• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


'Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?'


Equestria: A place of safety, friendship, and love. It has faced and defeated many threats: Changelings, dragons, windigoes, tyrannical Unicorn dictators, and a particularly mischievous draconequus. But now Equestria faces its greatest threat ever: a gigantic tornado filled with killer sharks.

With time running out, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and all of Equestria must unite to battle the aquatic menace. But will the magic of friendship be enough to save the land from sharks whose hunger cannot be stopped?

Huzzah! We were mentioned by Entertainment Weekly!

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 222 )

This earns an upvote simply for being related to the single most awesome movie ever.

*takes off sunglasses* "mother of... Why have I never heard of this movie?"

This fic is hilarious I pretty much chuckled the whole way through what you have up so far.

Hmm suggestions. Kungfu sharks? Masters of sharkfu? Ancient gaurdians of sharky facial hair and totally sweet moves.

Whoever you are, I love you forever because of this. :heart:


At least something good was born from this moronic movie.

Comment posted by Gherkin deleted Jul 25th, 2013

They should try to create a counter-tornado.
And then fill it with peaceful lovely things to counter the sharks.
Maybe a fluffnado. Or a cutenado, or a harmonado.
Or just fill it with stones to kill the sharks.
Send the Rocknado to fight the Sharknado!

The letters "nado" have lost all meaning now.

You get a thumbs up just for referencing that movie. Surprisingly this makes more sense in MLP than anywhere else.

Now if there was just some way for it to happen on a plane...

Why. Just why. This is a terrible idea and you should feel bad for posting this.

Seriously, what is it with people and this one Asylum movie?

Well I suppose he could have picked a worse SyFy C-Movie... like the one with chupacabras and blowing up the Alamo.

Eh, cheesy movie. Not even gonna read or rate.

To quote the movie, "We;re gonna throw bombs, into the tornado!"

:pinkiehappy: This is going in my favorites

(...what...?) :rainbowhuh:
(...in...?) :twilightoops:
(...tarnation...?) :applejackconfused:

This idea is either brilliantly insane, or an indication that the author should be sedated and sent away for a nice, quiet rest somewhere. I'm not sure which, yet. :pinkiegasp: :rainbowlaugh:

Not having seen the movie (thank God), I wouldn't even know where to begin suggesting combat tactics against... a tornado filled with killer sharks. Good gravy. Although you just know Pinkie's going to have to fire her Party Cannon into it at some point. :pinkiehappy:

Goddamnit the title and description already has me chuckling. If this doesn't turn out to be the best goddamn thing it can be, I will annihilate you and then assimilate the non-existent remains for my own personal use :flutterrage:.

Edit: After reading the description of the shark's song, all I could hear in my mind was this:

Comment posted by Mandalore the Inept deleted Jul 25th, 2013

Oh my Celestia, I literally just watched this on ScyFy

I saw this movie a few days ago, and I couldn't comprehend the meaning of the phallus I have after I watched it.

When I saw this, I only thought:


And I just finished reading what's down so far. Actually, it's pretty good.

Will definetely remember to check this out once it's complete.

Well folks, it certainly doesn't get more random than this! I'm guessing we can expect a sequel since Sharknado 2 is confirmed?

...eh, at least someone likes it. That's gotta count for something, right?

You're a genius! Begin creation of all things 'nado'!

I couldn't understand it much, either (along with most of the cheesy sci-fi movies) but it gives me a good laugh now and then. Kinda like something you see on MST3K.


Yeesh, so many downvotes on my comment. I was speaking in terms of suck, people. Of course the movie was horrible, but... Tara Reid fights against a tornado that throws sharks?! How the fuck is that not awesome?!

Yea. Like I said, the Sci-Fi movies are cheesy, but they have their moments. It's something i'd see on a modern day MST3K; I think i'm the only one who knows who that is...

Dude!! How could I not know about the single funniest TV show in history! Giant Spider Invasion changed my life!!

Yea, that show was proof that you don't need swearing, violence, or immaturity to make a comedy. Just three guys and a bad movie.

Remember Santa Clause Conquers the Martians?:rainbowlaugh:


movie guy: "I'm gonna show these people what leadership really means!"

Tom Servo: "We're gonna have leadership the way my old man had it! You, put a handkerchief on your head! You, swat those imaginary elves! You, rock on the poarch all night!"

My favorite was always the Pod People.

So, last night (about 20 hour ago) I was tossing and turning in bed at 4am and an idea came to me. I had to wake up and go write it down so I wouldn't forget in the morning. "Derpy accidentally a Sharknado!" I thought "surely someone already did a pony/sharknado bit" and searched, but didn't see any actual stories here (if it was already posted by then, my late-night search-fu may be weak.) Then tonight I sat down to start thinking about writing it, when I searched again just to be sure and found this... when I saw the posting date for this story... :pinkiecrazy: I swear, when you hit "submit" it must've sent a subliminal message straight into my sleep-addled brain! Extra brain rattling when I realized you were the author. I've been following "Monster" forever, and you were that author on my list who "only has that one (really awesome) story."

The thing is, I haven't even SEEN Sharknado, but my brain was just like "You must write this!!!" On the upside though, "it's been done" now, so perhaps my brain can give up and let me go work on one of the stories I actually care about instead. So thank you for that! :pinkiehappy:

And oh yeah... good job so far on the actual story and idea. I rather like the idea of Discord breaking his creative block with such an amalgamation. It probably works better for a story than it being another Derpy derp-up (as I actually don't like making her look bad.) I am REALLY curious to see how you approach the next few chapters. :trollestia:

THIS IS F@#%$^& AWESOME (Voice In The Background) Mister Torque Get Away From The Keyboard NO!!1!!!!1!11!! Sorry About That Mr Torque Found The Keyboard But This Does Sound Awesome

2938372 My favorite was always The Giant Gila Monster.

Wow, that's an old one! That's the first one I watched when I was like 7 or 8! I forgot about it till now! Thanks man!

There are plenty of terrible shark movie rip offs like this Sharknado movie: OctoShark, Mega Shark, Jaws the Revenge. . . So why do we give special attention to Sharknado? Because it sounds awesome! Sure its stupid, but we love to laugh and point out how absurd it is and how we like it for its over the top acting and action!

Let's hear it for Thunder Levin for coming up with the script!

Yay! Glad to hear that! And I must say, sharkfu sounds interesting...

Thanks! And I agree, it does seem to be more of a magical-based phenomena, rather then something nature cooked up.

Hehe, I love that second-to-last line!

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