• Member Since 24th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday

Scratch Fever

Comments ( 116 )

Perfection, my dear. Dom!Rarity is best Rarity.

I'd be happy to proofread for you again, should you need it. :raritywink:


This was something else!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Yes, this has pleased my pores very sexual indeed. :derpytongue2:

3074059 Why, thank you! That was the intention!

3073935 So glad you liked it!

3073887 I'll be happy to receive any help you can give me! I seek to improve, after all!

3074151 Well, you have my info! I'll make time for you :yay:

Beautiful just like the picture that the cover is cropped from. :pinkiehappy:

instant faved; I busted all over the place.

This was very uh appealing i shall say yes that sounds about right,Anyway good story it was wunderbar

My first reaction upon reading the description?

:raritywink: "Why hello there Fancy Pants, Do you Catan by any chance?"

I havent read this yet, but you have already captured my what

(looks at the title and cover art) Looks like good riffing material. :pinkiesmile:
(looks at the description) Prime riffing material right here! :pinkiehappy:
(looks at the word count) ...oh FUCK that. :pinkiesick:


3075075it was good, in a very strange way. I found hawt

Unless they had something planned beforehand, the transition when Rarity walks in on Celestia seems rushed and forced. Past that point, the rest of the story seems to go by too quickly. I think you could have went farther into depth with the aftermaths.

This was actually a very nice story. The sex was more than nice, but I like how the story didn't center around it entirely. The character exposition was revealed in a manner that made me smile, and I love those two guards. You seem to be a very capable writer.

I liked it. And then proceeded to fave it. I would gladly come back to read this again.

Uh huh. Well, this story happened.
And is making me rethink things a bit.

...how is this a debut story? It reads and feels like a story written by someone with years of experience behind them.

3075807 Well, it's not like fanfic is the only experience people get with writing. I was a writer for many years before I ever joined this site.

I'm not normally one for clopfic, but it's appearance in the Feature Box caught my eye, and I found myself curious as to how we'd go from Rarity making a dress to Celestia clop. A good read, though my first impulse was to skim the actual adult scenes, as I still don't generally favor the combination of pony and erotica. However, one stray comment from Celestia has filled me with morbid curiosity - what, exactly, does Luna get up to?

I think you have the hook for a sequel, sir.

That was.....hot. :rainbowderp:

oh my... that was hot. write moar!

Kinky Celestia is clearly best Celestia :heart:

here, good sir or lady, have a moustache :moustache:

DAAAOOMM!!! That was good, that was very good

Good-good-gooood, goodity-good-good! Good work! Awesome!


Hey, long clop is almost as good as short clop...

I think:derpytongue2:

God I love this version of Celestia, the one that wants to let go and be controlled, I wonder why some people hate it so much.
Love the story, it was nice to read.

Wow, This really is well written.

I mean like really well written. To be honest, I knew from the start that this would be good, but not this good. You perfectly captured the thoughts and feelings of a sub.

Seems like I requested this fic from the right person. :raritywink:

we have all the time in the world

Good quote from 007 James Bond.

3076606 Let me explain my situation a little better.
For me, it takes about 3 to 4 hours to riff a fic that's 2,000 words long.
Formatting, coming up with jokes, all that jazz.
Now this fic right here is nearly 9,000 words long.
It would take me about 12 hours at the least to riff this here clopfic.
Most likely going to take 14 or so hours.
That's a lot of fucking time.
And of course I never do these in one day, I got other shit to do.
Now am I saying the fic is bad? I don't know, I haven't downvoted it or anything, but I'm trying to get riffing material that won't take me an entire month to do.

3074155 Oh, definitely!

3074390 Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

3074443 That was the intention! I hope other stories I write have the same effect!

3074564 Thank you :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

3075075 I'll take that as a compliment and move on :twilightblush:

3075215 Yay!

3075466 I'll be sure to keep an eye on the pacing on future stories. Thanks for reading!

3075701 Thanks! That's very kind of you to say :twilightsmile:

3075807 Well... thank you! :twilightblush:

3075897 I think you might be right!

3076223 glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

3076444 I will! :pinkiehappy:

3076498 She is, isn't she?

3076549 Thank you! Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

3076554 :yay: thanks!

3076606 I like longer clops better, tbh :raritywink:

3076723 Maybe they just don't see it?

3076761 I'm just glad you liked it!

3077246 only so much I can do in her majesty's secret service

3077354 All in due time!

This was lovely. I need some more Rarity/Celestia....How did you know? :raritywink: Characterization was good and despite where this story went :rainbowwild: it was good. That's not me knocking the kink ether, it was great. :heart: This is now a favorite.

I'm happy to announce that I downvoted your story. I hate the Celestia-likes-to-be-dominated-in-bed! trope so fiercely Satan would jealous of my hating-capabilities. Since you already have a good collection of up-votes, I doubt it'll bother you too much, if at all. Oh, it was well-written, for sure, but the concept itself is instant-hate for me. Normally I avoid hateful stories like this, but given that this is in the feature box, it's kind of hard to. But since I don't like down-voting stories without telling the author why I down-voted it, I leave you this comment to explain why your red bar has grown. Enjoy the down-vote! :twilightsmile:

At least I'm not afraid to admit it.

Want. Will read later.

And then Rarity ruled Equestria. :pinkiecrazy:

This is relevant to my interests. :pinkiehappy:

if i had monhey...i would PAY for a sequel. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Congratulations: this story has good enough grammar to be added to the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive directory of grammatically correct stories on FIMFiction.

Well what ever the reason, It was still a wonderful story, glad I gave it a look.:twilightsmile:

Is it bad I skipped ahead to where the clopping began:twilightblush: This story is great through:pinkiehappy: I'm just an eager mcbeaver for the clops that's all:derpytongue2:

Doesn't mean it's not for a dumb reason...

It's about something I don't like. Explain to me again why a story being about something I don't like is not a good reason for me to not like it, exactly?


First off: Since none of these people seem willing to do this, on behalf of every author I've ever seen get annoyed by people who leave a downvote but never say why, thank you.

However, just a thought on why they might be annoyed: Downvoting because you don't like a story idea is, in my opinion, a poor reason to downvote a story. If it's poorly written? Yes, downvote then. If the idea is actually offensive to you for some reason, then downvote. But I don't think downvotes should be handed out just for not liking stories.

Well, I didn't downvote it solely based on the idea. I did read the whole story to see if I could perhaps like the execution of the idea despite not liking the sound of the idea; it happened before. But that wasn't the case. The story had everything in it that I don't like about the idea (or premise, whichever you prefer to call it) of Slavelestia. I admitted earlier that it was well-written, and I stand by that. But I could not enjoy the content, not even a bit, so I could not, in good conscience, do anything but give this a downvote. For me, though, giving a downvote doesn't mean the story is bad, it just means that I didn't (or couldn't) like it. I wouldn't want the author to think he wrote a bad story, he just wrote one I couldn't enjoy or like.


Mistress Rarity :raritywink:

I hate everything about RariJack but I don't downvote stories about it. Not even featured ones.

Stories shouldn't be downvoted for concept but for execution. If I hate the idea but the story has decent grammar, then I up nor -downvote it.

Only stories I've downvoted so far were with horrible grammar and only after the author started flaming the people who genuinely were unable to properly read it.

Remember, there's always the neutral option:twilightsmile:

3077977 Bro, that's like hating the Rainbow-Dash-is-a-lesbian trope and reading romance stories of her with other females anyway.
I don't like this thing.
Just don't read it.
No! I'm going to read it because other people read it! Then I'm going to downvote it, regardless of whether or not it's well written!
...Can't you just try to do things you like?


...Can't you just try to do things you like?

I like giving my opinion on something, even if it's something I don't like. So there.

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