• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 7,493 Views, 236 Comments

The Funeral of Derpy Hooves - shortskirtsandexplosions

When Derpy Hooves gets torn to ribbons by a freak accident, everypony mourns her passing. They hold a wake in her honor, which would be a noble thing--provided she was actually dead.

  • ...

Thursday Afternoon: The Funeral of Derpy Hooves

"Ya doin' okay in there, Granny?!" Applejack asked, knocking on the closed bathroom door as she trotted down the upstairs hallway of her family's home. She wore a simple black gown with a matching hair-tie to her slicked-back mane. "We're all about ready to go!"

"Just need a few more minutes to freshin' up, darlin'!" A muffled voice warbled from inside. "This ain't my first rodeo, y'know!"

"Don't think there'll be any hog tying tonight, Granny." Applejack sighed. "Just give us all a holler when yer done."

"Will do, Applejack!"

Just then, the young mare saw a massive red shape floundering about in the corner of her eyes. "Big Macintosh? Everythang alright?"

"Nnnngh..." The stallion turned even redder in the face as he struggled and fumbled with the collar of his suit. "Eeeeyup," he nevertheless grunted in a low tone.

Applejack's eyes narrowed as she approached him. "Ya sure 'bout that?"

He shrugged his shoulders, nearly ripping his tie to ribbons with his big, clumsy hooves.

"Ungh! Heavens to Betsy! C'mere." Applejack forced the stallion to turn around. With agile grace, she easily slid his tie beneath his collar and fastened it for him. "Never ceases to amaze me. A big, strong stallion like you can pull a plow, raise a barn on yer lonesome, and buck trees ‘til the cows come home. But when it comes to a simple tie, y'all are always needing a lady in the wings."

Big Mac rolled his eyes.

"Don't ya roll yer eyes at me! Where'd ya be without yer lil' sister, huh?" Applejack finished, tying the article tight beneath his chin. "There. Now, will ya look at yerself? Land's sakes! Very model of a gentlecolt!" She stepped back from his suited form with a smile. "Good thang this is such a solemn occasion or else the gals would be all over ya like flies to honey." She tried to chuckle, but it came out as a wheeze. Applejack's smile faded, and she found herself gazing anxiously towards the floor.

With a few heavy hoofsteps, Big Mac closed the distance between them. He nuzzled her gently before gazing at her with a sympathetic expression.

Applejack exhaled shudderingly, mustering a courageous grin. "I'm fine, Macky. Really, I am. Just... just startin' to wonder how many of these things we're gonna be havin' for friends and family before I realize just how much time has gone by." She gulped and looked up at him. "Reckon we should be havin' more weddings and baby showers, huh?"

Big Mac glared.

With a chuckle, Applejack patted his suited shoulder. "Naw, I ain't proddin' ya or nothin'! Go downstairs and get the wagon ready, ya big lug!"

"Hmmm..." Big Mac smirked slightly as he trotted down the steps. "Eeeyup."

Applejack watched him leave. Her smile faded, and she turned towards the nearest bedroom. "Apple Bloom?" She trotted over and pushed the door open wider. "How ya comin' along, sugarcube?"

"I... uhm..." Apple Bloom squirmed in her little black blouse and matching skirt. She pivoted, fluffing her braided mane with mild enthusiasm. "I ain't used to havin' no bow in my hair. I feel... feel..." She shuddered. "Naked."

"Where we're headed for tonight, Apple Bloom, I don't think bein' extra pretty is gonna cut it."

"Do you think Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will be there?" the filly asked. "With their families?"

"Somehow, I don't doubt it one bit."

"It's amazin' just how many ponies across town knew Dinky's mom," Apple Bloom said, squirming even more before the mirror. "She was just a mailmare, wasn't she?"

"I don't think it's so much that everypony knew her, AB." Applejack stepped over and fussed a bit with the foal's clothes, straightening the collar and shoulders of the blouse. "But, we all felt her, I reckon. Her happiness was infectious, and the way she left us... well..." Applejack clenched her teeth briefly. "T'ain't nothin' but pure tragedy, plain and simple. A pony like that deserves recognition, and so our hearts go out to her and her survivin' daughter."

"Yeah. I hope Dinky is doing well."

"Fluttershy and the rest of my friends have been takin' good care of her." Applejack tilted Apple Bloom's chin up so she could give her a warm smile. "I think she'll be doin' mighty fine, especially with the princess lookin' after her best interests."

"Yeah, okay." Apple Bloom nodded. She then bit her lip and murmured, "Applejack?"


"Are ya... are ya still mad at us?"

Applejack's eyes shifted about.

Apple Bloom's mouth quivered as she mewled, "Because I'm awfully sorry. Whatever got you so upset the other mornin', I feel plum terrible. Is there somethin' I've been doin' wrong? Have I been a bad sister?"

"Apple Bloom, all I want from you..." Applejack held Apple Bloom close. "...is to live yer life to the fullest, and don't let nopony tell you what you should or shouldn't be doin' with yer time on this earth."

"But... b-but..." Apple Bloom stammered, "The family—!"

"The family will always be there for ya, surgarcube." Applejack leaned back and caressed the filly's chin. "No matter what choices ya make. Never forget that, ya hear me?"

Apple Bloom nodded fervently. "I hear ya, AJ! I hear ya!"

"Thatta girl..."

Apple Bloom sighed out her nostrils and leaned sadly against Applejack's chest. "I never did know Dinky's mom, but for some reason, I feel like I'm gonna miss her..."

"Yer not alone, AB." Applejack held the filly close. "I m-miss her too..."


The main streets of Ponyville shifted like rivers of black water, and all of it cycling inward towards Town Hall, the very heart of the tiny village. Dressed in neatly-pressed suits and gowns, the residents showed up in dark droves, trotting slowly along the avenues and side streets under the dull haze of a setting sun. For so many marching ponies, the air hung with surprising silence, with only errant coughs or the vague hint of sniffling breaths breaking the ritualistic malaise.

The main courtyard around town hall was densely packed with mourners by the time Applejack and her family had arrived. There was literally nowhere to pull a wagon through the crowd. After a brief, murmuring discussion, Big Macintosh parked their wagon in a nearby alleyway, and all four ponies got out on hoof. They trotted along with the sea of equines, marveling at the crowd that had been drawn. Even Granny Smith's jaw had dropped at the scene.

"In all my years," the elder mare stammered, hobbling along to keep up with the crowd. "I reckon this is the largest turnout I've ever seen for anypony. Bless my soul..." She nearly tripped on the hem of her own skirt.

"Shhhhh. Easy there, Granny." Applejack leant her shoulder for the mare to lean on, and Granny Smith complied. "I'm sure yer just forgettin' things. Ma and Pa's service drew all of Ponyville and half of the towns nearby, didn't they?"

"I hate to break it to ya, hun, but I reckon nothing quite beats this."

"Yeah! Lookit!" Apple Bloom pointed with a gaping expression. "Filthy Rich is here! And he's got... Diamond Tiara?!" She squinted across the shuffling crowd. "And is that Silver Spoon? What in tarnation are they doin' here?" She frowned. "I'm willin' to bet their folks made 'em come."

"Now Apple Bloom!" Applejack hissed under her breath as the family trotted closer alongside the other villagers. "This sure ain't the time to be spitballin'!"


"No but's. Now's the time to be respectful. Derpy's life meant a lot to all of the ponies of this town, no matter their temperament, and if they've decided to show up today, then t'ain't our place to rain on such a moment."

"Eeenope," Big Mac added with finality.

The family was silent after that. The sun had fallen well beyond the western rooftops by the time they reached the massive open doors to the town hall. Shadows hung red and rusted in the penumbra of the dying day. Everypony's sad eyes shone like memorial lanterns upon the cusp of the moment, and the closer they drew to the body of the building, the slower their gait became as they traded melancholic sighs for murmuring conversations, their breaths carrying with them the fragile memories of a precious pegasus lost to their numbers.

Apple Bloom gazed up at Applejack and Granny Smith, studying their solemn expressions as the older ponies scanned the crowd of loved ones and acquaintances. The filly fidgeted, allowing her gaze to fall across the ground, hooves, and more hooves. At last, she caught sight of a familiar figure, and her heart skipped a beat.

Sweetie Belle was trotting up, wearing a plain gray dress. Looming beside her—clad in a black gown with a matching hat and veil—stood Rarity, and for all of her solemn attire she bore a remarkably pleasant expression on her face. From the sidelines, Scootaloo trotted up wearing a small black number. She waved at Sweetie Belle and her older sister. Sweetie Belle leaned anxiously against Rarity's side, but the fashionista leaned down and nuzzled the filly reassuringly before murmuring a few words into her ear. Sweetie Belle nuzzled her back, then trotted off to join Scootaloo towards the side of the thick crowd.

"Uhm..." Apple Bloom pivoted about and tugged on Applejack's skirt. "AJ? Would it be okay if... if...?"

"Go ahead, sugarcube," Applejack said in a warm voice. "Just come back for when it's time to be seated inside."

"Right. Will do, sis." Apple Bloom swiftly trotted over to join her two friends. In the meantime, Rarity shuffled past her, giving the little filly a soft smile before turning towards the foal's older sister. "Applejack."

"Howdy there, Rarity," Applejack said in a soft tone as she let Granny Smith trot off on her lonesome. The farm filly reached up to tip a hat that wasn't there, blushing slightly. "Uhm... yer lookin' mighty respectable today."

"'Less fabulous,' I suppose you mean?"

"Erm... uh..." Applejack fidgeted. "I-I wasn't meanin' to say... that is..."

Rarity chuckled breathily, adjusting her veil. "It's quite fine, Applejack. Given the circumstances, some things are appropriate, and some things certainly are not." She gazed softly at her friend. "I must say, you are looking quite beautiful. I do believe you are in your element when you are at your most sincere."

Applejack blinked. "Why... that's a mighty nice compliment. If I may say so, you seem... I dunno..."

"Mellow?" Rarity breathed. "It's been a very emotional week, Applejack. I would most certainly think the feeling is mutual."

"Reckon so." Applejack fidgeted. "I... uhm..." She spoke in a painful breath. "I'm mighty sorry, sugarcube..."

"For what, darling?"

"For... for not bein' around like I should have been." She gulped. "For you and the rest of the gals. I mean, what you said is pretty darn true. It's been an emotional week, a lot more than I had expected it to be. And... and I-I guess it took the wind out from under my sails. And I'm sorry for that. I'm mighty sorry that—"

"Applejack..." Rarity had trotted the distance between them and was caressing her shoulder. "You're here now, and you're my good friend forevermore. I couldn't be happier... or more thankful."

Applejack blinked at her. She hoarsely said, "We've got a lot to be grateful for, don't we?"

Rarity nodded. "More than you know. More than..." Her words cut off as a dreadful squeak lifted in the center of her throat.

Applejack's brow furrowed. Her green eyes darted from Rarity to Sweetie Belle in the distance and back. "Are ya... are ya doin' well for yerself, Rarity? I'm feelin' a might bit concerned about ya."

Rarity lifted her face up, smiling as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "I feel like a new mare, Applejack. A new, thankful, living, generous mare. And to think that one of us will n-never have the chance... h-have the chance t-to..." Her face scrunched up with a painful sob.

Applejack didn't say a thing, instead leaning forward to scoop the mare into a dear hug. The two drifted together in the center of the dark crowd, with Rarity's gentle sobs enveloping them amidst blissfully painful smiles.

Several steps away, along the outer stoop that surrounded the circular town hall building, three filly friends gathered close together, fidgeting in their tight, stuffy funeral wear.

"This whole week has gotten to my sister, big time!" Apple Bloom remarked, leaning back and forth on her front and rear legs. "I've never seen her so angry! And yet so happy! It's so weird. Ya think this is how we'll act when we're all grown up?"

"Meh." Scootaloo's body was bouncing lightly against the wooden railing of the building's side behind her. "Grownups are always making a big deal about funerals. You've seen one, you've seen them all."

"You say that as if you've been forced to attend a lot of them!"

Scootaloo's face hung in a neutral haze. "Mmmmm... yeah..."

"Well, I think this is a super special occasion!" Sweetie Belle's voice squeaked. "Dinky's mom doesn't deserve any less! Rarity was telling me all about the work that Princess Twilight Sparkle put into this event, and I think it's the best send off Ponyville could ever give a kind and loving mother like Miss Hooves."

"Wow, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo retorted. "A little heavy-hoofed, much?"

"So?" Sweetie Belle frowned. "I meant what I said!"

"Yeah, and I believe you! It's just... well..." Scootaloo fumbled for words.

"Well, what?"

"How come you and Rarity are getting along all of the sudden?" Apple Bloom asked in her friend’s stead. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you was a different filly!"

Scootaloo squinted suspiciously. "You're not a changeling in a black gown, are you?"

"It's me, guys! Honest!" Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, then offered a fragile smile. "Rarity and I are totally getting along now."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! We're going to be honest with each other from now on! We're gonna treat each other nicely and be helpful to each other like good sisters should!"

"You don't say. Since when?"

"Since she decided to tell me the truth."

"The truth? Like what?"

Sweetie opened her mouth. She paused, her face scrunching up as moisture lined the edges of her eyes. At last, she smiled and said in a tiny voice, "Let's just say that I've realized something. It's okay to experience sad stuff, because sometimes what happens afterwards is the best thing ever. And things have been pretty sad lately, but they've also been very... very nice. What's important is that I'm not so mad at my sister anymore."

"That's gotta be the silliest, craziest thing I've ever heard!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, stifling a giggle.

Scootaloo folded her forearms. She sighed and said, "Sweetie Belle's right, y'know. I don't care how stupid it sounds."

Apple Bloom blinked at the two of them, then rubbed her chin in confusion. "Wow. Funerals are confusin'. I think I'll have an easier time earnin' my cutie mark than figurin' out what the hubbub is all about."

"It's okay, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle leaned in to scoop both of her friends in a tight hug. "Heeeeee... Some way or another, everything is going to be okay."

"Eugh..." Scootaloo shrugged herself out of Sweetie's embrace. "For us, maybe. But what about Derpy's poor kid?"

"Errr... yeah..." Sweetie Belle instantly formed a lump in her throat. "Has anypony seen Dinky? Just where is the filly, anyways?"

Several yards away, positioned within the grand opening to the Town Hall, Dinky stood in a stone-gray gown that complemented her finely brushed coat. Her blonde mane was done up in a bun, and the equine to blame for that stood by her side. Fluttershy was clad in black silks, and she kept herself positioned in protective, motherly proximity to the little filly at all times. Every now and then, Fluttershy would look down at Dinky, and the filly would simply gaze with perpetual lethargy into the arriving crowd of humbled ponies. Fluttershy winced, as if every other signal that Dinky silently gave was a burning brand of guilt.

Dinky's eyes traveled across the sea of melancholic expressions, then up and to her right until she spotted a very prominent figure. Princess Twilight Sparkle stood at the edge of the entrance, wearing a small black diamond tiara with a matching set of black robes. To her left and right stood the Mayor and Spike—the former in a mahogany suit and the latter wearing a dark vest and bow tie. As funeral attendees filed up—one at a time—Twilight greeted each and every one of them with regal grace, never once soaking up the moment as she swiftly shook hooves and exchanged as few words as possible. Once the arriving ponies were allowed to trot into the Town Hall building, they paused in mid-shuffle past Fluttershy and Dinky in order to pay their respects.

Dinky fidgeted, shuffling backwards until she was practically hiding behind Fluttershy's silk-clad flank. The pegasus glanced behind her and murmured to the filly. "You are doing a fine job, Dinky, but if this is too much for you, we can find a nice, quiet place to wait for the service to start. I promise that your mother wouldn't think any of less of you. This is an emotional time, after all."

"It's not th-that..." Dinky muttered, fidgeting in her gown. "This is just... just so silly!" Her face scrunched up as she gawked at the pegasus. "Won't all of these ponies be mad once they find out that Mommy isn't dead and the whole funeral has been for n-nothing?"

Fluttershy let out a long, delicate sigh. "Oh Dinky..."

"I know. I know..." The filly actually grumbled for once, hanging her horn in the darkening light of day. "I'll stop saying the truth out loud. It would be rude to ruin all that the Princess has put together, after all."

"I would never ask you to keep quiet about anything," Fluttershy said, fidgeting. "I would, however, hope that you take into consideration all that's happening today. There may come a time when you're an adult and you'll constantly look back at this moment, meditating on it in a whole new light."

"I do have to say one thing, though."

"And what's that, precious?"

Dinky's eyes widened. "I never knew Mommy had this many friends!" She shot Fluttershy an enthusiastic glance. "I don't think I've seen this many ponies for anything ever! Even when Celestia visited!"

Fluttershy smiled delicately. "Your mother blessed so many lives, Dinky, and she did so just by being her natural, happy, genuinely cheerful self."

"Yeah. I bet she'd be absolutely thrilled to hear about it when she comes back!"

Fluttershy grimaced, staring down at the ground with a sullen expression. Just at that moment, a pink shape slithered in from the town hall interior, hissing.

"Pssssst!" Pinkie Pie hoarsely uttered.

"Oh!" Fluttershy spun about with a bright expression. "Pinkie! How wonderful to see you!" she whispered. "How're the preparations going?"

"Just fantastic!" Pinkie said in a subtle tone with a subtle smile to match. "Mrs. Cake and I just finished setting up all the muffins in the side room. The door's air tight, so nopony should be smelling Derpy's goods until the first part of the service done. That's how Twilight felt it needed to be done, right?"

"Yes," Fluttershy remarked with a nod. "I think you've done a fine job, Pinkie."

"You baked muffins?" Dinky squeaked. "My Mommy loves muffins!"

"Oh, you bet, scrumptious bumptious!" Pinkie grinned toothily. "But I couldn't have gotten it all set up if it wasn't for Mrs. Cake! She's like a Mommy to me, y'know. Even... even now, with as old as I am..." She bit her lip.

Dinky simply stared up at her, blankly.

Pinkie looked around. She dashed outside, the skirts of her gray dress billowing, and slid to a stop besides the filly. "Hey, silly-willy, I'm gonna be really, really really busy making sure all of the ponies here celebrate your Mommy's life in the way she wanted them to, so I may not be able to chat with you as much as I'd like to. I'm super sorry for that."

Dinky giggled breathily before tapping the mare's shoulder. "It's okay, Pinkie."

"No, it's not okay." Pinkie pouted. "I wanna take care of you—y'know? Like an adult should take care of a foal. But only if you let me, alright? I promise that I'll visit you everyday! And maybe I'll teach you how to bake muffins just like your—" She bit her tongue in mid-sentence, flashed Fluttershy a nervous look, then smiled peacefully as she corrected herself. "Actually, I bet you could teach me a thing or two about muffin-making! What would you say? Would you be so kind as to fill me in on your family secret so that everypony in Ponyville will be lucky enough to enjoy it?"

"Of course, Pinkie." Dinky leaned forward and nuzzled the mare. "I'd love to. I'm sure my Mother would too."

Pinkie squeaked inwardly, her eyes turning misty. She ruffled the tiny unicorn's mane. "One of these days, I'm gonna snuggle you to the moon! I mean it—" Fluttershy cleared her throat savagely. Pinkie Pie's eyes bugged. "Eeep!" She frenzily un-ruffled Dinky's mane with two jittery hooves. "See?! All good!" A voice called out from inside, and Pinkie shot up like a bottle rocket. "Oooh! That's Mrs. Cake! I gotta skate!" She dashed back into the town hall. "Coming, Mrs. Cake! Hold onto your frosted flanks!"

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy shuddered at the sounds her friend was making as she galloped back. "That's not very... quiet or solemn."

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Dinky said with a soft smile. "I'm glad that she's happy. That's what Mommy would want, after all."

Fluttershy blinked at that, and her wings relaxed. "Yes. Yes, I suppose she would, wouldn't she?" She turned and exhaled with a soft smile aimed in Twilight's direction. "Just... be happy..."

Twilight caught Fluttershy's gaze out of the corner of her eye. With a rattle of her tiara, she turned to say something, but yet another attendee trotted up, interrupting her. Clearing her throat, Twilight leaned forward and extended a hoof of invitation.

"Glad that you could make it, Cheerilee," she said.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Twilight," the teacher replied. Her eyes moistened as she inhaled sharply. "She brought such joy to the classroom everytime she visited. I don't think there's a single foal who d-didn't love hearing the sound of her voice." She sniffled. "And what you're doing for her here today is such an honor."

Twilight bowed her head. "The one true honor is having such fine, respectable ponies such as yourself in attendance. Please, make yourself comfortable."

Cheerilee trotted by, waved at Fluttershy, and attempted to wave at Dinky. She lingered, a tear or two running down her cheek as she bit hard onto her lower lip. As the first of several sobs ran through her, Golden Harvest and Amethyst Star trotted over, patting the mare on the shoulder and guiding her gently into the town hall interior.

Dinky sighed, letting her gaze fall to the floor as several more ponies shuffled up to be greeted by the Princess.

"Zecora. So glad you came."

"Miss Hooves was everypony's most beloved friend," the zebra said, wearing a gown of monochromatic finery. She trotted forward in a sad shuffle. "A shame that her life came to such a tragic end."

"Mr. Doodle... Matilda... You are both looking very nice this evening."

"Mmmm... We wouldn't miss this for the world, Your Highness. We may be old, but we are not shameless."

"Time Turner. Thank you for taking an evening out of your busy schedule."

"My projects can wait for the time being, Your Majesty. It's an honor being here."

"Greetings." Twilight entreated the next pony... with a wincing expression. "Uhm... Trixie?"

Sniffling, the unicorn in question lifted a starry black cap from her head and stood in a slump with her even blacker, starry robe. "The Great and Humble Trixie has c-come a long way to p-pay her respects! I h-heard about this terrible tragedy, and I felt my illustrious presence was necessary so th-that the whole world would someday know all about Ponyville's beloved Ditzy Doo!"

"Uhm... 'Derpy Hooves.'"

"Close enough!" Trixie clenched her jaw tight as she stood tall and proud. "As Celestia is my witness, the Great and Humble Trixie will make sure Miss Doo's legacy will live on to outlast the cosmos!"

"Well, then..." The Mayor stepped in with a nervous smile, leading the unicorn gently inside. "How about we start working on her legacy this way?"

"It's just so s-s-saaaaad!" Trixie wept as she hobbled in after the elder pony. "I'll never run out of Great and Humble Tears!"

Twilight rolled her eyes with a subtle smile. Just then, the loud thud of cloven hooves rocked the ground in front of her. She and Spike gasped, nearly thrown off balance. "Uhhhh..." Twilight looked up... and up and up and up as a horned shadow crossed her lavender features. "H-hello there. So glad that you could... arrive?"

"Iron Will would like to pay his respects to the feather-weak pony with the googly eyes!" The minotaur in question wrung a black necktie in two hairy palms. "She was a very special pony, a true excellence of execution, and she... she g-gave Iron Will's clique of goats an entire spool of yarn! SNIFF!" He buried his snout in his palms, sobbing like a baby. "They loved it so very mu-u-u-u-ucccch!"

Twilight winced, her eyes darting left and right as several ponies stared at the scene. Iron Will kept on sobbing.

At last, Spike cleared his throat and wobbled up like a tiny bouncer. "Okay there, big guy. We get the picture. Now how about we—Gaaaieee!" The whelp's slitted eyes bugged as he was pulled into a fierce, loving armbar.

"Ohhhhhhhh whatcha gonna do when the iron lock of the mortal coil comes down on you?!" Iron Will caterwauled, nuzzling Spike's writhing figure up close. "Oh, what soft squishy creatures you ponies are, that life would be so cruel as to check you in at the Buckdown Hotel without even cutting a decent promoooo!"

"Eughh! Hey! Big fella! Watch the b-bow tie!"

"Uhhhhh..." Twilight Sparkle gulped, swiveled, and began trotting into the heart of the Town Hall building, ushering Fluttershy and Dinky along with her. "Maaaaaaaaybe we should start the services now." She cleared her throat. "Like right now."

The interior was filled to the brim with villagers. Not a single empty seat lingered inside the building. It was so crowded that no less than three rows of ponies—mostly stallions and young colts—stood patiently in the back, waiting quietly behind the more delicate group seated front and center.

Twilight Sparkle stood at the podium, and for the very first time in her life, she was speechless. She held her mouth open, but all that came out was a dry breath. She paused to clench her mouth shut, forcing the sore lump further down her throat. The princess' royal eyes drifted across the scribbled words of the thick stack of notecards floating between her and the wooden stand.

Nervously, she allowed her vision to dart back towards the silent, waiting crowd. She saw several bright faces looming above a dark sea of suits and dresses. Long faces reflected her somber gaze, from unicorn to earth pony to pegasus. Towards the edge of the front row, Fluttershy sat with Dinky. Just a few spaces down sat the Mayor, Filthy Rich, Zecora, and even a few delegates from as far as Canterlot and Fillydelphia. Twilight had even caught sight of Spitfire and two other members of the Wonderbolts, but by this point she had realized how many seconds had utterly limped by, and a sheen of nervous sweat formed along her brow.

"The poor darling," Rarity whispered as quiet as a mouse. She leaned towards Applejack who sat to the fashionista's right, followed by the rest of the Apple family. "She's so overwrought with emotion. I do not envy the task before her."

"All her friends are here," Applejack replied just as hoarsely, her eyes locked on the princess up front. "Have a lil' faith in her."

Rarity bit her lip, but eventually blurted. "Everypony but Rainbow Dash."

"What?!" Applejack raspily exclaimed, summoning a hissing rebuke from Granny Smith. She gulped and leaned in closer to Rarity's ears. "What do you mean? RD ain't here?"

"Didn't Fluttershy tell you, darling? She... she's not attending."

Applejack's face frowned briefly, but then melted under a sorrowful breath. "I reckon she blames herself for what happened. Shucks, we should have been there for her all this time! I should have been there for her. It's all just so plum sad..."

"Well, for the time being, let's be here for Twilight. Hmm?" Rarity leaned her head forward, gazing down the aisle past Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Along the far end, Pinkie Pie sat beside the misty-eyed Cake Family and their cradled infants. Pinkie noticed Rarity's gaze in the peripheral of her vision, and she turned to wave with a placid smile.

Rarity grinned back, then pivoted so that Twilight could easily see her and Applejack's supportive faces.

Twilight did, but she saw something else. Glancing nervously to the right, she spotted Spike. The nervous little dragon was emphatically waving his scaled arms, motioning her along as he gritted his teeth.

Twilight took a deep breath, absorbing the sea of mortal faces. She gazed back down at her notecards: white things that glistened like lifeless headstones between each shadowed blink. Tightening her muscles, Twilight allowed the things to drop to the floor beneath the podium like pale leaves. With outstretched wings, she leaned against the stand and spoke in a firm, proud voice.

"Derpy Hooves was more than just our friend, more than just a loving and caring mother, more than just an exemplary member of the local postal service. She was, without a doubt, the very spirit of Ponyville, the embodiment of its friendliness, and a supreme example of the loving kindness that enriches our lives in this small little town every day. And now, with her gone, a piece of that spirit—a slice of the essence of Ponyville—is gone forevermore. We may mourn her passing, we may honor her memory, but we can never have that piece of her—that piece of us back, and that's what makes this moment so very sad, and yet so very touching."

She glanced sadly aside at the wooden coffin next to her. Everypony's gaze followed the Princess'. Inside the slender container, a single postal service hat lay in open view of all attending. The battered scars of Ghastly Gorge laced the edges of the blue article.

"This is all that remains of the tragedy that consumed Derpy Hooves, that took her fragile life away from all of us, and yet it is still not enough to fill the hole in our hearts. By coming together here and now, by paying tribute to her legacy of enthusiasm, gentleness, and charisma, we are essentially attempting to patch together a deep wound. But is it enough? Will all of this suffice for the healing process?"

Cheerilee buried her wet face in a handkerchief. Golden Harvest patted her forelimb assuringly while two spaces down, Lyra and Bon Bon sat with hollow expressions. In the back row of seats, Blossomforth could be heard shuddering with pent-up sobs. Thunderlane held her tenderly while Cloud Chaser and Flitter stared at the front podium and coffin with misty eyes.

"The most powerful force in Equestria is friendship, and the magic that binds us together is Harmony. At its heart, Harmony is all about the manifestation of equilibrium. I have watched first-hoof as the Elements of Harmony cleansed the forces of evil and discord from this land, restoring balance and peace for all ponies everywhere. There is great joy to be had in Harmony, but this does not mean that we will forever be free from sadness, fear, and even death. For equilibrium comes at a cost. For every reason to laugh, there is a reason to cry. For every reason to sing, there is a reason to mourn. Without this tenuous balance, life as we know it would not continue to be."

Rarity sniffled as Applejack allowed her to lean against her shoulder. The fashionista gazed aside at Sweetie Belle. The sisters' eyes met, and they reached out to clasp hooves reassuringly, managing a slight smile as Twilight's voice carried them further along.

"Right now, as the pain of Derpy's departure from this world vexes our souls, it is difficult to see the reason behind it. It is nearly impossible to make sense out of this tragedy, to ascertain what purpose it holds in the grand scheme of things. In time, as we grow older, wiser, and stronger together, we may possibly come to a solid understanding. Harmony, after all, has a plan for all life, as well as for all death. Of this, I am convinced, for I have witnessed Harmony bring glory and peace to the most unlikely of places."

Fluttershy's eyes were shedding tears at this point. With a shudder, she reached a hoof out and squeezed Dinky's shoulder. The little filly looked at Fluttershy's limb, at the pegasus' sobbing face, and sighed. With an exhausted smile, she leaned in to Fluttershy, and the older mare hugged her fiercely with soft forelimbs.

"I know my words may not be of much consolation for the dear friends and neighbors of Derpy Hooves, even if they are the words of a Princess. But I do believe we can all be convinced of one thing. Miss Hooves filled every day of her life with happiness and joy, and she filled our lives with such ecstasy as well. There was nothing she wanted more than to make others smile and feel taken care of. When she wasn't delivering the mail, she was baking muffins or telling jokes or sharing amusing tales of her many travels. Even her notoriously clumsy moments carried a spirit of charm, for never did she make a mistake that she didn't in some enthusiastic way attempt to make amends for."

Twilight leaned against the podium, her violet eyes narrow and sincere as she spoke to the entire crowd as one.

"If Derpy Hooves strove for happiness and camaraderie in her life, how much more would she wish us the same cheer and good will beyond her death?" Twilight smiled gently. "My fellow Equestrians, mourn Derpy's memory. Honor Derpy's legacy. But do not forsake her spirit. She would have all of us happy, as she has made her daughter happy, as she has wished nothing but benevolence on her closest friends and neighbors. Let us rejoice in the spirit that she has bequeathed us, and enjoy this day and every day to come for what it is, and for what the days of living meant for her: as blessings. For we are all so very blessed, in ways that so many of us are apt to forget when pain and fatigue obscures the bright path before us. Derpy's life was a reminder of this blessing, and the saddest thing would be to forget that. So let us strive to never allow this knowledge to fade, for that's not what Derpy would have wished. She would have desired for us to smile. And as a Princess humbled by her life and enriched by her existence..." Twilight's lips curved as a tear rolled down her cheek. "...I choose, as ever, to do what's Harmonious, and follow Derpy’s example."

She finished with a shuddering breath. A quiet murmur ran through the crowd as several ponies nuzzled one another, absorbing the words that were said.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake leaned against each other, closing their tearful eyes as they held their infants close. Pinkie glanced at them, then blinked towards the front of the seats as Twilight prepared to speak again.

"In accordance with Miss Hooves' personal will, we will be having a wake around her coffin. But before we start, we invite any and all ponies to pay their personal respects at this time. It was Derpy's desire that music be played while her closest friends paid tribute. According to her own written words, the mare's favorite music was a local folk ballad played during Ponyville's Winter Wrap Up. A few of our finest musicians have volunteered to perform in honor of her request. Please, relax in the memory of our late friend and sister, for she wouldn't wish it any other way."

Before Twilight finished speaking, Lyra stood up. She paused, nuzzled Bon Bon with a sweet smile, then trotted off with her lyre in tow. She joined two other ponies on a stage towards the right of the Town Hall interior. Noteworthy shuffled up to a piano. He looked over his shoulder and nodded towards a mare standing front in center. Nodding back, Octavia placed her bowstring against a cello and began the opening chords to the traditional ballad.

As the upbeat instrumental softly played, several ponies stood up from their seats and shuffled down in a quiet line towards the front of the gathering. There, Spike stood with a bouquet of flowers. He handed each bud to the ponies, one at a time. In a graceful procession, the equines shuffled up to the coffin, layed their respective flower down next to the mailpony hat, murmured a quiet sentence, and trotted on. The sounds of sobs and shuddering breaths were muffled by the relaxing sounds of music echoing off of the walls of the place. In spite of the solemnity of the moment, many ponies took Twilight's words to heart, and smiled by the time they reached the coffin.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake were among the first group to trot up to the coffin. They each laid a flower down, then leaned forward so that their confused, concerned infants could deposit flowers themselves. Pinkie Pie trotted in and bequeathed a flower of her own, pausing to caress the surface of the mailpony hat with a contemplative expression. When Rarity and Sweetie Belle shuffled up, they were prepared with flowers of their own: lilies. After placing three of them down—two large and one small—they paused to nuzzle each other, tearfully smiling as they shuffled on past the scene. The Apple Family's turn came next, and Applejack lingered before the coffin, her eyes reflecting all of the budding petals nestled about the mailpony hat like a fragrant sea. At last, Granny Smith leaned in to caress the mare's cheek. With a sigh, Applejack smiled at her grandmother and took her hoof in hers, trotting along to join her family.

When the procession was done, Twilight cast Fluttershy a sharp glance. Fluttershy nodded, quietly ushering Dinky to get up with her. The two shuffled the three steps between them and the coffin, and at Fluttershy's beckoning, Dinky laid down an entire bouquet of flowers. Fluttershy held her breath, trying to contain her tears, but it wasn't until Twilight trotted over that the mare released the dam. All the while, Dinky fidgeted awkwardly, feeling the eyes of dozens if not hundreds of sympathetic ponies gazing at her. The band had stopped playing in time for the filly's loathsome sigh to become fully audible.


The aroma of muffins wafted over the place. The chairs had been stacked away in massive towers towards the rear of the room, and the entire inner space of the Town Hall was filled to the brim with clusters upon clusters of ponies, all chatting amicably over mouthfuls of muffins and sips of water. The villagers' warm bodies orbited the coffin, which still stood dead-center in the place, full of flowers in the starlight pouring down from the tall, tall windows.

"Say, remember the time when Derpy flew west to fetch the southern birds?"

"Heheh. Oh yes, that was classic. That was the year that winter lasted into April, wasn't it?"

"Nothing beats the day she showed up at the Mayor's Office with a pair of penguins in her saddlebag. 'Here're your owls, Mr. Mayor!' Ha ha ha... cracks me up everytime. The poor thing had to fly all the way back to the south pole to right that mistake. She had a cold for a week, but still delivered the mail."

"Oh, without question. Everypony knows she was a klutz, but she never missed one day of delivering the mail. Not one. Remember when Nightmare Moon returned? We all thought the night was going to last forever. Even still, if rumors are true, Derpy showed up at the floating post office, bright and early. 'Did Celestia sleep in this morning?!' I believe that's what she said."

"Hahaha! You serious?! Oh, that's adorable. You know, from what my neighbors say, Miss Hooves really loved the Summer Sun Celebration, and she went to every location where it was held every year, without fail! From Los Pegasus to Stalliongrad! Heck, she was even there for when I experienced my first Summer Sun Celebration at age seven in Canterlot!"

"When you were seven?! Good heavens! How old was Miss Hooves? She certainly looked young!"

"It's those proud pegasus genes. I'm sure she had two-thirds of Commander Hurricane's blood in her. Those ponies stay looking young and beautiful forever. Most enviable."

"Well, she never flaunted it, did she? A blonde mane like that could have looked exquisite had she braided it or something to that extent. Why, I don't mean to pass ill-judgment, of course. Simply implying that she was never about showing off or outshining the equines around her."

"So humble. So down to earth. No offense to pegasi, but she was remarkably good-spirited for her kind. I don't think I ever saw her in a bad mood ever, which is rather amazing. A lot of ponies weren't all too nice to her."

"So many ponies didn't understand. Especially visitors. It's sad, really."

"Well, with how many attendees showed up today, I think it just goes to show that she touched a lot of lives without even trying. There was always something so... so endearing about her. I found myself inspired most of the times I even thought of Derpy. Perhaps it's because my younger sister has a vision problem, and seeing Derpy aspiring to do so many things in spite of her... well... disability, well, I wanted to emulate that ambitious spirit. I mean, it's like she took on the multiple challenges in her life without complaining—ever. Like, not even once."

"We had foggy weather for most of last March, and it was right around the time Princess Cadance was marrying the Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard. A bunch of letters were being sent out, and Miss Hooves was one of many ponies having to work overtime. Well, she always had enough of a hard time seeing as it was. But in foggy weather? She was bumping into trees and road signs left and right. Still, that didn't stop her from delivering as many letters as she could. In fact, I think she single-hoofedly delivered more than the rest of her fellow postal workers combined. She had to lie in bed, bruised and exhausted, for a week afterwards, but she didn't seem to mind. She was all about getting the job done."

"And she volunteered her services with just as much earnesty. Why, several times she even paid me the same courtesy. When I had healing potions to be delivered to the zebra province, she performed the task humbly with no desire for recompense."

"How does a pony learn to be so kind hearted? I bet her parents raised her right."

"You know that there are no other surviving members of Miss Hooves' family, yes? Her mother and father passed away a long time ago. No, my friends, she was a pony of self-taught virtue. A very rare thing in this day and age."

"Quite admirable, though, and all the more promising that she instilled the same qualities in her own foal."

"She babysitted for my twins, once. Considering that she was already a single mother, that was amazingly gracious of her. When I picked them back up from a weekend at Miss Hooves' house, they were acting more polite than they had in the previous month. It was like day and night. I had tea with Miss Hooves a few times to try and get some secrets from her. Truth is, she really didn't have a parenting method. She was just had a sweetness that was... naturally infectious. I could see how hard it'd be for a foal to feel like letting her down."

"Don't forget how entertaining she could be. I heard that she once showed up at Cheerilee's classroom for show'n'tell, and the Equestrian flag somehow caught on fire!"

"What?! Hah! You can't be serious!"

"Uhmm... Ahem. I can personally assure you that our classroom flag did not catch on fire. It... uhm... it was my weekly planner. To this day, I still don't know how it happened."

"Heheheh. I feel horrible laughing about it, but, jeez..."

"No, it's quite alright. I used to have a bad temper about the clumsiness Miss Hooves exhibited, but I know better now. Nothing she ever did—no matter how awkward—ever got any ponies in serious danger. That's what mattered."

"You're including the time she nearly destroyed half of this very building over our heads?! I don't know if that hurt any ponies, but it certainly put a dint in the city's bit bag!"

"Heh heh heh..." Applejack trotted up to the nearest group of chatting ponies as Rarity, Pinkie, and several others looked on. "I remember that week quite fondly."

"Really, darling?" Rarity raised an eyebrow. "'Fondly?'"

As a few nearby ponies chuckled, Applejack rubbed her head, scarfed up the last piece of her muffin, swallowed, and finally said, "Okay, so it was downright hectic, what if me haulin' flank to Dodge's Junction and all. But, for better or worse, that was one of the best weeks of my life, because I needed that crazy situation to help teach me a valuable lesson about friendship, as well as where I fit in the eyes of my friends and kin. So, I guess what I'm tryin' to get at is: if Miss Hooves hadn't busted a big ol' hole in the roof of this place, I never would have been pressured to earn prize money for this here town, and I'd never have come to terms with somethin' very important about myself." Several ponies nodded in smiling agreement as Applejack gazed at them in earnest. "Ain't it amazin' how every little thing leads to another, and we all end up discoverin' ourselves in the end?"

"I most certainly agree," Rarity said with a nod. "’Tis fate's way of cleansing the soul."

"I'm all for the 'cleansing' part," Fluttershy murmured.

"I discover myself everytime I take a bath!" Pinkie chirped. Every set of eyes viciously locked on her, and she slumped down in her dress with a blushing expression. "Whoops! My bad! Funeral voice. Ahem."

More laughter lit the air. Twilight Sparkle watched from a humble distance, her features hanging in a lavender shadow beneath her dark crown. Spike stood with Dinky a few spaces away, quietly listening in.

Applejack was smiling, though her grin took on a soft edge as she cleared her throat and said, "I... uh... I am certainly proud to be here at this gatherin', honoring the memory of a pony that we all love just as much as we miss the dickens out of her." Sniffling, she glanced over at the open coffin with the hat and flowers. "But... b-but I sure could have shown my dumb face around these parts sooner."

"Why, whatever do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. "You are certainly not dumb! What could make you say that?"

"Because... I've allowed myself to get caught up in little things... silly things." Applejack bit her lip. "And I don't mean just this week, but every day of my life." She tilted about, gazing at her friends and neighbors. "Y'all know how much the farm means to me. There's really no way of tap dancin' around it: I'm the backbone of the Apple Family." She paused, then rolled her eyes. "Okay, so maybe not so much the backbone as the hips. Am I right, Big Mac?"

"Eeeeyup," Big Macintosh chirped with a smile. The air rang with chuckles as he stood smiling besides Granny Smith and Apple Bloom.

Applejack sighed as the laughter died down. "But... But the truth is I don't have to be spendin' every wakin' hour at the farm. There's really no reason I should be drownin' my muzzle in apples while such important and even sad things happen here in downtown. I mean, when I found out about Derpy's passin' away n'all, I was devastated, mostly because I had learned the truth so late. I don't rightly blame anyone in my family. Shucks, I'm really not blamin' myself. It's just... it's just occurred to me that all my life up to this point has been work, and while I ain't ashamed of it, I know that nothin' good ever comes out of makin' life to be all one thang."

She gazed up at her closest companions with moist eyes. Her lips quivered as a wavering voice came out.

"I want my life to be full of multiple things. I want it to be made rich by all y'all, and all y'all's words and feelings and hopes and dreams. And I..." She sniffled a bit, rubbing her cheek. "I reckon I ain't makin' a lick of sense, so I'll just spill it out." She gulped. "I want to feel more. I want to cry with y'all, laugh with y'all, and even sing with y'all. It's not that I don't want to be strong, I just feel like I can afford to be strong in different ways." She looked at Fluttershy. "In soft ways." She smiled at Rarity. "In pretty ways." She turned and chuckled at Pinkie Pie. "Even silly ways."

"Yaaay!" Pinkie bounded over and nuzzled Applejack closely. "We are silly sisters! Sisters on sillies!"

"Heheh..." Applejack nuzzled her back, though a tear ran down her cheek. "And... and most of all..." She turned and looked at Twilight. "I want to give more than just a strong shoulder to lean on. I want to make somethin' special out of life. Somethin' magical. I want... " She turned and aimed a fragile smile in Granny Smith's direction. "I want to be a mother someday. I want to raise kids just like Derpy did. I want to raise 'em proper, to give them things to play with and work with, like my Ma and Pa wanted for me and Macky and Apple Bloom, but could never quite give us." She shuddered as another tear ran free. "I want to give them a full and rich life in this town—the best dang town there ever was or ever will be in the heart of Equestria—and hopefully someday they could even hang out with y'all's children, and y'all's children's children. I would really, really fancy that, 'cuz then I'll know that every happy and sad thing I've ever felt in life won't die out with me, but they'll go on to spread the wealth for generations to come, just as Derpy's legacy will with Dinky."

Rarity smiled. "That sounds like a most darling prospect, Applejack." She trotted forward and gave the farm filly a dear hug. "I know for a fact that you would make a fantastic mother."

"Of course you'd say that." Applejack chuckled, drying her eyes in time to roll them. "You just want to design baby dresses for them."

"Most certainly not!" Rarity tilted her nose up, but snuck in a smirk. "I'd sew jumpers too."

"Heeheehee..." Fluttershy smiled. "And I would adore babysitting any foal you bring into this world, Applejack."

"Uh, helllllllo?!" Pinkie Pie waved her hoof frantically. "Aren't we missing an important step here?! We have to find Applejack a stallion!" She hopped in place. "Stat!" She spun and shouted towards the far end of the chamber. "Hey! Thunderlane! What are you doing Saturday night?!"

"Unnngh..." Twilight Sparkle facehoofed. "Pinkie..."

Mr. And Mrs. Cake laughed the loudest, prompting the nearby crowd to chuckle.

Apple Bloom blinked. "I don't get it."

Beside her, Scootaloo coughed. "I do." Apple Bloom merely squinted at her.

"The fact is, y'all are my family..." Applejack gazed at the group with misty eyes. "And I don't ever want to let such a special thang go to waste. I don't want to just help y'all or support y'all, but I wanna live with y'all. Starting this day, in the spirit of respectin' Derpy Hooves contributions n'all, I want to start on a good hoof."

"But you have such good hooves already, darling," Rarity said. "I envy a mare like you who already possesses so many fantastic qualities. It's truly inspirational, especially to a pony such as myself."

"Awww shucks, Rarity. Don't sell yerself short."

"No, I am being completely truthful and sincere." The unicorn stood tall, lifting her funeral veil so that the others could see her resolute gaze. "I have..." She gulped, but went on. "I have n-not been a very g-good friend to the whole lot of you."

"That's not true, Rarity—" Fluttershy began.

"Please let me finish." Rarity trotted a few bold steps forward. "I've been lauded as the Element of Generosity. While that may be true to a point, it is not an entirely accurate portrayal of who and what I am. For as long as I can remember, I've held my own interests above all else. I've put everything second to my personal career and artistry—even forsaking the proper practices of friendship. It's a classic case of narcissism at it's most sinful. Don't even pretend that this hasn't been a less-than-admirable quality of mine."

"Rarity, you're an artist," Twilight said in a sincere tone. "And a very genius one at that."

"Yes, I am, aren't I—" Rarity chuckled, then winced with bugging eyes. "Nnnngh—No! That is not the heart of the matter! What's important is that... is that I have been so very, very shallow. And while I can certainly appreciate the material aspects of a fantastic dress or a brilliant art piece, it is completely unhealthy of me to be utterly obsessed with such qualities, especially when I forsake the ponies with whom I should be closest to in this lifetime."

The fashionista trotted over to Sweetie Belle, reaching a hoof out to caress the filly's blushing, smiling face.

"I am an older sister, and a proud one at that." She leaned in and nuzzled Sweetie dearly. "I've been blessed to guide this little darling along the path towards marehood, and I am ready to take the next step in overseeing her success." Holding Sweetie close, she turned to gaze at her friends. "I am also prepared to offer my talents and affection to each and every one of you. You thought I was generous before—oh, no—you have not yet sampled the new Rarity." She took a deep, shuddering breath. "For a while there, I was attempting to write an extensive memoir of my experiences here in Ponyville. But after Derpy passed away, and once I witnessed how her entire legacy was summed up in how dearly and sincerely her precious little daughter cherished her, I realized that no superfluous amount of words would be capable of embodying the contributions I have made to this town, for I have made absolutely no contributions whatsoever." She gulped, her eyes growing moist as her voice shook. "I've not given my heart. I've not given my love. And I-I most certainly have not given my faith. But Derpy Hooves did, and I plan to emulate her sincerity, her integrity... and h-her generosity in the face of little to no reward. For the only treasures I want to cherish is the time I have to spend with my family, to spend with Sweetie Belle, and to spend with each and every one of you. To deny myself that is to give into utter destitution, and that is most unbecoming of a lady such as myself."

Applejack smiled, then clapped her front hooves together. The Apple and Cake family joined in. Spike slapped his hands together and whistled shrilly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, then smiled as she trotted forward to place a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "While I agree with Fluttershy and Applejack that you're being a tad bit hard on yourself, Rarity, I'm certainly very glad that you've come to a point of personal understanding. I've been so busy with setting up this entire ceremony that... well..." Twilight sighed as she trotted back. "I guess I hadn't truly opened my eyes to see how much Derpy's death had affected everypony, including the ones I am closest to."

"Well, I certainly saw the difference!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Everyone was like 'Gaaaaaieeee!' Then they were all 'No waiiiii!' And then they were all hiccuping and choking and sobbing and all this stuff with a buncha tears and—"

"Very poetically put, dear," Mrs. Cake said. "You want my advice?" She winked at the young mare. "Tone it down just a tad."

Pinkie bit her lip, then pointed aside at her aunt. "See? Just like that. I can see when my bestest of best buds are feeling shocked or sad, but... well..." She dug at the floor with a hoof. "I guess I'm not so good at sharing that feeling. Even when I imitate it, I come across as a Fluffy goofball... that’s a capital ‘F’ for extra fluff."

"I've seen you cry before, Pinkie," Fluttershy said. "I... I like seeing you happy instead," she muttered with a nervous shiver.

"But that's just it!" Pinkie's eyes blinked wide. "I-I don't want to be happy all the time!"

Rarity's brow furrowed. "Good heavens! Is this the same Pinkie Pie who stands before us?!"

"It's totally me! See?!" She stuck her tongue out. "Bleaaaaaah! Thame tongue printth!” She retracted her tongue and continued, “I'm the Pinkie Pie you've always known! At least... uhm..." Her face scrunched up, almost painfully. "I think I am..."

"Let it out, sugarcube," Applejack said with a pat on Pinkie's back. "What's on yer mind?"

"I... I don't really have much on my mind." Pinkie sat on her haunches, ruffling her black skirt. "Not usually, at least. By my heart?" She looked up, biting her lip. "I have so much to share. And though I enjoy sharing smiles, sharing tears is... is okay too. Honest, it is. I'm just not very good at crying because... well... I used to cry a lot in the past. And when I did, I... I couldn't really stop it."

Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight gazed at her with undivided attention.

Pinkie Pie sniffled, her voice rolling low beneath the breaths of those gathered around her. "Back on the rock farm, where I grew up, it was so very hard to do anything but cry... and sigh. And then there were days of sighing and crying. And then there were weeks when we'd get bored and so we'd just roll the dice and choose randomly what days were for sobs and what days were for moans."

"I... c-can't tell if this is some shocking revelation or a remarkably extended joke," Rarity said.

"Maybe it's both?" Pinkie Pie glanced up, blinking. "All I know is that one day—one very special day—I discovered what it meant to smile... and to laugh..." She grinned softly. "And to hug my Mom, my Dad, and my sisters—not because they needed it—but because I wanted to do it. And, it worked... I mean, for a while. We had parties. We baked cakes. We shared stories and jokes and even danced a little. But at some point... they stopped wanting to do all those fun things. But I didn't. I couldn't figure out why it was wrong to enjoy things, to smile, to celebrate being alive. I... I just wanted everypony around me to smile. And then they..." She seethed slightly, then muttered in a hoarse breath. "They s-sent me away. Their own daughter... their sister... their family, as if they didn't want me anymore. And I tried not thinking about it for a very long time, but it's true. They didn't want me at all." She gulped. "They still don't."

Twilight swallowed a lump down her throat. "Oh, Pinkie. I'm so sorry—"

"Hey..." Pinkie looked up. "It's okay. Really, it is. And I'm not saying that just because I've danced all these years away in the shiny kitchen of Sugarcube Corner. I'm saying it's okay because I know that there're still a bunch of years left for me to make sense of it all. And, what's more, I've got a really nice aunt and uncle to be with me every gleeful step of the way." She turned and smiled over her shoulder at the Cakes. "With such adorable bouncing babies to make the journey with." She bit her lip, though, as she turned to gaze humbly at her companions. "And... uhm... if it's okay... I-I mean if it's not asking for too much... I might even have some really super-duper special friends to show me what it means like to cry about it." She shed a tear over her curved lips. "So that way the moments of laughing and smiling will be all the more special. Does... does that make any sense?"

Fluttershy had already crossed the distance and was hugging Pinkie fiercely. "What makes sense is that you're our friend, Pinkie, and we'll do everything we can to help you find closure."

"You've made us laugh a million times over, sugarcube." Applejack held her close from the other side. "If you've got yer own mountain to scale, ya can bet yer horseshoes we'll be there to help you for the long climb."

"Thanks..." Pinkie's voice squeaked as she buried her face in Fluttershy's shoulder. In spite of her bright smile, tears were streaming down her cheek. "I'll... I-I'll make it up to you g-guys! I swear..." She shuddered and murmured, "I'll bake you the sweetest, richest cake, and we can all take slices of it, and talk about something that's happier. I promise."

"The only promise you need to make is to be yourself, Pinkie," Rarity said, reaching forward to grasp the mare's hoof from the center of the embrace. "Even if you need our assistance in helping you find yourself. I've no doubt there's a fabulous mare waiting to greet you on the far end of that sojourn, and it won't be a lonely trip taken there."

Pinkie bit her lip, managing a chuckle or two. "Thanks, guys. You're the best..."

"No, you're the best," Fluttershy murmured, her eyes moist as she nuzzled Pinkie one last time and stepped back a bit. "All of you. Each and every one of you. For being there for all of your friends, and for me." She gulped hard. "For telling me that it's okay to face my fears, to take bold steps of my own, to brave a hop, a skip, and a jump, and to b-be assertive." She adjusted her pink bangs, shuddering. "I only w-wish I could make you all prouder of me."

"What do you mean by that, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "We are all so very proud of you already!"

"Darn tootin', girl!" Applejack said from where she was still hugging Pinkie Pie close. "What are you goin' on about with this 'pride' business?"

"Well... uhm..." Fluttershy sniffled, staring down at her hooves. "I suppose what I mean to say is that I'm not very proud of myself. And I'm not talking about a simple matter of self-confidence. The truth is, for all that each and every one of you have done for me, I... I really have not improved my life. At least, not in the way I could have been improving it."

"Sometimes it... it takes a lifetime to fight one's inhibitions, Fluttershy," Twilight said in a nervous tone. "Nopony can expect you to change overnight."

"Did Derpy wait her entire life to make a difference in the lives of those around her?" Fluttershy asked, her lip quivering. "She never allowed herself to get bogged down by fears, or with anxiety, or with self-doubt. She died as she lived: bold, unafraid, and exultant. I... I could very much be any one of those things. If only... if only..."

The pegasus shuddered, avoiding the gaze of her friends as the hall drew quiet around her.

"I am always... always making excuses. But where does it get me?" Fluttershy looked back up, her eyes wet. "I live in a tiny shack on the edge of town, surrounded by creatures who—for all their preciousness—cannot talk or stare me down. I lock my door with four bolts and sleep with the covers wrapped tightly over my head. What for? You have all shown me time and time again that there's nothing in life that I can't triumph over if I just put my heart and soul to it. And still... I... I let myself get so panicked... so petrified." She turned and gazed softly at Dinky. "And the only times I ever exercise authority, I grow paranoid... and overprotective. The way I treat the foals I babysit or the animals I look after..." She winced. "I start to wonder if my cottage is more of a prison than a haven. In that case, what am I locking out?"

"There is nothing wrong with being timid, darling," Rarity said.

"I disagree!" Fluttershy said, suddenly frowning. "That's the one thing I can say with utmost confidence! I... I-I hate being like this! I always have! The only thing I'm proud of is that... that..." She shuddered, her face scrunching up in a pent-up sob. "It used to be oh-so-worse. Before I met you girls. Before y-you came into m-my life." She sucked her breath in. "I would be so afraid of death... of the world... of every sh-shadow and shape in the darkness. It filled my days with such despair... and... and depression." She bit her lip, as if hoping to keep the truth in, but it eventually bled forth. "There was even a time, years ago, when... I almost g-gave up altogether."

Applejack blinked. "'Gave up?'"

Fluttershy nodded. She simply gazed up at her friends with a vulnerable expression.

Rarity blinked, then held a hoof over her muzzle. "Oh, Fluttershy, no..."

"The funny thing is that what saved me was my own c-cowardice," Fluttershy said. Rarity had come over to hug her, and the pegasus murmured over her friend's shoulder. "I look back, and I can't recognize that ‘Fluttershy’... that old me. And though I think a lot of her is buried, I feel bits and pieces—like bleak shadows—popping up when I least expect it. And when Derpy died, and I found myself taking care of her darling little foal, I realized the shadows have always stayed around me. They're not trying to end my life, but instead they're leaching m-me, every second of the day, like parasites. I've thought for the longest time that I was free of them, free from the fear, free from the despair. But every day I find myself having to unlock my front door four times to simply check the mail, I realize that nothing's really changed. And that simply isn't right, and it isn't fair—most especially to you. Because I love you girls, and I want to acknowledge all that you've done for me. And until I confront my problems and tell you the truth—like I'm doing right now—I'm afraid that nothing will ever change."

"But you are so very str-strong, darling!" Rarity said, teary-eyed as she held Fluttershy close. "Never in all my years would I ever imagine you coming so close to the brink! If anypony's failed, Fluttershy, it's us!" She sniffled, caressing the mare's face. "It's our fault for not seeing well enough to realize how desperately you've needed the light in your life."

"This doesn't have to be the 'help the Pinkie Pie club!’" Pinkie said as she and Applejack trotted over. "We can make it the 'help the Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy club!'" She smiled vulnerably. "Heck! How about the 'help everypony club!' You wanna take on your fears, well sign me up, girlfriennnd! I've got a dozen I wanna give doozies too!"

"I'd be lying if I said that I was completely fearless, Fluttershy," Applejack said. "We'll always be there for you, girl. Just talk to us. Be with us. We never, ever wanna see you in a place so dag-blame'd uncomfortable!"

"But... b-but..." Fluttershy sniffled, more tears trickling as she surrendered to Rarity's embrace. "You have g-given me so m-much of your time and attention. I feel... I-I feel so selfish! So demanding..."

"And you think I don't need a reason to be generous, darling?" Rarity smiled, drying Fluttershy's cheek with her forelimb. "I love you. We all love you. Like sisters, do you hear me?"

"There is no such thing as too much attention, Fluttershy," Twilight said, drawing closer to the circle. "We'll be here for you, now and forever." She gulped. "'Til the end of our days."

Fluttershy bit her lip. When she next sobbed, it was through a shattering smile. "Thank you... thank you all s-so very much." She rubbed her own cheek, shuddering. "I promise, I'll be strong enough to make you proud. Someday, I w-won't be so weak anymore! I'll live my life to the fullest."

"She's not the one who's weak," cracked a voice from behind.

A murmur rushed through the crowd as the ponies turned around, gasping.

Rainbow Dash stood in a cold slump, having trotted halfway through the hall. Her mane was disheveled and dark bags hung under her ruby eyes. "I... I-I've been the one who's weak," she muttered.

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy murmured.

"Hey, Dashie!" Pinkie waved above the huddled fellowship. "Welcome to the funeral! Grab a muffin!"

"Land's Sakes, sugarcube!" Applejack remarked. "Ya look like ya haven't had a wink of sleep!"

Rainbow Dash frowned in spite of herself. "Is that it? I show up—late, rude, and undressed—and all you gotta talk about is muffins and sleep?!"

Pinkie and Applejack squirmed awkwardly as Rarity took a few steps forward. "Well, what is it you would have us say, darling? You've been rather aloof as of late."

"What brings you here, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked. "I promise you that we're not mad."

"Please," Fluttershy said, managing a smile in spite of her fresh tears. "Talk to us."

"Talk to you, huh?" Rainbow Dash muttered, her dull eyes darting left and right across the gawking crowd. "Is that what you're supposed to do at one of these things? Talk about ourselves? Hug and eat muffins?" The lines in her face grew harder. "Who's funeral is this anyways? I'm pretty sure that hat over in the coffin doesn't belong to any of us."

"Well, then, Rainbow Dash..." Twilight cleared her throat. "Did you wish to pay your respects?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, but hesitated. Her ears drooped under Twilight's gaze, and she shuffled forward, her every hoofstep like a scraping glacier as she traversed the center of the room full of staring ponies. She approached the coffin, but not close enough to even smell the fragrance of the flowers deposited within the empty space.

"Huh... Never seen a casket without a body," she muttered. "There's a reason for that, y'know. Those darn slimy eels gobbled her whole. They weren't even nice enough to leave a scrap of bone."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight hissed, trotting sideways to rest a hoof on the shoulder of a confused unicorn foal. "A little more tact, if you could..."

"Tact, huh?" Rainbow Dash twirled about. "Fat lot of good that would have done Derpy on the day she needed it... when she needed..." Her face tensed, then untensed. "When she n-needed m-me." She gulped hard, her lungs clamping shut within her chest. She darted her eyes towards the coffin once more, and the next few words squeaked out, "I keep going over and over what happened that day in my head. I try and I try to figure out where I screwed up, where I could have flown faster, where I could have done something—anything—different to have kept her from becoming quarry eel food. And... y-you know what I realized?"

Her five friends stared blankly at her.

Rainbow Dash frowned. "I didn't screw up! I didn't make a single mistake! I flew faster than lightning! I flew faster than I did at any Wonderbolts Tryout ever! I gave everything to save Derpy that day! And still... still I messed it all up. I..." She gulped. "I f-failed her."

She finally closed the distance between herself and the coffin, gripping onto the edge of it as if to hold herself steady to the earth. The tiniest of shivers ran through her coiled wings.

"Isn't that a burn, huh? To do your absolute best, to make no mistakes, and still to be a total loser? And yet, this wasn't some game... or some competition or contest. I lost... I lost and... and Derpy paid the price for it." Rainbow clenched her eyes shut, took a deep breath, and grunted, "It's as simple as that."

"Rainbow..." Twilight shook her head. "Of course it's not as simple as that..."

"Isn't it?!" Rainbow Dash spun about, sneering. "I'm the friggin' Element of Loyalty, Twilight! You've got your magic and Fluttershy's got her kindness and Rarity's got her generosity! Loyalty's not your bag! It's mine! Everypony who's anypony in this stinkin' town knows that I never leave anyone hanging!" She sat down, her back slumped against the edge of the coffin. "At least..." Her ears drooped. "That's the way it's supposed to be. So why..." She started to breathe faster and faster, a pale expression washing over her muzzle. "...why is Derpy dead? Why is she g-gone? What did I do to her...?"

Fluttershy bit her lip. She gazed worriedly at Twilight.

The princess stepped forward, speaking softly. "Rainbow Dash, you must forgive yourself. Please. Before it's too late—"

"Forgive myself?! I've done nothing!" Rainbow Dash spat. "If I screwed anything up, if I did anything less than my best, then maybe I would have something to apologize for! But this... b-but you... the... the g-girls..." She gulped and panted, her pained eyes falling to the floor. "You... you need more. You deserve better. Apologizing won't change anything. And it most definitely wouldn't save..." She winced, stammering. "Wouldn't s-save...."

Twilight stood in place, staring at Rainbow Dash with a gaping expression.

The pegasus was running a shaking hoof through her mane at this point, staring at a fixed point a million miles away. "I... I have these bad dreams..." She gulped. "And I have them all the time. I don't tell you guys about them, because buck that. And still... they've been getting worse and worse..." Her face twisted in pain. "And in them, I'm flying as fast as I can, because I hear you g-guys calling out my name. I know that something horrible is happening to you all, and I'm trying to get to you. But... but I can't find you. It's not my f-fault that the world is so flippin’ huge! But still, I should know where and how to get to you. I should be smart enough... fast enough... g-good enough..."

A sharp breath broke through the dam her muzzle had made, and she held a hoof over her mouth to block out the first of many sobs. She failed.

"But... But I know... I-I just know that I can't. Someday... somehow... I'm gonna screw it up. If I failed Derpy... then what's to stop me... wh-what's to st-stop me from f-failing one of you?" She finally looked up, and her eyes were glossy things, reflecting five sympathetic faces. "And... and... it's n-not like I've never thought about this before... never lost sl-sleep over this before. You guys... the things you say to me... the way that you all tr-trust me... like little kids..."

Rainbow suddenly hissed. Her body jerked, and she covered her face with two hooves.

"Gnnngh... guhh... st-stupid... stupid funerals." She sniffled. "I hate this. I hate this I hate this I hate this..."

"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight tearfully smiled..

"I... I want to be..." Rainbow Dash squeaked as tears broke through her hooves. "I need to be strong for you guys. And yet I wanna tell you... I wanna tell you all so badly how... how much..." She slid down before the coffin and curled into a little blue ball. "Every day. Every single darn day. I'm so scared. I'm so scared I'm g-gonna screw up, and I'm gonna lose one of you... or all of you. And I-I can't bear for that to happen. Because... because..."

"Shhhhh..." Fluttershy had reached the pegasus' side and was holding her tightly. "We love you too, Rainbow Dash, and we understand. We've always understood."

"You're our marefriend for life, girl!" Pinkie rushed in to nuzzle the pegasus. "You don't need to beat yourself up for our sakes!"

Rarity joined the hug. "Even if some terrible tragedy was to befall any single one of us, we will forever hold a place in our hearts for you. We are not ashamed of you at all, darling."

"Not in the least, sugarcube." Applejack reached in and grasped Rainbow's shaking shoulder. "And we're glad that you're here with us now. True loyalty means openin' up, after all, ya reckon?"

"I just..." Rainbow Dash clenched her eyes shut, nuzzling them back as well as she could manage. "I j-just don't know where I w-would be if you guys were g-gone." She sobbed. "I would be lost. I would be totally, totally lost without you..."

"Awwwww..." Pinkie ruffled the pony's mane. "Well, consider yourself found, Dash-Dash!"

"We won't be disappearing on you, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, caressing her cheek. "Not if we can help it."

"We should cherish every moment while we can," Rarity added. "And I'm certain Miss Hooves would wish no less for you, so stop punishing yourself."

Several ponies murmured to one another, smiling at the warm scene in the center of the hall. In the meantime, Twilight stood at a distance, breathing deep breaths as a weighted expression hung off her face.

Sooner than later, the five marefriends felt the absence of their alicorn companion. One after another, they glanced up with teary eyes.

"Twilight...?" Applejack remarked. "Is somethin' wrong, Sugarcube?"

Twilight inhaled sharply. A tear ran down her cheek as she shook her head. "No. Everything... everything is just right." She rubbed her face, shuddering. "Everything is just perfect."

"Then..." Pinkie blinked, standing up straight. "Then why are you crying? I know I'm new to this, but somepony explain the game plan to me!"

"I just..." Twilight tried to smile, but she grimaced instead. "I want to enjoy this moment. I want it to l-last forever." She winced and glanced aside at the other ponies gathered. "I'm so sorry, everypony. I know we're here to honor Derpy Hooves' memory, but... b-but..." She reached up and pulled her black diamond tiara off, gazing down at it with an air of distaste. Her wings coiled tightly at her side. "This is still such a precious moment. Because so many of us are here, and that... that isn't going to last forever." She looked up with a quivering lip. "The best things in life never do, after all. Why else would we be here? Why would any of us be here?"

The residents of Ponyville stared back, blankly. Before Twilight's vision, Spike waddled into view, wringing his scaled hands with a worried expression.

Twilight bit her lip, avoiding the whelp's gaze.

"Twilight..." Rarity stood up, shuffling quietly towards the alicorn. "What is it, darling? Please, if this time is so precious, then surely you can share your heart with the rest of us."

Twilight braved a glance at Spike. She sighed, then hung her head. "As you all may know, before this tragedy befell the town, I had just come back from the most recent Royal Conference in Canterlot. Princess Celestia was holding a summit, and all the alicorns in the land were there to discuss matters of international importance. Her sister Luna had broken off her nocturnal schedule to attend. My sister-in-law, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, was there. And I..." She hesitated.

Her friends gazed at her patiently, including Rainbow Dash, who had recovered from her breakdown long enough to stare calmly across the hall.

After a heavy breath, Twilight said, "Ever since I became an alicorn, I had a heavy question weighing on my mind, something that I wanted to speak with Princess Celestia about personally, something that had been... sh-shaking me to the core. I simply didn't have the courage to speak out loud about it. But now that I'm here, and having spent several days setting up this funeral—with such kind and patient ponies as yourself—well, it... it's still at the forefront of my mind, just as it was when I approached Princess Celestia after the first leg of our summit. I feel selfish just bringing the topic up, especially after spending so much effort to memorialize a sweet pony as Derpy... and I... I..."

Twilight fell silent.

Still hugging Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy allowed her eyes to dart about the room. She blinked, then spoke her thoughts out loud in Twilight's direction. "You wondered if becoming an alicorn would have an effect on your lifespan." She gazed at her with a soft expression. "You wanted to ask Celestia if your transformation means that you'll live forever."

Twilight bit her lip. She slowly, slowly nodded.

Rarity leaned forward. "Well? What did she say, darling?"

A tear rolled down Twilight's cheek as she replied, "She said she d-didn't know."


Twilight sniffled and gazed towards the starlit windows. "She said that some alicorns live for hundreds of years... and some just for a few decades. It's as if there's... th-there's no written book on immortality. Celestia and Luna have both lived for thousands of years, but they've both had siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces who have lived barely a century, even less. Sometimes, it's almost as if it's a matter of a royal pony's willpower. Sometimes, there's no sense to it at all. She simply had no answer for me because there was no educated reason for her to."

Twilight's friends exchanged quiet, nervous gazes.

Twilight sat back on her haunches, trying to contain her sobs. "I... I couldn't settle for that. So, I did some reading. I mean... I should have been preparing exclusively for this funeral, but I-I wasn't! I was selfish! I was obsessed! I..." She winced, rubbing one forelimb with another as she muttered, "I read extensive tomes about Starswirl the Bearded overnight. I found out why it was that he never became an Alicorn. He had his opportunity to make new magic, to construct spells of his own. But he didn't. And it wasn't because he failed to master sorcery, it was because... b-because he realized that there was a cost to it. If he put his heart and mind into the act, he presumed that he would be transformed from a unicorn into an alicorn, and he might end up becoming immortal. So, for that reason, he stated in his writings that he forsook magic, bequeathed all his studies to Clover the Clever, and became a hermit for the rest of his life."

Twilight gazed up at her friends. She was stammering at this point.

"Don't you see?! It wasn't that he failed to find friendship to aid him in his magic! He simply gave up on the prospect altogether! He was an old, wise stallion, and he decided that he would rather live a short, bleak, and lonely mortal existence than to afford himself friends... and th-then outlive them, surviving on bitter memories and regret. It was not worth it for him. And... and..."

She allowed the tiara to fall to the ground as she buried her face in her hoof.

"I... I-I don't think think it's worth it for me either..." She sobbed in a wavering voice. "I-I don't think I have the power to go through with it. I love you all... I love you all from the b-bottom of my heart, but how could I possibly preserve your legacies forever? How could I memorialize each and every one of you for another hundred years... or five hundred... or five thousand? And all on my own?! It's... It's just not possible! I... I would rather die..." She clenched her jaw and nodded fervently. "Yes, I would rather end up like some of Luna's and Celestia's mortal relatives. I'd rather die than have to live an eternity without the ponies I love. It simply would be t-too much to bear..."

"No, Twilight," Spike's voice said. His hand picked up the tiara while the other gently caressed her fetlock. "You're wrong. What you have is a gift, and if it should come to something like that, it totally is not worth giving up."

"Spike..." Twilight fought back another wave of sobs as she gazed down at him. "I know you're only trying to make me feel better, but—"

"But nothing, Twilight," Spike said. His face was calm, peaceful. A gloss swam over his slitted eyes as he squeezed her forelimb and said. "I know what you're thinking. I even know how you feel, and I'm telling you that you mustn't give up hope. You have what it takes to not only carry the legacy of everypony you care for, but to do it willfully... and happily."

"But... but..."

"You say you may or may not be living for a long time?" Spike chuckled breathily. "Heh... That's not something easy to carry on your shoulders. But you have to realize..." He gulped. "I-I know for a fact that I'm going to be around for a long, long time after the rest of you aren't."

Twilight's face sank. She murmured, "Spike. It's... it's not—"

"Yes, Twilight. It is a fact, a fact that I have to live with." He turned about, shrugging at all the ponies staring his way. "There's no sense in hiding it, is there? I mean... I'm a dragon. Purple scales or not, I'm bound to live a very, very long time. Just what is it that the textbooks are saying these days? Five hundred years? Six hundred?"

Everypony was silent.

"But hey... I'm okay with it. And you know why?" He swiveled back to face Twilight. "It's not that I'm choosing to ignore it. Believe it or not, it's actually kind of the opposite." His fingers kneaded the contours of the tiara in his grasp as a soft smile came to his lips. "I wake up each day, and I'm happy. I've got friends. I've got crunchy gemstones to eat. I've got lots of busy stuff to do. And..." He chuckled breathily, his eyes watering. "I have the absolute best alicorn in the world looking after me. You've always been by my side." He gulped, then turned to gaze at the other ponies. "You all have been around to take care of me, to guide me with each step, to make me feel happy and safe and... and loved. So very much loved."

Twilight's lips pursed. Her shivers melted away as warmth returned to her eyes.

"These are, without a doubt, the very best years of my life," Spike said quietly. "And I will remember them for the rest of my days. Not just because I have to, but because I want to. And when I see you guys' children... and your children's children... and your children's children's children and so forth..." He leaned forward and placed the dark crown back on Twilight's head. "I'll tell them that I was there, livin' it real in the best age Equestria ever had..." He leaned back, hugging himself as a warm breath escaped his scaled snout. "And that there was a super awesome pony named Derpy Hooves. And when she died, it should have been a sad thing, but it wasn't! Y'know why? Because her passing away made us all realize that we had way more things to gain than we had to lose, 'cuz that's the very art of living, isn't it?"

For several seconds, Twilight gazed at Spike. At last she smiled, allowing a final tear to fall as she leaned down to nuzzle him. "I love you so much, Spike. You know that?"

"Yeah yeah..." He playfully shoved her back before waddling forward to accept her warm hug. "Would it kill ya to pick up after your books for once?"

She giggled, and her friends closed in to give echoes to the outburst. They all crowded in around Spike, then around each other, sharing a group hug with no end of tears and smiles. Somewhere in the midst of it, like a beacon breaking through a cloud, Rainbow Dash stood up straight and paced over towards Dinky on strong hooves. The pegasus knelt before the petite unicorn. After a deep breath, she spoke with a resolute gaze.

"I'm so, so sorry for what happened to your mother, kid," Rainbow Dash said. She fought back a sniffle in time to add, "I know I can't ever replace her. In fact, none of us can. But we feel totally responsible to you and your future, and I want you to know... we want you to know that you can depend on us. And when the day comes that we won't be strong enough to save you in every single situation, I promise that we'll have taught you to be strong enough for yourself, so you can pick yourself back up, and then pick up those around you, because that's what friends do for each other, no matter the time or the age or whatever."

"Everything we have at our disposal is yours, darling," Rarity said.

"Hospitality..." Applejack added with a tearful smile. "A family."

"A warm place to sleep," Fluttershy stated.

Twilight said, "Books to read."

"And Muffins a'plenty!" Pinkie pumped her hoof, generating a few tearfelt chuckles.

Dinky bit her lip. She seemed ready to protest, but instead gave a soft sigh and an even softer smile. "Well, if you guys really want to help me out." She squirmed, then said, "Mommy still has some chores for me to do around the house. So... uhm... would you like to come over?"

Twilight smiled, then patted Dinky's head. "Absolutely, Dinky. You can count on us. You can count on all of us."

"But I know how to count above five!"

"Snkkkt-Heeheehee!" Pinkie was the first to giggle-snort.

Dinky pouted. "What?"

Rarity and Fluttershy simultaneously swept Dinky alongside Spike into their group hug, and that was that.