• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 25,577 Views, 751 Comments

Fluttershocked - Gregory the Mighty

After being caught in a compromising position, Fluttershy is stuck in suspended animation.

  • ...

Fluttershy gets some

By: Haze
Proofreader: Invizibilit3

Twilight Sparkle carried Spike down the long dirt road toward Fluttershy’s house. Thursdays were a great day to spend time with Fluttershy, as they were light on her studying schedule. Ever since she started studying on her own in Ponyville, Twilight kept a strict timetable for her lessons, very similar to the one she held back in the Royal Magic Academy. Some adjustments were made, of course, so that she could be free whenever her new friends were off duty or off from work. Fluttershy more than any of the others made her own hours, but for some reason Thursday or Friday afternoons suited her best. Today she expected the most relaxed afternoon of her whole week, but Twilight had no idea what she was getting into.

A third knock and still no response. Twilight was starting to get worried. Spike was insisting Fluttershy was asleep, but it was long past noon. Twilight stepped around the side of the house to peak into the kitchen window. The usual din of small animals was absent and replaced with an eerie silence, but as she approached the open window a low growling sound could be heard. It was cut off by a short shriek from Fluttershy. With a gallop that nearly threw Spike off her back, Twilight leaped forward to peer through the wide kitchen window. There was a shocking sight that drew all the breath from her body.

Before her was Fluttershy lying on the table. Behind her was a brown pegasus stallion. Fluttershy was screaming, but screaming in ecstasy.

Before Twilight could even scream, she had teleported herself to the middle of the park. Fluttershy’s house had been replaced by the majestic fountain, and the grunting and screaming has been replaced by the gentle warble of nearby birds.

“Wha! Whoa! Heargh! Hey!”, Spike was thrown from Twilight’s back. She knew he would be very unhappy. Teleporting with a passenger was forbidden for a reason. Spike was disoriented and taken by a wave of heeby-jeebies. “What was that for?”

“Spike! Did you see anything?”

“What? No!” Spike began righting himself and brushing his scales with his bare claws. “I was just minding my own business when Pow! I end up here.”

“You didn’t see Fluttershy? You didn’t see anypony?”

“I’m telling you Fluttershy was sleeping. Why can’t you accept that?” Spike scoffed.

“Oh! She was sleeping all right! But she wasn’t sleeping alone!”

Spike paused quizzically. “Of course not, she’s got like 50 million pets.”

“Spike, are you sure your delicate young mind wasn’t damaged?”, Twilight was pleading.

Spike became suspicious. “Is this related to the books in the locked drawer that you won’t let me read?”

Twilight panicked, “Yes! I mean No! I mean, maybe! Nevermind.”

Spike scoffed again. “Whatever. If I can’t rely on Fluttershy for snacks, I’m going to have to go into town. You coming with me?”

Twilight sat down on the grass. “No, I’ll be fine. I just need to be alone for a bit.”

Twilight Sparkle did, indeed, need time for her mind to process what she had just seen. Twilight peered down into the water of the fountain. The constant movement blurred her reflection into a haze of ripples. Like the water, her life was now chaotic. It was as if she has been nestled comfortably in the bosom of a world made for 4-14 year old fillies, but had now been crashed into a sordid world of thirty somethings. She stared into the water for what seemed like hours, until another reflection joined hers.

“Hello Twilight”, cooed Fluttershy.

Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Oh my. I hope I didn’t startle you. I don’t like being startled from behind. It’s very startling.”

Twilight said nothing.

“I’m really looking forward to our tea party tomorrow. It’s going to be so much fun.”

The proofreading side of Twilight’s brain kicked in before the others, and it blurted out “The party was supposed to be today!”

Fluttershy giggled, “No, today is Wednesday. The party isn’t until Thursday.”

Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof, preventing the corrections to continue--but the damage was already done. Fluttershy could see it all in her face. She froze, mid-giggle.
“Twilight, did you come by my house this afternoon?”

“Uh, no.”

Fluttershy leaned in with a stark glare. “Did you see anything?”

A “Maybe” escaped Twilight’s mouth.

“What did you see?” Fluttershy demanded.

Twilight squeaked, “You were at the kitchen table. That's all.”

“What was I doing on the kitchen table?”

“Oh, you were having a... meal...”

Fluttershy peered deep into Twilight’s purple eyes “What sort of meal?”

“You know, just an ordinary meal. Nothing unusual for a kitchen table.”

All at once, a cold wave came upon Twilight. A heaviness overtook her heart as if she had been submerged in a deep swamp. Fluttershy had initiated THE STARE. No creature, great or small could resist the power of Fluttershy’s eyes. Once the stare was begun, only Fluttershy could break it. Looking away was impossible, closing your eyelids was a lost cause, and denying the pink-maned one was a doomed venture. Resisting was like having your heart crushed by two giant claws made of ice.

“I’ll ask you again Twilight. What sort of meal did you see?”

Her eye began to twitch. The will of Twilight Sparkle was broken. “You want to know what kind of meal I saw? Do you? You were the meal, Fluttershy! The buns on that table were yours and your guest brought the hot butter! He was riding you like the morning train to Canterlot! You were in the throes of unbridled carnal knowledge!”

With a high pitched note, Fluttershy’s entire body tensed up. She fell to the ground like a statue.

Twilight composed herself. Her eyes darted around to make sure no one had heard her. The coast seemed to be clear, save one cross-eyed pegasus. She seemed totally uninterested, as she was snacking on a muffin at the time.

Turning to her statuesque friend, Twilight was relieved that she wasn’t talking. She couldn't bear the embarrassment of continuing after what she had just said. Leaning over, Fluttershy showed no signs of movement. Twilight prodded with a hoof. She wasn’t moving.

An hour later Twilight sat in the waiting room at the Ponyville hospital. She looked at her hooves-her face wet with tears.

The front door flew open. All of Fluttershy’s friends galloped in. They were feverish with questions, and Twilight answered them all to the best of her knowledge. A half-circle of five serious faces surrounded her. Spike was on Rarity’s back, and he didn’t even seem to be enjoying it. The seriousness of the matter had sunk in.

Applejack was the first to start. “Are her family here?”

Twilight sighed. “No, Applejack, they aren’t coming. She needs us right now. And when you see her you’ll be told why.”

They proceeded down the long blue hall. In a well lit room there was a single bed containing a frozen Fluttershy. She was propped up on her back with the sheet clumsily covering her in her unruly position. The doctor walked over to Twilight Sparkle and they exchanged a knowing nod. The doctor then left the friends there and closed the door behind him.

Twilight stole a deep breath and began, “Fluttershy has come down with a case of Shy Shock. It’s a form of a panic attack that is very severe. There isn’t any medical or magical cure for such a condition.”

“But there is a cure, right?” demanded Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, there is. But the only way to break someone out of a shy shock is for them to witness something more embarrassing than the thing that triggered the attack.” A hush fell over the room-except from Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was by her bedside, bawling uncontrollably.

Applejack laughed weakly to break the tension. “Ha! Surely it couldn’t have been too bad of a shock. This is Fluttershy we’re talking about. Tell me Twilight, what spooked this little filly so bad?”

Twilight leaned back and blushed. “Well, she was sort of in a passionate embrace, and I walked in on her.”

The others just looked at her.

“They were locked in a passionate embrace. There bodies had intertwined as one. Their breath was short from the fiery passion of their physical union!”

Rainbow dash was puzzled. ”Um, so they were doing it?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. They were doing it.” Twilight replied.

“Hold on here,” interjected Rarity, “With who? I didn’t know Fluttershy was seeing some pony!”

“It’s a pegasus. He must live in Cloudsdale--I’ve never seen him in Ponyville.” said Twilight.

“Whoa! What happened to this chap? Where is he now?” demanded the purple-maned mare.

“I don’t know who he is. They didn’t see me, I just escaped.” whispered Twilight.

“Hold on there,” Applejack stepped forward, “ If you didn’t get caught peeping, when did Fluttershy get spooked?”

“Later in the day, when I told her what happened.” Twilight sank into the corner, blushing.

Applejack was very disappointed. “Twilight! Why would you blurt something like that out!”

“I didn’t have a choice! She made me! She gave me the Stare!”

“Oh, well I guess it was out of your hooves then.” Applejack stepped back. The others looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

And so the floor show began. The first chapter was a session of truth or dare, where many frightful secrets were revealed. None of which can be revealed here due a pact signed in blood that very night.

Round two involved Pinkie Pie smashing cake into people’s faces.

Rarity dressed up Spike in the ‘girliest’ outfits she could get in small sizes, complete with make up. It was more than enough to send Spike running out of the room, but it did nothing for Fluttershy.

Rarity was visibly shaken by the failure. She flew from the room and returned in the most embarrassing ensemble she could assemble from her wardrobe. Not only was it pairing blue with green, but it was mixing vertical and horizontal stripes as well!

“Y’all are being to clever, Rarity. This here calls for a blunt tactic, like dunking your head in a basin of ice water.” spouted Applejack.

“Oh Really, then would you be up for a bit of Ice Embarrassment?” replied Rarity.

“I sure as shootin’ am!” boasted Applejack.

Within ten minutes Applejack’s mane had been shaved. She ran out of the room in tears. Despite this, there was no change in Fluttershy.

“Ah, phooey.” Rainbow Dash hurled her empty coffee cup into the trash bin. This was their third coffee break and the evening had run out into the next morning. The five mares were now tired and broken in the well lit hospital room.

“I just can’t believe Fluttershy would have so much to be embarrassed about in the first place.” said Applejack.

“Tell me about it. I didn’t even think she was that way.” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Beg pardon?”, Rarity raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

“You know, that extra long mane, how she keeps to herself. Ever notice how you never see her talk to colts? I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything, but seriously though, I thought she swung that way.”

“Seriously?!?” Twilight gaped Rainbow Dash with wide eyes.

“Wow! That would like tottaly be a bombshell! Imagine the scandal of it all! Twilight! If you had walked in on Fluttershy with a mare! That would be like the most biggest gossip ever!” Pinkie pie continued on her rant as Twilight Sparkle became lost in thought.

“Applejack. I know what must be done. Clear everyone out of here. Rainbow Dash, close the curtains. Pinkie Pie?”

“Yeah boss!”

Twilight glared at the pink pony with the fire of an active volcano. “GET. ME. BREATH MINTS.”

Within minutes, the room was set up. Twilight and Pinkie were standing at the foot of the bed for Fluttershy to see, chomping loudly on Breath mints. Pinkie’s eyes darted around at the locked door and drawn curtains, trying to figure out what she was doing there. Twilight Sparkle knew what had to be done, but she kept on tossing mints into her mouth, avoiding the inevitable.

“Boy, I do love mints,” Pinkie started, “ I heard that if you bite into a wintergreen mint in the dark, it makes a spark! And that must be true because ‘dark’ and ‘spark’ rhyme! I always wondered what would happen if you ate wintermints in the summer! Maybe you’d turn into a mint yourself!”

It was now or never. Twilight didn’t feel up to it, but at least it would stop Pinkie Pie from talking. She grabbed the pink pony’s face and looked her in the eyes. “I’m sorry, I have to do this”, she whispered as she brought her lips to Pinkie’s. Polite nose rubbing be damned, it was time for a long passionate kiss. Pinkie was surprised and confused, but she did not protest. Twilight moved her hooves down Pinkie’s back...

“STOP!” screamed Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight was elated. The shy one had snapped out of her comatose state. Fluttershy had been restored and was lunging over the hospital bed, pawing at Twilight’s back.

“Um, so Twilight, you doing anything later?” grinned Pinkie Pie.

“That was just a demonstration!” Twilight Sparkle corrected her friend.

Fluttershy had retreated underneath her sheet. She began to squee from deep down in her gullet, as if she was about to swallow her own heart.

“I’m so sorry for embarrassing you like that. I didn’t mean to!” said Twilight.

“It’s Ok, it wasn’t your fault. I should have drawn the curtains. It was very rude of me not to.”

“Fluttershy, what was that? Who was that pony in your house?”

A head popped out from under the sheet. “He’s a special friend of mine. He visits me sometimes.”

“Is that really okay? Is he taking advantage of you?”

Fluttershy stood up in bed and looked down at her hooves. “No Twilight. He only comes over when I ask him to. He’s a good friend.”

“What? I’m your good friend, Fluttershy!”

“I know, but I’m older than you. I have certain needs. I’m too shy to really fall in love with a nice Stallion, so this arrangement is what works for me now. I know I can’t ask you to understand, but it’s just the way it is.”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t understand, but I do trust you. I should have trusted you from the beginning. I’m sorry. You need to live your life as you see fit.“

It was Fluttershy's turn to sigh now. “I guess everypony in Ponyville now knows about my special friend.”

“No, just us friends, but the others understand a lot better. C’mon, Fluttershy, lets go tell them you’re OK.”

“OK. Thank you for outing yourself for me.”

“Eargh! That was just a demonstration! I am not dating Pinkie Pie!”

The three exited the room to greet their friends. They were elated to see Fluttershy up and around.

“Golly! What did you do Twilight?” questioned Applejack.

“Let’s just say you got off easy”, sighed Twilight.

“Oh! I’m sorry, Twilight. I couldn’t hear you. My head was too cold.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Having close friends can mean crossing some personal boundaries. But when lines get crossed it’s important to trust your friends and know when to leave well enough alone. I thought I was getting the study of friendship under control, but after yesterday I know that there is a whole world of friendship I have yet to experience.

I’m going to re-double my efforts and study even harder than before!

Your Student,
Twilight Sparkle


Twilight and Rarity had the picnic cloth set up just right. Light snacks were being set out by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was off to the side under a tree, looking out over the park.

“Twilight, you put ‘pick up mouthwash’ on this checklist 6 times. Are sure this is right?” said Spike.

“Yes, it is”, Twilight sighed. She still couldn’t get the taste of pink frosting out of her mouth. After sending Spike on his way, Twilight stepped away from the others to talk to Fluttershy.

“It will be good to finally meet this Stallion friend of yours, Fluttershy.” Twilight consulted her friend, who was looking much better than she did earlier that week.

“Oh, yes. He’s just going to pass by, you know, by accident. I’ll introduce him as an old friend from flight school. You and I will be the only one wise to who he really is.”

“Good. And we’ll leave it at that. I just have one question I can’t quite figure out. Why the kitchen?” Twilight whispered.

Fluttershy giggled softly behind her hoof, “Oh, Twilight, it was the kitchen’s turn.”

Surely enough, the tall brown stallion walked by the park's dirt path. Fluttershy waved him over with a hoof.

Rarity said “Hello!”

Pinkie shouted “Heya!”

Rainbow Dash chimed in, “Hey, Dad!”