• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 20,078 Views, 1,903 Comments

A Taste of the Good Life - Eakin

A down-on-his-luck chef from Manehattan moves to the rural town of Ponyville as part of a get-rich-quick scheme. But he gets a bit more than he bargained for.

  • ...



"Where is she?" asked Main Course for what felt like the fiftieth time as he looked out the second-story window into the darkness of the night.

Ebby looked up at him over her book from the couch, letting her reading glasses slide down to the tip of her muzzle. "Stop pacing, dear. You're driving me to distraction." She shifted to move some of her weight off the burned patch of her coat. It still felt odd to see her out of a dress, at least outside of their bedroom, but Ebby had refused to purchase a wardrobe of maternity clothing and none of her old clothes fit her right anymore. Although her scars had drawn a few stares in the street for the first few weeks, she now wore them with pride.

"Scootaloo should have been home by now, though. I told her to be back by ten, and it's half past," said Main as he scanned the road in front of the Knoll for some sign of her.

"Ponyville is a safe place, and Scootaloo is a good girl. Trust her," said Ebby. When he didn't reply, she sighed and patted a spot next to her. Main Course grudgingly pulled himself away from the window and sat on the floor next to her. "You worry too much. She's growing up, and that's a good thing."

Main Course closed his eyes and rested his chin on the bulge in her abdomen. She stroked his mane as his concerns slowly faded into the background. "I'll feel better when I know she's home." He chuckled. "Just think, in a decade or so we're going to be sitting right here wondering exactly the same thing about our son." He rubbed his nose against Ebby's belly, prompting a little giggle. "Hear that, little guy? No making Daddy and Mommy sit up late worrying about you."

Ebby yelped. "He kicked! I don't think he likes being told what to do."

"Not even born yet and he's already rebelling, huh? Heaven help us." Main Course grinned as he wrapped his forelegs around his wife. "Thanks, I do feel better. What do I owe you for putting up with me?"

Her face became mock-serious. "I'm afraid I only accept payment in kisses, and your latest invoice is past due."

"Uh oh. Better give you two to cover the late charges."

"Make it three, just to be safe."

"You are an excellent negotiator," he said before he pressed his lips against hers for a long, deep one.

"Mmm, I learned from the best," she replied when they broke apart again.

He kissed her cheek. "Should have specified where, though," he said as he moved his face up towards her forehead.

Ebby's eyes went wide. "Main Course, don't you dare. Don't you—" her protest was cut off by the little squeak that escaped her mouth when he kissed the very tip of her horn. "You're going to pay for that."

"Totally worth it," he said with a grin. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as the stress headache he'd been battling all evening sent a dull throb through the back of his head.

His pain didn't escape Ebby's notice. "We should take some time off, go somewhere to give you a chance to relax. You work too hard."

"I take a day off every week," protested Main, bracing himself for the familiar, if gentle, argument.

"No, you close the Knoll one day a week. Your last 'day off' you were up at dawn and spent the whole day fixing the oven. You haven't taken a proper break since our honeymoon, and that was months ago. I'd like to visit Manehattan for a couple of days before we have a newborn to worry about. When Scootaloo was born I was stuck at home for the first two years."

"That's what you get for going and getting pregnant again, I guess," said Main Course.

Ebby gave him a mischievous grin. "I seem to recall you being somewhat involved in the process. You're not the one swollen up to the size of a blimp. You owe me."

"In my defense, you're a very pretty blimp." He braced himself a moment before she whacked him over the head with a throw pillow. "I guess it wouldn't kill me to take at least a long weekend."

Whatever Ebby was about to say in response was interrupted by a sound from behind the door to Scootaloo's room, and they both turned their heads towards it. Main Course stood up and helped Ebby slowly rise to her hooves. "Alright, we'd better talk to her. Be nice."

They opened the door and found Scootaloo half in and half out of her propped open window. Her pendant dangled over the windowsill as she looked up at them and winced. "Uh, hi Mom. Hi Dad."

"Scootaloo, you were supposed to be home almost an hour ago," said Main Course. "Where have you been?"

"Sweetie Belle's concert ran a little long, and then we went back to Rumble's house afterwards," she replied.

"And what were you doing there?"

She landed on the floor inside and shrugged. "I dunno. Stuff. Just hanging out."

"Stuff?" repeated Main Course.

"Yeah. Stuff. His parents were there. We didn't do anything bad or anything." Her tone became somewhat exasperated.

"We were just worried about you," interjected Ebby. "I'm not crazy about you trying to sneak in through the window, either. I don't ever want you to feel like you need to hide anything from us, okay?"

"I hoped you wouldn't notice. I knew I was late, and I didn't want you to ground me. I wanna go flying with Rainbow Dash this weekend before she goes back to the Wonderbolt Academy," she said. "Please can I still go?"

Main Course frowned. "You aren't grounded, at least not this time. But what made you think we wouldn't notice?"

"With the Knoll and the new foal on the way you guys have both been really busy lately. I just..." she looked away as she trailed off.

"Scootaloo? Sweetheart, what's wrong?" asked Ebby.

"Are you guys still gonna have time for me after he’s born?”

Main Course stared down at her in surprise. “Scootaloo, of course we will. We’ll make time.”

“But are you going to love him more than me because he’s your real foal and I’m just adopted?” she asked.

“There’s no ‘just’ about it, Scootaloo. You are our real daughter,” said Ebby, “and that goes for both of us.”

Main Course lifted Scootaloo up off the ground and into her bed, holding her close. “Were you really worried about that? We love you, so much. In fact that’s part of the reason we even decided to have another foal. We know you’re going to do such a wonderful job being a big sister to him.”

Scootaloo fidgeted her hooves and looked down at them. “But I don’t know how to be a good big sister. What if I mess up, or we fight?”

“Maybe you will, sometimes,” said Ebby taking her place on Scootaloo’s other side. “I didn’t know how to be a mom when I had you, but I learned. Just think about how you feel about Rainbow Dash. Wouldn’t it be neat to have somepony feel that way about you?”

Scootaloo’s jaw dropped open as the extent of the responsibility she was going to have seemed to finally dawn on her. “That’s a lot of pressure. I guess I can try, though.” She looked down at her mother’s belly and gently pressed a hoof against it. “I promise,” she said as she stared at it. “I promise I’m going to be the best big sister for you I can.”

Main Course hugged her, then covered his mouth with a foreleg to suppress a yawn. “Well, it’s late and I think it’s bedtime for all of us. Scootaloo, go get ready for bed and I’ll tuck you in.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Daddy, I’m a big filly. I’m getting too old for you to tuck me in every night.”

“You’re never too old for that,” said Main Course with a smile.

Ten minutes later, snuggled between the two parents who loved her and the little brother she’d soon meet for the very first time, Scootaloo drifted off to sleep as Main Course and Ebby sang her a gentle lullaby.

Comments ( 264 )
Eakin #1 · Nov 7th, 2013 · · ·

Unnecessary Epilogue Syndrome is a disorder that claims the free time of literally several writers every year. Symptoms include distraction, reckless disregard for the 'Complete' tag, and the uncontrollable urge to make one of the central characters of a story pregnant. There is no known cure: nothing can stop the U.E.S. but it can be treated. If you or your loved one suffers from Unnecessary Epilogue Syndrome, or even if they enjoy it, talk to your doctor today.

Seriously though, this one's for all of you who felt that the ending was a little too abrupt. No real point, I just thought it was cute.

why you have to end this cute story!:raritydespair:

3453285 Cuteness is always a plus.

ETA for a sequel?

3453285 But U.E.S. does have its benefits. Some sufferers report having increased amounts of compliments showered upon them for giving their readers more story than they bargained for.

No, but seriously, this was awesome.

First of all, sorry you had to live through that. I can only imagine how rough it would have been.

My take on the whole Scoots/MC/Ebby 'love triangle' (of an unconventional sort) is that Scootaloo remembered the good times and was absolutely desperate to recapture them with some parental figure. First it was Rainbow Dash, then Main once he entered the picture. She wanted to believe her mom was redeemed, but had been burned so many times before. Main, obviously, was in the awkward position of having feelings for her but wanting to do right by his daughter. If he'd had to choose between Scootaloo and Ebby he'd have chosen Scootaloo, although you're right that it's possible Scootaloo wouldn't necessarily believe that. Also, after Ebby gives her up it was important to me that Scootaloo initiated every instance of contact from that point forward. If she hadn't asked to she would never have seen her again.

I don't know if that changes anything about the story for you, it's just the way I intended it to come across.

D'aww...too cute.

I read that in the voice from those commercials.
It was glorious.

So I can start working on the sequel, of course :pinkiehappy:

It's strictly in the planning/brainstorm phase right now.

3453285 "literally several".

Lovely. :trixieshiftright:

as he moved his face up towards his forehead.

Wow, he must be really flexible to pull that off.

And there's no such thing as an unnecessary epilogue done just for the cutes. This was a vital part of my nightly sugar binge!:pinkiehappy:

Where's the sequel:ajbemused:?


He kissed her cheek. "Should have specified where, though," he said as he moved his face up towards his forehead.

he said as he moved his face up towards his forehead

there's something gender incorrect here...
he said as he moved his face up towards her forehead.
that should fix it. :l

Damn it. There's always something. Fixed.

Still going to do a bridge chapter to the sequel when it's eventually ready. This was just an unexpected little bonus.

hmm i liked this it was sweet and cute

The Daww has been doubled!

3453966 ugh your makin me wait

As I remember, Chapters 4 and 5 were originally one long chapter that I split in half. So I didn't mean to make people wait that long, but it sort of worked out that way.

3453986 it feels like i missed a lot in chapter 4, How does he know about apple bloom and sweetie belle, When did pinkie throw the party. you know, i think it kind of feels void to not know

3453698then it's not complete:raritydespair:(sorry pet pev:twilightblush:)

Well. This was a nice chapter. Really cute.

3453285 So I'm suffering from UES? I was wondering about that. I've got two pregnant characters in my stories now. Come to think of it, the only un-pregnant female main character I've got is Monster, and that would just be sick and wrong.

Adorable. And Rumble better watch out, Scoots has so many ponies in her corner now if anything else happens to her.

3454180 There's always Celestia or Luna. :eeyup:

Cute story. Gotta admit I enjoyed it.

Now you need to go back and write it from Scoots' point of view.

You said that there was going to be a sequel, right? No rush, but is it going to be soon or do you have an ETA or anything?

Alas! No to both questions.

3454353 Fair enough XP

Just to clarify: Yes to the sequel existing, but no to 'soon' or an ETA.

i can't feel my feels:fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::pinkiesmile:

Nice chapter. This is one of those situation that a only child goes though when they find out there going to have a younger sibling.

Start me at 1/3 volume.
Wait for 10 seconds or skip to music.
And then start this one at max:

People may ask 'Why...?'

And I find I must simply ask back, 'Why not...?'

3454372 Was a little confused at first, but I figured it out. Thanks for making that clear though.

That's awesome! Thanks for recording it.


It took but a few retries. Worth the effort. Would be better if someone was to put the music in, because I don't have the patience know-how for that.

I'm glad I came back to look at your stories again. I stopped watching this story when the complete tag came by, so I would have missed this otherwise.

Her tone began to become exasperated.

That just... doesn't sound right at all.





MOAR!!!!!! Or SEQUEL!!!!!!!! :flutterrage:


Thing to address immediately: Great, now Main Course is going to have a biological daughter, excellent, but Scootaloo is going to be really, really angsty about that every now and again as an adopted daughter. Psychology sucks.

By the way, Eakin? This is cheating. You don't get another grand finale music number.

... fine, you've twisted my arm.

[To the tune of Hop Skip and Jump]
It's not very hard
A sequel this will trump
You can make it in no time
and Ebby got all plump!
Ebby got all plump
Cause she's got a sexy rump~

Reasons to be an Author #1: Cheating is not only allowed: It's encouraged. :pinkiehappy:

Felts kinda rushed, specifically the bit about, "will you still love me," but cute.

A colt :D
Imagine the sequel with Uncle Snare Drum seemingly returning?

This is a good story but I'd also like to see it have taken a different turn. Maybe like an alternate to the story or something.

This gets my approval for being well-characterised all throughout. That is exactly how a child in Scootaloo's position might react to her situation. I'd also expect her to start having mood-swings where sometimes she's going to be the "best sister ever" and sometimes when she's wondering if she's going to have to run away again.

Another Eakin story, that I didn't see? Well I read it over 2 days. It was great :fluttercry: . such a great story, you practically had me bawling by the last chapter. I look foreward to the next great Eakin story.

I'll try not to keep you waiting too long. All depends on what flavor the next burst of inspiration takes.

I wrote about 80% of it in a 45-minute burrito break on my phone. So it was totally rushed. :ajsleepy: Busted.

3454180 Pregnant broken Twi? Yeah... just a bit.... I dropped it off my reading list for awhile, I should really pick it back up


Hey, don't feel bad, duder. I do most of my writing on my phone when I sneak away from work for a few minutes. Inspiration takes hold whenever. Still, you could have expanded it a bit, but for a cutesy little addendum typed at a Taco Bell, it was good. Can't wait for the sequel. :ajsmug:

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