• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 15,499 Views, 751 Comments

Changes - Fresh Blood

What's more important? Friendship, Celebrity status, or the trust of somepony who gives it to you?

  • ...

Chapter 12

The dull roar of rain hitting the cobblestone paths of the streets of Ponyville had been continuous for the better part of the afternoon. The weather team had been scheduled for a downpour for quite some time but errors in cloud production from Cloudsdale had created a cloud shortage. This had caused a back log of showers and to get themselves back on track the team had decided to do several at once. Although the ponies of the town could see the reasoning behind it they weren’t overly keen on the bad weather, least of all Bon-Bon.

The confection maker sat behind the counter top of her shop, a hoof holding up her head as she stared out at the empty streets through her window. There wasn’t a single pony out of their homes unless they needed to be out, which was incredibly bad for business. She relied on passersby, the ones who would look through her decorated windows and begin to water at the mouth at the sight of rows upon rows of chocolates and toffees.

Tempted by sweet delights, they’d find themselves drawn in and, after inhaling the scent of so many candies, would be unable to help themselves from disgorging their wallets and purses; purchasing enough sugar-coated treats to keep Colgate busy for weeks with the number of cavities they must induce. Bon-Bon occasionally thought about entering a behind closed doors deal with the local dentist; they’d joked about it often enough.

But the bored earth pony hadn’t seen a customer since the early afternoon when Pinkie Pie had come for her usual order of just about everything that was in stock. She sometimes felt that the eccentric, and quite possibly unstable, party pony could keep her business afloat with her patronage alone, but she knew that that wouldn’t be possible, even with the number of parties Pinkie planned.

“Well at least I’m not out on the market stalls and getting soaked through anymore,” she muttered to herself, looking down at the display in front of her and contemplating on whether or not to eat her profits. Her business had grown over the years she spent in Ponyville, starting out in the town square and selling the sweets she’d made at home. Scrimping and saving, she’d finally been able to afford to purchase a property on Stirrup Street and went into business on a much larger scale.

The shop was quite spacious, easily able to hold a dozen or more ponies with plenty of room to spare, which was a blessing when the school colts and fillies were released from class with pocket money to spend. The shelves and aisles that were lined up within the store were filled with almost any kind of candy a pony could dream of, but it was the display counter that Bon-Bon sat behind that held the more delicious treats.

And it was out of this display that the bored mare decided to pluck out a large piece of toffee and begin chewing on it, simply doing so to pass the time. She was beginning to enjoy the taste a little too much, savouring the sweet, sticky consistency that the toffee melted into, and reached once more to get herself another piece, too distracted to hear the shuffle of hooves coming from the back room behind her.

“Mith Bon-Bon?”

Bon-Bon snapped to attention, hoof coming out from her display case and whirled around, clasping eyes on the foal now stood in the door way. “Ah, Twist, I forgot you were still here.” The startled mare grinned sheepishly, trying not to look too suspicious, but she knew that Twist probably hadn’t seen anything. She then realised she was being silly and even if the filly had seen her take sweets, they were her sweets to take.

“I’m thorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” the red maned foal smiled, “but I’ve finithed thweeping out back and I put the new peppermint thtickth where you told me to.”

“Oh, good, you’ve finished earlier than I expected actually,” Bon-Bon eventually smiled, having calmed down from her initial shock. “I guess you can head off home early, and here’s your pay for this week.” She tapped a few buttons on her cash till and took out a packet of bits before placing them on the counter for Twist to take as she left.

“Gee, thankth, Mith Bon-Bon,” Twist happily squeaked before running back into the back room to gather her things. Bon-Bon laughed a little, always amused by the filly’s actions. She’d taken her on as a helper for the store after she began to pester her on sweet recipes. The store had always needed an extra set of hooves to help around the place and she was cheaper to pay than a full grown mare so it benefited the pair of them nicely.

“Thee you on Monday after thcool,” Twist said as she returned, scooping up the bits and moving towards the door with her coat and hat draped over her back as she did so.

“Aren’t you going to put those on?” Bon-Bon called before she could leave.

“I’m fine, it’th not far to get home.”

“Now, Twist,” Bon-Bon admonished, stepping out from behind her counter towards the young filly. “It’s raining buckets out there; you’ll get soaked through to the skin without your coat on, regardless of how far it is.”


“No buts,” the cream mare interrupted with a stern look on her face, though it’s effectiveness greatly reduced by the smile she wore along with it. After a moment or two of shuffling around, Twist was dressed in her red raincoat, and Bon-Bon finished it off by placing her rain hat on top of the filly’s head. “There, much better, now you can go.”

Without any further hesitation the door was pulled open and Twist galloped out, running across the street and splashing in all the puddles; Bon-Bon swore that she was aiming for the biggest ones. She’d been a little hesitant hiring Twist at first. Although she’d get a helper she had to look after the filly, but she’d soon warmed up to it. She’d always loved children, they enjoyed her work so much more than the adults and always came back for more, and they were always so polite too, well most of them at least.

With a wistful sigh and her mind wandering at the thoughts of children she looked at the clock and decided that she’d shut up early for the day. She was thankful it was Saturday, the weather was supposed to rain all weekend and she was closed on Sundays. The weather couldn’t affect her sales if she was closed, and she could enjoy spending a cosy day at home snuggled up on the couch.

She set the till to count up its takings for the day, what little there were, and then began the long process of placing all the lids and covers over the jars and displays for the night. It was whilst she was doing this that the chime of the bell above the door sounded and she turned around to see Lyra walking in, horn glowing and carrying an umbrella.

It didn’t take long for Bon-Bon to understand why she was there and she frowned, turning back to her work. “I keep telling you that you don’t have to walk me home when the weather’s bad, I can do it myself.”

“And I keep telling you not to forget a coat or an umbrella when it’s scheduled to rain,” Lyra replied, a smile on her face as she approached. “Besides, what sort of mare-friend would I be if I didn’t walk you home?” she asked, sidling up alongside the cream mare and giving her a kiss on the cheek, immediately banishing the mare’s frown.

She tried to keep a sour mood, however, turning her nose up and marching to her till, but Lyra saw the smile and she knew it. “Well I suppose if you’re here you can make yourself useful with that horn of yours and finish putting the lids on, then we can go home,” she ordered, peering down at the till roll and then opening her account book to write in the figures.

“Right away, Ma’am,” Lyra mock saluted before doing as told, making quick work of the remaining containers, much to Bon-Bon’s annoyance.

“It’s a good job that I love your music and that I’m so understanding of your strive for a musical career, otherwise you’d be working here full time,” she commented before taking a pencil in her mouth to make her statements.

“Does that mean that you’re happy that I turned up?” Lyra teased, finishing up with the packing before sauntering over to the counter and casually leaning on it. Bon-Bon didn’t respond, she just smiled around the pencil, choosing to ignore her. Lyra grinned in return.

A few more moments passed and Bon-Bon had finished tallying down her takings for the day. She nudged Lyra, who was busy trying to sneak a few pear drops, and the two made their way to the door. “The weather is atrocious,” Bon-Bon muttered, opening the door and feeling the cold air rush inside.

“Glad I came yet?” Lyra grinned, using her magic to open the umbrella and hanging it out the door.

“You have your uses,” Bon-Bon relented, and then gave Lyra an affectionate nuzzle to her neck before they stepped out under the umbrella. Closing the door behind them and locking it up, the two began their trek to their home on the other side of town, huddling together under the umbrella.

The rain was still heavy, soaking the ground and making it impossible for Bon-Bon to avoid puddles. Her snout scrunched up into a frown as she stepped into a particularly deep one and she sighed. “My hooves are getting completely soaked; I only just had them done at the spa yesterday.”

“Bonnie, ever since you got the shop you’ve come home and had a bath... your hooves are going to get soaked anyway.”

“That’s different, a bath is clean, these puddles aren’t,” the earth pony replied, shaking her head. “You never could care about the difference.”

“You’re right, and I don’t think I ever will, wet is wet.” Lyra snickered and bumped her flank against Bon-Bon before sinking into silence.

The town was still as empty as it had been all afternoon. They passed one or two ponies but they were hurrying in the other direction to wherever they were headed and neither had the time, nor desire to stop and talk in the rain. A few members of the weather team could be seen from time to time darting below the clouds to plug up holes to ensure the rain was seamless, a flash of a rainbow contrail occasionally sweeping the area searching for more gaps. But they were far too busy to notice any passing ponies below them.

Before long, however, they reached the outer edges of the town and the picturesque cottages that had come to be the town’s heritage. Lovely little houses with picket fences and modest gardens, and almost every window had flower pots on their sills. Thatched roofs and wood panelled walls; they were the staple of the housing community in Ponyville.

The rain had caused many of their neighbours to stare wistfully out of their windows, many of them wondering what they could do to pass the time until the rain was over. Bon-Bon was amongst them, but she knew Lyra actually liked the rain. The green unicorn would often play her lyre under a parasol in the back garden, or under their porch, matching her tune to the pitter-patter of the rain. She said it gave her a sense of serenity that she needed to write her music. Bon-Bon never could understand why.

“Finally,” Bon-Bon exclaimed, hurrying Lyra alongside her as they approached their house. Lyra obliged, ensuring the cream mare was thoroughly covered by the umbrella and the two made it through their fence and under the front porch. Safely sheltered from the rain, Lyra put away the umbrella, Bon-Bon busy fumbling with the keys to the door. “At least I don’t need to do any gardening this weekend.”

“See? There’s always a silver lining,” Lyra replied, looking out towards their modestly sized front garden, the rose bushes in the corner seeming perfectly happy to wallow in the soaked earth. “Of course I don’t know why you don’t just get Roseluck or one of her sisters to do the gardening for you; they do offer gardening services you know.”

“And where would be the fun in that?” Bon-Bon argued, finally unlocking the door and heading on inside, Lyra following and dumping the umbrella in a stand by the door. “I can garden just as well as those three and it’d cost us bits to pay them, bits that you know we can better spend elsewhere.”

“I was only saying, Bonnie,” Lyra replied, not really having that much interest in arguing with her. Bon-Bon watched as the unicorn made her way towards the couch and reclined back on it, her horn lighting up to retrieve a book with music notes etched into it from the armrest and the quill and inkpot off the table from the desk in the corner of the room.

Bon-Bon then noticed the pleasant aroma of stewing vegetables wafting from the kitchen. “You’re making dinner?” she asked, making her way towards the kitchen through the archway that separated the living room from the back of the house. “I thought it was my turn.”

“Figured I’d let you off the hook for the night,” the unicorn answered, the quill making a few corrections in her book. “It’s nothing special,” Bon-Bon then heard her continue as she inspected the pot, a loaf of bread already set on the side. “It’s just a soup really, used what we had left in the fridge before they lost their freshness. I’ll need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, even if the rain keeps- whu- mppf?”

Bon-Bon cut Lyra off before she could continue, having returned from the kitchen and approached the unicorn from behind. She’d reared up on to the back of the couch and pulled the unicorn’s head back to kiss her on the lips, stunning her into silence until she kissed back.

They stayed like that for a moment or two, before Bon-Bon finally pulled away, leaving Lyra to look up at her with a stupefied grin on her face. “What was that for?” she asked, head still held upwards and meeting Bon-Bon’s loving gaze.

“For being the most perfect mare I could have ever fallen in love with, of course.” The earth pony then broke eye contact, dropping back off the couch and retreating towards the stairs by the front door. “You come all the way to work to walk me home in the rain, you have dinner cooking for when I get here, and then you offer to go shopping tomorrow?”

“Well... I do want to... I mean I don’t but..., it’s no trouble, really,” Lyra stuttered, having lowered her book and turned around on the couch to follow her with her eyes.

“Then you can stay in bed tomorrow,” Bon-Bon smiled, stopping half way up the stairs before she was out of sight. “I need to go out tomorrow to pick up my copy of ‘Mare’s Weekly’, I’ll do the groceries whilst I’m out and pick up some special ingredients to bake you something nice tomorrow afternoon.”

“Bonnie, you don’t have to do that.”

“And you didn’t have to do those things for me today, but you did anyway. And for the same reasons you did those for me, I want to do this for you. Now, how long until dinner is ready, sweetums?”

“A little over half an hour I think, wouldn’t be too much longer than that, if not before.”

“Good, enough time for a bath then.” Bon-Bon then continued up the stairs, though she continued calling down as she disappeared. “Then after that we can have dinner and then I can snuggle with you on the couch whilst you write your music before bed.”

“No complaints here,” Lyra called back, her face beaming with joy at the prospect.

Bon-Bon didn’t answer after that, instead making her way into the bathroom and preparing her bath for the evening. Their tub was large, one of the few requests and improvements Bon-Bon had made when Lyra had asked her to move in. It could easily seat two ponies quite comfortably, which was ideal for when she wanted Lyra to share with her; otherwise the unicorn always preferred showers.

Despite her best efforts, her coat and mane always smelled of sweets, an effect of constantly making the confectionary delights she was known for. Even as she turned the taps and filled the bottom of the tub with her scented soaps and salts, she knew that they wouldn’t last very long in masking her sugary scent. She liked to do baths properly, however, regardless of how she smelled afterwards, and as the tub filled itself with hot, foamy water with plenty of bubbles, she turned the taps off and brought herself to the bath’s edge.

“Ah... nice and hot, excellent,” she said to herself, a tired smile on her face as she slowly began to slip herself in. Lyra had always scolded her for making the bath too hot when they shared, but Lyra wasn’t going to be joining her. And as she felt the heat of the water sink into her fur and to her skin beneath it, she let out a long sigh.

“Much better,” she then muttered, reclining into the lounge position against the back of the tub, the water rising up to her neck. She remained like that for several minutes, eyes closed as she basked in the water, soaking her tired muscles. Eventually she decided she should probably begin using the water, and after dunking her head below the water to soak her mane, began to scrub soap into it.

Bon-Bon had always looked after her mane, making sure it was strong yet soft to touch and the number of shampoos and conditioners she used to accomplish that drove Lyra batty. The mare smiled however, when she considered the fact the unicorn never complained when she was burying her snout in it.

She rinsed and repeated twice, before moving on to her tail, performing the same duties of care before she was finally satisfied. The bubbles in the bath had mostly dissipated and the temperature was beginning to drop. She considered lounging for a little while longer but knowing that dinner would be ready shortly she brought herself to her legs and yanked out the plug before getting out of the tub.

She dripped onto the tiled floor as she reached for the assortment of blue, pink and green towels on a rack against the wall and began to towel herself down. The absorbent cloths made quick work of the water clinging to her fur though her mane and tail needed more vigorous treatment. When she was adequately dry she tossed the towels in the hamper before heading off downstairs.

Once she’d returned to the living room and, noticing Lyra’s absence from the couch, she entered the kitchen where she stopped in her tracks, a small smile forming on her lips. “You’re the cheesiest mare I’ve ever known,” she lightly laughed, eyes taking in the scene of Lyra sat at the table, candles illuminating the table cloth with their meals set on opposite sides of each other.

“Well what can I say, you got me thinking about those sappy romance novels you love so much,” Lyra replied, a slight blush spreading over her snout. “I thought you’d appreciate it.”

“Oh, I do,” Bon-Bon replied, making her way towards the table and taking her seat opposite her mare-friend, still smiling. “I just wasn’t expecting it is all. It’s lovely, really. Though you’re making it even harder for me to keep all these little things you do for me secret from Vinyl.”

“You wouldn’t do that to me.” Was all Lyra responded with, a smile of her own gracing her lips as her horn poured them both a glass of apple juice to have with their meal before beginning to eat. “And if you promise to add this to your list of secrets I’ll brush your mane for you again.”

“Deal,” the earth pony grinned, before joining Lyra, enjoying the soup and sinking into casual dinner conversation. The two discussed their respective days, Bon-Bon with the shop and her recounts of Twist’s progress, and Lyra with her day at home, the music she’d worked on and the chores she’d managed to complete. They then reminisced on their days in Canterlot and wondered how Vinyl and Octavia were faring.

It had been a week since they’d returned to Ponyville, and as always after seeing Vinyl, the two missed the mare. And now they had another friend to miss, the polite and seemingly innocent cellist proving to be quite popular with the two as they noticed when they were on their train ride home.

“We really need to have them over for dinner some time,” Bon-Bon urged, sipping the last of her juice from her glass as she rolled her spoon around the rim of her empty bowl.

“Vinyl’s touring, remember?” Lyra reminded her, standing up from the table when Bon-Bon had finished and clearing away the dishes with her magic. “We can’t do anything until she gets back, and you know she comes straight here when she does because her fridge is empty... you’ll just have to wait before organising anything.”

“I wonder if we could go on a double date when they do...”

“Bonnie, I told you to leave that alone.” Lyra rolled her eyes, turning away from the sink and heading back to the table. “... you’re already imagining the restaurant we’ll go to, aren’t you?”

“The one down the street from my shop,” Bon-Bon admitted, eyes sparkling with a large smile on her face. “We could share starter platters, bottles of wine, and desserts for two with one spoon per couple... then we could maybe go to a milk parlour and share milkshakes...”

“I think this dinner was a bad idea,” Lyra deadpanned, blowing out the candles and nudging the day dreaming mare to get her out of her seat. “It always makes you get all these romantic ideas in your head.”

“That’s not a bad thing,” the sweet-maker argued, an upset look on her face as she was lead into the living room.

“When your ideas just involve me, no, but when you bring Vinyl into it, they’re the worst ideas ever.”

“Fine,” and with that the unicorn found herself pushed onto the couch and onto her back, where she was soon buried under the warm fur of Bon-Bon’s body. “Romance for two, just like you ordered.” The cream coloured mare wrapped her forearms around Lyra’s sides, snuggling in against her belly and resting her head upon the mint fur of her chest just under her chin.

Lyra, though startled at first, soon gained an excited grin and wrapped her hooves around Bon-Bon in return, holding her close and resting her chin on the back of the other mare’s head. “Much better, just the two of us, no pony else to worry about.” Her horn lit up and a brush seated on a table below the mirror by the front door floated over, beginning to run its bristles through Bon-Bon’s mane and causing the mare to cuddle back all the more.

“You’ve been a real sweetie today,” Bon-Bon half sighed, half mumbled from her comfortable position, enjoying the strokes of the brush through her hair, straightening and removing all the tangles left from her towel dry.

“Can’t help myself where you’re concerned,” Lyra responded, giving a little squeeze of her legs around Bon-Bon for added emphasis as her note book and quill floated back in front of her, corrections being made once again.

A few kisses peppered against Lyra’s chest, causing the unicorn to look down briefly at meet the sultry eyes of her mare-friend, who leant up to nibble softly at the underside of Lyra’s jaw. “I’ll make it up to you later on, my little Candy Cane,” she purred, causing a heated blush with a little grin to appear on the lyrist’s face.

“Fine with me, Sugar Flanks, just let me finish this composition and your hair and then we can talk,” Lyra replied, giving Bon-Bon a kiss to the nose which elicited a giggle from her, before returning back to her work.

The confectioner settled down once more, eyes closing in relaxation, the brush pulling at her scalp ever so gently providing an excellent head massage. Every so often the brush would extend down to her tail, giving the frizzy hairs their shape once more. Despite her desires to repay Lyra back for her kindness throughout the day, Bon-Bon found herself growing steadily more tired with each brush. She struggled to keep her eyes open when she felt herself nodding off and before long she was quietly snoozing away.

It was dark outside by the time the sleeping mare was roused by the unicorn, the sun having long since set and the streets outside cast into a pitch darkness thanks to the heavy rainclouds that blotted out Luna’s Moon. “Huh... what time is it?” Bon-Bon groggily asked, finding herself still in Lyra’s grip, though now with a perfectly styled mane and tail.

“Late,” was the only answer that was given before the lyrist urged Bon-Bon to get up. The two got to their hooves, Bon-Bon a little unsteadily, but Lyra was quick to support her. “C’mon, let’s get to bed,” she continued, leading her towards the stairs.

“But I wanted to do something nice for you,” Bon-Bon tried to argue, an attempt at batting her eyelashes coming across as nothing more than tired blinks.

“Maybe another time, Bon,” Lyra chuckled, turning off the lights as they went up and casting the house into darkness. The two knew their house inside out, and easily made it up the stairs and down the hall without hitting a single piece of furniture along the way.

Their room was fairly typical, a large bed taking up the back wall with a wardrobe each on either side of it belonging to the two ponies. Sets of drawers lined themselves up at the foot of the bed and various photos and pictures lined the walls opposite, cast in darkness with the lack of illumination.

Lyra’s horn lit up the room with a green glow as the sheets on the mattress were drawn back, Bon-Bon climbing into it before the unicorn followed. Once the two were settled, the sheets were pulled back into place, covering the two as Lyra shuffled closer to Bon-Bon, wrapping her forelegs around the cream mare and kissing her on the back of the head.

“G’night, Bonnie,” she whispered, rubbing her head into her pillow to get comfortable, pulling the mare closer to her body to share in her warmth and squeeze her gently.

“Good night, Lyra,” Bon-Bon quietly replied, content to lie in the unicorn’s grip, eyes closed tight and already half asleep.


“So... seen much of Applejack lately?”

Carrot Top quirked an eyebrow at Bon-Bon’s question, picking out the carrots that the mare had ordered before answering, “Well I’ve seen her at her stall today, why?”

“Oh nothing, just wondering really,” Bon-Bon replied, counting out her bits on Carrot’s makeshift counter top.

The rain, as expected, hadn’t stopped, but life in Ponyville still carried on as usual. The Sunday Markets were still open and running and Bon-Bon was finally crossing off the last item on her grocery list. Her saddlebags were full with vegetables and fruit and she was looking forwards to picking up her magazine and catching up on the latest gossip. She always made a little extra time for Carrot Top, however.

“You seem to always be wondering lately,” the ginger mare commented, placing five carrots on the counter and taking away the bits. “Should I be worried about something? Is she ok?”

“Oh it’s nothing, really,” the confectioner quickly dismissed, not wanting to just come out and suggest that the two farmers should talk sometime, maybe get a coffee at Sugarcube Corner and discuss business... or other personal ventures. “I should be going, thank you very much, Carrot Top, see you soon.” Bon-Bon then quickly left the perplexed mare behind, heading off towards the newsstand across the square.

Lyra had insisted she wore her coat, and Bon-Bon was grateful that she did. Although most of the stands and stalls had over hangs or parasols to shelter their patrons from the elements, there were still enough open spaces to get soaked through. With her fur dry she was actually enjoying her weekly shop, though she restricted her browsing to the bare minimum.

“Last little job and I can go home,” she said to herself, approaching the newsstand and the grey coated, blue maned mare, that manned it, a red band around her right foreleg and a matching red baseball cap to go with it. “Good morning, Chatterbox, how are you today?” she greeted once she was in earshot, grabbing the attention of the mare who beamed widely at her in return.

“Oh, Bon-Bon, I was wondering when you were going to show up today,” Chatterbox smiled, quick to dive under the counter to pull up a copy of the ‘Ponyville Express’ and a copy of ‘Mare’s Weekly.’ “Got your order right here, magazine for you, newspaper for Lyra. I did a particularly good article on the Running of the Leaves this year if you’d care to read it. Editor told me I could cover the actual race after it’s over too, that should be exciting.”

“I’ll be sure to make certain that I read it then, you always write such charming pieces, Chatter,” Bon-Bon laughed, dropping a modest sized bag of bits onto the stand. “And here’s this month’s subscription.”

“No problem, I’ll make sure it gets sent to the right ponies,” Chatter nodded, never once losing her friendly smile. “Say, you were at the Music Convention in Canterlot, right?”

“Mhmm, both Lyra and I went, why do you ask?”

“Well I was just wondering if you met Vinyl’s new mare-friend whilst you were there is all. They seem like they were hitting it off and usually you’re all over that sort of stuff, like the time you thought me and Grasswhistle were-” Chatter would have continued talking if it weren’t for Bon-Bon’s hoof having lodged itself in her mouth.

“Wait, what did you say about Vinyl?”

“Ah safvd did yoo-” Bon-Bon removed her hoof. “-meet Vinyl’s new mare-friend? It’s all over the front page of your magazine, look.” Chatter pointed to the cover of ‘Mare’s Weekly’ and Bon-Bon immediately spun it around to read it.

“Canterlot’s newest couple?!” Bon-Bon exclaimed, looking down at caption image of Vinyl and Octavia walking side by side together, with the unicorn feeding the cellist hay fries. “DJ Pon3 and Octavia, of the Canterlot Symphonic Orchestra, seen having a night on the town. Pictures and full article, pages 4 through 7.”

“Yeah, there are lots of pictures too,” Chatterbox spoke up, oblivious to the slight twitch in Bon-Bon’s eye and the smile that threatened to explode and consume her face. “Looked like they were having fun... maybe had a bit too much to drink though, they looked a little sleepy.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Chatter, I need to get home and show this to Lyra, do you mind if I dash?” Bon-Bon eventually managed to say, resisting the urge to flip open the magazine and read it there and then.

“Not at all, just be sure to come back and tell me about your trip to Canterlot, wouldn’t mind getting an inside scoop on what it was like at the convention... even if it is a little late. But I suppose news in Ponyville always takes time to get here.”

“Of course, come by the shop tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about it,” the cream mare quickly answered before giving a wave and breaking out into a brisk jog towards home.

“OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!” she squealed, her excitement almost getting the better of her as she ran through the streets. “I knew I was right, I just knew it!” Fuelled by the need to tell Lyra the mandatory ‘I told you so’, she made quick time to their home, pausing on the porch to catch her breath before bursting through the front door.

There was a yelp, and a small clatter as the inkpot Lyra was holding in her magical grip slipped from her hold, spilling ink down Lyra’s front as she sat upright on the couch. Bon-Bon barely even noticed. “Lyra, look, I told you they’d make such a perfect couple, and you didn’t believe me.”

“What are you talking about?” Lyra grumbled, trying not to let any of the ink spill onto the couch.

“Vinyl and Octavia, they’re seeing each other, it’s all over my magazine, look,” Bon-Bon excitedly yelled, jumping onto the couch besides the unicorn and holding the magazine out towards her on the correct pages.

Lyra’s eyes scanned the page, taking in the various photos first, from the two dancing coming out of a night club, to the two entering an apartment building together in the middle of the night. “...the two ponies were then seen entering Octavia’s apartment building where it is believed Vinyl Scratch stayed the night. Unfortunately no photographic evidence could be obtained of the DJ leaving the next morning but it can be assumed due to the lateness of the time they were seen entering the building and the notorious reputation Vinyl Scratch has earned in her years as a celebrity that she did not leave early.”

“I didn’t know Octavia was that kind of pony if I’m really honest, but I suppose Vinyl just has that magnetic personality.” Bon-Bon happily twittered away.

Lyra, however, did not share her enthusiasm. She flicked through the pages a few more times before letting out a deep sigh and rubbing the top of her forehead with her hoof. “Oh, Scratch, you’ll just never learn, will you?”

(Special guest starring Chatterbox! Go show her creator RenaTurnip some love. )