saw her short, but well groomed hair of similar color as her mane, all darker shade of purple. He couldn't quite concentrate on her face, because as she went further he noticed a pair of wings. His eyes widened. An alicorn? And finally his jaw dropped once he saw her flank, cutie mark to be precise. It was the same one, he remembered clearly. He was looking at her, but did not dare to speak the name. Why was she here? And why was his aunt so calm about it? And most importantly... why was she so small?

Sure, compared to most ponies she was about the normal size, roughly his own size, but next to Celestia she was tiny. Gone was the animosity, hatred and pride, instead what he witnessed was fear, though not the same one she displayed before getting struck by elements. And most importantly, shame.

"Dear nephew, I would like you to meet somepony very dear to me. I though I lost her forever, but thanks to you and your friends, I am happy to have her at my side once again. Please welcome my little sister, Luna."

Luna. He heard that name before. Everypony knew her, but hardly anypony spoke of anymore. Celestia's sister was long thought to be gone, though the circumstances of her disappearance were unknown... until now. Nightmare Moon's words echoed in his head. All of it suddenly made more sense. Luna averted her eyes from Prince, probably realizing that he recognized her at first glance. Celestia walked to Luna and pushed her forward.

"Go on, Lulu."

Princess Luna squealed, reminding him of his encounter with Fluttershy. Just like the pegasus mare, Luna seemed lost and scared beyond any comprehension, though he could understand her a little bit more. It's not easy facing somepony you recently tried to corrupt and kill.

"W-we..." she started, shifting her eyes around "... I-I mean, I... I..." she knelt and almost exploded with tears "I'M SORRY! I'm so, so sorry for... everything I did!" all of a sudden, any last shreds of fear Prince Blueblood had, were gone. That wasn't Nightmare Moon.
"I have no excuse for myself or any of my actions. I don't expect you to ever forgive me,"

"I forgive you."

"but I just wanted to let you know that... that..." she paused to raise her head "huh?"

"I forgive you. You shouldn't bow to me, Princess."


"I won't repeat myself," he crossed his hooves and looked away "stand up. It's not suited for a Princess to bow before her subjects."

Luna did slowly stood up, more out of surprise and intimidation then reason.
"How can you just forgive me like that?" she asked, no longer stuttering "After all I have done, all those atrocities..."

"...were committed by Nightmare Moon!" Prince interrupted "Which I, along with my friends, destroyed. She is no more. Her crimes are not yours and that's that!"

If Luna tried to say anything else, she couldn't, as Celestia put a hoof on her back, startling her.
"We do not say you are without a fault here, Lulu. But so am I. Past one thousand years I had to live with my greatest regret, which was not being able to save you. Now that you're back, I only wish for us to be together again. As rulers. As sisters." and as an emphasis, she nuzzled her sister gently, which she accepted, if reluctantly.

Seeing two sisters together, reunited, helped him realize few things. For one, he was jealous. Up until this point, the only one who received so much intimacy from Celestia, was himself. But seeing as his aunt was happier then ever before, he let that one slide. And two, which was a lot weirder once he gave it a thought, Luna was... his aunt. Now that one thing would take a while to get used to, but he wasn't against it.

Two Princesses stayed in the hospital room for a while more, but Luna didn't speak anymore, instead letting Prince up to date on everything that happened so far... which was a grand total of nothing interesting. Except the part about keeping the existence of Elements the secret, as well as identities of their bearers and connections between Luna and Nightmare Moon, at least for now. Other element bearers were already informed of it too. Before they made their exit, Luna turned to her sister.

"Umm, I would like to talk with Prince Blueblood for a while. In private, if you don't mind."

Celestia hummed at the request. She looked over at her nephew, also confused. He considered his answer carefully. As much as he warmed up to his new aunt, there was a possibility that this was all just act and she just waited for a moment to strike. All it took was a single moment and he, along with his element, would be gone for good. But...

"I don't mind."

...it was about time he started trusting others.

Celestia nodded and left the room, leaving only Prince, Luna and awkward silence behind. They stared at each other for a good while, their stares being interrupted only by occasional blinking. Prince started shifting in his bed, half expecting her to burst into dark flames and incinerate him alive, with no friends or elements to protect him anymore. Or maybe she was reading his mind again? He half considered thinking about naughty stuff to see her reaction, when she finally spoke.

"Why," she said with much more intense tone then before, spooking Prince as he sat "did you forgive me so easily?"

Prince blinked "Huh?"

"My sister can't hear us anymore, so you can be honest with me. If what you said was influenced by her presence, then you may speak truth now. I won't be mad."

"I... still don't understand what you mean."

Luna groaned, closed her eyes and massaged her head, before exhaling and once again facing her confused new nephew.
"We kidnapped Princess Celestia,"

"Nightmare Moon did, not you!"

"I turned ponies to stone," she continued "made you go through Everfree forest, tried to kill and corrupt you on many occasions. I do not believe anypony would be able to just forgive such crimes so easily!"

Prince blinked and sighed. So that's what it was about.

"What happened back then, one thousand years ago, when I waged war against my sister and got banished... that wasn't just Nightmare Moon. She isn't just a shadow entity that took over me. She was me, yet also another at the same time. And what happened back then and later, that was me as well. You of all ponies should be able to tell. Why forgive such monster?"

Now it was his turn to get annoyed and angry.
"Oh, so you just admitted to being a monster, did you?" he asked "Then why bother with talking to me? Nopony is around, this is the best shot you have at me!"

Luna stepped back "Wh-what are you..."

"I can teleport out of this room, gather my team and blast you again! Sure, it will hurt aunt Celestia, but she'll understand."

"N-no, don't!"

"Don't what? Ruin your plans again?"

"N-no, I-I mean, I'm not going to..."

"And how am I supposed to trust you? You turned your back on her once!"

"I don't want to hurt her anymore, or anypony else..."

"Then what are we even talking about?"

"I... just..."

"Do you want me to forgive you or not?"

"Y-yes, but..."

"BUT WHAT? What's your problem?"


The conversation stopped. Once the echo passed, the only sounds that could be heard in the room, were two heartbeats, one only slightly slower then the other, both beating like crazy. And sobbing coming from a Princess.

"Ever since I returned, all I ever encountered from other ponies was kindness, as if nothing ever happened! My sister can't stop telling everypony how happy she is! Royal guards stop and salute me, like I'm their ruler! And even your friends, after all they suffered, all forgave me without second thought. But worst of all, are commoners, who worship me! ME! They are deceived by not knowing the truth, that what once wanted to rule them with iron hoof, now is their new object of adoration. I... I can't stand this!"

Any doubts left were gone. Prince Blueblood had no more reservations or contempt left. He was, annoyed, but for entirely different reasons.
"Would you rather if they hated you?" he asked. As expected, she didn't have an answer, but judging by her staring into the floor, it wasn't hard to tell what she felt. Prince sighed. He was about to hate himself.

"Then go back to the moon, see if I care!" his sudden outburst caught her attention "Do you have any idea what my aunt, your sister, has been through because of you? She puts up a strong front, but I heard her sobbing every now and then, and I didn't even know why, until today. I can't even imagine how she felt one thousand years ago, all because you threw a big hissy fit. Because ponies didn't like my night, they slept through it... WELL DUH! That's what night is for! What, you wanted ponies across the world to sleep through the day instead? And would that turn Celestia into evil tyrant instead? How would YOU feel if you had to banish your own sister, your only family, to the sun, huh? Well? Would you get a nephew and his motley crew to save you via elements instead?


"And now that you're back, instead of being happy to be free again, all you do is whine! Oh no, look at me, they love me even though I'm such a bad pony! Gah, give me a break!"

Some anvils had to be dropped and this one hit them both. He really hated saying all those things, especially seeing her reaction. She wasn't angry, she didn't leave, instead listened, while glaring at the floor. She probably also cried, but that was to be expected. He went too far, but it was necessary.
Princess Celestia saw her little sister back as a blessing and couldn't hide it. Other ponies were confused, but welcomed the idea of another alicorn princess in the kingdom.
Prince Blueblood saw a foal. A very guilty foal that did something bad and had nopony to confess it to. She wanted to be scolded. And he, her nephew, hundreds of thousands years younger, was the only pony who could do it. This is what every parent feels when they scold their child.

"Look," he started once again, averting his eyes from the miserable picture of what was supposed to be the ruler of the night "I'm not going to pretend to know how you feel, or think, or what you've been through all those years, or how you became who you were... but what you once said, back in the Everfree forest, is true."
Luna slightly rose her head, now revealing her reddened eyes and moist cheeks. As if he couldn't feel any worse now.
"We are alike. I also though I didn't deserve friendship. And while I still think that's true, I also realized one more thing, just before the elements materialized," he paused to finally look at Luna "THEY deserve better. Yet they chose me, of all ponies. I don't know about you, but I decided."

He smiled and looked outside the window, where sun was back and as beautiful as ever.
"Now that I know what friendship feels like, elements or not, I don't ever want to lose it. I'll earn it, if it's the last thing I do."

For once, Princess Luna finally smiled, weakly as it was.
"That is a noble goal. But I'm afraid my crimes heavily outweighs yours."

"So is your lifespan," replied Prince "we both have a long way to go, but the sooner we start, the sooner we'll be able to feel better."

"I'm not sure if I can. What if I become Nightmare Moon again?"

"Then I'll gather the elements and blast you again," he answered with a grin "so please don't! I don't ever want to do that again."

"Neither do I."

Pause. After a moment of awkward tension, they allowed themselves to snort and smile. This was about the closest they could get to laughter as they could afford. It might be a while until they go together to a baseball match, but it was a progress.

"Thank you for... everything," Luna bowed and turned to the door "I should be going now."
Prince nodded nervously. He looked at the side of his drawers, at a small, airtight box.


Luna turned to Prince once again, but her sight was blocked by a levitating object. It smelled like chocolate. Amazing, that she could tell what chocolate smelled like, after all these years. She grabbed the pastry by her own magic.

"A single muffin won't solve your problems," Prince said, but was interrupted mid sentence.

"...but it won't make them worse." finished Luna, as she smiled at the little muffin before her nose. Prince had no idea muffins were even a thing thousand year ago, but just shrugged it away. Luna continued "A certain pony once said that to me."

"Sounds like somepony I know." Prince hummed.

"Keep that pony close. He'll be a valuable friend."

"They all are."

They stood there for a few more seconds, before Luna finally shook her head and turned to the doors again.

"See you later, aunt Luna."

She stopped midway. She turned and nodded.
"Yes, I'll see you later... n-nephew."

Once she was gone, Prince let out a deep sigh. This was quite possibly one of the most awkward conversations he ever had. Probably only second to his meeting with Soarin. And the train cry-pology (a word he made up, and he felt terrible). And his entire drug-induced episode. And his dark self. And his fight with aunt. And that marshmallow fashionista he'd rather forget.
Come to think of it, his life was full of weird conversations. All of them happened in Ponyville. And Everfree. Technically, one was in train on route to Ponyville, but who cares at this point?

The door opened once again and another friendly face entered the room.
"Hey." said Shining Armor, waving.

"Hey." replied Prince, also waving.

And then silence begun. All this talk about friendship, starting a new life, making amends. And here he was, unable to start a conversation with his (ex?) bodyguard, element of loyalty. To be fair, neither was he, as they both just stood or sat there, nervously shifting their eyes.

"So," Shining started "I heard you were awake. From Princess."

"Yup. I am."

"Cool," pause, blink "How do you feel?"

"Good, I guess. A bit sore. You?"

"Okay, I guess."


All that was missing were crickets to make this scene even more uncomfortable. Prince looked around the room to find anything to start a conversation about. Maybe the cards, or flowers, or offer him a muffin? No, he just gave last one away, carelessly getting rid of the best icebreaker he had. Note to self- keep muffins around for emergency awkwardness. Why was friendship so hard?

"Umm, wanna go for a walk?" asked Shining Armor. Prince blinked.

"Sure. I could use exercise after 40 hours of sleep." he stretched his hooves, only now realizing how sore they were. He slowly sat on the edge of the bed and prepared to get off.

"You need help?" asked Shining, slowly trotting to the bed. Prince hoofwaved.

"No, it's fine. I can get of by mysEEELF!" SMACK!

Pain. Just when you think you forgot how it feels, karma serves you with another batch for future reference. Prince cursed to himself, as he slowly lifted himself from the floor.

"Are you okay?" asked Shining Armor, offering his helping hoof. For once, Prince accepted it and stood on all four, massaging his plot.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just slipped on..." he levitated the hostile object to himself and couldn't help but groan.

"Is that a banana peel?"

Prince grumbled "Thanks auntie..."

"Is something bothering you, sister?" asked Luna, seeing her bigger sister lost in her thoughts.

"I feel as if I forgot something, but I can't remember... oh well, if it's important it'll come back to me. But more importantly Lulu, where did you get that muffin?"

"Your... our nephew gave it to me."

Princess raised an eyebrow. So little time passed and they're already this close to each other? She was starting to feel slightly jealous. But only a little.
"A single muffin won't solve your problems," Celestia started.

"...but it won't make them worse." Luna ended. They shared a smile.

"So, did you tell him?" Celestia asked, as they walked towards the exit "About the dream you gave him?"

"No. I'm just glad he liked it. That's all I need to know."

They smiled at each other and resumed the walk. Along the way, Luna took a single bite from the muffin. Judging from the smile on her face, Celestia could tell that she enjoyed it. She watched as Luna took small bites, savoring all the mouth watering sweetness and aroma of chocolate. Luna noticed Celestia.

"Umm, would you like a-"

"I thought you'll never ask!"

The conversation wasn't nearly as riveting after leaving the room, but at least the environment was changing. The hospital in Ponyville was about as he remembered it- normal. Even better, it was almost empty, with corridors filled with nurses chatting around corners, doctors walking around and few and relatively healthy patients waiting in the hall. Boring, but the alternative was a bunch of sick ponies, so they couldn't complain.

Prince held a hoof at his eyes, blocking the sun that attacked him once they left the building. Hopefully he won't be bothered by any nurses for leaving his room.
"I still can't believe it all happened."


"And all of this because one unicorn punched me." he quickly turned to Shining Armor "DON'T you dare apologizing again, okay?"

"Okay, fine," Shiny rolled his eyes "and technically, it was the second punch that nailed the coffin."

"You punched more then one noble that day?"

"No..." he gulped and scratched his head. Prince's glares didn't helped "I might have kinda sorta implied that I would punch Princess Celestia too... under certain circumstances only, of course."

Prince paused. He wasn't surprised in the slightest but couldn't help but deadpan anyway.
"How were you even allowed to be a guard?"

"Volunteer work and weekly therapy sessions." he answered flatly, looking away.

"Forget I asked."

"About what?" he asked with a smug smile. Prince raised an eyebrow. Was he just being snappy?

"But really, that punch," Prince continued "changed our lives forever. Without it, I would probably never meet you."

"And nopony would ever try that weird old medicine on you, so you'd spend the entire day in hospital, without the happy drug."

"I would never flirt with Ditzy and meet Doctor."

"And if I wasn't there, you'd never be able to talk to Fluttershy and Soarin would either crash into her... or ground."

"Not sure which one's worse."

"And then there's the whole Everfree thing..." Shining Armor added with a big grin on his face. A grin which was surprisingly contagious.

"Avalanche." Prince started.


"Dream eating ghost."

"Stephen Magnet." Shining Armor hummed "Do you think we'll ever see him again?"

"Not unless he walks out of Everfree forest, because I'm never going back. Ever. Under no circumstances."


"By the way, what happened to you guys when you fell into the canyon?"

Shining Armor suddenly paused and looked into the ground. Prince noticed a great regret in his friend's eyes.
"Umm, you don't have to talk about it."

Shining Armor waited for a moment, before raising his head and confessing.
"I killed a giant, talking, carnivorous cabbage that captured and tried to eat us." he calmly explained. Prince wasn't sure how to react.

"If it's any consolation, I spent all that time talking with Nightmare Moon. I almost fell for her tricks," he snorted "your death helped me see through her tricks and figure out some of her weaknesses, so... thanks, I guess."

"You're... welcome, I guess."

Awkward pause.

"So," Shining continued, scratching his head "Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna. That's something."

"Tell me about it."

"I mean, I never imagined that Nightmare Moon, of all ponies, would turn out to be..."

"Small? Nice? Sister of Celestia?"

"...cute." Shining finished, covering with blush.

"Cute?" Prince asked.

"Cute." Shining confirmed.

On one hoof, he wanted to berate his bodyguard/friend for talking like that about his new Princess, his aunt to boot, even if he was right. But on the other, this seemed like a good opportunity.
"Ah, I see how it is. Lusting over your new ruler like that? Shame on you!"

"W-what? NO! I'm not lusting over Princess Luna!"

"Oh really now? Then what was that comment before about?"

"You know, she's cute, but not cute-hot, uhm..." he stuttered, his face becoming all shades of red "you know, like Fluttershy!"

"Fluttershy..." Prince hummed, observing his sweating, nervous friend. This was too much fun to stop "So you like the small, frail ones. Figures. Big, strong knight and his little princess. Like in a fairy tale!" he snorted. Shining Armor flailed his hooves around and blushed like crazy.

"N-no, it's not like that!"

"I'm not going to complain about Fluttershy, but are you trying to hit on my aunt?"

"No, I'm not... w-wait, aunt?"

"Yes. Celestia is my (non-blood related) aunt. Which makes Luna, her sister, my aunt as well."

"Okay... that's going to take some getting used to."

"Tell ME about it."

With another conversation derailed, two stallions once again fell silent. At least the weather was great, with hot sunny day only better with slight, cool breezes. Which didn't help their conversation skills at all, aside from possible weather conversation. Which they both avoided.

"You know," Shining Armor started again "I've been thinking..."

"Oh no..."

"I still can't get over the fact that I punched you that time..."

"If you say sorry one more time, I'm teleporting back to my bed!"

"So," he turned to Prince and looked him deep in his eyes "punch me!"

Prince blinked "What?"

"It'll make us even. Punch me, as hard as you can, right here!" his hoof pointed to his nose.

"What? NO!" Prince stepped back, but was soon followed.

"I want that incident behind us!"

"I'm not going to punch you!"

"I INSIST!" Shining pushed forward...

"I REFUSE!" while Prince turned around and started marching away...

"JUST PUNCH ME AND GET THIS OVER WITH!" march turned into trot...

"STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" and then into full on gallop.

"PUNCH ME, PLEASE!" he shouted nicely, as they passed a patient on a wheelchair...

"NO, THANK YOU!" along with Nurse Redheart.

Doctor Stable went outside of his office to check on the ruckus that was disturbing his paperwork. He witnessed two adult, white unicorn stallions chasing each other on the yard behind the hospital, one yelling at the other, asking for a punch, while other refused just as loudly.
"Nurse, is there a logical explanation to this?"

"Maybe," she shook her head "but heck if I know it."

"I suppose you don't know either?" he turned to the patient.

"WHOOF, WHOOF!" answered the blue coated mare.

Even though they disturbed the peace of the entire hospital area, nopony dared to stop them. It was a fairly amusing spectacle and most ponies present were awed by sheer absurdity of it. Until...

"I-I... c-can't...b-breathe..." Prince panted his way through last lap, until he finally stopped and fell on his belly, sweating madly "...time, let-let... let me take... a break..."

To his credit, Shining Armor stopped and no longer bugged his exhausted friend. Exhausted after what most guards called 'one fifth of the pre-warm-up'. He was probably still weakened after his sleep.
"You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," he paused to let his heartbeat stabilize "I'm not used to this much activity."

"Right..." Shining scratched his head "...so, about that punch..."

"Oh for heaven's sake, will you cut it out already?"

"Not until we're even."

"We saved each others plots multiple times back in Everfree. We ARE even."

"What happened in Everfree, stays there."

Prince raised his hoof as he was about to respond, but... couldn't. That was actually a very good point, he couldn't argue with it.
"I'm still not going to..."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not a brainless, giant brute who solves all his problems with vio-..." he cut short once his brain helped him register meaning of the words he just said. And what effect it had on the other unicorn, whose face slowly soured, as he slowly lowered his gaze towards the ground. And now his hooves were shaking, which could mean only one thing. And Prince did not want to see a crying stallion again.

"OKAY, FINE!" he finally yelled, attracting Shining’s attention "I'll punch you!" Shining Armor smiled weakly "But only once! No more!" Shining gladly nodded and smiled brightly, as he stood straight and proudly presented his nose, waiting for the strike with anticipation.

Meanwhile, Doctor Stable and Redheart enjoyed the bizarre show from the distance.
"What is this, I don't even..." Doctor Stable facehooved.

"Stallions..." Redheart shook her head, as she awaited with a first aid kit.


Of all the things that happened over past few days, this might not be the most ridiculous moment... but it was close. Top 5, he guessed. Maybe even 4. 3. But if punching him meant earning his trust and strengthening their bond, then he would smack his new friend. It still felt wrong. First shouting at Luna, now this... how is this his new life? He was pretty sure there was nothing about hurting his friends in any books about friendship.

Except the part that says 'DON'T'.


Shining Armor felt a hoof. He stepped back and opened his eyes. No doubts about it, Prince Blueblood still had his hoof extended and breathing heavily. Heavier then him, at least. He put his hoof to his nose. There was blood. Some blood. A drop, maybe two. No more.
"What..." Shining said flatly "...what was that?"


"I asked for a punch."

"Well, I..."

"YOU CALL THAT A PUNCH?" he yelled, stepping forward and pushing Prince back "I call that 'a gentle nudge'! I mean, seriously, what the hay?"


"No buts! I asked you to PUNCH me, not PET me! I hug my sister harder then this!"

"W-well, I... w-wait, you what who how then what?"

"D-DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT, SOLDIER!" Shining Armor shouted, but couldn't quite shake of the blush he inflicted on himself "I asked for a true punch in the nose!"

Another awkward pause filled the atmosphere. And since they were outdoors on a sunny day, it said a lot when it overtook Celestia's great afternoon. At the very least, a doctor, few nurses, patients and some random ponies were enjoying it as well. Redheart heard several of her younger staff giggle and blush at the spectacle. And quite honestly, she couldn't take her eyes either.

"Wait..." Shining started, his eye twitched as he looked at Prince "...was that all you had?" the lack of definite answer and awkward shifting in Prince's hooves said it all "THAT was all you had?"

"Well excuuuuuse me for not lifting weights in my spare time!"

"B-but, that was the level of..."

"Okay, so I'm not very strong! Big deal! I spent most of my life lazing around, reading and sleeping, cut me some slack!"

Shining snorted "My little sister hits harder then this."

"Then tell her to smack you in my stead, you dolt!"

"Don't call me that, you snob!"

"I will call you however I please, numbskull!"





After 'who knows how long' of heated, if nonsensical debate, two unicorns finally took a well earned breather, once again going into the silence. For some reason, it didn't feel nearly as awkward as before. Was it because of the punch? Either way, the two smiled and snorted, which soon after turned into loud, healthy laughter. Several of the nurses dawwed and blushed, while everypony else just nodded in appreciation. They had little idea of what was going on, but they appreciated a good show when they saw one.

"So, are we even now?" asked Prince, after he recovered "Because I'm not punching you anymore."

"You couldn't do that properly once," Shining rolled his eyes "I won't ask you to embarrass yourself anymore."

"Why thank you kindly." Prince mumbled through his teeth. But that aside, they were both happy to have that behind them. Shining Armor coughed.

"We never introduced ourselves properly to each other, so..." he extended a hoof and offered it with a smile "my name is Shining Armor. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Prince snorted, but rolled with it anyway and extended his own hoof to bump his.
"And my name is Prince Blueblood. It's a pleasure to 'properly' meet you, Shining Armor."

The spectators dawwed again, much to two stallions obliviousness.

"Oh, wow," Shining raised and eyebrow "I think this is the first time you ever used my name!"

"I did?" Prince put a hoof to his chin and thought of all his interaction with Shining Armor. All the time it was just 'him', 'that guy', 'bodyguard', 'that idiot', but not once did he recall ever calling him by his name. To be honest, he couldn't recall even remembering it, not before they reunited in Everfree castle ruins anyway.
"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything." he shrugged.

"True. But friends can just call me Shiny."

"Okay... Shiny."

The public dawwed again, this time even louder. Few weaker hearted nurses fainted in the background. Redheart was tougher then these softies.

"So," Shiny scratched his head "should I call you by your first name too?"

"Sure, sounds fair." Prince shrugged.

"Okay then... Blue."

Prince Blueblood hissed. This brought back memories. Painful ones, making all sorts of assumptions jump into Prince's mind, delaying his response long enough to make Shining Armor significantly worried.

"Only one pony ever called me that," confessed Prince "and he turned out to be the biggest scumbag I ever met."

"So, I shouldn't?"

"No. I want you to call me that," he brightened "even if it's not my first name."

Shining Armor's head tilted "It...isn't?"

"Umm, yeah." answered slightly confused Prince, but not nearly as much as Shining Armor. Prince thought for a moment. One blink. Two. Then smile got bigger and turned into snort.
"Wait, don't tell me, you think my name is..."

"Blue Blood... right?" asked Shining, blushing as he recognized what the problem might be, while Prince was on the verge of exploding with laughter "I mean, when they introduced you, they said you were Prince Blue Blood, from... clan... Blueblood... oh..." and that was all Blue could take.


"Wait, your name is PRINCE?!" Shiny asked. Even though he fell on the grass and almost rolled over himself, Prince still managed to somehow nod "B-b-b-b-but, you're Princess' nephew! And, and you're a noble, and you're a prince and... HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!"

Prince couldn't answer his question, as he was too busy rolling on the grass and ridding his lungs of any air it had, which took a while. Shining Armor stopped talking, just sat there, embarrassed and glad his friends weren't here to hear it. Or at least, that's what he thought, but still paid no attention to the mob gathered around.
Eventually Prince ran out of air and stopped laughing, slowly getting back on his hooves while breathing slowly.
"Oh, wow, just... you, my good sir," Prince started "when it comes to hilarious incompetence, have no equals. Nopony is even CLOSE to your level."

"Yeah, yeah..." Shining crossed his hooves and looked away.

"Are you trying to tell me, that since punching me, all the way since the train, entirety of Ponyville adventure, to Everfree and later when I was asleep, you never once even known my full name?"

"S-SHUT UP!" Shining yelled, but his frustrated expression only amused Prince even more "I bet you didn't know my name either!"

"True," Prince nodded "but what do I cared? I hated everything.."

"Oh yeah? Well, I didn't care either!"



Another awkward pause.

"We're still friends?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."


Sudden shout from the crowd finally grabbed their attention. All of it and there was a lot of attention to be had. They gathered practically every single doctor (even Doctor), all the nurses, some of them happily unconscious (not Redheart though, she held on strong), most patients and even more random ponies around, creating a mob of around three dozen or so. In front were of course the other four element bearers, with Soarin being the most vocal one, though every single nurse (and then some) nodded to his idea.

“H-how long...?” asked blushing Blueblood.

“Oh, just a while,” Thunderlane hummed “since 'my sister hits me'. By the way, not cool.” he shook his head, half joking.

“N-no, that's a misunderstanding!”

“Eyup, Ah bet it is.” said Macintosh, also forcing himself to hide the huge grin “So ya two ain't kissin'?”

The reply was synchronized pretty much perfectly.
“WHAT? NO! EWW!” they yelled, then stepped away from each other and turned away, blushing.

And as much as they enjoyed it, their friends felt obligated to help them.
“Okay, you heard them, everypony,” Doctor turned to the mob “no kissing today. Show's over, nothing to watch!”

The mob groaned in disappointment and slowly dispersed, with doctors and nurses going back to their respective jobs, dragging patients and fainted nurses away, leaving only six bearers of elements alone in the yard.

“Just so you know,” said Soarin “I am one hundred percent for. As long as you two are happy, I will be too. Love and tolerance, all the way.”

“Soarin,” Prince put a hoof on his pegasi friend “I appreciate you as a friend... but say one more word, and I'll break your nose.”

“I thought you don't want to punch anypony?” asked Shining Armor.

“I'm willing to make exceptions.” he muttered through his teeth, making Soarin smile a bit less comfortably.

“Nah, it's fine,” Thunderlane said, leaning over to Shining “he won't make any damage anyway.”

The rest of the day was spent in relatively awkward-less environment. Since leaving the hospital, they didn't do anything interesting. They had a proper meal in nearby restaurant, talked about stuff and generally did nothing unusual, yet hours went by in no time and sun was already setting down. It was officially time to say goodbye, as all Canterlot ponies concluded all their business concerning Nightmare Moon incident. Prince Blueblood's business in Ponyville was done and he could now come back home. Home sweet home. To the castle he didn't like, ponies he despised, streets he had no attachment to, places he associated with bad memories.

“Is anything bothering you, nephew?” asked Princess Celestia. She was among the last ponies who left Ponyville. Unlike other officials who traveled via train, she had her own chariot, now with an additional passenger. Aside from her, only a hooffull of guard ponies remained, including Captain Blitz Shield, who kept close to his princess.

“No, not really,” Prince shrugged “it's just, now that everything is over, I have a feeling my life will become a lot duller.”

“Yes, that is a possibility,” Celestia nodded “not much evil entities trying to take over Equestria remain back in Canterlot. Some, maybe. But most of the days will be filled with boredom. Trust me, I know,” she paused “though now that Lulu is back, I guess it'll be a bit more bearable.”

“Good for you auntie,” he sighed “well, I guess Shining Armor will be back in Canterlot too, and Soarin goes all the places so he'll visit. Not to mention, I could visit Ponyville once in a while. It's just few hours of train ride anyway.”

“Speaking of which, nephew, what are your plans for future? I'm guessing this adventure gave you a few things to think about.”

Prince thought. There was no way he was going back to his old life of parties and lazying around. Friendship aside, Everfree adventures taught him just how powerless he can be, especially alone and his friends won't always be around at his every call. But more then that, he learned how useful he could be with just a single well placed spell. Something had to be done about it.

“I want to go back to school,” he said, raising his head high to match his aunts surprised eyes “I was so close to graduating, I should fix that first. Then I'll think of what else to do with my life... does that sounds good?”

Princess smiled brightly and nuzzled him gently.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me. Of course that sounds great and I'll support all your decisions from now on.”

With that said, Prince's life was taking a different turn once again. All that was left to do, was to say goodbye to them. Well, not all of them, but he would still miss those crazy guys he learned to appreciate. Even Soarin. Princess Celestia smiled brightly and unleashed her one last weapon.

“By the way nephew, did you know that we support correspondence courses?”

“Hey, where did that smile come from?” asked Doctor, as Prince soon joined them, smiling way too much for somepony who was just about to say...

“I'm staying!” he announced happily. Apparently, all it took to take correspondence courses in university, was having all the books and reference materials, along with a fairly simple spell to exchange letters with teachers, which would take about an hour to learn.

“So, I guess only I'm saying goodbye...” said Shining Armor, scratching his head. All of a sudden, other five realized that despite being element of magic, world did not revolved around just Prince Blueblood.

“Hey, you can still visit, right?” asked Thunderlane, bumping Shining Armor.

“And I'll still have to go get exams in Canterlot, we could hang out then.” Prince reassured him.

“Yeah, but still, I'll miss you guys a lot.”

The conversation was interrupted by Captain Blitz Shield, who walked to Shining Armor and cough, catching his attention. Shiny saluted.
“Sir, Private Shining Armor ready to go back to the line of duty, sir!”

“Yes Private, about that... you're still suspended.”

Shining Armor's face bleaked.

“Oh come on!” Prince protested, his claims supported by his other friends “He helped save Equestria and saved us more times then I can count! Or is being element of goddamn LOYALTY not enough to be a guard anymore?”

“He left struggling village after it was attacked by ancient evil entity,” said Blitz Shield, moving closer to all five of Shiny's friends. And despite being outnumbered, his presence pushed them back easily “ignored my order to protect civilians to go on a suicide mission without consent of any superiors and succeed only due to a massive fluke.”

“B-but, Nightmare Moon...?” Prince started, but was immediately shut down with a single glare.

“That said, Private!” he turned to Shining Armor “Due to Princess Celestia's request, you are assigned to become a private bodyguard and servant of Prince Blueblood, for the entire time of his studies, until graduation or any further notice.”

“W-what?” Shiny's eyes widened significantly. There were many cheers from his friends, most notably Prince Blueblood, even if he downplayed his emotions. He looked over at Princess Celestia, who winked at him. 'Well played, auntie!', he thought. She planned this all along and he was fine with it.

“So, this is goodbye then,” said Princess Luna, just before boarding the golden chariot of her sister “Next time we see each other, it'll be under better circumstances, I hope.”

“So do I,” Prince nodded “we both have a lot of work before us. But, if you ever wish to talk to somepony...”

“Yes, I know,” she nodded as well “Take care of yourself... nephew.”

“You too, auntie.” they stood there for a moment, deciding if it was okay to show more affection, but settled on just exchanging nods. One step a time.

After Luna sat in the chariot, there was only one thing left to do. He turned to Celestia.
“So... we'll see each other later, then?” asked Prince. Celestia nodded.

“You still need to come back to castle for your baggage. And to fill out forms in university, and pass the entrance exam once again...”

“Yeah, I know...” he rolled his eyes “Oh, and auntie, back when we talked about Ceasar...”

“Forget I said that. You are not him and I don't expect you to be like he was...”

“Actually,” he interrupted her “he sounds like a really great pony. I would like to hear some more stories about him. You know, over tea, once in a while...”

Princess smile grew tenfold, as well as her heart.
“I would love that!” she happily exclaimed. There was a short pause, before her smiled turned sour and she added “He was a klutz.”


“Ceasar, Your ancestor, was a giant klutz!” her face soured and she closed her eyes in irritation “Yes, he was smart, kind and a great pony overall, but sweet heavens, I lost track how many tea cups shattered in his hooves. He even destroyed a special unbreakable crystal cup, made for him especially... I didn't even know it was possible!” she groaned at the memory.

“He... sounds like quite a character.”

“You have no idea...”

Well, that came out of nowhere. Prince decided it was time to end this conversation, and the best way to say goodbye, was a hug, which he did. And she wrapped her wings around him as well.

“You're the best aunt ever.”

“Do me a favor, nephew,” she started while they were still together “say that again once you get to know Luna better.”

“I'll make no such promise.”

“Oh, why you little...” she shook his head with a hoof.

“What, are you getting jealous?” he asked slyly.

“No way! There's no way I'll be replaced by my little sister...” she looked away “aren't you jealous that you won't be my only close family?”

“No way! There's no way she'll ever take my spot in your heart.”

They fell silent for a moment. So it was possible to have awkward moments with Celestia as well, Prince thought.
“Okay, I am jealous,” admitted Celestia “but just a little.”

“So am I... just a bit.”

Laugh was the last thing they exchanged before un-hugging.

After both Princesses left Ponyville, it felt... quiet. Now that six bearers of elements were finally alone, there was one urgent business left to attend.

“Okay, you kept quiet for a long time,” Thunderlane turned to Soarin and wrapped his wing around his shoulders “now we can talk about that 'hunt' you kept bugging us about all this time.”

“Yeah, there's only so much time before you have to leave Ponyville,” said Doctor “when do you leave, by the way?”

Soarin hummed. His trademark smile was somewhere else, not on his face.
“We have plenty of time for that. I won't be moving from Ponyville anytime soon.”

As expected, this comment was met with five confused faces.

“They fired me,” he calmly confessed “I'm not a Wonderbolt anymore.”

Pause. Blink.


Author's Note:

So yeah, all these feels, and it was still hijacked by Soarin. Stupid sexy Soarin -_-

As you can see, this is not the end yet. One more chapter to go, hopefully less wordy then this. So much dialogue @_@ So much talking!

Also, I'm starting to like Redheart. Gotta add her to a giant list of 'who to feature next'. List is growing.

Also, in before BlueXShiny OTP.

Next up- true epilogue and teasers. Lots of teasing. Because I'm a tease.