• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Hack, Slash, and Hug

“Hnnkt!” Sweating profusely, Eagle Eye spun across the top deck of the Noble Jury, deflecting one Xonan with his sword and the other with his shield.

Both soldiers jumped back, side-stepped, and attacked down low.

Eagle Eye planted one warrior’s blade against the deck, bounced off the hilt, and slammed him across the face with his shield.

“Ooof!” The Xonan stumbled back, sputtering.

Eagle went in for the kill--

Clang! The other attacker deflected his attack and swung at the petite stallion’s head.

Eagle jerked his skull to the side but took the swipe of the blade to his shoulder. Blood flew from the shallow wound. “Gaaah!” He seethed, then stumbled back as the ship veered hard to the starboard side.

In the cockpit, Ebon Mane and Props stood anxiously in the doorway, watching the chaotic fight. Props flung a distraught glance over her shoulder. “Hold it still, handsome!”

Ebon spat, “They’re gonna tear him to shreds if you don’t even us out!”

“What do boomers want Floydien to do?!” The elk growled as he jerked the ship left and right to avoid projectiles, mana blasts, and debris. “Is enough to avoid flying death dung, yes yes yes?” Just then, the Noble Jury flew full-force into a glowing viper and its rider. The Xonan’s body went flying as the giant serpent exploded across the windshield like a big gray water balloon. “Whoah dayum! That’s right, Nancy! You head butt the worm-worms!”

The goopy effluence of the serpent cascaded over the three fighting ponies on the top deck. One Xonan gasped, slipping on the chaotic fluids.

“Hrnnngh!” Eagle Eye lunged forward, knocking the blade clear out of the Xonan’s grasp. He tried grabbing it in mid-air.

The Xonan caught his balance and snatched the thing in his telekinesis.

Eagle’s horn glowed as he jerked his head forward. Soon he too was yanking at the enemy blade with his magic.

Both combating unicorns struggled, playing a game of invisible tug-of-war with the twirling blade between them.

“Haaaaugh!” The other Xonan came running, desperate to blindside Eagle amidst his mental wrestling match.

Eagle took a deep breath and jumped back, instantly letting go of his telekinetic grip.

The blade flew violently towards the Xonan. Unexpecting the force of its approach, the Xonan stumbled forward--and right into the sharp end of the blade. His eyes bulged as blood poured from his impaled chest.

Eagle Eye leapt high, jumped the charge of the second warrior, and slid down his tattooed backside. He landed on his flank, shooting a beam of energy straight ahead.

The mana surged into the hilt of the enemy sword, shot up the metal blade, coursed through the stabbed Xonan’s lungs, and sent a beam of power straight through his trachea. Pow! The invader’s exploding skull barely resounded above the distant salvos of the two dreadnaughts. As his corpse slumped over and off the edge of the Jury, Eagle Eye rolled backwards, blocking blindly with his sword-and-shield.

“Yaaaaugh!” The Xonan was slamming his blade straight down. It clashed with Eagle’s instruments, sending sparks flying across the deck. He swung his weapon again and again, pressing the full brunt of his weight across Eagle’s figure.

Eagle winced and twitched, sliding across the deck, rolling, and ultimately lying on his backside as he fought the closer and closer stabs of his dominating opponent.

“Eagle!” Ebon’s voice squeaked. He galloped forward. “Just hold on!”

“Ebony!” Props’ voice cracked.

“Mr. Mane! Don’t!” Pilate shouted blindly.

The enraged Xonan’s eyes jerked to the side, catching the approach of the ship’s cook.

Ebon skidded to a stop, gasping.

The Xonan thrashed to the side, swinging wildly at the soft of Ebon’s throat.

Panting, Eagle telekinetically tugged at the warrior’s tail.

“Gah!” The Xonan fell flat on his chest.

His blade grazed a few hairs across Ebon’s jugular, but fell ineffectually short. Ebon stumbled back, numb and breathless.

Meanwhile, the Xonan spun about and bucked wildly at Eagle’s chest and muzzle. “Hrkk! Grrrghh!”

Eagle was too late to block. He took one bash to the nose, and he spat blood across the reeling deck of the Jury.

The Xonan grappled with him, rolled the two over until he was on top, then stabbed down at Eagle’s face.

Thw-thw-thw-thwpp! A ratchet twirled in out of nowhere and knocked the blade out of his grasp.

The Xonan lurched forward, eyes wide. He glanced up.

Props leaned back from the heavy swing, her lips curved.

Before the Xonan could react, he felt his body being lifted towards the dormant skystone above. “Gaaah! Nagu’n!”

Eagle Eye lay flat on his back, channeling all of his energy into his glowing horn as he lifted the heavy weight of the Xonan as high as he could. His teeth gritted viciously, and his ear twitched to the sound of violently clopping hooves. Both he and the Xonan glanced over.

Ebon was charging a second time, this time throwing the brunt of his weight through his shoulder. “Oomf!” He slammed into the levitating Xonan’s ribcage.

Eagle let go of his magical grip at the right moment, and the warrior pinballed his way off a ship’s mast, over a starboard railing, and off into the screaming gray yonder.

Eagle Eye slumped to the ground, wheezing for breath--a task made difficult when Ebon scooped him up into a vicious, happy hug. “Oh that was so badflank! You totally owned them!”

“Would… like… to own… m-my lungs!”

“Erm… s-sorry…” Ebon stammered. “Here…” He led Eagle towards the cockpit and a first aid station. “Let’s take a look at that nose…”

“So long…” Eagle winced and sniffled. “...as th-they didn’t ruin my mane…”

Breathing with relief, Pilate tilted his head towards the elk. “Mr. Floydien, I do believe we’ve shaken our foes! Please, bring us at a safe distance so that we can monitor what’s happening to--”

“Jiminy jacksprockets!” Props yelped, pointing towards the exploding horizon. “Look at that!”

“Jeez!” Eagle Eye hissed as Ebon tended to his wounds. His violet eyes narrowed on a blistering exchange of cannonfire. “I’m surprised both of them are still airborne!”

Pilate jolted. “Who?! Who’s the worse for wear?!” The zebra stood up on wobbly limbs, grabbing for the first pony he could feel. He ended up shaking Props’ shoulders. “Is it the one Belle’s on?!”

“Uhm…” Props gulped nervously. “What’s… l-left of it?”

The pale parts of Pilate paled even more. He slumped limply to his haunches with a gaping expression.

“Floydien thinks striped boomer’s beloved has waited long enough…” Floydien glanced over his shoulder with a frown. “Too much stabby stabby in fireworks! Time to boomernap, yes yes?”

“Pilate, I know she told us to hold back,” Ebon remarked in a low tone. He gazed gently at him, his ears twitching to the wind and constant shelling. “But she needs us to be brave for her as she’s been brave to us.”

“If Floydien’s willing to risk it, then I’m sure Belle will forgive us for doing what’s necessary,” Eagle added. “Even if it compromises our location.”

Pilate took a deep breath. He nodded, then pulled out his sound stone. “I’ll tell her we’re coming…”

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