• Published 26th Feb 2012
  • 22,401 Views, 610 Comments

Subject Delta - Rapturous for Equestria - TheMightyT

Subject Delta escapes Rapture, but find himself in an even stranger place. --Bioshock 2 Crossover--

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Last Sound from the Lighthouse (Chapter 6)

Subject Delta – Rapturous For Equestria


Chapter 6: Last Sound from the Lighthouse

“ Fontaine is gone. Lamb is gone... or close enough. I am alone at last... alone with my city.”
-Andrew Ryan, Founder of Rapture

Darkness surrounded her. It felt like she was floating in this nothingness, unable to change course. She looked around, trying to find somewhere to go to, a place to escape this void. But there wasn’t any light... Where was she? Was she dead? No... no, she wasn’t dead. She didn’t know how, but... she just knew she was safe. Had her friends found her? Maybe...

A piercing, white light disrupted her thoughts. She looked to see where the light had came from. The horizon of the void was one white streak of light, slowly pulsating as the brightness changed. She felt strange... but she embraced the strange feeling without a second thought. She was ready to wake up now...

It was raining wherever she was... Small droplets of water fell on her face and slowly made their way back to the ground. She wasn’t aware of her surroundings at first... She felt her mouth move to say something, but she didn’t know what. Hopefully everything earlier was just a dream... Yes, it was just a dream! She would just wake up, the day before she wanted to try that teleportation spell. All of this, waking up at the Castle of the Elder Sisters, the Timberwolves, the golem, ... it all was just a dream...

A torrent of water destroyed her hopeful thoughts. She immediately jumped up from the ground and began looking around. She shook her head, trying to get the water out of her eyes. Now where was she?

‘Okay,’ she thought to herself, ‘let’s see...’

She began investigating her surroundings. To her right were some trees, some overgrown with vines. She could also see a river streaming out of the forest. In front of her more trees and the golem. She looked to her left to see if she could find any clue that could give her the answers for her questions. No, just a normal looking lake in the middle of the forest. But she had the feeling she just had missed something... Suddenly she realized what she had missed and she stood completely still. She began moving her head slowly back to her right, hoping that her eyes had deceived her. They didn’t...

She stared at the golem that she had seen in the Castle of the Elder Sisters. It just stood there, no more than three meters separating her from it. She wanted to run away, or try to use her magic. But the only thing she could do was stare at it. Her knees began to tremble beneath her, her breathing became more jagged...

Before she could go in a full panic attack the golem slowly moved back, giving her more room to breathe. It didn’t seem hostile, it seems to be giving her more space... Strange. She kept staring at it for a while, eventually giving up to try looking for hostilities. She began getting intrigued at its actions, why did it keep back like that? She kept investigating the golem, now able to see it clearly in the light of Luna’s moon. She didn’t knew what action to take... maybe it was best to find out where she was first.

She began looking around again, ‘This part of the forest doesn’t seem familiar to me. I don’t remember seeing a lake like this last time we came here... How is it possible to find you’re way out of here? Everything looks the same...’

She glared back at the golem, trying to see if it had tried to come any closer. To her surprise it didn’t. Maybe she had to catch it unexpectedly... She pretended to be examining the trees across the river, but when she thought she heard the golem come closer she jerked her head back. A bit disappointed of seeing the golem still standing there on the same spot, it’s light still lightly emitting from its helmet, she tried another approach.

She set a small step closer, trying to examine it further. So many little scars and burn marks... how is it even possible the armor still is in one piece? She wanted to ask that question, but she got cut off by some rustling in the forest in front of her. She saw the lights deep in the forest, meaning that somepony had teleported close by. Maybe her friends were on her trail? She didn’t know, she only wanted for this crazy day to end...

The golem turned around too, to late to see the lights deep in the forest. It stood still, searching for any kind of movement and eventually turned back around to her. She glanced at him and then back to the forest. She just hoped her friends wouldn’t do anything to anger the golem... she had this feeling it wasn’t hostile after all. She decided it was best to begin talking... maybe it could give her some answers.

“Um, hello.” She said almost shyly. She sounded a bit like Fluttershy, when Twilight first met her. But it wasn’t because she was afraid of the golem, she felt... a bit intimidated. It was strange for her after all... It didn’t answer, so she tilted her head questioningly. It still didn’t answer, so she took one small step closer, glancing up at him. She wanted to try and look it in its eyes, but it was a bit too large to do that. Maybe it didn’t hear her question...

“Hello?” She said, more clearly this time. It didn’t answer again, maybe it didn’t understand her...

“Um, can you understand me?” She asked, hoping for any answer, even if it just was a nod. She could see it slowly nodding, which made her quite happy. Now she could just ask him who he is, everything could be resolved without any troubles. Wait a minute, can it even speak?

“Can you speak?” She asked, hoping for a nod. The golem shook its head...

“Oh... Why did you bring me here?” She pondered out loud, but she knew the golem couldn’t answer her. It began to move, showing her its hands, they were still dripping with water... the water it had used to wake her up. They were finally getting somewhere...

“You brought me here to... wake me up?” This monologue was starting to get to her, as she was more saying her thoughts out loud and hoping it... he would react. She didn’t know how, but... she felt the golem before her was a male. So, what is left...

“Um, okay. Why did you wake me up?” She asked that last thing almost accusingly, but she managed to change her tone for her last question; which she almost whispered: “Why did you protect me?” Then it dawned on her, he couldn’t really speak...

“Oh yeah, you can’t really answer these questions...” The golem nodded and went through its knees. She began thinking about what he could possibly plan to do, but then she got it... he was just trying to make it more comfortable for her to speak to him. She could investigate the helmet more closely now, but she still couldn’t take a glance inside. ‘I wonder how he looks like without his helmet...,’ she pondered to herself. Well, he wasn’t hostile, so maybe...

“Yes... Let’s start over, shall we? My name is Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight if you want.” She almost facehoofed there and then. But, deep inside she actually thought of him as a friend... How strange. Maybe he has a name too...

“Um, do you have a name?” She asked, but she knew he really couldn’t answer her questions. He motioned to the symbol on his right hand, a white triangle. Was that his name?

“Your name is... Triangle?” She knew it would be a lucky guess and like she thought he shook his head. Maybe it had something to do with triangles...

Her thought process was broken by the golem slowly reaching out with his hand. She was amazed at the hand with the various ports in it. It looked so strange, not like anything she had seen before. If this was his armor... then she didn’t want to see what weapons it possibly could have. She already had seen it spout some fire out of his hands... but it wasn’t like any magic fire she had seen before...

She understood his gesture and after examining the hand closer, so that she was sure there wouldn’t come any fire out of it any time soon; she responded his gesture with her own, reaching out with her hoof. He shook it slowly and carefully, she was amazed by how firmly he held her hooves. He could possibly pulverize rocks if he wanted to...

She smiled at him, hoping he would return with his own smile. He didn’t of course, as he was wearing a helmet. She wanted to ask him some more questions, but he seemed to be unresponsive. He looked up, at Luna’s moon, searching for something in the far east. She followed his gaze and saw the flying figures, Pegasi guards... they had found her. She was beyond glad, but deep in her heart a dread feeling came to her. How was he going to react?

Without any warning he reached out for her, pulling her into an embrace. He carried her away from the river, maybe to try and hide in the shadows and the forest. She could see more movement that way in the forest, so did he. He turned around going back to the river. She called out to him: “It is okay, they are only here to help!” But he didn’t hear her...

Was he going to try to cross the river? She didn’t know, but he was running back to it. If he was going to wade through it, the guards were going to catch them. She didn’t knew what to expect when he took her only in one arm, freeing his left arm. He hold her tightly, clenching his left fist. She could see it beginning to freeze over and with one quick movement he threw, whatever he was holding, to the river.

The river froze over, which surprised her, but what surprised her more that he managed to cross it in only three big steps, without falling. She couldn’t even try to stay upright on ice, as she had knew from the first time she had tried to help with the first Winter Wrap Up she had in Ponyville... that day she learned that ice-skating wasn’t one of her many talents.

The guards were coming closer, but the way to the forest was clear. Until three of Celestia’s guards stepped out of the forest. Their way was blocked, she knew this wasn’t going to stop him... she just hoped he wouldn’t hurt them too badly...

The guards all were wearing their golden armor, more for looks than functionality. Equestria didn’t have any real wars since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna began their reign... the army hadn’t aged well. Only one unicorn guard was with them, his horn surrounded by the light gray aura typical for Celestia’s Royal Guard, his armor had accents of silver; meaning that he was higher ranked than the other guards. But before the unicorn guard could unleash any magic he was hit by a surge of electricity from the hands of the golem. The guard fell to the ground, squiggling under the electrical surges, but he was going to be alright. The other two guards didn’t take too long to react...

They charged the golem, possibly trying to stop him; more likely wanting to try to avenge their fellow guard. The only thing they charged was the air, when the golem suddenly dashed forward; knocking the two remaining guards airborne. She could hear voices calling out for her, but she couldn’t answer. She found herself to be... paralyzed in his arms. Not with fear, but with... compassion, she needed to stay with him, so he didn’t get himself killed. Before they ran in the forest she could see something coming out of the air... Princess Celestia...

Princess Celestia was here and she didn’t looked amused. Her familiar mane moved slightly while she was running behind them, trying to keep up. Everything was going to be alright now... She hoped, but her hope dwindled away when she saw the look of pure anger on the face of the Princess of the Sun. Twilight got a bit scared seeing the Princess like that, determined to do anything to save her... But did she really needed to be saved?

Her friends were still behind them, as she could hear them shout out her name. She didn’t know how the golem did it, dashing between the trees; outrunning the guards and her friends. Only Princess Celestia seemed to be able to keep up. The Princess called out to the golem: “Stop, or we will use magic. We only want Twilight.” But he didn’t listen...

They ran between some trees and almost into some, when the explosion went off behind them. The Princess was just trying to daze him, not too kill. But the golem was apparently quick on his reflexes, remaining his balance and keeping the pace. Twilight try to look behind the golem, but she only saw smoke. Suddenly the Princess jumped from the smoke, her horn surrounded by her golden aura... Twilight didn’t knew what to do, which side to choose...

They ran behind a big, old looking tree; overgrown with many vines. This really was the heart of the Everfree Forest... The golem stopped, turning around, waiting for something. Twilight realized what he was trying when she saw the electricity surrounding his fist. Maybe it was for the best, she didn’t think the Princess would be in a mood to forgive... Being led by emotions is never the answer...

The Princess rounded the corner, emerging from behind the tree; and she got immediately greeted by a bolt of electricity, striking her in the chest. Twilight could see her stumble for a moment, but Princess Celestia shook herself free from the electrical surges and, once again, began following the golem. Twilight was really torn between choices... If she chose for her friends, the Princess would probably take him out before Twilight could try to explain everything. And if she chose for the golem... why did she even trust him, she didn’t knew him... But the answer was given by her heart and not her brain... He only wanted to protect her and she... she felt safe.

She was taken by surprise when they suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest. She heard voices deep in the forest, the flapping of wings... She heard the clopping of hooves on the dry forest floor. She looked down and saw the golem clenching his fist again... this time holding that ice he used to freeze over the river. Twilight never had seen such magic in her life before. She knew the elements could be conjured to the benefit of a very powerful magic user, but... not like this. She felt like this golem held more magical power than the Princesses... combined. Even the Sisters of the Sun and Moon couldn’t control the water of the seas or try to reign over the fires out of the earth... But he, he just hold it in his hand... so it could do his bidding. It was his weapon, his choice to use it lethally or not... She only hoped he didn’t hurt the Princess too much...

Her feelings were in a roller-coaster, making her unable to think clearly. Deep inside she knew the ones that were behind them were her friends. But she never had felt a bond with anypony like this before... Who was this golem? Where was he from?

She saw Princess Celestia coming closer between the trees, a look of determination and anger on her face. Her horn was aglow with her golden aura, ready to take hold of the golem and free Equestria of his malice... to free her. She could see the magenta eyes of her mentor, just before the golem shot his icy blast at her. Princess Celestia got stuck, as the ice hit her in the left leg; freezing it solid. The ice spread out, to her other leg and up her chest, but it stopped there. Twilight wanted to help her mentor, to stop this all... but she didn’t want this to escalate further. Suddenly she could hear that the flapping of wings, that was very faint just moments ago, came closer... While the golem turned around he got hit in the chest with a rainbow-colored blur, throwing Twilight out of his hands.

Twilight fell in some bushes, that luckily cushioned her fall. She was dazed for a moment, but she recovered quickly. She heard her friend, Rainbow Dash, assaulting the golem. But suddenly the flapping of wings stopped... and everything went quiet. Twilight managed to climb out of the bushes only to see that the golem had managed to get hold of Rainbow Dash. He was holding her at her neck, his gloved hand pressed firmly around it; not showing any signs of letting her go. Rainbow’s wings were still outstretched, a look of utter fright on her face.

Twilight called out to the golem: “Stop!” But he didn’t respond...

She could see that Rainbow was slowly beginning to suffocate, as the golem’s grasp began to get tighter. Twilight ran up to him, leaning against him, while standing on her hind legs. She looked at him, as he slowly turned his head to meet her pleading gaze. His composure seemed to change slightly and he slowly went through his knees. His hand loosened around the next of Dash, making her fall to the ground; coughing for air. Twilight, however, didn’t rush to her aid... she was mesmerized by the golem, who was now looking straight at her. She knew he was wearing a helmet, but she could have sworn she saw through that yellow light... to see the man behind the helmet. She could feel connected to him... She felt protected...

Suddenly she heard something hum... She looked at her side to see Princess Celestia standing there, freed from her icy constraints. Twilight heart skipped a beat... The Princess of the Sun stood tall, horn engorged by a golden aura; her mane embodied by the power of the sun. Twilight felt herself frightened at that image, to see her Princess standing there... so powerful, yet so deathly...

The golem moved quickly, pushing Twilight aside. Before Twilight could get back up, to try to stop everything, a bright flash blinded her for a moment. She could feel a scorching heat surrounding them, the sounds of trees breaking and falling around them. When she managed to look up, her vision beginning to come back to her, she saw utter destruction... Trees were pulled out of the ground, bent in strange angles, singed by the fiery spell her mentor had used... And the golem was gone...

She tried to stand up, but failed as she felt her body trembling as tears were starting to form in her eyes. “No...,” Twilight whispered; but it was already too late.

Princess Celestia came closer, looking tired; the glow around her horn slowly dying out. Her left leg still had traces of the ice the golem had used on it. Rainbow Dash slowly stood up, looking at the ravage the Princess had inflicted on the forest. A red strain disgraced her neck as she turned around, meeting Twilight teary gaze. She tried to comfort her friend, tell her she was safe now; but Twilight weakly shoved her aside.

Twilight stood up now, slowly coming closer to the destroyed giant tree that had fallen on the golem. She could see the path the golem had flown, to only be stopped by one gigantic tree that had shattered in pieces when the golem collided with it. She wanted to levitate the pieces away, to search for him; to save him. But before she could get any closer the Princess stopped her in an embrace. Twilight began to sob, crying in the mane of her mentor.

“I’m sorry it had to be this way,” the Princess said quietly, a hint of guilt in her voice. Twilight began to sob, crying in the mane of her mentor. Twilight slowly pulled herself out of the embrace, looking accusingly at the Princess.

“He didn’t mean any harm,” she whispered. The Princess pulled her back into an embrace, but Twilight didn’t cry anymore. She just felt angry... at herself, that she couldn’t stopped this from happening... at the Princess for doing what she did... But deep inside she felt like this wasn’t over...

“I know... It was better to take him out before he hurt anypony...”

With those words the weather above the Everfree Forest changed, darks clouds filled with rain collecting above their heads. A slight haze of rain began to poor down, drenching the ponies that slowly were getting closer to place where the last stand-down with the golem had happened... When the guards emerged from the trees, along with Princess Luna and the remaining Elements of Harmony; they all were taken back by the destruction... They all saw Twilight, embraced by both the Princess of the Sun and Rainbow Dash.

A lone drill laid on the ground, no longer on the back of its owner...

“He didn’t mean any harm,” Twilight muttered again.

She felt sorry for not being able to save him, to explain everything. She wanted to scream, to desperately search in the pile of wood, to try to find the golem... But it was too late...

He only wanted to protect her...

The clouds above the Everfree Forest wept, as did Twilight. It seemed like the story had ended for the golem, destroyed by the obliterating spell of Princess Celestia. But some might say that his story had just begun...

“It’s time to break our Shackles that still bind us to the Parasite. It’s time for one last sound from the Lighthouse...”

The light of the moon illuminated the lone Lighthouse, standing completely alone in a featureless sea. It was completely quiet out here, no ship usually came close to the Lighthouse and the secret it harbored. The peace was broken by the sound of something exploding, deep beneath the waves; bubbles of air disrupting the calm surface of the sea. An object erupted from the sea, jumping slightly above the waves it caused, only to settle down shortly after. A lone shadow could be seen, as a purple flash illuminated the surface of the object. She slowly stood up…

She looked inside the lifeboat, only to see her Mother using the oxygen tank Eleanor had given her; surrounded by the Little Sisters her Father had saved. She despised her Mother for everything she had done, and she wanted her to suffer… but that wasn’t what her Father had learned her. She raised her arm and shattered the glass of the lifeboat, causing the water to drain. Her Mother lay in the middle of the room, coughing up water. She was saved by her daughter, just in time…

She looked around, trying to find her Father… but deep inside she knew it was useless. Whatever had happened just moments ago took away her Father… The Pairbond was broken, she no longer could feel his guidance. She looked up at the sky while removing her helmet, seeing the moon hiding behind the Lighthouse, the entrance to Rapture…

“Rapture…,” Eleanor muttered to herself, “ We finally did it, Father… We’ve escaped Rapture… But at what cost…”

She just stood there, the Little Sisters that helped her escape Rapture slowly surrounding her. She finally was free, but at the same time she still was encaged…

Her Mother slowly stood up behind her, approaching her daughter. Sofia Lamb still wanted to change Eleanor’s mind, to come back to Rapture and be the one to save the Family… Eleanor was the one, capable of perfect altruism; to uphold the common good without wanting any personal gain. To make Sofia's Utopia out of the broken city below the waves, to make the Rapture Family one… Eleanor stopped her dead in her tracks by turning around and speaking to her Mother.

“I hope your glad, Mother,” almost spitting out that last word, like she hated it with her whole being.

“Eleanor-,” Sofia Lamb slowly began, but she got cut off by her daughter.

“I saved you because my Father would have done the same. I’m no longer your daughter, I’m no longer am your prodigy to manipulate…” Eleanor said emotionless, she just wanted to be left alone.

“The city is ours now Eleanor, with your help the Family can still turn all of this around. Please understand that everything I’ve done was an act… of love. Your Father… your Father wasn’t your father Eleanor, he just was an abomination-” Sofia got cut off as Eleanor moved quickly, grabbing her Mother by the neck.

“Don’t… you… ever… call… my… Father… that… again,” Eleanor hissed through clenched teeth, as she her Mother dangled from her hand. She let go, causing her Mother to fall back to the ground. A strange look came in Eleanor's eyes, as she began to speak again.

“My Father taught me that ‘evil’ is just a word. He always tried to see the best in everyone… I ask myself, wasn’t he too hopeful? Maybe there are some not worthy to be forgiven…” She stepped closer to her Mother, a calm look on Eleanor's face; but surrounded by an aura that inspired a dread feeling in Sofia’s heart.

“But who am I to judge, to take a life that’s not mine to take,” Eleanor slowly said, looking her Mother in the eye; a slight smirk surrounding her lips.

“Let’s go and meet your judges, Mother. We don’t want to make them wait, do we?” With that Eleanor put her helmet back on and took her Mother in her arms. Sofia Lamb struggled in her grasp, but Eleanor dove in the sea nonetheless. She could see bubbles of air coming from the mouth of her Mother…

Beneath the sea another purple flash could be seen. Eleanor let go of her Mother, who was once again coughing up water. She looked around the old jazz club. On old poster hang on the wall, the words barely legible: ‘Grace Holloway starring in ‘The Deep Blue Revue’, Nightly! at the Limbo Room'. Eleanor could hear footsteps coming closer, the sound of a cane hitting the ground with each step. Her work was done here… let her Mother’s so-called Family decide her fate…

Before she could teleport away, a voice called out for her: “Eleanor, wait! Don’t leave me here!”

Her Mother looked up at her, desperate and scared. Did she fear that the Family would take her out, knowing that she had failed to stop her daughter? Before she could answer another joined them in the room. The woman was wearing an old dress, faded yellow by time and wear. An old scarf around her neck, a decorated hat on her head. Time may not have treated the woman well, but she still stood strong and proud.

“Eleanor… Is that you?” The ex-jazz singer said, bringing the attention to her. The Big Sister standing next to Sofia Lamb slowly took of her helmet, revealing her face. Long brown hair fell over her eyes, slowly brushed aside by Eleanor.

“Aunt Grace…,” Eleanor said, recognizing the woman that had taken care of her, while her own Mother was imprisoned in Persephone. She didn’t remember to much from back then…

“Eleanor… It’s so good to see you again, sweetie.” Eleanor almost moved back when Grace came closer, only to hesitantly accepting the embrace she was pulled in. They both didn’t acknowledge the presence of Sofia, as they both were happy to see each other again.

“Where are my manners, come with me Eleanor. I’m sure you are thirsty-” Grace stopped talking when she saw Eleanor waving with her hand, a sad look on her face.

“I’m sorry, Aunt Grace… but I’m not here to stay,” Eleanor said, “I’m just here to bring my Mother to her judges…”

Grace Holloway stood still, saying no word. Finally she nodded her head, looking at Sofia Lamb; the once grand leader of the Rapture Family… Nothing more than a shell of her former self. With anger she spoke to the woman that had betrayed her, that had hurt Eleanor: “I hope you’re ready to be judged by your own rules, Sofia…”

Sofia Lamb looked at her, still trying to safe herself; but her words fell meaningless before Grace: “You once said that everything should be done to serve the common good. That Eleanor was the vessel we should use to be reborn. That to follow you was to defy Andrew Ryan’s grasp on Rapture… You’ve become your own nightmare, Sofia. In the end, it all was for your personal gain…”

Grace Holloway slowly walked away, mentioning at Eleanor to follow her. When they came at the exit, two Splicers stepped through the door; a woman and a man, both holding wrenches in their hands, both deformed by misuse of ADAM. They looked at Grace, like they were waiting for orders.

“The Rapture Family will judge her by its rules. Detain her here, court will be in a few hours.” Both the Splicers nodded at the words of Grace, walking up to their once grand leader. Eleanor and Grace left the jazz-club, only hearing the noises of Sofia Lamb begging for her life, before her voice cut off as the male Splicer put a gag in her mouth, while his fellow Splicer tied her up. Grace stopped just outside, looking back at the door she so proudly went through every night; entertaining the people living in Pauper’s Drop…

“It’s a shame…,” muttered Grace, her voice trailing off. Eleanor shrugged, not really caring what would happen to her mother; she already had done what she needed to do. Sofia’s life wasn’t in her hands anymore. She followed Grace through the dirty streets of Pauper’s Drop, seeing the suffering of so many Splicers. It seemed like hundreds and hundreds of Splicers had came here, seeking shelter in the various houses around Pauper’s Drop, sleeping on the streets. She never had seen Splicers so calm, but she deducted it came from the lack of ADAM. With most of the Little Sisters saved by her Father, who was left to get ADAM from. Rapture’s population had finally dug its own grave… they had killed all the ones that gave them what they needed… How had it came to this?

Grace told her that most of the Family already had forsaken Sofia Lamb before her Father had made his way into Persephone. From all around the city new Splicers came to Pauper’s Drop, as it was the only safe place… Eleanor wanted to ask what the Splicers were running from, but Grace answered her question before she could ask it.

“An old evil has taken his place back on the throne of Rapture… Pauper’s Drop is the only place still safe from his reach. But soon… soon we will fall under his rule once again…” Eleanor didn’t understood what her Aunt meant, but she nodded nonetheless.

“You should leave, Eleanor… There’s nothing left to save here…” Grace said, turning back to Eleanor with a weak smile on her face.

“No, Aunt Grace, I’m taking you with me! You have to come with me, you’re the only one… the only one I have left…” A single tear ran from Eleanor’s eye, wiped off by Grace; smiling, but determined of her decision.

“There’s nothing left for me out there, Eleanor. I belong here.”

“But-” Eleanor began, but she was cut off by Grace.

“Your… Father spared me Eleanor and I showed him the way. I’m glad he managed to save you… I’m sorry for your loss. But he gave your life to save yours… Respect his choice. Help the Little Sisters he rescued from this city, I’m sure you’ll find a way…” Grace embraced Eleanor one last time, Grace slowly tearing up. Eleanor broke the embrace and put her helmet back on. The last thing she saw was the weak smile of the woman that always was there for her, but she respected Grace’s choice… A purple flash illuminated the corridors of Pauper’s Drop… The last Big Sister was gone and with her… all hope was lost…

She opened her eyes again, to be greeted by the moonlit sky. She threw her helmet to the ground, slowly standing at the edge of the lifeboat. She sat down, tears spilling in the sea below. She knew what she had to do…

When Tenenbaum had contacted her through the Little Sisters, they began making a plan. Finding the corpse of her Father wasn’t hard, but it took them a while to get the genetic key just right. With the help of Tenenbaum, she brought back her Father by hacking a ‘Vita-Chamber’, effectively resurrecting him. With his help she managed to break from the cage her mother had kept her in… Tenenbaum had talked to her one last time before she escaped Rapture once again: “I’ll give a map to a Little One, so you can find us when you escape. Herr Jack and I have a safe place, where we can save the Little Ones and revert the damage that has been done to them. There are some left in Persephone, Eleanor… Please save them to from this watery grave. See you soon, Eleanor.”

Eleanor trusted Tenenbaum, the way she risked her own life to safe her Sisters… But she didn’t know why. She didn’t know who Tenenbaum was, or how she got back to Rapture. Tenenbaum only told her that she was responsible for every ‘Little One’, as she called the Little Sisters; and that she wanted to give them their lives back. Eleanor knew the conditioning of a Little Sister could be successfully removed, as her mother managed to do with her… But to give them back their lives?

She had many questions, but no answers. Who was this ‘Herr Jack’ Tenenbaum always talked about? She knew nothing about him, except some things her Sisters had told her. ‘He saved us from the scary man,’ they so often had told her, but she never thought about asking more... At the time she was busy trying to help her Father to reach her…

What was this ‘old evil’ her aunt had talked about? Rapture’s former leaders where all killed. One was killed by a man wearing chains on his wrist, a slave breaking the chains holding Rapture. And when the old ‘King’ fell, a new one stood up; only to be stricken down by the same man, who once came from the surface, carried by a plane from a far away country. Andrew Ryan was death and so was Frank Fontaine. She was certain of it…

She opened her eyes, tears still falling in the water below. Was this all worth it?

A Little Sister came standing next to her, a Big Daddy doll in her hand: “Big Sister, are we going to see Aunt Tenenbaum?”

Eleanor looked at the her Sister, wiping her tears out of her eyes. “Yes, we’re going to see her soon.”

“Did you lose your Daddy?” The Little Sister asked. Eleanor nodded in response, tears welling up from her eyes again. The Little Sister reached out to her, giving her the Big Daddy doll. Eleanor hold it firmly in her hand, looking back at her Sister, who had a big smile on her face.

“Don’t worry, Big Sister, Mister Bubbles is alright,” The Little Sister assured her, her laugh making Eleanor smile a little. Eleanor slowly stood up, her Sisters surrounding her; all exclaiming how great and strong ‘Mister Bubbles’ was. She pulled them all in an embrace, feeling slightly better… But they didn’t know better than say all those things. They didn’t know anything else…

She looked up at the moonlit sky, being marveled by the sight of the many stars twinkling in the night. She slowly took her helmet back off the ground and put it back to its place. She smiled, although invisible beneath her helmet. They were going to go to Tenenbaum, so they could help her Sisters. And everything would be alright…

A purple flash lit up the sea for one last time. The moon emerged slowly from behind the Lighthouse. It became silentonce again. Suddenly the sky was filled with fire, as a deep rumble came from where the Lighthouse once stood; a deafening explosion erupting from the Lighthouse. The Lighthouse broke in pieces, one piece fell on the lifeboat Eleanor had used to escape Rapture… The explosion destroyed every trace of the Lighthouse, as the sea took back its rightful place.

One last sound from the Lighthouse… One last act from the fallen King. So he can reign once again of his forlorn Utopia… Rapture finally had broken its Shackles… freeing it from the Parasites its Founder so feared… Once again, he was alone with his city… Only one thing left to do, one purge left for Rapture to be… perfect.

The world would never hear from Rapture again. It was lost beyond the sea. Nobody wanted to go back, to pay her a visit. And when finally forgotten, forsaken by those who managed to free themselves from Andrew Ryan’s dream… Rapture slowly became a real Utopia. In the end it only had one fatal flaw, taken away by the death of its last occupant: Human nature. Andrew Ryan’s dream finally became an Utopia… but there was nobody left to live it.

“Mother was right about one thing… I’ve been watching you, Father, studying the way you have treated others, and now I know who I am.
I am free. Everything that Mother has done to me… I am alive and sane enough to be curious about the sun. When you rescued my new Sisters I felt every one, and it gave me hope for the first time in years.
Now I will do the same for all the other, starting with this one…”

Author’s Note: I hope everybody likes cliffhangers… How will the story evolve now, you ask? My answer is to wait for the next chapter. I have some things planned, so... Look out for 'spoilers' in this chapter!

Be happy, now you know Rainbow Dash is still alive... But yeah, I just really replaced one cliffhanger with the next, so... I'm feeling like :trollestia: today. Did Subject Delta survive? Who knows... :trollestia:

I really hope you all like this chapter, as I personally have the feeling it isn't the best I've written so far... But that's probably just comes out of my lack of trust in my own abilities --If I have any--, so... Really hope you like it!

Check out my blog for more news on this chapter! And see you all next time!

EDIT: I hereby give my right of the mighty 'First' to the first commenter on this chapter; let the games begin!