• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 2,523 Views, 84 Comments

Special Talents - Elric of Melnipony

A collection of stories about adorable fillies and how they got their cutie marks.

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Sunny Days

Sunny Days


Scootaloo would never admit it to anypony – well, maybe Rainbow Dash – but she was kind of nervous. She checked (once again) to make sure her helmet was properly in place, fluttered her wings, breathed deeply, and looked at what she had ahead of her. Just the idea of what she was going to do would make anypony nervous, right? Well, maybe not Rainbow Dash.

Almost every foal in Ponyville around her age was here to watch this stunt. Snips and Snails were actually running a betting pool, the jerks. Twist had quite industriously set up a small candy concession for the event. Diamond Tiara was nowhere to be found, but Silver Spoon was present, keeping to herself towards the back of the crowd. Archer was waving her hooves in the air as she was describing what her cutie mark was derived from.

The loop ramp had been built by Apple Bloom, so there was no problem with that; Scootaloo was confident it would hold together. She wasn't even that concerned about the possibility of injuring herself if she failed. She was, however, terrified by the thought of failure itself... especially with everypony watching. If she made it, it would be awesome! Everypony would know her name, and this stunt would be talked about for years! If she didn't make it, she would be so humiliated that she would have to go live in the Everfree Forest.

Scootaloo got into position on her scooter and paused for a final word from the well-wishers who had gathered at her starting point.

“Go for it, Scootaloo,” said Apple Bloom.

“You probably won't die,” added Sweetie Belle helpfully.

The last words of encouragement were from a classmate she didn't even know very well: Sunny Days, a golden-coated filly with a platinum mane and tail. “You can do this. I know you can.” Her voice was soft and certain.

Scootaloo kicked at the ground with one of her back hooves, flapped her wings as fast as she could, and zoomed forward. She reached the speed she needed. Could she maintain it? She did. The scooter stayed stuck to Apple Bloom's work like magic was involved, and Scootaloo made it safely through the loop. The cheering was the greatest thing she had ever heard (from anypony besides Rainbow Dash).

The second greatest thing she had ever heard came as she was working her way through the crowd to accept her congratulations from everypony. They all had nice things to say, of course, but none of them sounded quite as sincere as Sunny.

“I never doubted it for a second.”


School was letting out for the day, and foals eagerly made their way out the door of the schoolhouse. As soon as she judged herself to be out of earshot of the teacher, Apple Bloom groaned and flopped to the ground.

“I can't believe Miss Cheerilee wants us to write a poem for our homework! I don't know anything about that stuff,” she drawled.

Sunny Days had been heading for home, but she turned and walked over to her distraught classmate. “I love poetry, Apple Bloom, and I bet you know more about it than you think.” Sunny held out a hoof.

Apple Bloom accepted the hoof and used the help to get back on all of hers. “What in the hay is that supposed to mean?”

Sunny sat on her haunches and thought for a second. “Tell me about the smell of an apple orchard when it's time for the harvest.”

“Well...” Apple Bloom hesitated, then sat so she could do some thinking of her own. “It's sweet, and it's powerful. It's food... but it's also love. It's a smell that always makes me think of family, and sometimes it smells like everything that's good in the world. If I could put that smell in a bottle, I would give it away to everypony.”

Sunny smiled. “Congratulations. You just wrote a poem.”


“Are you sure you can do this?”

Sunny Days put as much reassurance as she could into her voice. “Of course I'm sure. It'll take some practice, but you'll have it down in no time. If you work with me and do what I tell you, nopony will be able to tell you're a beginner.”

Silver Spoon looked around for possible spies, and not for the first time. “And you won't tell anypony?”

“Of course I won't.”

“It's just that I've never gone skating before, and Diamond Tiara has family coming in from Canterlot in a couple of weeks, so she decided she's having a skating party, and I don't want to look like an idiot or fall on my rump or get Diamond Tiara upset at me or –“

Sunny held up a hoof to cut her off. “Relax, you'll be fine.”

Silver Spoon had made this request out of desperation and hadn't really expected Sunny to help her. She had been trying to hold back her curiosity, but it broke through. “Why are you doing this for me?”

“I want you to have a good time.”

“Even though I haven't always been... well, nice?”

Sunny shrugged. “I want everypony to have a good time.”


It was late afternoon, and Sunny Days was walking through town with her saddlebags on. She was headed to the home of her friend, Peachy Pie, so they could do some studying together. It's not that Miss Cheerilee was assigning anything especially difficult; it was more that sometimes concepts were easier to understand when you could discuss them with somepony.

She was roughly halfway there when she unexpectedly spotted Peachy Pie. Peachy was sprawled on a bench, head resting on her forehooves, and wearing saddlebags of her own. Sunny walked up slowly and brushed a hoof through her friend's mane. “Parents again?”

Peachy nodded and sniffled.

“They may not get along with each other sometimes, but they both love you. That hasn't changed.”

Peachy spoke quietly. “I know.”

“I see you've got your books with you. I take it you'd rather study at my place?”

“If we can.”

Sunny smirked. “Mom loves all my friends. Daddy usually doesn't complain, and if he does, I can make him melt. It's fun.”

Peachy's response was flat. “Mmmm.”

Sunny gave her friend a poke in the ribs. “Cut that out. Your mom loves you. Your dad loves you. You've got other ponies who care about you. You've got me. You've got Miss Cheerilee. You've got everypony at school. You've got Miss Pinkie.”

“Miss Pinkie... Auntie Pinkie's really nice to me.” Peachy raised her head.

“That gives me an idea. Your parents won't notice you're gone for a while, and mine know I'm with you for at least a couple of hours. Why don't we go over to Sugarcube Corner for some snacks? My treat. Maybe we can even try to get some studying done there.”

Peachy eased herself off the bench. “I like that idea.”

“Speaking of Miss Pinkie, she taught me a new song. Wanna hear it?” When Peachy nodded, Sunny started singing.

My name is Sunny Days
And I am here to say...


School let out for the day, and two students found themselves walking in the same direction; the direction didn't lead to either one's home. Their mutual destination seemed pretty obvious.

“On your way to the library again, Archer?” Sunny Days asked.

Archer nodded. “Yep. And I'm thinking that you might be headed to the library?”

“Wow. It's like you used unicorn magic or something.”

Both earth pony fillies had a good giggle over Sunny's deadpan response.

Sunny glanced over at her travel companion. “Still on your post-Founding kick?”

“Oh, you bet! The tribes were really limiting themselves by keeping apart. So much happened when ponies all started living together! There were advances in art, literature, architecture, science – just about anything you can name. It was also when we really started building relations with other species.”

Sunny had a small smile. “You've told me about the minotaurs, Archer.” She said it gently, though; she always liked seeing this kind of enthusiasm and enjoyment.

Archer accepted the reminder and moved on. “What about you, Sunny? What are you going to the library for?”

“What do we know about the new librarian?”

“Huh? Well, I found out myself that she knows a lot of stuff and she likes to explain it. Also, I've heard she's from Canterlot, but she doesn't act like a Canterlot pony. They say she even knows Princess Celestia, but she's definitely not a snob.”

Sunny nodded to each point Archer made. “Miss Cheerilee says she likes science and really enjoys helping students. Also, everypony says that she's made some friends in town, but doesn't really know very many ponies yet.”

Archer stopped walking and tilted her head. “So?” she asked, confusion evident in her tone.

“So I'm going to ask her for help with science.”

“Wait a second. Don't you normally get good grades in science?”


Archer was still baffled. “And didn't you tie with Twist for top score on the last science test?”


“So you're good at science.” It was almost an accusation. Archer was briefly troubled, because she reminded herself of her cousin Scootaloo.

Sunny pointed with a hoof as she spoke. “You know that, and I know that... but she doesn't know that.”


“Oh... oh, wow.” Sunny Days looked like she was in heaven. “Twist, this is the. Best. Candy. Ever! How did you even know that butterscotch was my favorite? Twist, I want to marry this candy!”

“It's just some butterscotch hard candy...”

“Just? Twist, that's like saying the Palace is just a way to keep rain off your head!”

The candy-maker's blush was almost as red as her mane.


“Hey, Sunny?” The voice of a sleepy filly.

“Yeah, Peachy?” A different filly, also not far from dreamland.

“I'm glad our families let me come stay over tonight.”

“So am I.”

“You're my best friend, Sunny.”

“And you're my best friend, Peachy.”

“Sometimes you treat everypony like they're your best friend. And this is going to sound silly, but... sometimes I get jealous.”

“I'm sorry. But you're the only pony I tell my secrets to. You're the only pony who knows which colts I wanna kiss.”

“That makes me feel better. Thanks, Sunny.”

“You're welcome.”

“But why do you act that way all the time?”

“It's important.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everypony needs their day brightened, Peachy.”

“Huh. I guess you're right. Well, you're good at it.”

“I guess I am pretty good at it, huh?”

“Hey, Sunny?” The voice of a slightly-more-awake filly.


“There's something you ought to see...”

Author's Note:

I am aware that there was a pony in a prior generation known as "Sunny Daze". I am also aware that fandom consensus seems to be that this adorable, roller-skating, poem-reciting filly from the talent show in The Show Stoppers should also have her name spelled "Sunny Daze".

I disagree.

Anyway, If you didn't get enough of Sunny from the story's cover art, here she is again.