• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 2,147 Views, 85 Comments

Twilight the science pony! - The Psychopath

Twilight teaches science with Cadence

  • ...


In the white laboratory that Twilight stood in, there were so many scientific objects. There was a...a sucky thing and this weird glass pipe that you put sciency liquids in like distilled water. There were even these weird cup things. Bescherells? Conical flasks? I don't know! I'm just the narrator.


"We apologize for the narrator. He has just been sacked."

But really. These things should be taken care of by the writers. We're not responsible for--


"We apologize once again for the narration. Those responsible for the sacking have been sacked."

Twilight stood against the counter placing Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen components together. She wore an unbuttoned lab-coat and a crazed smile on her face as she distilled, mixed, and messed around with the components.

"Let's see. C3H5N3O9...That should be good..." the lavender unicorn looked up and quickly hid the components under the counter with a nervous smile etched on her face.

"Hello colts and fillies. Today, we'll be learning how many things work, with SCIENCE!"

She continued to walk right towards the door.

"Today, I have a special guest with me today." Twilight said as she opened the door."Princess Cadence!"

Cadence looked nervously from side to side.

"Twilight, who are you talking to?"

"I'm working on something."


"I'm going to teach you how things work, with science!"

"Twilight, I really think you should--"

"WITHSCIENCE!" the mare yelled in Cadence's face.

Twilight teleported Spike onto the table and taped him in place.

"What the? Twilight! What are you doing?" Spike shouted as he struggled to get free.

The unicorn simply laughed diabolically.

"Everypony knows that dragons can breathe fire, yes? Well, how do they? It's actually pretty simple. spike, here, has a pouch near the back of his throat that creates a flammable, natural substance that ignites when he wants to breathe fire."

"Twilight, that doesn't explain--"Spike tried to say but was cut off.


"Uhhhh...Well...then how is it that when he burns something, it goes to Celestia and sometimes it doesn't?" Cadence asked.

"Uhhh...It does it...WITH SCIENCE!" Twilight threw a hoof into the air.

"But how speci--"

"I SAID SCIENCE! How DARE you defy science!"

Spike was promptly thrown out the window while Cadence was tied onto a chair.

"Now, for alicorns. They are known for their elongated lifespan and to have both horns and wings. They're also known to have bizarre things for their cutie marks. As shown...by certain...fic writers..."

Twilight crushed a vial in her hoof. The contents slithered onto the ground and ate through it, digging their way further and further into who knows where.

"Now, notice the elongated horn of the alicorn." Twilight rubbed Cadence's horn as she said.

"Twilight, you need help!"

"Nein! Iz great vork zat I do here! I vill show ze vorld how zis all vorks! The horn is also, coincidentally, made up of a substance called alicorn."

"What? But we were told it was made of--"

"SCIENCE! Science called it that way. Don't question the almighty science!"

Twilight then checked Cadence's wings and folded them open.

"Notice that, despite not being a pegasi, the alicorn is still capable of flight. This is thanks to the magic that they possess which allows for a very light body. So no matter HOW FAT they become, they'll always be light as a FEATHER!"

"Twilight! That's not something you...Wait, that's not how--"


The unicorn galloped over to a wall and pulled down a lever which ejected the table Cadence was on through the roof into who-knows where.

"Nopony has the power to question science!"

"Science asks that you show how reproduction works."

"Yes. Master." the mare answered to whomever as she slowly walked back to the table as a zombie.

"As you all know, reproduction works in mysterious ways through every species. There are some who are only female and go into a heat stroke phase where they act like a male and produce those tiny little white tadpoles to fertilize the other females. Some shoot each other with darts to inhibit the other mate's production of said SPERM. However, it's been shown several times that interspecies relationships don't work. Should we test that theory out?"

Twilight looked pensive for a moment as she rubbed the bottom of her chin. Her eyes were filled with crazed envies of testing and wanting and needing. Every morsel of her brain was working, and by working we mean "was trying to figure out what to cross together". Seriously. That was some crazy stuff going on up in that clubhouse. It's like sanity and reason weren't on the list to come in.

"Maybe Rarity and Spike would love to help with this little task."

Doing what she told herself, the unicorn mare concentrated and made both Spike, who was covered with moss and dirt land on the white tiled floor with a thud. She then brought Rarity forward and tossed her into Spike, making the confused mare scream in horror as she was covered with moss.

"Tw-TWILIGHT?! What's wrong with you?!" the unicorn scolded as she pulled Spike off her head.

The moss was pretty sticky. To resolve this problem, the lavender pony grabbed a flask and spun on a hind leg like a ballerina, only to stop and pour the yellow contents onto the two glue birds. The goop promptly melted away.

"Now let's see what happens when a pony and a dragon do it together."

"WHAT?! TWILIGHT! HOW DARE YOU--"Rarity screamed.

"Into the basement!"

"TWILIGHT DON'T!"Spike yelled in horror.

The mare simply stomped on the floor SCIENTIFICALLY and made Rarity and Spike fall into the basement WITH SCIENCE! SCIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENCE!

"Well then. We should have the results in eleven months, provided that their dna is compatible. DNA are the building blocks of all living creatures and defines what your genetics will make you look like. IT'S ALL ABOOT SCIENCE! Now, we'll see the effectiveness that different materials have in producing fire."

The mare grabbed the vial from earlier and promptly stormed out of the door and into Ponyville.

"Hey Twilight. What're you holding and why are you--"


"TWILIGHT?! What are you doing?! Have you go--"



"Leave no witnesses to the wonders of science. Kill her with some sciency stuff."

"Yes, master." Twilight blandly answered.

*Man. We're going all out with these booms*


Twilight stood atop the flaming ruins of Ponyville as science has its way with the town.

"Muahahahaah! Muhuhuhahahahaha! SCIENCE! SCIENCE! YOU ALL DOUBTED IT! YOU ALL DEFIED THE ALL MIGHTY SCIENCE! 'SPECIALLY YOU Pinkie. Tune in next week for a new episode of 'Twilight the science pony'."

Comments ( 83 )

Please, dear sir.
Do subscripts for chemical formulae where appropriate.
Having emphasis FOR SCIENCE would be appreciated.
Accent your audio cues such as a boom shall be approved.

The show was canceled just after one hour of shooting this episode. Twilight Sparkle was then sent to a mental hospital where after two hours of being left alone, hanged herself with rubber ducks.

Dear viewer,
Do you even know what that formula represents?*rages in background*


Doesn't good Google stupulate that C3H5N3O9 is that of 1,2,3-Trinitroxypropane.

(I meant only in jest, for I hath liked.)

2870867 I found it as being Nitroglycerine. I fumbled through three web pages to be sure.

Edit: And now I just checked further and found its other name being what you showed. *facepalm*

Oh....my... well spike at least gets rarity... kinda.... :rainbowderp:

2871095 She got some grape juice.

2871436 You question science?! A HERETIC! BURN HIM!

2871465 Look, please. I don't like the story. It made no sense.

2871472 It's not supposed to make sense, but it's not my choice to make you like or not like the story. To each their opinion.

"Written by The Psychopath." *insert 3 second clip of the mane six going ooooh after hearing twilight explain what BBBFF means*
And I will soon enough. But for now: I just made all pyromaniacs sad. There is only one thing in the entire universe that burns: carbon. Everything without carbon melts.

....I liked it...and I can't criticize it, WHAT HAVE YOU DONN~? AGGGGH! ITS A POTATO! ITS AFTER ME TACOS!

Potato=Come back here, scourge of my kin!


I wish I had a talking SCIENCE!!! in my head....
All I've got is a schizophrenic who likes darkness and robots :pinkiecrazy:

2875703 I like the appearance of your mech-pony.

2875708 Thanks, I let him design it

2875714 Anyways, loving your stories, keep up the good work!
For Science!

And Muffins!

2875736 Well, you've got a whole lot of mine to read. I'd recommend, seeing how much people love it, the "From man to mare" series I wrote. I'm busy with the fifth story already. Do note that I haven't really mowed over the grammar so there's certainly that pesky "dialogue glued together" thing. The first two are old stories, so they're the only ones to worry about.

2875777 Wasn't too sure about the FMTM series, so I haven't read it yet, but what I REALLY like is the Steamlord series, I've also read "The True Psychopath" + side-stories. Really funny with the Warhammer references in those by the way, spoken like a true orc! :twilightsheepish:

2875812 Orc? Wuts diz "Orc" 'ting? We'ze ORKS! Oo's dis Tolkien git anyways?

2875820 I'z da big cheef SlamJaw, anz we needz moar loot fo da WAAAAAGH!!!


2875843 Anz ya betta be quick, or I'llz smash ya wit ma boom hamma!

2875855 Ah'z gotz a supah-dakka-dakka. u'll be full o' holez like dem humies 'fore ya get ta me.

2875855 'Ang on, derz a lousy git runnin' atz ma truck...
"Ey! Wutz ya doin' back der! I'mz talkin' ova' er'!"
*Sounds of bolters loading*
"Soz you wan' a wagh ey? Well ima getz back der an teach you a..
*Bolter rounds impacting a skull*
Unknown: "Another ork scum down by the hand of the emperor sir" Unknown 2: "Good, now clean up this mess and wait for that other one to show up"

2875907 Oo's dat? Iz dat a 'ard boy? Ya humie gitz. Imma crump yaz when ah getz ta where ya iz!

Space Marine: "Sir, this radio is still active, they've been listening in on us."
Force Commander: "Those ork scum are getting trickier by the day, call down the dreadnoughts!"
*Commander talks into radio*
"And you better bring everything you've got, scum."

2875932 So Ah've got tah bring me Mega Stompahs?

2875948 *Radio disconnected*
Force Commander: "Alright, move the whirlwinds up onto that ridge along with the sniper teams, and get those tanks into position so our brothers will have artillery support!"
Librarian: "Commander Nitus, our tech marine brethren have reestablished contact through the comm relay, they have also pinpointed the current location of the other ork battalion."
Force Commander: "Good, now inform the assault squadron that they need to sharpen their battle claws."
Librarian: "Right away, sir."

2875979 ( You do know what a Mega-Stompa is, right?)

2875986 (I'm a bit rusty with the orks, especially since I keep them on the receiving end of a bolter) :twilightsheepish:
(But unfortunately, yes..... :twilightoops:)

2876015 (So you know that the only thing capable of rivaling it is the Emperor-class titan, which most certainly wouldn't be available to such common ruffians.)

2876023 (Hey, you're getting my men's hopes and dreams shot to pieces with those statements, at least let them THINK that they're going to win, or at some crazy point something, such as the Imperial Armada, shows up to deal with the problem. :raritywink:)

2876056 Have you ever decided to write a Warhammer story before? I think that with what just went down you could make one both equally awesome and comedic, if that's even possible with Warhammer, but what the hay, Pinkie can't be the ONLY one to break through the barrier of the 4th (and more) dimension.

2881125 SCIENCE! Let M.O.D.O.K. expain:

This story need a sequel, because after all, It's SCIENCE! Usually when I want to do something for science I bake a cake though, and sometimes cupcakes :pinkiecrazy:

2930701 I see you changed your prof pivk JUST FOR SUCH AN OCCASION.:coolphoto:

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