• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 2,711 Views, 103 Comments

Rain of Fire - LessThanHuman

After Princess Luna was banished to the the Moon her beloved bat ponies died off to the point of extinction. So how did one manage to survive for almost thousand years, and given their violent nature, what are his intentions?

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Chapter 11 - Night Vision - Part 1

Twilight trotted beside Firestorm who was maintaining his usual stoic composure as they made their way towards The Ponyville Retirement Village. Twilight had told Spike about their new plans and made a quick stop at the Carousel Boutique where she explained the situation to Rarity, who was thoroughly excited about Firestorms’ determination to help fix Derpys’ eyes. During their brief visit Twilight negotiated to have Spike spend the night at the boutique given they were unsure of how long they would be gone. Spike was thrilled to have an additional night to spend at Raritys’ and was somewhat too eager for Twilight and Firestorm to leave.

The silence was just about to get to Twilight when Firestorm spoke up, “I think it would be best if you did all the talking.”

“Oh, okay. What should I say?”

Firestorm looked into Twilights’ eyes. She watched as the momentarily shifted to their draconic appearance while a surge of energy ran over Firestorms’ body. When the surge ended, his eyes returned to normal and his body appeared like a unicorn with a coat a darker shade of blue than Rainbow Dash’, a light grey mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a lightning bolt. Firestorm smiled seeing the effect his display of magic and new appearance had on Twilight, “Introduce me as Jolt, your cosine of some distant family member, to Iris. Tell her I was visiting and bumped into Derpy and wanted to know if using my special talent, energy transference, could help her perform the spell successfully to help Derpy.”

“Umm, wow, okay I can do that,” Twilight tried to say as she was stunned by how quickly Firestorm had come up with the airtight cover story.

“Good, and if she asks any more questions, just let me handle it, okay?” Firestorm asked looking to his left at Twilight for confirmation.

Twilight froze at what she saw. On the right side of Firestorm, now Jolts’ face, was a scar running just below his right eye, down his cheek to where it stopped where his jaw met his neck.

Firestorm stopped walking and turned to face Twilight, giving her a better view of the scar. “How, umm, why did you give your disguise that scar, don’t you think that’s a bit much?” Twilight asked.

Firestorm looked down at his hooves, “How much do you know about changeling magic?

“Umm not much. Only that they feed on love and can take the appearance of anypony they want.”

“Close, but not exactly. In order for a changeling to take on the appearance of somepony they have to cast an undetectable spell on the pony they want to look like. The spell does two things. One, it builds a three dimensional image in their mind of their target so detailed it detects the smallest imperfection of that ponies’ body. The second part allows them to copy a summary of the ponies’ personality, such as likes and favorite foods to help them blend in better. Once that pony has been scanned the changeling can remember it forever or until it scans another pony.”

“What happens then?”

“The memory of the first pony is completely forgotten from the changelings mind, well, if it’s a worker anyway. Workers can only remember one pony at a time, Drones can remember up to three, and soldiers can remember anywhere from five to eight ponies at a time without getting them confused.”

Twilight thought for a second, savoring the new information she had just been given when a realization hit her. The realization of why Firestorm had just told her all this when all she asked was why his disguise, Jolt, had a scar on his face, “You knew Jolt personally didn’t you!?”

“Yes, he was the pony who taught me the spell I’m going to use on Iris, the energy transfer spell he created. It took me weeks to learn, months to perfect for myself, and years more to combine it with other spells.”

“How, how did Jolt get that scar?”

“He was in the guard when I met him and he already had it, he said he got it during a battle while he was casting his spell on the exhausted unicorn guards to help them fight. He was always so proud of it though…”


“Because he got it from a dragon.”

“What happened to him?”

Firestorms’ smile faded, “He died. He just didn’t wake up one morning and that was it. I attended his funeral with his wife and their foal, he was about the age of the girls I saved from the fire.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“So am I. That’s one of the reasons I want to try to help Derpy.”

“What are the other reasons?”

“Because I have the power to help her and to help myself feel like less of a monster…”

“Firestorm you’re not a monster, you’re just a pony. Granted a different pony but a good pony none the less…”

Firestorm didn’t look convinced, he simply turned and continued towards the retirement home. Twilight followed shortly afterwards. They remained silent the rest of the journey and upon arriving, asked the head nurse where they could find Iris. They were guided outside into the backyard where there was a small fish pond, some court games and an elderly mare watching the sun make its steady journey towards the horizon. The mare had faded pink, almost white, fur with a straight white mane and tail, sky blue eyes and a cutie mark of a dragons’ eye on her flanks.

Twilight carefully made her way into Iris’ field of vision before speaking, “Miss Iris?”

The mare turned her attention to Twilight.

“Hi, you may not remember me, my name is-”

“Twilight Sparkle,” the mare finished with a pleasant smile, “I remember you dear, and please just call me Iris, no need to make me sound older than I feel,” Iris paused to consider her statement than nodded with contentment.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“There’s really no need to apologize dear. I must admit though, I don’t remember you having those beautiful wings,” Iris said playfully, “so what can I do for Equestrias newest princess?”

“Well, it’s in regards to the pegasus mare I talked about the last time I saw you, Derpy Hooves?”

“Oh, yes I remember. I’m sorry but I cannot change my answer based on your new title, I will not endanger her well-being when I know I don’t have the ability to perform the spell with the strength required to correct her eyes. Again I apologize but I’m also still uncomfortable with trying to teach you to perform the spell…”

“That’s actually why I came here today, I still remember and respect your decision on the matter but I came to offer you another option…”

Iris looked up at Twilight, her curiosity peaked.

“This is Jolt, my cousin and a retired royal guard. During his visit with me he, or actually I should say, Derpy ran into him and he wanted to know if there was any way to help her with her eyes. I explained her situation as well as your position concerning it and he asked to meet with you to propose another option.”

“Oh, and what would that be?” Iris asked turning her attention to “Jolt”.

“When I was in the guard I had a special position alongside the field commander of my squad. I was able to give others strength with my magic and a spell I created along as well as amplify the strength of other unicorns spells. I am fully aware of your concerns with helping Miss Hooves, but I wanted to know what you thought of the idea of me simply amplifying your magic while you performed the spell yourself?”

Twilight had to repress the urge to let her jaw drop at Firestorms’ performance while Iris pondered over his proposition.

“You’re spell will only amplify the strength of mine?”

“Yes, and you can still control how powerful the effects of the spell are.”

Iris thought a little longer, “If I do this, you understand any failures will be your own fault, are you prepared to live with that?”

“Yes, if you like, I can demonstrate the spell for you,” Jolt offered.

Iris smiled, “Yes, let me see it. Twilight, would you please place that teacup on the ground in front of me?” Iris asked gesturing with her hoof beyond Twilight. Twilight found the teacup and levitated it to the ground before Iris. Iris focused on the teacup and lit her horn, her light pink aura lifted the teacup and moved it only four hoof lengths away from where it started before her magic could no longer support it and it gently landed on the grass.

Iris let out a heavy sigh, “I never was good at levitation but now I have a baseline to run it against. Twilight, would you please place the teacup where you put it before I moved it?”

Twilight nodded and telekinetically moved the teacup to its starting line.

Iris looked at Jolt, “Whenever you are ready.”

Jolt nodded, closed his eyes, and lit his horn. Iris turned and lit her own horn. Immediately, she felt an untapped reserve of power she felt as if it went on forever. Once again she picked up the teacup with her magic and moved it away until it fell from her grasp. When that time came, nopony was able to see how far it had traveled but Iris was satisfied none the less. She looked at Twilight, “I know I should not ask a princess to do this but, would you please retrieve the teacup and tell me how far it went?”

Twilight smiled, “It would be my pleasure,” she said before flying off.

Iris turned to Jolt, “Yes! Yes, I will help your friend. Please tell her I will be happy to do so. I just need a little time to look over the spell.”

Jolt bowed to Iris, We will return tonight, eat a full meal, have some rest, whatever you need to prepare. We will return at 9 p.m.”

Iris nodded and looked up to see Twilight doing her best to land smoothly. She set the teacup back on the table it had been on originally, “Six hundred hoof lengths, a 200% increase over the first time!”

Iris nearly leapt from her seat and made her way back inside to her room with renewed energy, “Go and tell Derpy, I will see you all here tonight at 9!” she called out.

Jolt smiled at Twilight as he shifted back into his normal bat pony form.

“Let’s go tell Derpy!”

“Lead the way, Twilight.”

A short flight later Twilight and Firestorm arrived the front door of a small earth pony style home. The first thing Firestorm noticed was the distinct smell of freshly baked muffins coming from inside. Twilight knocked on the door. A loud thud came from inside while the door hesitantly opened. Standing in the doorway was a small light grey unicorn filly putting everything she had into opening the door with her magic. When the door was halfway open she looked up at Twilight and Firestorm panting heavily, “H-hi, can…can I… help you?”

“Yes, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Firestorm, we are looking for your mother to talk to her.”

The filly had finally caught her breath while Twilight was speaking, “Oh, she walked into a wall trying to answer the door and went to get an ice pack, I’ll go get her for you.” The filly lit her horn and focused as hard as she could on the door. After a few seconds of the door not closing, she smiled sheepishly and politely pushed the door closed with her hoof.

Twilight looked over at Firestorm and was surprised to see him trying not to laugh. Firestorm felt her glare and looked at her, “I’m sorry but that was adorable!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and before she could respond the door opened, this time with much more haste. “Hi, sorry about the wait I… Princess! I’m sorry I… Firestorm? Umm, what… how can I… Hi,” Derpy stuttered as she tried to figure out why she was being visited by these two particular ponies.

“Hi Derpy, Firestorm and I were wondering if we could come in and talk?” Twilight said.

Derpy invited them inside and closed the door. Twilight took the lead in explaining everything to Derpy about the situation. When Derpy had heard the entire plan, having to have some parts explained with more detail, she simply sat on her couch trying to comprehend the opportunity. She finally had a real shot at being normal, being able to see straight, and all thanks to a pony she had just run into. She jumped across the room tackling Firestorm in a hug, “Yes, I would love it if you could help me with my eyes, thank you!”

Firestorm eventually returned the hug and whispered, “You’re welcome.”

Derpy moved off of Firestorm and wiped away some tears, “So what happens now?”

“I need to reserve some energy to help Iris perform the spell and we need to meet up with her at the retirement village at 9 p.m.” Firestorm said.

Derpy nodded and Firestorm left. He looked around outside as the sun finally set and the moon began to rise. He knew it would be at last another hour before he could star absorbing energy from the moonlight and another hour after that before he had to meet up with the others at the retirement village. He decided the best thing to do would be to get something to eat. He stopped off at a nice looking little shop called Sugar Cube Corner. The moment he entered the store, he regretted it.

Pinkie Pie seemed to burst out of nowhere with a small explosion on confetti, “Hi welcome to… Oh, Firelight! How are ya doing?”

“My name is Firestorm, and I’m fine Pinkie. How are you doing?”

“Meh, can’t complain, well I could but that wouldn’t change anything. I mean all it would really do is annoy the ponies I complained to about whatever I was complaining about. Anyway, what can I get for you?”

Firestorm made a mental note to, under any circumstances, never get into an argument with Pinkie Pie. He looked at the wide array of options on the menu before looking at Pinkie, “You wouldn’t happen to know what on your menu has a modest blend of caffeine and protein would you?”

“Sure do,” Pinkie said without a second’s hesitation before, seeming to teleport into the kitchen. Exactly one second later she was behind the counter offering a pink milkshake to Firestorm. The milkshake was the exact same shade of pink as Pinkies’ fur and for a moment Firestorm wondered if it could be one of the ingredients before he dismissed the idea and took the shake and asked how much it was.

Pinkie smiled, “It’s on the house since I never got to throwing you a Welcome to Ponyville Party.”

“Oh, Well thanks” Firestorm said before taking a sip of the shake. His eyes widened and his entire body gave a violent jerk followed by small shivers as he swallowed the shake, “WOW! What’s in that, this, here?”

Pinkie smiled and pulled up the recipe card, “3 cups of strawberry ice cream, 1 cup of milk, 100 grams of protein mix, and 20 grams of pure caffeine powder.”

Firestorms’ right eye twitched, “You might wanna wanna wanna wanna consider reducing those last two measurements…”

“Why? I have one every morning for breakfast!”

Firestorm swallowed the rest of the shake in one gulp and looked at Pinkie, “That would explain explain explain explain so much…”

Firestorm left and began his flight towards the retirement home. His flight consisted of a nearly dear vertical climb followed by gliding to allow his wings maximum moonlight absorbency. With his sugar rush clouding his mind, Firestorm didn’t notice the threat quickly moving in. He arrived at the retirement home just at Twilight and Derpy were. Faster than either mare could comprehend he shape shifted into Jolt for casting the energy transference spell on Iris while she performed her spell on Derpy. Derpy didn’t question his disguise, she just went along with it because she figured he had to be a unicorn to help her fix her eyes. The trio met Iris in the back yard of the retirement home.

Iris did a quick examination of Derpys’ eyes and then directed everypony where to stand with Firestorm in her left, Derpy in front of herself, and Twilight a safe distance away to her right. On her order Firestorm lit his horn and began to feed Iris additional energy as she began her spell. Iris leaned in and touched her horn to Derpys’ forehead and focused her magic.

As Iris continued her spell, Firestorm suddenly felt his power fading. He was experiencing a crash from all the caffeine and sugar from the milkshake Pinkie Pie had given him. He opened his eyes and maintained his focus on supplying Iris with the energy she needed, but at the current rate, it would not last much longer. Firestorm saw what he hoped for, Iris had her eyes closed. He let his disguise as Jolt fall and spread his wings to absorb more energy to transfer to Iris. When he looked up into the sky his jaw dropped. Dark clouds had rolled in from across the everfree forest and blocked the moonlight from reaching Firestorm.

“Jolt, I need you to focus, I’m almost done but I need more energy to finish the spell!” Iris called out.

“I’m trying! My reserve of energy is almost…” Gone. Firestorm didn’t have time to say it before his body collapsed and both his and Iris’ spells failed. Iris looked at Jolt but gasped when she say Firestorm lying in his place. Before she could think or act a voice called everyponies’ attention to it, “Umm, excuse me?”

Everypony froze, Derpy stood in front of them with her eyes opened. They were properly aligned, but they were blank, her pupils and corneas were much lighter than they used to be. Her eyes darted around her, trying to find something to focus on but she couldn’t find anything. “Iris, I know my vision is bad at night but why can’t I see anything?”

Iris glared at Firestorm for a moment before she put a hoof on Derpys’ shoulder, “Derpy? The spell didn’t work. I was able to align your eyes and I was almost done but Jolt ran out of energy just before I could complete the spell. I’m so sorry Derpy, but you are blind now.”

As Iris spoke, tears welled in Derpys’ eyes, and when Iris told her she was blind, the flood gates opened. Derpy collapsed and began sobbing heavily. Iris got down on her belly and held Derpy as she cried and Twilight began to weep softly. Firestorm looked down at Derpy, then to Twilight, then to the damned clouds. He could no longer contain his anger.

“NO!” Firestorm yelled before flying straight up through the cloud cover. Twilight moved closer and rested a hoof on Derpys’ shoulder, “I’m so sorry, Derpy.”