• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )



When rogue FBI agent Sombra steals an experimental weapon and flees into a manmade portal into Equestria, the agency decides to enlist the help of somebody with knowledge and experience of the foreign world to chase after him. Or rather, somepony.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 107 )

I wonder how Cadence will react to her first wingboner?

Good stuff, don't know why people are down voting.

Well, this seems to be off to a good start. You're a bit more sparse with the details than I would like, but the story itself is compelling. :twilightsmile:

Oh yes, some very nice renditions, now off to the adventure, where they meet Pony Twilight, save Equestria and stop Sombra from blasting the darn gun because he ran into a portal filled with ponies.

nice reference with Vice- Principal Nightmare Moon. For those who do not understand. Luna is having hissy fit from her period.

who was holding up two different plasters for her

Aka 'band-aids' in the States.

Interesting and appropriate choice with Human!Cadance, making her turn into the pre-ascendance pegasus version of Cadance instead of an alicorn. I'm betting it'll be fun to see Human!Shining make his first attempts at using magic, and I'm really curious about what Human!Sombra's goal is in Equestria. Whatever he's up to, he must be really confident in that weapon he stole to barge blindly into an alien world inhabited by beings with unknown capabilities.

I was hoping someone would write a story like this. Cool.

Shining Armor being in law enforcement makes sense, FBI being the Guards' counterpart is an interesting launching off point.

Chrysalis legimately had me fooled in the first chapter. Nice twist.

Thanks for the heads up.

One imagines the FBI isn't going to admit creating the whole "portal to a magic pony world" on their budget after this. Guess we've spent "$40,000,000 developing a new hammer" again.

I'm curious to see where this goes with the Humane cast, that really is a wild card in this fic that is mainly about Sunset and the FBI. Will they follow? Will they wait?

Huh, this chapter has the same text as the last chapter. You may want to fix that.

"Alright, listen up, equines. Our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average trotting speed is 12 miles per hour so that gives us a radius of 18 miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every stable, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at 25 miles. Your fugitive's name is Ms. Sunset Shimmer."

For goodness sake! 5 chapters! Wow, that's something Now get to the part where H!Shining and H!Cadence try to diffuse the misunderstanding with P!Shining and P!Cadence. :pinkiehappy: It will be terrific.

I'm actually confused, who defused the fight and who asked who for what?

"It wasn't me! It was the three-legged mare!"

Comment posted by Breaking News deleted Aug 27th, 2013

Oh yeah. Go ahead, Trixie, put some showmanship into the story you give the teachers.

Are the events of the actual Equestria Girls canon to this fic?


Everything but Flash Sentry. In my head he doesn't exsist, though tbf in terms of how much he impacted that movie he might as well not exsist. (I'm really not kidding, you could remove him and nothing would have changed)

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

Attempting to apprehend him without any reconnaissance or backup plan? Sounds like a great idea :facehoof:

“But how did Sombra manage to use such powerful magic? It shouldn’t have been possible if he’s only been here for two days.”

The 'experimental weapon' he stole turned into the Alicorn Amulet, maybe?

She turned around to see a familiar white stallion standing just outside of an ice-cream shop, a curly pink tail wisping inside.

And of course these are the pony Shining and Cadance :facehoof:

Geez, five updates at once? I am never going to get any work done.


First up. Yikes, the sudden violence took me off guard.

Second, what I really like and respect about you is that you always update all your stories regardless of how popular they are. Bravo.

five updates nice.:pinkiehappy: Thing's are getting interesting.

Interesting Human!Fluttershy called Sunset 'somepony.' Technically quite accurate.

Wait, was that Posey?

Ut oh, when trouble starts heading for Ponyville insurance companies start to go bankrupt.


Whoops. Fixed that ^_^;;

Man, writing humans feels weird :applejackconfused:

Sombra Squared, ouch. So without magic how do you fight a foe with that? Hoof-to-hoof?

Great climax, didn't see that coming.

Great chapter's. Been meaning to ask. Will you be making more Sunset Shimmer stories in the future? Like how you've made multiple Trixie stories.

Well, that was unexpected!

EDIT: Derp. Replied to wrong dude.

How soon until the next chapter comes out? ...And seriously, submit this fanfic to Equestria Daily.

Er, was that meant to be for 3134839?

Oh the implications of the E! universe, it would be nice to see some sort of funny romance triangle before they leave or something, cause really.... the world will collapse with that many going into the Pony world.


Whoops! I'll just fix that real quick ^_^;;


I've submitted a few fics to EQD. They were all rejected for the most minute and vague of reason, so I don't bother with it anymore. (The requirments to get on there are very strict, and as I said their feedback is so vague. 'Comma mis-use' is one of the reasons I always get, but they never actually show me what's wrong with my comma useage, and nopony else ever seems to have a problem with it, so I just don't know where to start making corrections :applejackconfused: )


I dunno. It's possible, but I've got nothing planned right now. I'm still working on TrixDash right now, and I've got another Trixie one-shot in the works after Septermber's NaPoWriMo is over. I've recently started to like Sunset Shimmer a lot, but this may just be a phase for all I know :3 Still, let's see what the future holds, eh? :pinkiehappy:

IF I were to write more of her, though, it'd likely be of her school life in the human world for the most part, which would be interesting as it would be writing in a whole new world than what I've been writing up until now.

Oh we demand a Sequel, Knowing P!Twilight, she'll break the barrier for her one experiment to happen, if not, Sunset Shimmer will finally forgive evryone, pony and finally, herself.

As for the story in whole, it is a very well executed and great storyline. I admire how it all came out and how it progressed. I admit it seemed rush within the last few chapters but it is how it is. Again, hoping for a sequel something in the line of connecting both worlds, or at the least, letting Twilight finish her experiment AND Chrysalis basically using Changeling magic to her cause of wooing Shining Armor.

It was an interesting ride. I'm almost surprised Agents Armor and Cadenza went back given how much fun they were having in the other world. This was a great fic.

Well, I liked it! Hopefully your future stories will be just as good or even better than this one.

This was a good story. Great work as alway's.

This was a good story. Great work as alway's.

Man, you're consistent. May I borrow your brain and/or talent, good sir/madam/thing? I promise to give them back when I am done with them.

“Cool!” Sunset said, turning when she heard the sound of a door slam from the house beside her. “By the way, who was that? She seemed familiar, but it’s dark and I couldn’t see her properly.”

Seriously, who was it?

Nah, they spent $40,000,000,000 on "Research and Development pertinent to opening diplomatic relations with an isolated nation."

Eh, it's the difference between taking a vacation in another country and moving to a different country.

I wouldn't think twice before taking a free vacation to another country.
I'd probably enjoy myself, have a great time, see the sights, etc.
But I probably wouldn't just decide to move there after the vacation ends.

Well that turned out well. I especially like that you wrapped up the major plot threads, but left a few minor things dangling. More interesting that way. Nicely done

A firework tracker????????????????????

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