• Member Since 18th Aug, 2011
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Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com


What if, without your consent, everything about you got changed? This is what happens to Derpy Hooves, as she wakes to find a world where everything that makes her unique has been stripped away, and she's now just another mailmare.

Just a little thing I wrote while I was supposed to be working on my essay I have due about Ernest Hemingway. Despite my blog entry, I currently have no established opinion on the Derpy debate, so, please, refrain from linking to "SaveDerpy" websites in the comments.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 61 )

Her name is suppost to be Ditzy.
And she sounds better now so...
Yeah, it's better now.
Good day.:moustache:

This is a great metaphor for the whole "Derpy" controversy. The animators of the show should end their crazed jalapeno muffin habit so that Derpy can be saved once and for all.

Good day.:moustache:

262633 I'm just replying to tell you that you have the most AWESOME name ever! Me, I'm named after a freaking CADILLAC! But you, you're named after an awesome politician!

Why thank you.
Good day.:moustache:

You can't fix what isn't broken.
Good day.:moustache:

After a while, you could try to ignore Wilhelm.

It is a politician after all.

*stomps hooves in an applause of approval* Great story! Bravo! It's probably exactly what Derpy's feeling. :derpytongue2::heart:

Yes, becasue anyone who has another opinion on Ditzy must be ignored.
Good day.:moustache:

A thousand thumbs up for the moral, and another thousand for derpy's rederping!!!!!!!!!:derpyderp2::derpytongue2:
I love it. Even if her name is supposed to be Ditzy Doo and Derpy Hooves is her nickname, this is still a great story, with an EVEN BETTER MORAL!!!

........ I want a Muffin now......


Nah, because anyone who must have another opinion on everything to tick people off must be ignored.

Um... Good day? :pinkiecrazy:

Its not to tick people off.
Her name was suppost to be Dizty Doo, and it does fit better.
Epic rap battles of pony.
Good day.:moustache:

Ehhhh...her name was never supposed to be Ritzy Doo. Faust only said that they MIGHT give her model that name. She never confirmed nor denied anything.

Not 'Ritzy Doo', Dizty Doo, why do you think there was the line about the southern birds.
It would have been Ditzy if the fans hadn't gone all crazy about it.
Good day.:moustache:

*Ditzy, sorry, I was typing on a Kindle

The only person to work on the show that mentioned Ditzy as a name was Faust, and even she said she wasn't sure. Later on, in her FAQ, Faust also said "It sounds like it's finally landed on Derpy Hooves." Not to mention that that's what the Hub referred to her as on their Facebook page.

As much as I would love it to be real, Ditzy is just a fanon name.

Well, her name was supposed to be Ditzy Doo, but, if you would look closely to the community, there exists a character for about every background pony that haven't stood on screen for more than 2 seconds. If Derpy was chosen by those at the My Little Pony bureau to appear in the show, it was because of her distinctive feature.

And why would it suit her well? Really, Ditzy? I'd rather call her "Piece of Fucked Up Shit" than "Ditzy".

But again, it's my opinion. You have yours. Only that mine is backed up by a huge base of bronies.

So, my good Wilhelm the Second, Derpy's legion is far superior to the Ditzy enforcers. And after all, how retarded can you be to say that her eyes make fun of people with problems? The idea was that she got in the show, with voice and acting, even if she looked like that.

Ignorants. :facehoof:

Good evening. :moustache:

I kind of prefer Derpy to Ditzy, but it's not a big deal. Both are just as correct as each other.

262846 I have read a few Derpy fics centred about the recent changes made to her and couldn't help but notice that you have commented on most of them with pretty much the same response. Now while I completely respect your opinion and am in no way trying to change it or comment on it, I would like to ask you why you feel the need to force your comments on all of them.

Seriously, all your comments have been pretty much the same. I don't know if you have some sort of need to validate your views by attacking a story but your missing the point of these fics. Some people are upset about the change. Some people don't like the new Derpy. There is no need to criticise stories just because of it's subject matter. I don't like LoTR but I recognise they are well written and well directed with good SFX. I don't badmouth it just because I'm not a fan of them. I wish you would do the same and let people show how they feel about decisions made in a show we're all fans of.

You don't seem to be embracing the love and tolerance message we like to preach, I wish you would rather than dismissing people's hopes and views. Again this message is not a put-down against you, just a message of tolerance.

Derpy, Ditzy, Bubbles. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that this was a good fic and I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for posting :twilightsmile:

'love and tolerance'
This coming from the fandom that has been sending death threats over the Ditzy issue.
She should have never had the spoken role, she was much better as a background pony, that way she could be anything.
And while Derpy is a okay name, most of the heartwarming fics about her use, Ditzy Doo, because for that it fits much better.
'I have read a few Derpy fics'
It was only on 3, and 2 of them were about everyone jumping on the bandwagon for views.
I mean, they changed it now nearly everybody is making fics about it, in order to get some views.
Good day.:moustache:

Well now that the Derpy line has been removed, Derpy is also a fandom name.
Good day.:moustache:

This was the most epic and unexpected Matrix reference I have read so far.
About the Names: Ditzy Doo is her real name, but Derpy Hooves is her nickname. Dashie adressed her with a nickname, no big suprise here. If the mayor would speak to her, it would be Ditzy Doo.
This is my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.


When we are discussing a character's portrayal in the actual show does it not stand to reason that we should only consider canon, not fanon?
Derpy is the only canon name ever given the character. It is the original fan name for the character's first appearance in Episode 1. Ditzy is the canon name for an unidentified pegasus mentioned during WWU. You are free to fanonically believe them to be one and the same, but please do not try to appply fanon as canon. It's somewhat disturbing.
Personally I prefer a more femminine voice and am offended they "normalized" her eyes. But I could could not care less about what name they give her considering how trivial the character is to canon. I've always been partial to "Bright Eyes" but her canon name IS Derpy until they give her a new official one.

263085 As usual the minority outshines the majority. Yes there has been anger but only a small number of people have sent threats. They do not speak for most of us. And how do you know that people are doing this just for views? You don't know that for sure, the authors could be distraught at this change and this was a way to vent. But then again I don't know that for sure and you could be right.

I agree with you on the background status of Derpy, she was whatever we needed her to be in her non-canon status but when she appeared in The Last Roundup I couldn't help but feel touched by the fact that the animators had listened to us, they acknowledged us in a way no other show had before. I felt part of things as I'm sure others did.

It's a shame this has happened and maybe it shouldn't have happened in the first place but the animators were only trying to do right by us and I feel so glad to be part of what we bronies have.

Now you can think I'm just some sap who misses Derpy I don't care. But different people feel differently about this and if they want to express themselves this way who are we to judge? I don't particularly like HiE or self-insert fics because about 90% have the same plot but I don't go and comment on them about how they're jumping on some bandwagon I've imagined the situation to be, no. I just ignore them because the last thing they want is some close-minded person insulting their story on a basis that I don't like it.

We don't have to like it or accept it but we can at least tolerate it. And I urge everyone to do the same.

Seeing as the bit when she is called Derpy is removed, its nolonger cannon.
Did you see the R.I.P Derpy blog yesterday?
There was people saying that it was a tragedy, when it isn't, starving people in africa is.
People say they miss her then it's fine, I say that I don't (the voice is much better now.) And I get acussed of been intolerant, you people can't just have one side of the argument, you need both, which is what I'm saying.
No, that did nothing but waste pixels.
This, is my headcannon.
Good day.:moustache:

263227 Though the starving people in Africa has no relevance to this at all I do agree to an extent to what your saying about Derpy/Ditzy. I like to call her Ditzy because I personally think its cute.

I don't like the fact that it was changed and even more so I HATE the new voice they gave her as I would hate it on any pony they gave it to. But it doesn't mean the character is dead. Most of us here write fanfics and we write them the way we want. For those who enjoy whatever they thought the "old" Derpy/Ditzy was then go a head. Anyone who enjoys how she is now, that's fine too.

Point is, it's not a tragedy. Lets just love her the way she was or the way she is now. Nothing has really changed here. We only make it seem so.

263227 Your missing the point. Don't start hassling the author because of what they write about. If you want to rant and rage about Derpy's change write a blog post where other people can argue with you.

Also the definition of tragedy: an event causing suffering and distress. As to what the event is that's all a matter of perception.

Great story, but Christ your avatar scares the hell out of me!


Words nor images cannot express the level of facepalm I am experiencing right now.


Opinion with nothing at all to back it up =/= canon.

262633 Are you fucking kidding me? :flutterrage: Better? Whats better about Derpy right now? :derpyderp2:

The whole point I think is that it's rather mean to string along the fans or to appear to by apparently taking their input, and then later for whatever reason just removing it all together. If they had done this in the first place, as soon as the original problem was noticed, this would be a non-issue.
Unfortunate, the reality is that when you change a pony's voice and appearance in the show, you effectively erase who they were and replace them with somepony else, even if the lines are the same. No fan of a TV show wants their favorite character (background or not) to finally get an episode for themselves and then get all of that wiped from the record.

Whether or not something is currently canon is up to the developers to be sure, but making something canon and then just removing it from the canon is unacceptable backtracking, from the viewers perspective, without a specific reason. If hasbro has/had a specific reason, they should have just made a brief press release and posted it on some kind of official hasbro channel where people could find it (hubworld.com or maybe youtube). If there is such a thing (and I mean an official statement), feel free to link to it, but I haven't heard of such a thing.

If you want to keep on being obnoxious, go ahead, but you really don't need to be a pain. It takes only a few posts at most to express your point, and you needn't reply negatively to every single person that replies to you.

By the way, if the comparison video on eq daily is correct, the new voice is HORRIBLE (in my mind being ditzy is worse than derpy any day), and conveys a dumb blonde (which is a unfortunate type to be sure). Dumb blondes are dumb, even if they have a hard time helping it, they just aren't particularly funny. Did anyone else notices that Rainbow Dash's voice seemed to have changed in that clip? RD is always a bit abrasive on people when they aren't meeting up to her standards, and to change the personality of one of the mane six in a way that is obviously intended to change what she means after the fact is practically criminal.

Thank you.
'event causing suffering and distress'
How does the editing of a make believe cartoon character cause distress?
Thats just my opinion.
Her voice no-longer makes me cringe.
Well it is Hasbros show, they can do what they want with it.
I'm not been negative, I'm just replying.
How is it a dumb blonde joke?
By looking at it and seeing a blonde joke, your doing the same as the people who saw the old one and thought she was retarded.
And no, it is not criminal, no laws have been broken, all they have done is modified a small clip about a made up character in a show they own, perfectly legal.
Good day.:moustache:

263586 I'll pull the opinion card that you've been using on you: To me, it wasn't a waste of pixels.:pinkiecrazy:

No the pixels bit was about the friendship cannon.
Good day.:moustache:

263656 Yeah, I knew. Me and I'm sure various others here did not think it was a waste.

How was the friendship cannon not a waste, it did nothing.
Good day.:moustache:


1: It's only changed in the current version of the ITunes release, not the DVD or any of the already downloaded episodes.

2: It still remains the only name by which the character has ever been called in the show canonically, whether that canon has been retconned or not.

3: Even with the retcon she still has not been given a new name so at most she is once again nameless. As such feel free to refer to her by any fanon name you wish to but please do not act as if your prefered fanon name is canon.

263693 It wasn't a waste, it got a point across. Just because you are too ignorant to see it doesn't means others are as well.

Okay, guys, can we all calm ourselves? Let's just agree to disagree, and drop it. From now on, any comments relating to this damned argument will be deleted. Sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry that others took my simple statment out of hand.
Best of luck with future projects.:twilightsmile:
Good day.:moustache:

i want derpy back....AT ALL COSTS!
-kidnaps hasbro ppl and FORCES them to make derpy...derpy...again-
ME NEED MOAR :derpytongue2::derpyderp2::derpytongue2::derpyderp2::derpytongue2::derpyderp2:

I can't help but wonder, if she had eaten both muffins at the same time... :derpyderp2::derpyderp1:

Guys, seriously...we're threatening a nuclear war over the internet over someone as peaceful and kind as Derpy? She certainly wouldn't appreciate how most of you are acting.

I'm just as upset over Derpy as the next bro, I really am (she's my 2nd-favorite pony), but I chose to be really reserved about it aside from signing the SaveDerpy.com petition. It drives me absolutely crazy that the "love and toleration" that bronies support is starting to fade into hypocrisy due to the aggressiveness of some people toward people like Yamino (seriously, what'd she even do?), not to mention the creators of the show we all watch and love. If the soccer-moms won and Derpy gets her name changed, that's just an example of how "life isn't fair", as parents will say. You can either take a Ghandi approach and settle it peacefully and keep calling her Derpy no matter what her name is...or you can just keep being 5-year-old girls and constantly whine about how one character got affected.

Just getting my two-Bits into this.

Geez people can't we talk about the actual story?

I enjoyed this one. Thumbs up.

Hm. Not sure which Muffin I'd want. Blue one would simply make things make sense again. ....On the other hand, the Red one might actually let me begin to understand the inner workings of Hasbro... o_o


...I think I'll need to order one of each. And then ponder my choices, yesss....

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