• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(First and foremost this fic is based off of My Littlest Pony: Friendship Starts Small by Tatsurou. It is highly recommended that you read that first in order to understand some of what happens here, especially why this is tagged Alternative Universe.)

Fluttershy is the oldest of her new friends, so naturally that means she should be fully potty trained considering her age. But there's one thing that's holding her back, she's scared of the toilet. And who could blame her?

Naturally Rainbow Dash can't resist the chance to tease Fluttershy about it. Even if she's not entitled to such a right. And even more naturally Rainbow Dash can't resist a chance to show off, regardless of the likely outcome.

So now Rainbow Dash has a chance to leap ahead of her friends in terms of potty training, if she can do it. But considering her age and her size that's going to be easier said then done. Perhaps she should've thought twice about opening her big mouth.

Cover art provided by Keam.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 67 )

OH GOD, THE KAWAII-NESS! *heart explodes* :trollestia:

lol :rainbowlaugh: this will be fun to read!

This was, like the funniest book I have ever read!!!

Oh god, that was adorable!
Very well done, my good man! Very well done!

3258685 That you did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm supposed to be dead because my heart exploded. I'm not a Time Lord, after all. I only have one heart. #humanywumany

How can someone NOT love this story?!?! :rainbowlaugh:

3258638 3258641 3258663 3259574 Thanks for the feedback guys. Glad you all loved it. But I have to ask what part was the funniest part of all?

For me, it was when Fluttershy fell in.

3261617 Was it because of the irony of her boasting or because she had it worse then Rainbow Dash?

Because it was the one part we hadn't talked about prior, and so the one part I hadn't expected.

3261650 I see. And did you notice it was similar to the ending of "Dragonshy"?

I did. Nice parallel there. Of course, I'm now picturing the toilet as a dragon, and Fluttershy pissing in its mouth instead of Staring it down...

3261668 Oh she did more then that. She showed that dragon who's boss. :flutterrage:

3261682 But seriously glad you liked it.

I really did.

3261720 Aside from Fluttershy falling in what else did you enjoy about it?

All of it. That was just the part that startled the most laughter out of me.

Whoever is thumbing down my comments please leave if this does not intrest you. If you stay you do so at your own risk.

3261726 What part (or parts) did you get the most hnnng from? Was it also when Fluttershy fell in or was it some other part?

Also do you think the lols outweighed the hnnngs, the hnnngs outweighed the lols, or they matched each other evenly.

I didn't really keep track.

3264512 Well what do you think was the best line you read?

At this point, it's been so long since I read it that I couldn't tell you.

3265997 Well I can't thank you enough for drawing the connection between the toilet and the dragon from "Dragonshy". It really led to some intresting (not to mention funny) ideas that I worked into a slightly expanded ending.

I like the expansion.

3266686 What about the expansion did you like the most? Also having reread it can you now find the line you think was either the funniest or most daw enducing?

I generally don't pick specific things I like the most. Unless something leaps out at me (which didn't happen with this one) I only judge a story by overall impact.

3268407 And it left you with a good impact right? Also I take it that means that while Fluttershy falling in was a surprise to you it wasn't the most shocking thing you'd ever read.

Yes, it left me with a good impact.
And certainly not.

3268501 On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rank the shock factor of Fluttershy falling in? 1 being not shocking at all and 10 being so shocking you're speechless.

3. It fit the theme very well, so it didn't shock me. It did make me laugh, though.

3268527 Glad it did. I think I can safely say that was the part that got the most lols out of everyone. Probably because they could picture that actually happening.

Alright, but I found the proper grammar and overly mature speech weird when combined with baby speech and all that baby talk with no normal speech between it was rather grating.

3270018 Well that aside did you get a kick out of it?

3270188 It was cute, I suppose. Those factors detracted significantly, though.

3270512 Do you like it, hate it, or are you on the fence?

3270516 I don't hate it but I can't say I like it either. Everything else is alright but their speech was really off-putting.

Why do they all have a lisp... I'm pretty sure that it's not a common thing...:ajbemused:

3278039 It's present in the fic this is based off of.

So... my little pony meets the wugwats. Uh the rugrats. Ha ha I like it :twistnerd:

3341742 Well if you like that check out the fic this was based on.

Also what did you like the most?

Hmm. I would say its the mental image of a dripping wet rainbow dash but that seems a bit wrong. :rainbowderp:
No its just the whole thing, it reminds me of the rugrats - awesome nineties cartoon. Where their naivety would get them into all sorts of cute mishaps. Also how regular things can seem huge and terrifying to a two year old.
Although this toilet does seem very oversized, even considering the size difference.

3346450 You think so huh? What gives you the idea?


"I'll do it." Pinkie Pie said and climbed up the steps without further ado. She began to look around.

Steps? More than one step?

A quick peek up revealed that she was floating in the toilet bowl and all her friends were looking down at her and laughing.

Floating implies her feet aren't touching the porcelain. Now for comparison, a human newborn is about the length of my forearm and slightly thicker. It would go about halfway in and be able to stand up, if babies could stand that is. A toddler can stand and put his hands about level with the rim of a toilet seat, he may not be able to get on without a footstool which is about an adult handspan tall. They could certainly fall in but probably get jammed rather than float.
But the image given is that she is floating in the toilet bowl with space to splash around and the foals needed not one step but multiple steps to climb up to the rim.
So yeah that is one massive motherbucker of a toilet there

3347755 Well it depends on the number of steps. Plus considering her age and size and anatomy it's not impossible to think that Rainbow Dash could float in a medium sized toilet.

That aside I trust you got a kick out of this correct?


Oh gods - that was medium sized? :pinkiegasp::rainbowderp:
How big are the large ones? Darn the royal family must be dropping some huge bombs if they need toilets that big.
Well, I wouldn't have said - got a kick out of it- but it was very cute and adowabo :raritystarry:

3352354 Like I explained below you have to take into account factors like anatamony and the size difference of horse foals and human toddlers. Plus the stepstool was only about two steps, not like 10 or more.

Baby Looney Toons :eeyup:

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