• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 2,238 Views, 19 Comments

Sick and Twisted - RustyTheBrave

Princess Luna has fallen ill, and Twilight must find the cause before it's too late!

  • ...

Caught Red-Hoofed

The hours flew by for Twilight, and before she knew it, she was once more standing in front of the entrance to the Canterlot throne room. She had expected the Night Guard to leave her at that point and return to Princess Luna’s chambers. Once more, to her great surprise, they asked to continue accompanying her, which she agreed to.

The double doors to the throne room opened, and Twilight was greeted by the sight of a slightly less disheveled Princess Celestia. When her gaze met Twilight’s her eyes lit up with something Twilight could only assume was hope.

“Twilight Sparkle, welcome back,” Celestia greeted. “I was informed by the guards that you were returning from the Crystal Empire. You’ve been gone for a couple of days, from what I understand.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I... it’s been rather stressful, but I think I’m close to finding the culprit.”

“Oh?” Celestia perked up. “Then please, tell me what you’ve learned. Luna is recovering slowly, but I cannot rest until we find out who was responsible for this.”

“I can’t agree more,” Twilight said. “I want to solve this just as much as you do... a-and then apologize to a few ponies.” She slumped a bit, and sighed heavily. “I’ve made some big mistakes in the past two days, Princess…”

“Twilight?” Celestia began, standing up from her seat. “Twilight, are you alright?”

“I…” Twilight shook her head. “No, I’m not alright. I-I…” She sniffled. “I’ve been running around half of Equestria, trying to find a lead, only to find out the source of Luna’s illness was in the castle the whole time! My friends are worried sick about Princess Luna and dealing with their own problems, I want to help them, but I can’t, and now I’m pretty sure Shining Armor and Cadence want nothing to do with me anymore!”

Twilight’s voice cracked on the last word, as Twilight started shaking and sobbing openly, Spike doing his best to console her failing to hold back his own tears. The Night Guard remained by her side, silently hanging their heads a bit and closing their eyes.

Celestia crossed the rest of the distance between her and Twilight in a heartbeat, and wrapped a wing around her. “Oh, Twilight…” She said soothingly. “I…” She sighed shakily. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through with all this.”

Twilight sniffled again, wiping her nose with a hoof and looking away. “S-sorry…”

“No,” Celestia whispered. “Don’t be. Goodness, Twilight, I should have thought sooner about how you were feeling about all this.” Celestia loosened her embrace, just enough to look at Twilight properly. “It was insensitive of me to place all of this upon your shoulders. I should have been the one looking into this.”

“You have to run a country,” Twilight argued immediately, “I don’t blame you.”

“Even so, you’re only one pony. A very brilliant, wonderful pony, but still only one pony.” She ran a hoof through her mane. “Do you want to take a rest before we speak further?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, the sooner this is resolved, the better.”

“I understand… and I can’t agree more.” Celestia smiled weakly. “I’m thankful for all that you’ve done for Luna and I so far, Twilight. Please don’t forget that.”

Twilight nodded. “Well, I managed to locate the chandler who is responsible for creating Princess Luna’s candles. He seemed rather shocked and genuinely worried when I explained what happened to your sister. He gave me a tour of his shop, and while it was insightful, there was one minor detail that stood out.”

“What would that be?” Celestia inquired.

Twilight’s voice fell a bit as she spoke, as though afraid to speak. “The wicks for his candles are imported... from Ponyville.”

Celestia let out a soft gasp. “Ponyville?”

“A fabric warehouse, they produce lots of wicks, apparently. It makes sense. The Crystal Empire doesn’t really grow cotton to speak of, but Ponyville is located in the agricultural heartland of Equestria. While it’s more expensive to have the wicks shipped, the chandler has few options. He makes good money with the business he receives from Princess Luna, though, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to want to do any harm to her.”

“I see,” Celestia said, and Twilight could see her processing the information behind her calm expression. “Anything else?”

“Well,” Twilight sighed. “At first... at first I suspected—”

Twilight’s words were cut off by a loud explosion. Literally.

“Explosion!” cried out an all-too familiar voice.

Twilight and Celestia, along with Spike, the Night Guard, and the Royal Guards standing along either side of the throne room, were all at once covered in what could only be shredded coconut fibers. When the two alicorns looked up to the source of the mess, they found themselves looking at none other than Discord.

“Oh,” Discord took in the scene, and gave a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I took a quick break in Bermareda. Great weather this time of year, lots of hurricanes, and plenty of wonderful waves.” He sipped a drink from a coconut shell loudly, then continued. “So, guess what I found out.”

“Discord,” Twilight began. “Now is not the time to—”

“Ah, ah, ah, my little violet friend, it’s guessing time, not arguing time. That follows after.” He folded his arms. “Go on, guess!”

“That you’re annoying?” Spike offered.

“Pfft!” Discord waved a hand. “That’s old news. I found that out when I turned the sun blue for a week back in the ancient times. Celestia had a real fit, that she did…” He sighed dreamily. “No, that’s not what I found out, though. Guess again.”

“We don’t have time for this?” Twilight suggested, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Discord’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “Correct, my dear egghead! You’re entirely out of time, because the wicks at Cottontop’s Warehouse are being poisoned right now!”

“Of course,” Twilight said automatically, before her thoughts knotted unpleasantly around what was just said, “what… wait—”

“No, no time for waiting!” Discord said with a flourish towards the door, “If you wait they might be gone, and that’d be a terrible way to end a mystery.”

“Discord,” Celestia began, her expression serious and showing no signs of amusement. “If this is another one of your pranks…”

“Come now, Celestia, I’m better than that! Since when do I give fair warning to a prank?” He cleared his throat, and once more gestured to the door with a flourish. “Now then, shall we?”

“Ugh, fine!” Twilight snapped, her patience having run out. “Just... wait, nononono!”

Discord grinned as he snapped his fingers, and Twilight, Spike, Celestia, and the Night Guard all vanished in a flash of light. To Twilight, it was like the universe swallowed them up in a giant, multi-colored tube-sock, and dragged them through an endlessly pulsating mass of glowing, purple gelatin to the sound of a slightly off-key tuba and a musical saw. When the journey was over, reality reasserted itself like being smacked in the face with a brick made of marzipan. By the way one of the Night Guards threw up when they appeared, it seemed the others had had similar experiences.

“My mouth tastes like chartreuse…” mumbled one of the Night Guards dazedly.

“Give it a few minutes, it’ll wear off,” Discord said dismissively, only to pause. “Wait... you said chartreuse?”

“Y-yeah,” the stallion replied.

Discord hissed through his teeth and gave him an uneasy smile. “Um... make that a week. But don’t worry, at least you’ll get an intimate understanding of what it’s like to taste with your eyeballs,” while the guard looked at him in horror, Discord returned his attention to the scenery before them, and pointed to a large warehouse. “Behold! Cottontop’s Warehouse! The number one producer of fabrics and fabric accessories products in the central Equestrian region!”

Twilight frowned. “So, this is the place, huh?” She looked to the right, and immediately recognized the small town of Ponyville down the road. “To think somepony here is responsible for this mess... and they’ve been in town the whole time.”

“Yes, yes, but let us continue inside. That is where the real answer lies.” Discord floated over to a door labeled ‘Employees Only’ and opened it with a wave of his claw. Twilight, Spike, and Celestia hesitated for only a moment, then entered behind the draconequus.

“Discord, how did you find out about this place?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, you know…” Discord twirled a finger through the air. “Read some tea leaves, studied the astrological predictions for this week, talked to some koalas…” He shrugged. “Nothing too fancy.”

“Koalas?” Spike repeated, giving Discord a deadpan look.

Discord frowned. “I’ll have you know that the Koala sages of the Eucalyptus Mountains are the wisest beings in the southern regions of the known world!” He scratched his cheek and paused. “Or was that the craziest beings in the southern region?”

“Anyway,” Twilight cut in. “What are we doing here?” She waved a hoof at their general surroundings. “Not to mention we’re in a restricted area of the warehouse.” They had bypassed such things as doors through Discord’s meddling, and were standing, sitting and in one unfortunate case vomiting in a part of the warehouse that had a distinct ‘no admittance’ feeling to it. Crates were stacked everywhere, and there were warnings about heavy machinery on every wall that looked quite worrying to Twilight.

“Oh pfft, you’re a princess. You get to do what you want, don’t you?” Discord looked to a group of workers that walked by them and paused to bow somewhat awkwardly. “Besides, two princesses visiting a local business is bound to give them a lot of publicity.”

“Just... show us what you wanted to already,” Twilight conceded. “Please.”

Discord nodded, “Right, this way.”

The group went through a large hallway, turning down several corridors before stopping at a doorway with the words ‘Shipping’ painted over the entrance. He opened the door and continued onward, leading them towards the back of the large room.

Twilight noted that unlike most of the other areas of the warehouse, this place was relatively quiet and empty of any workers. She opened her mouth to ask Discord what they were doing here, but found a lion paw over her mouth.

“Shhhhhh…” He whispered. “Don’t spoil the surprise!”

She frowned, but remained silent as they continued to the back of the room. They eventually came up to a large aisle of shelves, lined to the top with crates. Discord weaved between a gap, the two princesses, dragon, and Night Guards close behind, until the confusing creature suddenly froze and gestured for the group to remain quiet.

“Dumb... box... why won’t…?”

Twilight and Celestia paused, both giving exchanging a look with each other. Twilight’s ears twitched. That voice…

She turned to the Night Guard, and they nodded, taking to the air without a word. Only Penumbra and Nightshade (who had recovered from his nausea) stayed with the them, now following close behind.

“Honestly, you think that they would make these easier to open for a pony. Nails? Staples?” the voice groaned in frustration. “I’m going to need a trip to the spa after I’m finished in this dusty place! Ugh, simply dreadful!”

Twilight was right behind Discord as they turned down an aisle. Her eyes stopped at the end of the aisle, and rested on the last pony she thought she would see here.


It was Spike who had broken the silence. The white unicorn froze in place, only her ears twitching as she heard his voice. She turned around, her eyes going wide as she took in the group before her.

“T-Twilight? Princess Celestia?!” She dropped a bag that she had been holding in her magic, as well as a tool that clattered loudly to the ground.

“Rarity, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I... well, that is, I was grabbing... some fabrics! I buy from here, you see, and they give me access to... I mean, they give me a discount, since I am such a loyal customer. So, I was just grabbing some supplies to take home!” She smiled, visible beads of sweat running down her forehead and neck. “Ahem... what brings you here, darling?”

Discord floated up beside her, and picked up the bag she had dropped. He studied it for a moment. “Do you mind?” Rarity huffed. “I would most certainly like that back, Discord! I paid good money for that… fabric!”

“I’m sure,” Discord chuckled as he hefted the bag and tossed it to Twilight, who caught it with her telekinesis. “Did they give you a good deal then? It would seem you made out like a bandit, with as much as that weighs.”

“I-Yes, yes I did,” Rarity said quickly, her composure reasserting itself, “The weaver is a good friend of mine and—” Rarity’s eyes widened as Twilight was about to open the bag, and she lunged unconsciously towards it, “No, don’t!” Rarity slipped on the tool she had dropped, and fell on her side in front of Twilight.

Twilight started to help her friend up, on reflex, when she saw what rolled towards her hoof: a chisel, well-worn from use, with a handle of apple wood. “Why not, Rarity?” Twilight asked, her voice hard, “Is it because you’re afraid I might poison all of us?” Rarity started to say something, to rise and say anything, but Twilight cut her off, “Are you afraid we’ll all be killed by your attempt on Luna’s life?! Was that what you wanted?!” Twilight’s voice had risen, her tone cracking as the stress of the past few days and the emotional roller-coaster she had endured etched deep gouges in her composure.

“Why would you do this?! How could you do this?!” Twilight ranted, as tears flowed down her cheeks, “I trusted you, the Princesses trusted you, our friends trusted you! Even your own sister!” Twilight’s voice had risen to a shout, which had drawn the workers from their tasks. The Night Guards landed around Rarity, facing inward, while Spike and Celestia watched on in horror and sorrow respectively.

The silence was broken only now by Twilight’s labored breathing, and Rarity took a deep breath and pushed herself up. “Twilight, darling,” Rarity said softly, her voice hurt, “You know… you can’t be suspecting me of something like this… this horrible thing.” She looked at Twilight with tear-filled eyes, “We’re friends, Twilight, do you really think I could do that? Something so selfish and mean-spirited…”

“Y-Yeah,” Spike put in, his voice taut with worry, “M-Maybe she is in the w-wrong place at the wrong time but… but… this is Rarity! She’s caring, trustworthy... and... and... well’s she’s just Rarity. I mean, she’s the Element of Generosity, right?”

“Was.” A very serious voice said from behind Spike, who turned to see a very grim sight indeed: Discord frowning with serious intent, and something grasped in his mismatched hands, “You’ll find, my draconic friend, that sometimes things aren’t always as they seem. Ponies change,” he held up a golden necklace, with a grey, cracked diamond set in it, which elicited gasps from Twilight, Celestia and Rarity.

“How did you get that?” Celestia asked the draconequus sternly, “The forces of chaos cannot touch the Elements of Harmony.”

“Ah but my dear Celestia,” Discord said with a sly wink, as he tossed the necklace to Celestia, “This isn’t an Element of Harmony anymore. Just some cheap, gaudy thing pretending to be something it’s not.”

Celestia frowned, but after a moment of inspection, her eyes widened, “This bears my spell… but it is indeed no longer an Element of Harmony.” She looked to Discord with something approaching respect, as she passed the broken necklace to Twilight, “Which is how he was able to handle it.”

Twilight looked at the Element, which still sparkled, though its gem had grown dim and cracked. It was as if the Element itself had rebelled, for the fracture was by no means clean. Its meaning was clear to Twilight, who asked her friend one last time, “Why, Rarity?”

For a moment, Rarity was silent, then she asked, “Why didn’t you help me?” Rarity’s voice was so soft, Twilight thought she had misheard, until the white unicorn’s voice rose to an angry, frustrated pitch, “Why didn’t you help me?!”

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion as she took a half-step back.

“So innocent,” Rarity spat derisively, “always so bookish and innocent, so smart and lucky. Your breeding is impeccable, your fortune is indescribable and you squander it every day with little small-town things, unless you’re saving the world! And you always have the answer, for everything!” Rarity’s voice was like a saw against Twilight’s heart: jagged and coated in a patina of jealous fury. “When we met, I thought you could help me leave Ponyville, or find a rich, charming husband to live out my days in luxury, amongst the nobility, where I belong! But you!”

Rarity flicked her mane out of her eyes with unnecessary force, “You came from there, to here, this little town, without so much as a backwards glance towards the glamour, the fame and fortune that could have showered upon you every moment of every day, even after you were done saving the world from Nightmare Moon.”

“But I didn’t want-” Twilight started, only to be cut off again.

“No, you didn’t want the fame, you didn’t care about the glory or the ponies adoring you-”

“I cared about my friends!” Twilight erupted finally as she stepped towards Rarity, “I didn’t want all of that because I had you, all of you!”

“And maybe some of us wanted more!” Rarity put in furiously, with the ghost of a sob haunting her words, “Maybe some of us would have liked to know if a friend of theirs had the Captain of the Guard for a brother.” Twilight winced at that, and Rarity advanced, “Maybe some of us would have liked it if that friend didn’t act as though a trip to Canterlot was as normal as a trip to the grocery store, and remembered that some ponies don’t grow up in palaces!”

At that moment, Celestia stepped up, and she was as intense as Twilight had ever seen her. The grim sorrow that radiated off of Twilight’s former mentor was almost palpable as she said softly, “Some ponies don’t grow up in palaces,” Celestia said, her voice so dangerous that some of the Night Guards leaned away almost unconsciously, “But no pony should poison another.”

This calm reprimand, delivered without judgment, seemed to break something in Rarity, and like a burst dam, her words came tumbling out, “I-I spoke with Luna briefly during my stay in Canterlot almost a year ago, and she mentioned that her latest shipment of candles were late. She thought… she thought that Shining Armor was having trouble getting the paperwork sorted out. I asked her about the candles, and she gave me a tour of her chambers. I… I did poison them, yes... ” She let out a shaky breath as she continued. “B-But it was never meant to kill her, it wasn’t.” The fashionista crumbled to the floor as Celestia stood before her like a monument to disapproval, impassive but puissant, “I… It was supposed to keep her unwell… keep her unwell so that somepony could s-suggest that Twilight,” Twilight closed her eyes at the venom with which her former friend whispered her name, “That Twilight take o-over…”

“To frame her?” Celestia asked coolly, “Was that why my sister had to suffer, why you had to defile the last rites of the Night Guard,” the assembled Night Guards stiffened, “Why you terrorized your own friends and even your sister? So you could frame Princess Twilight Sparkle for a crime that would be implausible at best for her to attempt?”

“N-No…” Rarity said quietly, her body trembling with sobs, “To frame… frame her brother.” At Twilight’s gasp, she looked up with genuine regret, “I hated him, I hated him for being the one that you, Twilight Sparkle, never introduced me to. He was charming, single, and you forgot to mention him at all to any of us: to any of your friends! I thought… if you had to arrest him, or if you tried to cover it up,” Rarity broke off briefly with another sob, “I wanted to hurt you Twilight, hurt you for what you did to me, but... ” Rarity covered her face with her hooves, “But I didn’t want to hurt my other friends… and I definitely never wanted to hurt Sweetie Belle… she didn’t know anything about what I was doing, I made sure…” Rarity swallowed hard, but more sobs came back up.

“I just didn’t know what to do, once I’d done it,” Rarity said brokenly, “I-I tried to cover up everything, send a few false trails but… but it just got so out of control… I… I…” Rarity broke down again, and sobbed on the floor like a broken thing.
After several more moments, Princess Celestia stepped back, and Princess Twilight Sparkle said the one thing she hoped she’d never have to, “Guards,” Twilight said softly, “Take her away.”

Rarity gave no resistance as the Night Guard arrested her and placed a suppressor ring over her horn. All she did was continue to look at Twilight, her gaze a storm hidden behind two blue orbs filled with tears.
It was all Twilight could do to not break down where she stood as her former friend was silently escorted out of the warehouse. Instead, she settled for hanging her head and letting the tears silently fall.
It’s all a part of my duty... Twilight thought, even if it hurts, it had to be done…

She felt Celestia’s wings gently resting on her shoulders, and while she heard her mentor speak, she didn’t hear the words. Her mind was numb, now. The exhaustion, confusion, and overall stress finally was taking its toll on her, and she wanted nothing more than to sleep, wake up, and find out these past few days had been nothing more than an awful nightmare. “Twilight…?”

Realizing Celestia was tapping her gently with a hoof now, Twilight glanced up to the princess. “Oh, s-sorry, Princess…”
Celestia frowned. “Twilight... I’m so sorry that this had to happen…”

Twilight shook her head. “I just... all this time... and she never said anything.”

“Ponies behave oddly when under stress, Twilight,” replied Celestia, her voice just above a whisper. “I would know, after all.”

Twilight nodded,“So, what’s going to happen to her?” she asked almost timidly.

Celestia shook her head. “She’s admitted to her crimes, so there’s nothing she can do to defend herself from punishment now.”

“And that punishment would be…?” Twilight asked after a moment’s hesitation. The familiar knot in her chest returned, tighter than before.

Celestia's serene visage grew grim, “She will either be imprisoned, or banished from Equestria for the rest of her days.”

“Banished?” Spike repeated. “As in... kicked out of Equestria... forever?” A slow nod was the only reply Celestia gave. Spike made no further comment, instead sitting down and fidgeting with his tail. Twilight walked towards him, and pulled him close to her chest. She felt him tremble for a moment before burying his face into her fur and softly crying. She curled her wing over his face and held him tighter in her forelegs.

“Twilight…” Turning around, Twilight found herself facing Discord. His face held none of its usual mirth. Instead of a smirk, his lips were pulled down into a frown, his eyes downcast. He almost looked guilty, she thought to herself.

“Discord... thank you for helping me,” Twilight spoke softly, her voice sounding hollow, even to her own ears. “I just wish that it hadn’t been like this.”

“I know,” Discord said quietly. “I’m not happy with her, though. She made Fluttershy cry... I... I’m sure you can understand how I feel about that.” Twilight nodded. “I’ll... relay the news to Fluttershy. I only hope that she’ll be able to take it.” Discord was gone with a burst of light. No doubt the rest of the girls would find out soon enough. Her mind began imagining their reactions. Rainbow Dash would flat out deny such a possibility. Applejack would probably be equally surprised, but she could see her getting angry rather quickly, given the circumstance surrounding Apple Bloom. Pinkie Pie would probably take it best, which was not saying much. No party would be able to fix these hurt feelings.

One sleep-filled day had passed for Twilight since her incident with Rarity. Given the fact that Twilight and Spike had been witnesses to Rarity’s confession, they had been required to attend Rarity’s sentencing. Celestia, being a party of interest, was forced to withhold from her usual station as the judge in the Canterlot Palace court room. Instead, one of Canterlot’s most experienced judges, Fair Sentence, had presided over the case, which lasted only one hour at best. Rarity didn’t deny the charges, and said nothing further outside of understanding her crimes and the punishment.

Twilight had opted to sit with her friends, who had arrived to Canterlot earlier in the day. She had been silent aside from when she had been called to the stand to state what she had witnessed. Celestia, Spike, and two of the Night Guard members who had been present also gave similar stories. It was an open and shut case, even without the written confession Rarity had provided.

The elderly mare sitting in the judge’s seat raised the gavel, ready to call an end to the case, only to be cut off as the doors to the court room were opened. “Your Honor, hold,” a quiet, firm voice said clearly from the back of the courtroom. All gathered in the room had turned to the entrance. Several of the ponies gathered let out gasps and murmurs as a dark figure walked up the main aisle. Princess Luna approached the bench, slowly but surely, aided by a bat-winged Night Guard.

Celestia rose from her seat as the murmuring of the crowd grew and strode with concern towards her sister. “Sister, what are you doing up and walking about like this?” Celestia said worriedly, moving to impede the ailing princess’ progress. Princess Luna pushed past her sister with a grunt of effort and stood as tall as she could, but the image was lost as she let out a weak cough and began to shiver. One of the Night Guard accompanying her held her for support as she teetered to the side. “Luna,” Celestia began again, “Return to your quarters. The doctors said you would need at least two weeks’ bed rest before you were fit to get be up and about.”

“I shall, after we have had our chance to speak,” Luna said when she finally recovered from her coughing fit. As she continued slowly up the aisle, Twilight and the girls got a good look at her appearance. Her mane, while much more vibrant than it had been when she was bedridden and struggling for her life, was still subdued. The sparkling magic it usually held was not as noticeable, and sagged to the side as it waved weakly like a breeze over a stagnant pond. Even so, it was worlds better than it had been days prior.

The Princess of the Night gave the judge an expectant look. The judge frowned, but nodded to Princess Luna nevertheless. “Of course, your Highness.” Luna nodded gratefully before making her way towards the front of the courtroom. She looked to Rarity, who sat by a table with the defense attorney she had hired at the last minute. The unicorn mare was unable to meet Luna’s gaze.

“Rarity…” Luna spoke, her words soft as silk. The mare in question winced at the sound of her name. She continued to look to her hooves, closing her eyes and silently shaking. “My sister shared everything with me last night…” Rarity let out a quiet sniffle. For a moment there was silence as Luna marshalled her strength, then she continued, “While I know that you put my life in danger… you could have killed me, filled the land with strife,” Rarity winced subtly at that, “All for jealousy and spite,” Luna finished. The Night Guard wiped her brow efficiently, and Luna continued in a slightly stronger voice, “I… I can empathise with your actions, Rarity.”

That got Rarity to look up. She blinked away her tears, a look of utter confusion on her face. “I-what?” Rarity’s startled voice was almost lost in the hubbub that rose at Luna’s words, filling the courtroom with the buzz of a hundred startled conversations.

Luna did not smile, nor did she scowl at the mare as she continued, “Once upon a time, I too had a heart filled with nothing but jealousy and vengeance. I know what they can do to a pony... and that is why I can understand what drove you.” She took a moment to straighten further, and looked for a moment like the avatar of night once more.

Rarity stared for a long time into Luna’s eyes, which were haunted from her long illness. They held something in them. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but she knew it wasn’t anger, nor was it fury or pity. She slowly moved her gaze away from Luna’s to the five mares sitting in the audience, their expressions a mixture of grief and sadness. She had hurt so many of them, Rarity thought again, driven violent cracks into her relationships with the ponies that had been with her through every kind of weather.

Rarity fell deeper into her own inner grief, until a voice shattered the vortex of despair that was threatening to pull her down an even darker road. There is a reason that we fall, Rarity, Luna’s voice said calmly, though as Rarity’s gaze snapped up, she could see no sign of the Princess speaking. “W-what?” Rarity whispered, unsure and grieving inside as the princess’ voice sounded privately inside her mind, We fall, so that we may rise back up and stand stronger than before. Rarity felt her heartbeat quickening in her chest. She closed her eyes and let out a weak sob. She had done so much, hurt so many… Her gaze swept across her friends, or former friends, and only then, by the light of the bridges she had burned, did Rarity see the dark path she had gone down.

“I-I’m sorry…” She choked out. It was weak, it was barely intelligible, but it was genuine. “By the stars and heavens, I’m sorry…” Rarity’s voice cut through the murmuring of the crowd like a blade parting silk, despite its weakness, and the crowd fell silent slowly.

Luna’s lips curled ever-so slightly into a smile, barely noticeable against her dark coat. She looked to the judge and spoke. “Your Honor... I ask that you drop the charges regarding my poisoning.” All at once, there was a clamor of voices rising into a hurricane of sound in the large court chamber.

Celestia was the first to address her sister directly. “Luna, what are you thinking?” Celestia’s voice was taut with worry and frustration, but Luna stood tall, impervious to her sister’s words.

“My lady?” whispered the guard supporting Luna. “Are you certain of this?” The bat-winged guard’s voice was confused, and perhaps a little surprised at the temerity of questioning the Princess of the Night.

“What?” Rarity almost shouted in disbelief, only to be lost in the maelstrom of clamorous voices. The numerous voices continued to fill the courtroom until the judge hammered her gavel several times.

“Order! Order!” Fair Sentence commanded sternly, punctuated by the strikes of her gavel. The voices died out quickly, though there was still a murmuring undercurrent in the flow of the courtroom. The judge studied Luna with a critical eye… or as critical as one was willing to be when it came to studying a Princess of Equestria. “Your Highness… are you serious about this request?”

Luna nodded. “I am, your Honor. This pony has committed enough crimes as it stands. Theft… harassment… fraud… arson, to name but a few.” She turned to the ponies gathered in the court. “Equestria is a land that stands as a symbol of love and peace. We seek not to alienate or ostracize those who have done wrong, but to help guide them to bettering themselves. Yes, these crimes must be answered, I won’t deny that…” She looked to Rarity as she continued. “However, I know firsthoof what it is like to feel alone and in the dark, surrounded by your own jealous hatred.”

“Your Honor,” cut in another voice. The court room’s attention was turned to the other sister this time. Celestia looked mildly concerned as she watched Luna for several moments. “I feel it should be noted that confusion is a side-effect of arsenic poisoning, which was confirmed to be the source of my sister’s illness. It is quite possible that my sister is still experiencing these effects.”

“Celestia,” Luna began, her tone a clear warning to the elder alicorn. “I assure you I am of sound mind right now. Do not attempt to inter-”

Celestia shook her head and cut her sister off. “I’m sorry,” Celestia said with genuine sorrow in her tone, “but there is still a chance that you aren’t entirely aware of what you are saying.” She turned to the judge. “Your Honor, I ask that you strike my sister’s comments from the record.”

“Sister!” Luna protested. “You dare disregard my pleas?!” She staggered against her Night Guard, who folded a little under the unexpected weight of his princess. Still, Luna fixed her sister with a furious gaze, and Celestia had the grace to look aside, though her expression didn't change.

“Order!” the judge barked out. She frowned at the two for several long seconds, then let out a heavy sigh. “Your Highnesses, while you do hold the highest authority in the land, I will remind you that we are in a courtroom. Please try to maintain a certain level of formality.” She rubbed a temple. “As it stands, Princess Luna, I am afraid that Princess Celestia has a fair point. Our records and data gathered by Princess Twilight Sparkle indicate that confusion is indeed a side-effect of arsenic poisoning, and there is a chance it is lingering in your system.”

Luna’s mouth opened and closed. “I... but…” She closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I understand…” She looked at Celestia, hurt and anger reflecting in her cyan eyes. Instead of storming out, she took a seat in the same row as Celestia, making sure to have her Night Guard sitting between her and her sister.

“Um... actually…” spoke another voice in the group.

The judge barely suppressed a groan. “Yes, Miss Fluttershy?”

All eyes were now upon the yellow pegasus, who let out a small squeak at the sudden attention she had gained. She sunk down into her seat a bit, but spoke regardless, her voice shaky but audible. “I-I was... well, yesterday I found my toad friends that were supposedly taken kidnapped. Um... they were unharmed…” She fidgeted a bit as she continued. “I would like to drop the harassment and destruction of property charges relating to me and Rarity….if that’s not too much trouble, I mean…um…” Her ears folded back. “I-if you don’t mind…”

Her friends were the first to react. “Fluttershy, are you kiddin’ me?" Applejack all but shouted as the courtroom began to murmur once more as Applejack all but shouted, "She kidnapped those toads, smashed your chicken coop, an' scared you half to death!”

“W-well... none of the chickens were hurt…” Fluttershy put in somewhat feebly, "a-and the toads are just fine..."

“But still!” Rainbow Dash butt in. “She threatened your animals!”

“Don’t forget that she tried startin’ Sugarcube Corner on fire!” Applejack grumbled. “At least she fessed up to that…”

Pinkie Pie was uncharacteristically silent during the argument.

“Girls,” Twilight said softly, just loud enough to get their attention. “Let Fluttershy speak.” She then gave Fluttershy a somewhat stern look. “And, while that’s rather thoughtful of you, Fluttershy... you’re speaking out of order.”

“O-o-oh my…” Fluttershy looked to the judge. “I-I’m so, so sorry!”

The judge just rubbed her temples harder with a hoof. “Acknowledged. Miss Fluttershy, you wish to drop your charges?”

“Um... yes?” Fluttershy said, while attempting to hide from Fair Sentence's unfriendly glare.

“Very well,” the judge sighed, “Despite the unorthodox process here in this courtroom, this whole case is rather... unique, it would seem. Miss Rarity, the charges regarding the destruction of property and harassment charges relating to Miss Fluttershy are removed.”

“Actually, your Honor?” Rainbow Dash put in suddenly, standing.

The judge was about to bang her gavel yet again, pausing to glare at Rainbow Dash. “Yes?”

Rainbow Dash stood up a bit straighter, “I... well, I didn’t have any property destroyed... well, I had that picture, but it wasn’t really that important, I guess... so... I think I’d like to remove my charges, too.”

The judge let out a groan. “Very well. Anyone else? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Twilight stood up suddenly. “I would like to remove a charge as well.”

The judge blinked. “Princess Twilight? I... very well…”

Twilight gave her a thankful smile. “I wish to remove the charge of attempted regicide from Rarity’s record... as a way of respecting the wishes of one of the victims.” She briefly glanced to the front, noticing Luna giving her a weak smile. Celestia looked slightly less amused, but not angry.

“I….” The judge shook her head, then nodded. “Very well, charge removed. Why not? Anyone else?” She waited for several long seconds, then sighed in relief. “Very well, then. In the case of…” She studied her notes. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Crystal Empire, Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy, and…” She squinted. “... Rainbow ‘Future Wonderbolt Captain’ Dash…?”

Rainbow Dash had the decency to blush and look to the floor.

“... versus Rarity... the court finds the defendant guilty on one count of harassment, one count of arson, one count of theft, two counts of destruction of property, one count of breaking and entering, one account of fraud, and one count of attempted civil unrest between allied nations…and forgiven on two counts of harassment and one count of destruction of property.” The judge shook her head. “Miss Rarity, I have served as a judge for Equestria for over thirty years. Never in all my years have I taken on such a case as this. I hope you realize that you have a long sentence ahead of you with all of these charges.”
Rarity nodded once. “I understand, your Honor.”

Fair Sentence nodded, then banged the gavel three times, calling an end to the trial. “For your crimes against ponies and property, in the name of the Sun and the Moon,” Luna snorted bitterly at that reminder of how close her authority had come to being superceded. Celestia stayed silent as the judge looked at her notes, “by the power vested in me by the country of Equestria, I hereby sentence you to fifty-seven years in the Canterlot Royal Penitentiary, with the possibility of parole in ten with good behavior.” Fair Sentence snapped her gavel down one last time, “Court is over.”

Twilight led the way down a corridor. The walls, unlike the rest of Canterlot, were slate gray and the windows were nothing more than thin slots, allowing only the barest amount of light to filter into the building. She could feel the subtle presence of several dozen wards and spells lining the walls, likely to prevent any unicorns or other magical races from entering or escaping.

Canterlot Prison hadn’t gained a reputation for its tight security for no reason, after all.

“So... what’s going to happen now?” spoke Pinkie Pie for the first time in what must have been hours.

Twilight looked up to the ceiling and let out a weak sigh. “Rarity will likely be doing a long time in prison. Even with the removal of some of the charges, she has a lot of marks against her right now, and a few of them are really big.” She chewed her bottom lip for a moment, then added. “Although, there is a chance she might be let out on parole, if the prison thinks she’s fit to be let out early. Good behavior and such…”

“Oh…” Pinkie replied glumly. “I... do you think they’ll let us talk to her before they take her away?”

“I’m sure they will, Pinkie. At least, I hope so. That is why they have visitation hours, after all,” replied Fluttershy.

“I hope they do, too…” spoke a younger voice.

Twilight looked to the little filly walking beside her. Sweetie Belle’s parents were currently on a vacation in Manehatten, and wouldn’t be back until a month from now. Word would of course be sent regarding Rarity’s incarceration, but until they returned, Twilight had offered to care for her. She had initially expected Applejack to volunteer, but the farmer had left the courtroom as soon as the sentence was given without a word.

“I... do you think they’d allow me to bake her a cake and give it to her on her birthday?” Pinkie continued.

“So as long as you don’t put a steel file in it, I suppose,” Twilight answered. She tried to smile to the party pony, but it never reached her eyes. Pinkie gave a half-hearted smile of her own in return though, which Twilight felt grateful for.

“Maybe she can borrow a library book from you, Twilight,” Rainbow offered. “I bet she’d love Daring Do! Probably better than those mushy romance novels she’s always reading.”

As the five reached the large steel doors leading into the prison, Twilight spoke up. “Just don’t expect too much time to talk with her. I don’t think the Royal Guard will be too understanding or sympathetic for somepony who just tried to remove one of their princesses from the throne.”

Twilight gave a nod to the guard standing in front of the door. He gave her a salute, then knocked on the door twice. It opened promptly, and the five stepped through and shivered as the cool air of the prison washed over them. It wasn’t uncomfortable, per se, but compared to the warm summer air outside, it was a noticeable difference.

A stallion sitting behind a large desk looked up from a large pile of papers in front of him. When he saw the five, he gave a grunt and nodded. “Your Highness….we’ve been expecting you and your friends. I imagine you’re here to speak with Miss Rarity?”

“Yes,” Twilight answered. “Has she been given her cell, yet?”

“All the paperwork is in order. She’s currently seeing a visitor, but I believe it should be alright for you to speak with her as well.”

“A visitor? Already?” Twilight frowned. “Um... I mean, yes, that would be appreciated. Thank you.”

The stallion looked to one of the guards, who in turn gave a nod and asked the mares to follow him. He led them through another narrow hall lined with doors. Twilight and the girls noticed that many of them had ponies in them, and that one of them was always wearing a bright orange prison uniform.

They stopped in front of a room labeled ‘Visitor Center’, and he knocked once before opening. The five walked in, only to stop short as they took in the sight before them.

“... realize how much damage you’ve done to mah family? My sister was in tears, worried that she was going to be…I-I can’t even say it!”

There sat Applejack across from Rarity at a small table. A guard was standing beside the door, his attention focused on the wall across from him and looking as disinterested as possible. Rarity, who was clad in the same bright orange uniform that the rest of the prisoners were wearing, looked to her hooves, shame written all over her face.

“I won’t ask for your forgiveness, Applejack. Were it me instead of you, I’d feel exactly the same.” Rarity said earnestly, her expression genuinely understanding.

“Says the mare who went and tied up her sister and had her thinkin’ somepony was out for her blood as well!” Applejack shouted, slamming a hoof against the table and causing it to wobble. It caused the guard to stop studying the paint and look up, but Twilight, from the doorway, caught his eye and shook her head. The guard relaxed reluctantly, and went back to his post, a little warily. “For pony’s sake, Rare, ya’ll went and put the fear of Nightmare Moon in my little sister and Sweetie Belle. Thank goodness Scootaloo’s such a good friend; she was stopping over every day she could, just checkin’ up on Apple Bloom to make sure she was alright. She didn’t even know what the hay was wrong, and I’d have it in good faith that she was just as frightened as they were!”

“I know!” Rarity replied, swallowing hard. “Believe me, I am not proud of what I did at all. It’s something that will haunt me for…” She paused, turning her attention to the now opened door. Her eyes rested on each of her friends before stopping on Sweetie Belle. “S-Sweetie Belle?”

The filly stood in place, unable to meet her sister’s gaze. “H-hi, Rarity.”

Applejack’s glare softened at the sight of the filly. She looked back to the mare sitting across from her, and stated firmly. “I want an apology, Rarity. A real one.”

Rarity took in a deep breath and sighed. “Applejack, I am truly sorry for all the pain and suffering I caused you, your family, and especially your sister. I… I wish I could take it all back, but I cannot. I will spend the rest of my days regretting what I did… a-and I am sorry that I had to betray you like that over something so… petty…” She sniffled loudly. “I’m sorry, and I’ll never be able to say it enough, but please believe me when I say that I apologize for everything I did to you and your family.”

“And the rest of Equestria, too,” Applejack added. “You’re lucky things didn’t go to Tartarus before you got caught, you know that?”

“Again, I’m not proud of that.” Rarity said, her eyes downcast.

“Hmmph.” Applejack got up from her chair. “Well, then, apology accepted. I… I hope you know how lucky you got off, Rarity. You’ve got a long road ahead of ya… and I’m not sure we can help you this time.” She shook her head. “Take care, Rarity.”

Rarity looked at Applejack as the farmer pushed the chair in and started to turn away, her eyes full of worry. “Applejack?”

“Hm?” Applejack turned slightly, her expression unreadable.

Rarity maintained the eye-contact as she said softly, “Thank you…”

The farmer paused for a moment, then nodded. She made her way towards the door, nodding once to her friends and speaking softly herself, “I’ll wait for ya’ll at the station, alright?”

The girls gave a nod each in reply, and with that, Applejack made her way out the door.

Rarity watched Applejack for several moments, then turned her attention back to the girls. “You came to speak with me. I... I must admit, I’m rather surprised. I didn’t think you’d want to speak to me.”

Sweetie broke the silence first. “Rarity…?”

Rarity restrained herself from getting up from her seat when she took in Sweetie Belle’s appearance. The filly was close to tears, and hiccuping with sobs.

“S-Sweetie Belle…” Rarity looked pleadingly to the guard. He in turn looked to Twilight, who nodded. He gave Rarity a quick nod in turn. Rarity got up from her seat immediately and rushed to hug her sister. “I-I’m sorry! Oh, Sweetie Belle, I-I…” She tightened her grip around her sister as the tears began to run down her cheeks steadily. “Y-you must think I’m some sort of monster!”

Sweetie Belle only wrapped her smaller forelegs around her sister tighter. “I-I don’t want them to take you away!” She looked to Twilight pleadingly. “P-please, Twilight, you’re a princess! C-can’t you say she’s sorry, and let her go?”

It was all Twilight could do not to start tearing up as well. “I’m sorry, Sweetie, but... even princesses have to obey the law. Rarity... she did some really bad things, and... she has to pay for them.” Twilight hung her head. “I’m sorry.”

“No,” Rarity said, having calmed down enough to speak once more. “Don’t apologize, Twilight. You are the last pony here who should be doing any of that.”

“If I had been a better friend, maybe—”

“Twilight, please.” Rarity disengaged Sweetie from herself and stood up straight. “You are, by far, the greatest friend a pony could possibly ask for. All of you girls are. I…I had so many blessings in my life, and I go and… and do something so heartless like this…”

Sweetie Belle hugged her sister again, tighter. “Rarity… I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. I… I don’t know everything that happened, but… I forgive you.”

That proved to be the breaking point for Rarity. Her somewhat composed expression cracked, and the dams of self-control were opened fully. Rarity pulled her sister in as she cried into the filly’s mane. Sweetie Belle cried quietly, closing her eyes and trying to remember the feeling of being held by her sister as best as she could.

Twilight and the girls chose to remain quiet that entire time, giving the two sisters what privacy they could. After almost five minutes of sobs and apologies, the two finally let go of each other so that Rarity could look to them. She looked between the girls, then frowned. “Where’s Spike?”

“Oh…” Twilight looked away awkwardly and sighed. “He… decided not to come with us. Discord took him out for some ice cream, I believe. He’ll be at the train station when we’re ready to leave.” Rarity slumped, but seemed to understand. “He says… he told me to tell you to take care of yourself, and… he’ll try and visit someday.”

“I… I see. Well, I suppose that’s better than nothing. Tell him that… that I’m sorry for what happened.” She gave Twilight a weak smile. “Please?”

“Of course,” Twilight smiled weakly. “He’s really torn up about this whole thing, but I’m sure he’ll get better with time.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow piped in. “We’ll keep an eye on the squirt for you.”

“Thank you,” Rarity said, relaxing a bit. “That goes for you too, Sweetie Belle. Spike’s still a baby dragon, after all.”

Sweetie Belle sniffled and nodded. “R-right.”

“Rarity…” Fluttershy put in softly, “are you going to be okay? Well, I mean, are you going to be as okay as you can for being in… well, here?” Fluttershy asked, her voice barely breaking a whisper, as if afraid to raise her voice in such a grim place.

“I suppose I have no choice, do I?” Rarity sighed wearily as she lifted up a foreleg, her nose scrunching up at the color of her uniform. “Ugh, whoever designed these ghastly outfits clearly had no sense in color. Blaze orange? Honestly, it clashes horribly with my mane.”

The girls couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as Rarity attempted to lighten the mood. It was good to see her in some semblance of her former self, “Aw, it’s not the worst color, Rarity. Imagine if it was lime green!” Pinkie giggled.

“Perish the thought!” Rarity gasped, while the others chuckled again and relaxed another fraction, “Green just isn’t my color, Pinkie, I’d look simply dreadful.”

“Nah,” Rainbow Dash added. “You could make it work, Rarity. Heck, maybe you could start a whole new fashion trend with the uniforms.”

Rarity shook her head forlornly. “Sadly, altering our uniforms is not allowed. I’m afraid I’m stuck with this atrocious thing for as long as I’m here.” she sniffed, “Otherwise I’m sure there’d be more variety. As it is, this is like wearing a fashion nightmare.”

“Speaking of fashion,” Twilight began. “What’s going to happen to Carousel boutique?”

Rarity frowned. “I’m going to probably sell it to the Ponyville bank. I can’t afford to maintain it while I’m in here. It can’t remain open without business, after all.”

“Maybe Mom and Dad can move there?” Sweetie suggested hopefully. “I mean, they keep saying they want to find a place closer to downtown Ponyville, right?”

“Heh, downtown Ponyville…” Rarity chuckled a little. “Perhaps, Sweetie Belle, but that’s for Mother, Father, and I to decide. You don’t have to worry about that. Alright? You just focus on school, having fun with your friends, and being a proper lady.”

“Okay, Rarity,” Sweetie said, a little more cheerfully.

Satisfied with her sister’s response, Rarity looked to the clock. “It seems we’re getting dreadfully close to the end of visiting hours.”

“Ah,” Twilight looked to the clock. Sure enough, there was maybe five minutes left before they would have to leave. “Rarity, take care of yourself, alright? I… we’ll try and visit as much as we can.”

“Oh, now don’t go and put everything on hold for me. You all still have your lives to live. I’ll be fine…” Rarity smiled, and this time it reached her eyes, “I promise.”

“Well, we’ll at least visit you once a month when we can,” Twilight said with a smile of her own. “If Princess Luna can forgive you for what happened, then so can we. It…” Twilight faltered for a moment before she continued, “it’s just going to take some time to heal the wounds.”

“She’s right, Rarity,” Fluttershy agreed. “True friends don’t leave each other when they need help. We can always write each other, too.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Rarity said, real excitement appearing in her eyes. “Oh, I can even work on that novel of mine.”

“Or, you know, work out in the yard and get a rocking bod,” Rainbow Dash suggested. The girls gave her a flat look. “What? Have you seen some of the mares outside? They could put the Wonderbolts to shame with those muscles.”

“Erm…” Twilight tried her best to erase the images from her mind of Rarity with muscles like Big Macintosh by continuing the conversation,. “Right, anyway, we’ll keep in touch with you, okay?”

“That’s more than I deserve, Twilight,” Rarity said with a tinge of sadness, “but I’m thankful for it.”

“Alright,” spoke up the guard, who seemed to spring to life as the clock struck the hour, “It’s about time for visiting hours to be over. Princess Twilight Sparkle, I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to end this visit now.” The guard sounded a little uncertain, like he wasn’t sure if Twilight was going to insist or not, when Twilight turned her gaze to him.

“We understand,” Twilight said with a nod, “Alright, girls, let’s get going.” They all gave their goodbyes to Rarity, who returned them with tears forming in her eyes. She smiled, though. It gave Twilight some hope for her, and it reminded her that despite what had happened, and despite the obvious wounds that would need to heal, her friend was still there.

As they made their way out of the Canterlot Royal Penitentiary, Twilight felt the warm rays of the late summer afternoon wash over her. It was a welcome feeling, and it reminded her that even with all the bad stuff that can happen, life still goes on, so she would have to do the same.
Starting with some apologies...

After several letters over the course of a week following the trial, Twilight was finally able to re-visit the Crystal Empire and deliver her formal apology to Cadence and Shining Armor. It was tremendously awkward, but necessary. Still, it helped heal the breach that had started between the Crystal Empire and Equestria. What helped more was the more informal meeting that followed the formal apology.

Twilight explained everything to Cadence and Shining Armor. Cadence had already forgiven Twilight, but it was only after a few days of strained relations that Twilight and Shining Armor started to act like siblings again. It reminded Twilight uncomfortably about the incident surrounding Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding, but everything worked out very well indeed.

When she’d returned to Ponyville, however, Twilight was very surprised to find two bat-winged Night Guards waiting at attention outside the library. Twilight blinked as she noticed the pair of guards, and to her surprise she recognized them. “Penumbra?” Twilight asked in astonishment, “Nightshade?” both guards stood straighter to attention as their names were called. Twilight ran up to them, her luggage bouncing on the cart behind her, “Is Princess Luna inside? I thought she wasn’t supposed to be up for another few months!”

“Negative, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Nightshade said formally, still saluting, “We’re here of our own accord.” Once Twilight had approached, she noticed that the traditional Night Guard armor both stallions usually sported was re-painted. Where once it had been dark blues and violets, both guards were decked out in purple and gold armor with pink highlights, matching Twilight’s own coloration, with a nod to her Element.

“After seeing your dedication to justice, Princess,” Penumbra put in a bit less formally, “We petitioned to transfer to your service. Since you lacked guards of your own, we figured we could help you.” at Twilight’s look he added, “We already discussed this with your draconic assistant, he seemed quite enthused.”

Twilight was about to ask about Princess Luna when Nightshade added, “Princess Luna signed the transfer herself, but of course it still needs your approval.” Nightshade sounded discreetly hopeful to Twilight’s ears, and Penumbra looked like he was attempting to cross his hooves mentally.

Twilight sighed and then snorted, “Well, I guess I could use the help around the library, and it is befitting of a princess I suppose.” Twilight smiled at the two bat-winged stallions, “At ease, guys,” the former Night Guards relaxed and lowered their salutes, “And welcome to the library.”

A few years later, Rarity was granted an early parole at the urging of Princess Luna herself. It had raised more than a few eyebrows, but the princess had been firm on the subject, and Princess Celestia had declined the opportunity to gainsay her sister. Unfortunately, this still left Rarity without a home or a business, as those had been sold.

Rarity though had moved back in with her parents, and had begun making dresses again. Her poisoning attempt on Princess Luna had completely ruined her reputation, and cost her almost all of her former clientele, but Rarity had refused to let that discourage her. After another year of progress, and a commission or two from Princess Luna, Rarity decided to take her first time off since her parole began.

She met up with her friends from Ponyville, just outside of town on a grassy knoll, beside a large oak tree. Rainbow Dash had personally seen to it being a clear and sunny day for the occasion, and Fluttershy had invited some of her bird friends, who chirped, trilled, and in one case, garbled, away happily, providing a wonderful ambience for the picnic.

“Oh, Rainbow, you truly did a wonderful job on the weather today, darling.”

“Eh, I still got the magic touch with clouds,” Rainbow said as she smirked proudly, taking her flight goggles off. “I’m just glad Spitfire gave me the day off. I didn’t want to have to skip practice without leave.”

“Ah, I forgot to ask, how was the performance in the Crystal Empire last week?” Twilight asked after taking a sip of her juice. “Cadence sent me a letter and told me it was really great.”

“Well, I don’t mean to brag…” Rainbow Dash said with the tone of somepony who intended to do just that. She’d become absolutely insufferable for a few months after her induction into the Wonderbolts, but fortunately that day Pinkie was able to divert the conversation.

“Oh, Dashie, we know you’re amazing. No need to rub it in our faces,” Pinkie giggled, “Of course if you really wanted to rub it in our faces, I think that would be amazing too, but then what would that look like?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Heh, thanks, Pinkie. Yeah, though, it was great. We had to adjust for a day or two, though. The air is a bit denser up there, being cold and stuff. That magic barrier they have helps, but you can’t completely get rid of the cold, you know?”

“I can imagine. I’m still not the best with these,” Twilight looked to her wings, then back to Rainbow Dash. “I mean, I’ve gotten better, and your lessons have helped…” Twilight’s tone evoked the various introductions to the ground she’d suffered, and the unplanned visits to various houses around Ponyville.

“Oh, you’re flying just fine, Twilight,” spoke Fluttershy reassuringly, despite having been the one who most often patched her friend up. “You just need some more practice.”

Rarity gave a nod of agreement. “Yes, I have to agree with Fluttershy. I saw your little fly-over with Luna last week when you visited Trottingham. I daresay you were outpacing some of the guards… speaking of which…” Rarity glanced around, then smiled slyly. “How are your two boys doing?”

Twilight flushed a bit. “Y-you don’t need to say it like that! It’s strictly professional between us!” There had been quite a bit of loose talk in town about two stallions staying in the library with Twilight, unfounded of course, but it was still easy to wind Twilight up about it.

“Right, and that’s why you let them help run the library when you’re too busy, right?” Rainbow Dash put in with a grin, “And escort you everywhere and sleep in the same house as you…” The pegasus finally broke off laughing at the look on Twilight’s face which was a mixture of embarrassment and irritation.

“Oh that’s just too easy,” Rainbow Dash said, wiping her eyes before she turned a shade more serious, “Speaking of your guard buddies though, you need to tell them to lay off on the school foals. Poor Pound Cake was scared featherless when Nightshade popped out of the shadows and said his library book was eighteen hours overdue.”

Twilight blinked. “H-he... Nightshade did…” Twilight groaned, then looked to a random maple tree. “Nightshade! Penumbra!”

Two dark blurs shot down from the tree in seconds, landing right before Twilight and eliciting a squeak from Fluttershy, who was sitting closest to her. “Yes, your Highness?”

“What did I tell you about stalking the fillies and colts in Ponyville when they have a book that’s overdue?” She asked, her voice taking the tone of a scolding parent.

“I…” Nightshade continued to face forward. “But... the colt was heading out of town for the weekend, and I figured he would cooperate and—”

“Nightshade, eye contact,” Twilight cut him off.

Both Nightshade and Penumbra looked directly at Twilight this time. Nightshade continued. “I... forgive me, Princess Twilight. I shall not make the same mistake again.”

Twilight sighed, then gave an expectant look to Penumbra.

“I too shall see to it that Nightshade does not make the same mistake again,” the stallion said with a salute.

“... and…?” Twilight prompted expectantly.

“I... shall also not stalk the fillies and colts in town who have recently overdue library books, for it discourages them from returning to read more,” Penumbra finished, as if he’d said it many times before.

Twilight nodded, clearly satisfied with them both. “Good. Also, have you two found a book to bring for ‘Read a Foal a Book Day’ at the schoolhouse?”

“The Cask of Amaretillado,” Nightshade stated. “It is a great look into the darker side of equinity, and a classic example of an unreliable narrator.”

“Oh, I liked that one,” Penumbra commented quietly. “Not one of Raven Feather’s best, but definitely a memorable one. I’m going with The Deed of Paksemareion.” At Twilight’s surprised look, he added defensively, “It’s appropriate!”

“Penumbra,” Twilight said gently, while her friends tried not to laugh at the sight of Twilight mildly scolding a pair of full-grown stallions, “It’s over a thousand pages long. Granted, it’s a great adventure story, but…” Twilight shook her head and gave the smirking Nightshade a sharp look, “I think a story about a pony being walled up in a wine cellar is a bit too mature for those fillies and colts, so you’re going to have to pick another.”

Nightshade let out a groan, “Well, I suppose I could go with The Name of the Windigo.”

Twilight ran a hoof over her face. “Nightshade, that book is too long for a single class period.”

Nightshade frowned and grumbled to himself. “Very well, Grimm Tale’s Fairy Tales it is, then…”
He trailed off, and Twilight sighed, “Give it some more thought. And remember, don’t go scaring fillies and colts for their books. A few hours of lateness won’t hurt the book!” Twilight relaxed a bit, “But enough of that, would you like to join us?”

“Er,” Nightshade said, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Penumbra as well looked like he was wrestling with some inner conflict. Twilight sighed. Despite the time they had spent together, the bat-winged ponies had never quite abandoned the thought of constant stealth. Being out in the open, even to talk to Twilight, was clearly fraying their nerves.

Twilight shook her head, “Don’t worry about it, but if you want anything, just ask, alright?” The stallions nodded and bowed gratefully, then shot away like shadows in a breeze, presumably back to the same tree.

Rarity shook her head as well, giggling quietly as Twilight took a seat once more on the blanket laid out on the ground. “Twilight, how is Spike doing, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled softly. “Spike and Discord declared today ‘National Library Assistant Day’ and made off to Neighagara Falls. Something about finding a barrel and diving.” She snorte., “I trust Discord enough to keep Spike safe, though.”

Fluttershy smiled at the mention of her draconequus friend. “Discord really seems to enjoy hanging out with Spike.”

Twilight harrumphed at that. “I think he just enjoys the fact that Spike gets a kick out of his pranks these days.”

A giggle escaped Pinkie as she nodded in agreement. “The other day they turned the roof of Sugarcube Corner Bright Green. Mister Cake had the funniest look on his face.” She scrunched her face into a panicked frown, one eye twitching, imitating the baker perfectly. “He got over it though when Discord changed it back and offered him some carrot cake, though.”

“Well,” Rarity said with a small smile, “Do tell Spike I said hello… and… say hello to Discord, too.”

Twilight shot Rarity a smile. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

Rarity turned her attention from Twilight to the pony across from her, and her smile lessened a bit. Applejack had been rather quiet for the most part since they started their little get-together. She had said only a hoofful of words at most since she showed up with two apple pies and some caramel apple fritters. She had also avoided speaking, let alone looking at, Rarity.

“Applejack,” Rarity tried, despite the lingering silence between her and the apple farmer, “how is the farm these days? I heard you had quite a turnout with the cider this year.”

“Yep.” Applejack said shortly, not looking at Rarity at all. The atmosphere seemed to chill a little, and Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other uneasily.

Rarity blinked. “Oh, w-well, that’s good to hear. Um... how is Apple Bl—” The look Applejack shot her gave her pause. While not really a glare, it was a clear warning for Rarity to choose her next words carefully. “How is your family doing?”
Applejack bit into an apple and chewed a few times before swallowing. “Fine.”

“I see…” Rarity slumped a bit. “That’s... good to hear.” The silence stretched out uncomfortably, and nopony really wanted to break it. Most of Rarity’s friends had relaxed around her, but Applejack had held onto her grudge like a lifeline.

Fluttershy finally spoke up, “I saw a flock of fruit bats migrating south from your orchard the other day, Applejack. I’m sure that must be good to have them out of the trees.”

Applejack nodded. “Yep, we can get back to working those fields again with them gone. Big Mac and I are gonna get started first thing tomorrow.” Rarity frowned. So, Applejack had no problem talking with Fluttershy, but she couldn’t say more than a single word to her?

“Hey, AJ, what’s with you?” Rainbow spoke, and Rarity suppressed a worried groan. Leave it to Rainbow Dash to not beat around the bush when it was appropriate to do so.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash, “There’s nothin’ with me, Dash. Just enjoyin’ the scenery. That’s all.” Applejack though couldn’t look Rainbow Dash in the eye as she said that, but her tone suggested plainly to the pegasus that she drop the subject.

“Uh huh,” Rainbow said, clearly not buying it and not particularly caring about Applejack’s tone. “Look, if you’re going to be a mule about everything, then you can just le—”

“Rainbow, that’s alright,” Rarity cut in quickly.

“No, it’s not!” Rainbow argued. “Look, I know there was some bad blood between us some time ago, but... but…” She groaned. “I’ve forgave and forgot, I don’t see why she can’t do the same!”

“Well, unlike me, you didn’t have a sister who couldn’t sleep in her own bedroom for a month!” Applejack shouted to the pegasus, now inches from her face. “Try dealin’ with that, then let me know how you feel.”

Rarity took a breath and said, “Sweetie Belle still locks her door at night.” The abrupt non-sequitur snapped the pair of arguing mares out of their dispute. Applejack, for the first time in years, made eye contact with Rarity as she continued, “I-I know it’s not the same but… even though she says it’s fine, well…” Rarity swallowed hard, but maintained her composure, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I brought it up,” Rarity said with obvious untruth in her tone. She had wanted to say she knew how Applejack felt, but she felt it would have sounded disingenuous.

But Applejack’s face relaxed somewhat, as if she’d heard the words Rarity had been feeling. She pulled back from Rainbow Dash and laid back down by her sandwich, which had been scattered when she’d risen to confront the pegasus. She put it all back together, not minding the dirt, though Rarity shuddered involuntarily. The farmer noticed though, and with a cocked eyebrow she asked, “Pass the salt, Rarity?”

The End

Author's Note:

Denim_Blue’s Note: Hey, all, Denim_Blue here. So… yeah, Rusty and I did this. Needless to say, I think we were both amazed with ourselves. Rusty did all the heavy lifting, though he’ll probably deny it. Don’t let him fool you. I just stood there and looked pretty.

Anyway, in all seriousness, this was fun. I’ve never done Dark/Mystery genre before, and while this was a rather happy ending compared to some stuff in that category, I’m still proud of myself. Rusty-senpai has taught me well. Hope you all enjoyed this as much as we did writing this. Be sure to favorite this and follow us to validate our work so we can brag about it and such. Or don’t… but feel free to.

Right well, as always, thanks for giving this story a chance, and as always, happy reading!

Rusty's Note: He lies! He lies! Okay, maybe he doesn't, this WAS a lot of fun. Denim definitely kept things moving nicely, and I just crammed more details in whenever I felt people should know what color the sad, cardboard box in the corner was. Still, I really liked working with Denim_Blue, they're really cool, and their stuff is pretty darn awesome, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with it 'til the end y'all! Toodles!

Comments ( 18 )

this was excellent! Never suspected {redacted} at all, and those red herrings kept me guessing. another excellent story!


first comment and you throw out the culprit....

my bad, didnt even think, ill fix that

Thumb and fave for one reason and one reason only... That final reference.
'Pass the salt.' This allusion has been missing from many story's and I got a real jolt of joy seeing it again after quite some time.:twilightsmile:

The batponies were Freaking Awesome!. :pinkiehappy:
I kinda wish there was a followup with them and Twilight going on an adventure :twilightsmile:
Nightshade and Penumbra FTW! :heart:

An excellent story, just one problem I noticed in this final chapter:

Her friends were the first to react. “Fluttershy, are you kiddin’ me?" Applejack all but shouted as the courtroom began to murmur once mor Applejack all but shouted.e, icken coop, an' scared you half to death!”

Part of this paragraph accidentally got deleted, didn't it?

Fixed, and thanks for that. Between two authors trying to fiddle around with it and Google Docs deciding to leave out huge chunks, I felt there was going to be something we missed. :twilightblush:

3169106 Apologies :raritycry:. Have fun still!

Alright, am I the only one hoping for a Penumbra/Nightshade/Twilight slice-of-life wackiness fic?

Seriously, though, that was the best MLP (attempted) murder mystery fic I've read... though I suppose that's kind of a niche genre. What can I say? Everypony felt in character, the mystery was great. The tallow candle thing was a nice touch, I'll definitely get a shiver next time I see on on the show. :pinkiesick:


Um... I don't get the pass the salt reference unfortunately. ^-^; What is it?

*Clappity clap clap!* Another good story! As if you could write anything else. :yay: :heart:

3264988 Pure salt when placed on a wound increases the rate at which a wound will close, however when placed on the wound it has an effect similar to Iodine in which it burns worse than Rubbing alcohol, or a third degree burn, because it cleanses the wound.:twilightsmile:

Well, I finally got around to reading this. I just can't see how I managed to get over 900 stories on my read later list and over 300 unread chapters on my favorites. Fortunately, with this story I've only 600 stories on my read later list, after reaching such a milestone with a story with so little love I decided the least I could do was leave a comment, even thought I don't tend to do so.
I have to say that the story itself makes for an interesting read, I kind of suspected Rarity when I read about the chisel on her scene, seeing it as a Chekhov's Gun and it seems like I was right, though I pictured it was under duress like extortion or blackmail never saw the jealousy bit coming. Definitely worth the time spent reading it, and considering this is the third time I added a story of yours to my favs it seems like a good idea to follow you as well.

Thank fucking Christ, it took me about 3 months to find this story again.
I forgot to favorite it. Now I can.

Rarity?!!? Rarity??!! :pinkiegasp: Not who I was expecting!! :pinkiegasp: I would've thought Prince Blueblood, given that he puts the ass in jackass, and makes Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter look like a polite man! But not Rarity!:rainbowderp: Holy cow, was I ever wrong!!:twilightsheepish:

All in all loved it! My small problem with that was the spacing, one paragraph of space when it's needed wouldn't hurt :scootangel:

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