• Member Since 16th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


British, Brony, plays vidjya garmez. Also ships ponies, because reasons. Twilight and Luna are tied for Best Princess.


Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been marefriends for a year now and they couldn't be happier. So why does Applejack seem worried one evening after the two have shared a wonderful picnic?

Written for the 2013 AppleDash contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

This story is so sweet:heart:

I'm loving these contests, they truly bring out some amazing writers.

that was beautiful :heart::fluttercry:

Very beautiful. Well done :)

ok this has given me cavities it was so sweet.
I loved it.

:pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile: / 5

Hmm. I'm welling up over here. This has never happened before.

Simple, powerful, wonderful... Beautiful :)

Consarnit, AJ, will you get to the poi... Oh. :O

awwwww :heart: I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry :fluttercry: darn it :fluttercry:
:pinkiehappy: great story

I like this entry. It's simple, sweet, and portrays the romance pretty well. I also like the different approach you took for this contest. It makes the story stand out from the rest and it makes it memorable.

I'm not sure if the judges will appreciate the narrative aspect of the story seeing as the usual advice when writing is to show and not to tell, but I guess we'll see what they think in due time.

All in all, good entry. I wish the best of luck to you, mate! :ajsmug:


3047721 3048347 3049168 3049898 3049932 3050395 3052092 3063500

Thank you all for your kind comments, they are greatly appreciated and it makes me get the warm fuzzies inside when I read them. :twilightblush:


This idea is far better than the two I had previous to it, which really would not have worked as well. I scrapped both of them part way through, as they were becoming either too complicated to write, missed the point entirely, or just weren't working.

But yes, we'll just have to wait and see what the judges think. I'm checking eagerly every day, the suspense is killing me. :raritydespair:

Certainly a sweet fic between AJ and RD:scootangel:

But I was hoping for something more.....juicy. :duck:

omg thats so sweet i almost died :pinkiehappy:
I really thought that aj would be concerned about dash leaving for the wonderbucks someday, but then....well, i dont want to spoil here in the comments, but to cut it short: I cried :ajsmug:

3068521 Rules for the contest stated otherwise.

3074785 Well, it is mentioned right at the beginning that Rainbow has training in the morning, hinting that she's already in the Wonderbolts. To be honest, that idea never even occurred to me. :twilightsheepish:


I take it you're not planning to fork this once the contest is over and write some "juicier" bits in then? :D

Warm fuzzies? I didn't think Pound and Pumpkin were in this story?


Ok ^^ But couldnt it also mean that she is still training to hopefully become a wonderbolt someday? At least thats how I understood it, especially after AJs first story when they were talking about them. I donnu, but I think this leaded me in this direction. :pinkiesmile:

3077541 I am not, no. Sorry. Reasons being twofold: 1. No need to ruin an otherwise perfectly good non-clop ship. 2. I don't want anything like that tied to this name. :twilightoops:

3078710 How you interpret the story is entirely up to you, but I wrote it with the intention of being canonical with regards to established events. Hillside is supposed to be set shortly after the end of S3, so Rainbow is in training at the Wonderbolt Academy.


Well, that's perfectly fine by me. While I may read more "juicy" fics than I do any other type of story, I still read & like plenty that may only be lovey-dovey and they stand quite well without delving into further deviance.

This really doesn't need expanding on anyway. It doesn't need more chapters to prove its a good story or get its point across :)

Just thought I'd let you know, this story caused me to follow you, don't abuse my non-powers of thumbing and faving.

3081419 Indeed. It's not that I'm against clop, because I'm not, it's just this account is tied to something semi-professional outside of ponies. At least, it would be professional if I was getting paid. *grumble*

I may actually attempt something juicier under a different name at some point.

3081430 Aw, but I like abusing powers! :fluttercry:


wowzers. I didn't know that :pinkiegasp: I reckon several folks here could write professionally if they wanted to (if they're not doing so already). Whatever's best for you then. If you do decide to write anything juicier, I'd welcome it. I don't know if you can write clop, but you can certainly hold together a good story, so the foundation'll be sound :)

3083508 I write for a small gaming and tech site started and headed up by a friend of mine. Unfortunately, things haven't gone our way in the last year or so. Link's on my profile, if you're interested. /shamelessplug


7406458 Many thanks, kind Canadian ferret. This is, however, objectively my worst story. I am very sorry I subjected you to it.

7406622 I won't argue your opinion, but only ask that you respect mine when I say I greatly enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:

This story was so beautifully done. Amazing job.

Rainbow did so, carefully. The lid of the box tilted back easily, revealing its contents to the world. The cyan mare gasped at what lay inside. Lying across a piece of black felt, was the shiniest gold bracelet the pegasus had ever laid eyes on. A simple criss-cross pattern of the precious metal made up the main band of the strap, while braids of it ran around the edge. Two halves of a simple clasp mechanism were at each end, but in the middle was a large gem, the same colour as Rainbow's eyes and the same shape as her cutie-mark. Lifting it out of the box with a wing, she saw the gem was transparent; she could see the distorted image of the setting sun behind it. The purple jewel caught the light and scattered it across the pegasus' face. She stared dumbly at it for a moment, not believing. No, not daring to believe. It wasn't the beauty or the obvious expense of the bracelet that made her gasp when she opened the box, it was what it represented. She'd seen plenty of these before on the forelegs of other mares and knew exactly what the significance of it was, long before Applejack spoke next.

It should probably be AJ’s cutie mark, shouldn’t it?

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