• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 18,854 Views, 171 Comments

Dance 'Til We're High - PresentPerfect

Twilight looks for love at the Winter's Eve Ball. What she finds is like nothing she expected.

  • ...

Dance 'Til We're High

Dance 'Til We're High
by Present Perfect

"Rarity, am I... plain?"

The words hung still inside the Carousel Boutique, the clattering of pins and whoosh of fabric from moments ago now mere myths. Rarity stared at her, open mouthed, until Twilight began to fear that the other unicorn was working out how to tell her gently that she was.

"Why Twilight, I should say not!"

Twilight jumped. Rarity set down the pincushion with which she'd been working and moved over to her.

"I'm sorry dear, you caught me completely off guard with that question. While you could certainly dress to accentuate your features more, you are by no means plain, Twilight Sparkle!" She frowned, putting a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Wherever did you come up with such a ridiculous notion?"

"I just..." Twilight sighed. "I look around at all of us, over the last five years, and the relationships you've all formed beyond just friendship: Soarin moved in with Applejack, Fluttershy and Big Macintosh seem like they're really in love, and I hear you've been seeing some mystery stallion..."

"So you've heard." Rarity blushed and giggled awkwardly. "I've yet to figure out how to break it to the group. He's rather famous, after all, and I don't want to come off as a glory hound..."

It was Twilight's turn to put a reassuring hoof on Rarity's shoulder, and she smiled. "Rarity, there's nothing to worry about. I don't know what the big secret is, but when you're ready to tell us, I'm sure we'll be there for you."

"Thank you, dear, that does mean a lot to me."

"But, I mean..." Her smile vanished. "Even Pinkie Pie's dated a couple of colts."

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Oh, don't remind me. Pokey was nice enough, and I was sorry that they couldn't make things work, but Caramel." She slammed a hoof on the counter. "That two-timing scoundrel! Why, if he hadn't left Ponyville after breaking her heart, I..." She closed her eyes, drawing in a few breaths between clenched teeth. "I simply might have done something I would have regretted. Not that he wouldn't have deserved that, either."

Twilight cleared her throat, blinking a few times. "Gosh, Rarity, I didn't know you felt so strongly about that. I mean, it was awful seeing Pinkie so upset, but..."

"I stand firmly by my friends in matters of love, dear, which is why I want to help you now."

Twilight pursed her lips. "I'm not sure you can help, Rarity. I mean, Pinkie may be single now, but she's at least had some kind of relationship before. I've never had anyone."

Rarity moved in close and hugged her gently. "I honestly can't understand why. When you first came to Ponyville, you were rather, shall we say, naïve... But you've grown so much since then!"

"I guess so. But if it isn't my looks, then what's wrong with me? Am I spending too much time reading? Is it my manners?" Twilight groaned and rubbed at her eyes.

"Twilight!" Rarity gasped and clucked her tongue. "You are a lovely young mare! You've a stellar personality and an excellent sense of humor, not to mention you're by far the smartest pony I've ever met, and I mean that well. You would make a wonderful catch for any stallion worth his salt."

"But no one's ever looked at me twice."

Rarity humphed and began to circle around Twilight, looking her over. "As I said before, you could stand to accentuate your good points. Don't be afraid to show off a little! If you're serious about wanting to find a mate, then go somewhere you can 'hang out' at, where a stallion interested in somepony like yourself would also be apt to frequent."

"Do you really think it's that easy?"

"I don't think so, I know so." Confidence radiated from Rarity's smile. "The first step to getting into a relationship is to stop trying to get into one. If you do all that, while not focusing on trying to land a stallion, I guarantee you'll be dating somepony before you know it!"

Twilight moaned. "I just... I feel like I ought to have someone by this point in my life, you know? My mother's sent me at least five letters suggesting potential coltfriends this year alone."

Rarity clucked her tongue. "Shame on her, guilt-tripping you in such a fashion! Twilight, relationships are not all there is to life, you should know that. Why don't you talk with Rainbow Dash? She's still single, she always has been, and I've never seen her looking lonely before."

Twilight mulled the suggestion. "I think the Wonderbolts are on break right now, since winter starts this week and all. She'll be coming back into town..." She brightened. "That's a great idea, Rarity! Thank you so much!" She gave Rarity a tight hug, and her friend returned it in kind. "And... thank you for saying I'm not plain. It... helps."

Rarity smiled. "If you want a new dress, you know you can always ask me." Her face brightened and she gasped. "In fact, I may just make you one anyway! I'm beginning to get ideas, ooh, this will be such fun! You must come in for a fitting tomorrow! I'll need sequins and ribbon and..."

To my Special Somepony:

I hope you're listening, wherever you are. My heart is crying out for you. I know you're real... If I could just find you...

When I picture you, you're tall, dark, dashing. You like the night as much as I do. You're sensitive and a good listener. You've got an open mind and an open heart, and you're longing to find a heart and mind to match. You've always been interested by learning; you like having long talks about philosophy and magic. Which isn't to say that you're a unicorn, necessarily; I don't care if you're a pegasus or an earth pony, that doesn't matter to me.

What does matter is that you get this letter, and with it, you find me...

Twilight met Rainbow Dash at the Daisy Shack, a quaint eatery that had gone up just a year previous and now did brisk business on the outskirts of downtown Ponyville. The subtle, pastoral décor was perfect for just meeting up with a friend for a long talk over a quick bite to eat, but Twilight mostly found herself there when she didn't know what she felt like eating.

"How do I do it? You mean perform day and night with the coolest fliers in all of Equestria?" Rainbow Dash laughed, flashing a poster-perfect cocky grin.

"Same old Rainbow Dash." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know that's not what I mean. How have you stood being single for so long?"

The pegasus waggled her eyebrows. "It's easy, Twi! You just say to yourself, 'I'm my own pony; I don't need anypony else. I'm here to have fun.' And then you swing."


"Yeah! Bein' a swingin' single ain't bad at all!" Rainbow spread her hooves over her head. "You get to have some fun, maybe get a little romance, and then you both say goodbye and no one gets hurt. I've had tons of colts and fillies, and not one regret ever!"

"Not even Spitfire?"

Rainbow Dash started laughing and couldn't stop for an entire minute. "Whoo-hoo! Sorry, Twi. Spitfire? Nah. She's kind of a bitch, turns out." She started laughing again. "We're too much alike, really. I totally don't regret what we had going on though, or letting her go. It was fun while it lasted, but dating a teammate's kinda frowned on anyway."

"But, don't you ever think about... I dunno, commitment? Stability, any of that?"

"Nah, I don't mind. I mean, I pretty much had no love life at all before the Wonderbolts, but I didn't really care about it back then, y'know?" She leaned back in her seat and prodded what was left of her salad. "Right now, I don't care about relationships. There's lots of groupies and all kinds of ponies you meet on tour who wanna get with you, so I do my own thing. Maybe one day I'll wanna settle down, but not yet. I just try to take life one day at a time." She sipped at her juice, letting her words sink in. "Why're you askin'?"

Twilight sighed and rubbed her hooves together. "I'm lonely, Rainbow Dash; that's all it comes down to. I've got so many good friends, and we've all had so many good times together, but... I guess I want something more. And it doesn't seem to be coming."

Rainbow jabbed a hoof at her. "Stick with me, kid. I'll have you rollin' horn-deep in ponies in no time, or my name isn't..."

Twilight cut her off. "No! I mean... No offense, Rainbow, but that really isn't for me. I want someone I can have meaningful conversation with, someone whose company I'll enjoy for hours on end. I... I want to be whisked off my hooves by some dashing stallion, the way Rarity always did." She sighed wistfully, and felt heat creeping into her cheeks. "Well, I'll take the conversation and company, anyway; I guess that's more realistic."

Rainbow Dash paused, eyes downcast, a smile-half formed on her lips. She seemed to Twilight to be uncharacteristically thoughtful. "Well, Twi, if you're so hung up on not having a guy friend, why not start now?"

"But Rarity said the best way to get into a relationship is to stop looking..."

"Horse apples!" She banged on the table, attracting the attention of the couple sitting across the restaurant from them. The pair stared openly for a moment before huddling together in hushed excitement as Rainbow Dash continued.

"She's only sayin' that 'cause she got swept off her hooves! You just gotta slip into something comfortable and go somewhere you'll find the colt of your dreams. Like maybe the Winter's Eve Ball."

"The Winter's Eve Ball?" Twilight furrowed her brow.

Rainbow leaned back, holding up a hoof. "It's not my scene, but it is one of those big, fancy-shmancy romantic shindigs. You get dressed up in masks and costumes and stuff to celebrate the start of winter."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like you know an awful lot about it."

"Heh heh, how d'you think I found out it wasn't my scene? But anyway, I can totally get you in. Since it's winter and all, the Wonderbolts are off practice, which is why Soarin and me are here helping set up winter and all. But the team usually goes as kind of a last hurrah, so I've totally got tickets. Soarin should too, maybe I'll ask him. It'll be a nice change!"

Twilight smiled. "That really means a lot to me, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey, what're friends for?" She paused again, the next words on her lips, when they suddenly became aware of the two mares from the other booth aside their table, looking expectantly at Rainbow.

"'Scuse us, uh..." The pink mare bit her lip and looked at her companion, who nodded excitedly and giggled. "Are you Rainbow Dash?"

The pegasus grinned. "I sure am! And just who might you be, cutie?"

The mares giggled and the blue unicorn held up a small black book. "We're huge fans! Could I have your autograph?"

Rainbow gave Twilight a near-apologetic look. "Ahh, fame. I'll catch you later, Twi!"

Twilight was all too happy to take her leave, lest any 'swinging' occur.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a unicorn, as you may have already guessed. I run the public library in Ponyville, and I recently graduated from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I hope that doesn't sound like bragging; it's a prestigious school and all, but I went there because I wanted to learn about magic, and I really loved every minute of it.

My best friend in the whole wide world is a little baby dragon named Spike. Well, he's not so little anymore, he's almost taller than I am, but that's still little for a dragon! He's my number one assistant, and he's always been there for me.

I also have five very wonderful friends, who I've known for a long time. They're very important to me, and we do everything together. Or at least, we used to. Rainbow Dash spends most of the year performing with the Wonderbolts all around Equestria. Maybe you've seen her? She's the best flier I've ever met. Fluttershy has been kind of quiet lately, though she's always quiet. Pinkie Pie's always coming up with some crazy new reason to throw a party. Rarity and Applejack are busy with their businesses and relationships...

And that's why I'm writing you this letter...

"'Wintry Mystique'! Oh, why didn't I think of it before? Not only will the Winter's Eve Ball be the perfect place to debut this design, but also the perfect theme for it as well!"

Rarity bubbled happily about her boutique, sending bits of cloth flying everywhere, including onto the simple dress form covering Twilight. Her mane full of excess bits of ribbon, she held a pincushion aloft for Rarity, giving her more freedom to work with the materials.

The white unicorn gasped. "Why Twilight, you and I should go together! Oh, and we must invite Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie..."

"Pinkie swore off fancy dress galas after she trashed the second one, remember?"

Rarity stopped, mid-thought, turned to look at Twilight, and then burst out laughing. Twilight joined in.

"Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten! How many cakes did she end up wearing by the end of the night?"

"It was just the one, I swear! But it got everywhere! She was scrubbing frosting out of her ears for a week!"

Rarity sniffed and dabbed at the corner of her eyes with a felt scrap. "My word, I haven't thought about that night in years! Ah well, at the very least, you and I should attend."

"I think that's a great idea." Twilight waited until Rarity was adjusting the hem before posing her next question.

"Will I finally get to meet your mysterious coltfriend?"

The ribbons that had been swirling about Twilight's head fluttered to the ground. Rarity swallowed, not looking up. "Yes."

Twilight made sure to keep her tone low and even. "Really, Rarity, why all the secrecy?"

The white unicorn sighed, and lifted half a dozen streamers back up, hanging them off Twilight's forelock for a moment before chucking them wholesale onto the morning's pile of bad ideas.

"Twilight, do you remember how sad we all were when Rainbow Dash left for the Wonderbolts?"

"I thought we were all happy for her! I mean, it was a little lonelier without her around, but we all got closer because of it, right? And it's not like she left us forever."

"Yes, but it's more that lingering sense of something missing to which I refer. And because of who I'm seeing, well... I... mightbemovingaway!" She paused to catch her breath. "I don't want to cause all of you to feel that way again! Oh, I know what you said before Twilight, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong..."

"Moving away?" Twilight's eyebrows shot up. "All right, now you definitely have to spill."

Rarity sighed. "All right, but please don't go spreading it around. I'm... seeing Hoity Toity."

Twilight's jaw dropped, which luckily kept her from saying the first thing on her mind: Hoity Toity likes mares?

"Now perhaps you understand why I've been keeping it a secret. He approached me earlier this year, saying he's been keeping tabs on me ever since that little fashion show we put on for him all those years ago, and he wanted to have me expand the Carousel Boutique into Canterlot under his label. How could I say no? And then we had dinner, and one thing led to another. It's nothing serious yet, mind you, but... Ohh, the point is, I may be moving to Canterlot or Manehattan soon! And I just don't know how to break it to the rest of the girls!"

Twilight got down off the platform she'd been on and gave Rarity a soft hug, mindful of the various pins stuck through her dress form.

"Rarity, just tell them. Keeping your friends in the dark is only going to make it more painful when they do find out. Just... do it soon, so we'll all have time to let it sink in. It will hurt more if no one finds out until right before you leave."

They breathed for a few moments, and then Rarity nuzzled her. "Thank you, Twilight. You're absolutely right. I've been such a silly foal about all this; whatever was I thinking?" She cleared her throat and smiled. "Let's get back to your dress. The Winter's Eve Ball isn't far away, after all!"

So in conclusion, Special Somepony, I just want to say that you're the pony for me and I'm the pony for you. Let's both do our best to meet each other, all right? I promise I'll try everything, if you do as well.

I love you.


Twilight Sparkle

"Spike? Can you send a letter for me?" Twilight forced the parchment into a tight roll, securing it with a lustrous purple ribbon, a leftover that Rarity hadn't been able to use in the dress. She could hear the dragon sliding down the banister, and he was standing at attention when she turned around.

"Ready and willing, captain!" he said in complete seriousness. "Where to?"

She levitated the parchment over and sighed. "Anywhere. It can go over the middle of the ocean, for all I care. I just... don't want to see it again."

"Uhh..." Spike gave a curious look, first to her, then at the letter, then back. He shrugged. "Okay, Twi, whatever you say. Last chance for a take-back."

"Do it, Spike." She swallowed. "And don't tell me where you send it."

"You got it, sister!" He exhaled his sending-flame and the parchment dissolved into ashes, borne upon the wind.

Twilight had been feeling more herself during the days leading up to the Ball, but now that they were on the carriage ride to Manehattan, apprehension had taken hold once more. She did everything she could to keep her mind off of it, but it was impossible to ignore the doubts for long without wandering back to them.

What if I meet somepony? What if he sweeps me off my hooves? What if he doesn't?

Why can't I say which scares me more?

"I've heard that the newest fashion in Manehattan is matching the shape of your dress to your hat. Some of the concepts look simply ghastly."

"...I heard that Poll McColtney is going to be at the Ball. Isn't that exciting?"

Rarity squealed and Fluttershy smiled at her. As predicted, when asked if she had wanted to go to the Ball, Pinkie Pie had declined, saying, "No way José! Or Juanita! Josefa? What's the feminine form of José?" Fluttershy, on the other hoof, had been all too interested, though she'd nearly backed out after Big Macintosh had said he wasn't keen on the idea of going. Seeing her hesitation, he'd gently urged her to have a good time with her friends, which she had taken as a sign of good faith that she should, indeed, attend.

She was wearing a new version of her Gala dress, slightly less diaphanous so as to be suitable for colder temperatures and redesigned in muted, wintry blues. Rarity had chosen a gown that hugged her frame, quite the modest decision for a pony who tended toward the ostentatious. That simplicity was offset by the sequins covering the entire thing and glittering endlessly as she moved. Twilight, meanwhile, was wearing the flagship piece of the "Wintry Mystique" line, though perhaps 'flagship' was an all-too appropriate term, as voluminous as it was on her. A veritable sea of ruffles and lace, white with light grey-blue accents, a star motif was the only component that had kept Twilight from turning her nose up at it wholesale. Not that she wouldn't have worn it anyway; she just didn't understand Rarity's designs most of the time. At the very least, she liked the way Rarity and Fluttershy had done her mane up, even if the bouffant was shot through with ridiculous amounts of glittery ribbons.

She found herself paying only minimal attention to Rarity's chatter, instead watching out the window of the carriage. The landscape on the road from Ponyville to Manehattan was flat floodplain, the largest agricultural region in Equestria. Right now the fields lay fallow, nothing but empty furrows with stands of barren trees delineating one plot of land from the next. She tried not to think of just how well they mirrored her situation.

As they moved closer to the city, the suburbs sprang up: first one-horse burgs like Unica and Hrosschester, sleepy villages the size of Ponyville; then larger towns like Albrony and Buffaloes. It was here they watched pegasus weather teams hard at work with the thin, grey stratus clouds that would cool the ground and allow for snow to build up. Even Fluttershy marvelled at their techniques for layering and weaving the clouds together, which Rarity likened to quilting.

Twilight studied the architecture of downtown Albrony as they made the final leg of the journey to Manehattan. Period motifs persisted from the time the town had been founded, the occasional renovated storefront marking the surety of progress and change. The tallest structures topped ten floors, modest for skyscrapers but far grander than anything in or near Ponyville. They took in the sights of the town square, grand fountain off but decorated with bright lights and garlands for winter, and Rarity made note of one or two fashion shops, vowing to return and browse their styles at a later date.

Then all at once, they were on the majestic Trotborough Bridge. Twin towers swooped overhead, supporting with cables the weight of all the ponies currently streaming into the city by hoof or by carriage. The archways formed by the towers looked just enough like smiles to be welcoming. They had arrived.

Manehattan looked splendid as the moon rose above its skyscrapers. The streets were lit with multicolored torches, gas flames, firefly lamps and magical glows. Ponies on the street carried lights of their own, adding to the sense of a colony of glowworms crawling through undergrowth. Despite the massive numbers of ponies out in the night, the wideness of the open thoroughfares kept the city from feeling cramped. The city surrounded them as if to embrace. It was alive with color, and all of it said, "You are where you've always wanted to be."

Their target was a fancy hotel in the center of town, a brownstone edifice lit up by two enormous spotlights. The Gritz-Manehattan was simply the most exclusive and expensive hotel chain in all of Equestria, according to Rarity, which was just half the excitement of going there for the Ball. They could expect only the finest in carpets, chandeliers, catering and, of course, company.

Sitting before it, Twilight felt a rush of excitement. She couldn't deny Rarity's exuberance anymore; they were here, and the night held nothing but promise. For the first time since they'd left Ponyville, she felt ready for this.

"Masks, girls!" Rarity demanded before exiting the carriage.

She had chosen one with a long, pointed nose; Fluttershy's unsurprisingly featured fuzzy pink bunny ears; Twilight's was adorned with large dragonfly wings. All were made of thin stock, decorated with glitter and sequins, and secured with cord around the back of the head. The queue which led into the hotel was made of ponies in all sorts of fluffy gowns and puffy shirts, stylish tuxedos and showy gowns, all at the very height of fashion and all bedecked with every manner of ball masks. Some were jeweled, some were feathered, and some were unbelievably flamboyant, such as the congregation of peacock feathers trotting towards them, each as long as the pony wearing them was tall.

"Why Rarity, you made it!" Hoity Toity crowed, drawing a giggle from Rarity.

"Dear, you know we aren't supposed to call each other by name at the Ball!" Rarity extended her hoof, which the grey stallion kissed magnanimously. "I do believe you've already met my friends."

"Yes, yes indeed, ah I remember now, that was a most exquisite show! Well, the second one anyway, but nevertheless! You're both looking ravishing tonight, simply ravishing." With a flourish, he gestured towards the door. "Shall we, ladies?"

Fluttershy gave Twilight a soft smile, and they followed Hoity Toity into the Gritz. She knew it was just the way fashion ponies talked, but she couldn't help but let that word -- ravishing -- lift her spirits. Suddenly the thought that the night might have something in store was less frightening.

From outside, the hotel was impressive, but the inside took their breath away. It was somehow even vaster, stretching up above them like a tidal wave, as if it could crash down and swallow their insignificance. Rarity's descriptions had not done the architecture justice; Twilight's mind was racing to come up with names for the various ornamentations and styles. She'd simply never seen anything like it before.

"Ladies, this way, please. You'll all be part of my entourage for the evening; we've a lovely view of the dance floor." He gestured to a staircase off to side, with a VIP rope and guard in front of it. The pegasus nodded to them and undid the rope as Hoity Toity led them upstairs.

He was right. Not only did they have a private booth on the upper floor, the ballroom spread out below them like a white sea. Ponies were already dancing gracefully through and over it, as pegasus couples whirled and dove in time with the music. And what music it was: a full orchestra providing soft, rich notes that filled the room like clouds. Twilight couldn't help but sway slightly to the rhythm as she walked.

"Feel free to settle in, girls," Hoity said, bringing them into the circle of the dozen or so ponies, bedecked in garish and daring outfits, that made up his entourage. "My dear, shall we?"

Rarity giggled and took his outstretched hoof, flashing Twilight a grin of "Isn't he just too much?" as she followed him back down to the dance area. Twilight chose a cushion to sit on and smiled at the other ponies, who nodded politely and went back to their conversations. Fluttershy took the place next to her.

"Are you going to dance, Twilight?"

"I... don't know! I'm sort of just taking everything in right now. It's overwhelming! Are you?"

"Well... maybe. I don't know, actually, I hadn't thought about it before. But it looks... fun."

"Yeah, it does..." Twilight looked up as a waiter brought them a tray of multicolored drinks that fizzed with heady aromas, then thought about what Rarity had said to her earlier that week. She was here to socialize; there was no time like the present!

Her first attempt didn't go so well; Hoity's entourage was not terribly interested in her joining their conversations, giving her more polite smiles and nods before huddling closer together. Unwilling to give up, she took Fluttershy by the hoof.

"C'mon, Fluttershy, let's go dance!"

Determined, she dragged her friend down the steps and into the ballroom, where a piece was in the midst of a long movement. The music swept into a crescendo as they bowed to each other, giggling, and joined in with the rest of the pairs on the dancefloor. Neither of them were particularly good dancers, but Fluttershy's natural grace made up for her lack of experience, and she outshined her friend with ease.

As the song died down, a mauve pegasus stallion wearing a modest suit and mask approached them.

"Would either of you ladies mind giving me the next dance?" he asked, extending a hoof. Though he had posed the question to both of them, his attention was obviously on Fluttershy. She moved away immediately, shaking her head.

"Oh, no, I couldn't..."

Twilight nudged her. "Go ahead. I'm no good at dancing anyway." She smiled. "We're supposed to be having fun, remember?"

"B-but... Big Macintosh..." Fluttershy bit her lip, looking at the stallion, who was looking back expectantly.

"It's just a dance! Go!" Twilight forced herself to add in a laugh.

Fluttershy hesitated a few moments longer. "Umm... All right, if you think that's okay..." Shakily, she took the stallion's hoof and he led her upwards.

Twilight cast about for any groups nearby with whom she might mingle. She considered looking for the Wonderbolts; Spitfire's mane would certainly be easy to pick out no matter how she might be disguised. Then she asked herself what she could talk about with them. "Oh hi, my friend Rainbow Dash is on your team." Not a good conversation topic.

Slipping from one group of chatters to another turned out to be terribly unproductive. The conversations were either over topics she was unfamiliar with -- fashion mostly, or politics -- or else private, as the ponies moved away from her. She caught sight of Princess Luna, the Ball's guest of honor, at one point. The Princess was so surrounded by well-wishers, hob-nobbers and brown-nosers that there would be no speaking with her at all this night.

She was beginning to get discouraged when a cluster of four ponies actually turned and moved towards her. They were two mares and two stallions, and one of the latter, the pegasus, even looked rather cute.

I'm in luck!

"Good evening, my dear," said the tall, silvery earth pony stallion wearing a blue-feathered mask and matching sequined jumpsuit. "I do hope you'll forgive the intrusion, but I just had to inquire as to the designer of your dress."

Twilight smiled, barely containing her glee. Here was a chance to not only make new friends but to help out Rarity! The night's prospects were looking up. "Rarity, a friend of mine, designed it. She runs the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville."

"Ponyville?" The maroon unicorn mare to his right laughed. "Oh, dear me, surely you jest!"

Twilight blinked. "No, I'm serious. She's an up and coming designer. I've heard that even Hoity Toity has his eye on her." She hoped that wasn't giving too much away.

The ponies shared a laugh together. "Dear me," said the dark blue pegasus stallion, "I simply do not believe my ears. To think of such a graceful work coming out of a backwater like Ponyville..."

"Oh, but take a closer look," said the other mare, whose coat matched the first stallion's. "You can see small mistakes, just look at that top stitching!" She clucked her tongue and shook her head.

Twilight swallowed as the ponies began to pick apart imaginary flaws in her dress. This wasn't going well at all.

"Look, this was custom made for me!" She took an aggressive stance, doing her best to stare them all down. "It's a... a prototype, for a new line called 'Wintry Mystique'! Pretty soon, it'll be everywhere in Manehattan!"

The blue pegasus rolled his eyes. "My dear, one does not 'prototype' in fashion. It either is or it is not. I cannot recall the last time I met a pony as ignorant about fashion as you!" He huffed and turned his nose skyward.

"Goodness me," said the silver stallion, raising his head so he could better look down on Twilight, "I wonder what it is she does know."

"I..." Twilight swallowed. She had a feeling there was no way to get out of this. "I study magic." Her statement was met with a chorus of laughter.

"Studying magic!" The unicorn mare held up a fan and tittered into it. "Does anypony really do that anymore?"

"How utterly tiresome," added the silver stallion. "Come, let's elsewhere."

"No, wait, let me show you!" Twilight didn't know why she said it. Without even thinking, she produced the first spell to come to mind. One she'd used on Rarity years ago. One she'd had time to perfect the casting of since. One that could be used after having just remembered it in a panic.

There was a muted gasp as the spell took effect. Glowing intensely, Twilight lifted into the air on an etheric wind that caused her dress to billow. When she once again settled on the floor, two gossamer wings, in wintry colors of white and frosty blue, adorned her back.


"Heavens alive!"

"How vulgar!"

Twilight's face fell. They're not impressed at all. The image of Trixie tickled at the back of her mind.

A hoof tapped on her shoulder. She turned to see two earth pony stallions, one grey and one white, both in the hotel guards' uniform, looking very cross. "Young lady, such displays are not welcome here. I am going to have to ask you to leave."

Her first thought was to protest, but at that point, she realized that half the ballroom was staring at her. She didn't see Fluttershy or Rarity among them. Her heart sank. Swallowing, she nodded softly and moved out of the ballroom, doing her best to look nowhere but at the intricately paneled and lavishly inlaid flooring. Once she had crossed the threshold to the cold night air, she took off galloping, her vision filling with tears.

What am I doing? How could I be so stupid as to go showing off like that? There's really no hope for me, is there?

She found herself atop the hotel, unable to recall how she got there until she remembered the wings. Well, they were good for hiding, at least. Chill wind suffused her dress and dried her tears, but it was the sudden realization of just how high up she was that really made her shiver.

The streets below were empty now and so changed from when they had entered the city that she felt like she'd somehow transported to a different location entirely. From far beneath, she could hear the strains of music drift up as the orchestra tuned up for a new dance. A dance that she wouldn't be partaking in. She sighed.

Behind her, someone cleared their throat. "Pardon me, madam..."

She spun around, heart racing. A lanky pegasus stallion, not much taller than herself, stood at the edge of the roof. His dusky blue coat complemented the cold night air, and his tail was the color of the wintry sky. A dashing top hat hid his mane, and he wore a long black tuxedo to match, which covered his cutie mark, just as his black domino mask covered his eyes. He extended a hoof to her.

"May I have this dance?" His voice was soft, raspy.

What do I do? "You want to dance... with me?"

He smiled. "I see no other lovely unicorns up here to dance with."

Suddenly, the night wasn't so cold. She couldn't speak. Eyes wide, she tried to think, to analyze what was happening so she could come up with some sort of solution, some plan of action, but her mind wasn't working. Her vision swam. Realizing a response was expected of her, she moved towards the mysterious stallion and simply nodded.

He bowed, took her hoof, drew her close, and they began to dance, as a slow, moving tune wafted up from beneath them, just loud enough to be heard from the rooftop. At first she moved unsteadily, but his constant smile, soft and reassuring, kept her disarmed, so that she just closed her eyes and let him lead her.

She'd never been close to a stallion like this before, not ever. She could feel the ripple of his lithe muscles against her, feel his warmth encircling her, protecting her. He smelled like rainy woodlands. He guided her through the dance steps with care, and she never once felt like she was being forced.

What is this feeling?

As the music ended, he twirled her gently, and bowed. She curtsied in return. As they regained their hooves, he raised his eyebrows at her.

"Something tells me you've never danced like a pegasus before."

"W-wh..." Her mouth wasn't working.

"You have wings, don't you? Come on," he said, eyes twinkling as he took her hoof and lifted gracefully into the air. "I'll show you."

The music began anew, swelling like the sea, powerful and churning, and she followed him, working her gossamer wings and not knowing how she could ever keep up with a true pegasus.

He led her into the air, just ten feet off the roof, as a crescendo of cymbals led into a lacuna. He bowed to her in midair, which she attempted to return without much grace. That smile returned as he took her hoof, the music swelling once more as he drew her along his flight path.

Their dance began with lazy loops that she mirrored as best she could. He must teach dancing. Though he still led, he would wait for her to get the hang of a maneuver before attempting one just a little more complex. Soon, they were soaring in intricate loops over the ball, twirling together and spiralling back and forth through the air. The look of mischievous joy that spread across the stallion's face released her fears, and she found herself wheeling along beside him, matching him move for move.

He broke off from her a moment, looping around her again and again, from every angle possible. She twirled in place, feeling uplifted in spirit as well as altitude. Clasping her hooves once again, he drew them into a tight mutual spiral, the onrush of music swelling in her heart.

"Don't look down," he whispered, his eyes wild and dangerous behind the mask.

Defiantly, she did look down, to see the lights of the city twinkling below. She gasped, feeling suddenly dizzy.

"We're so high! How did we... Am I dreaming? I can still hear the music..."

"It's the music of love, my lady," said the stallion softly. She turned back to him and he kissed her, with every ounce of tenderness, passion and grace that he had put into the dance with her. Her body melted into his and she returned the kiss longingly.

Somewhere far away, a bell began to toll. Answering its call, another bell, and another, and soon dozens chimed out the midnight hour. The air rang with the myriad tones and rhythms, each doing its best to say, "Winter is here at last."

Oh yeah; I'm dreaming.

Fireworks rocketed into the sky, filling the air with light and sound as the bell chimes faded away. Colors spun over them as they swirled through the air, drifting back and forth in gradual descent. Sparks kept the sky alight with sizzling contrails, flowers that blossomed into fire and enchanted if evanescent portraits of ponies. A crescendo of explosions heralded the final moments of the ponies' winter celebration, and the kiss broke softly. He smiled fondly.

"That was incredible..." She hadn't meant to say it out loud. She had just enough control over her faculties to realize that it was quite dorky of her to say. The stallion chuckled softly.

"Not as incredible as this night. Nowhere near as incredible as you." He released her, flew backwards a pace and bowed. The music, she suddenly noticed, had ended. Still feeling as though her lips and, indeed, entire body had been hit by lightning, she moved jerkily in what she hoped would suffice for a curtsey.

"And now, my lady, I bid you good night," he said, and turned away from her.

Her heart leapt out of her chest. "Wait!" She held up a hoof. "Can't I at least know your name?"

The stallion looked back over his shoulder and laughed. "What's the point of masks, then?"

As he shot through the night sky, heading south beneath the moon, she felt her heart swell. She lowered slowly to the ground, gazing off in the direction he had gone, not noticing her gossamer wings evaporate into the cold evening air.

"Twilight, there you are!"

She heard the voice, but didn't respond. Hooves trotted up behind her and a warm body pressed against her side.

"Thank goodness," Rarity said breathlessly. "When Fluttershy was finally able to tell me what had happened, I felt simply awful, darling! And then we couldn't find you and I was afraid you'd gone... back to Pony..." There was a long pause. "Twilight, dear, whatever are you looking at?"

Twilight smiled drunkenly. "Mmm, I'll tell you later."

Rarity placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, nudging her gently. "I can only imagine that being asked to leave so forcefully must have been a shock, but are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm perfectly okay, Rarity... Why do you ask?"

"Hoity and I just feel awful, simply awful, about everything going wrong for you!"

With a soft laugh, Twilight turned at last to face her friend. Despite or perhaps because of the night's chill, her cheeks were flushed a deep red. "Rarity, nothing went wrong. It was everything I wished for."

"...And then he asked, 'Mayor, are you sure one bottle isn't more than enough?' and the Mayor... Oh my word, he honestly said, 'By Luna's buttocks, Mr. Toity, I can bloody well drink all night if need be!' So of course you know who happened to be standing behind him at that moment!"

It was the afternoon of the day following the ball, the first full day of winter, and the six of them had gathered at Pinkie's room above Sugarcube Corner so everypony could hear about what had happened. The three of them had spent the trip back to Ponyville dozing in the carriage and so hadn't gotten to discuss their experiences. Rarity had insisted on bringing them all together. At the moment, Pinkie was the only one absent, off to the kitchen to bring fresh muffins.

"No way." Applejack's face was a cross between mirth and abject horror. "She wasn't..."

Rarity nodded primly. "She was! She tapped him on the shoulder, the Mayor turned around, and in his loudest voice said, 'By the sun and moon, you're the damn sexiest filly I ever laid eyes on! Tall, just how I like 'em!'"

"Oh no!" Fluttershy adjusted her mane so it was covering her entire face. "I saw what happened next."

Rarity could barely contain herself. "There was a loud slap, the orchestra honestly skipped a beat, and then Princess Luna dragged the Mayor out of the hotel by his ear!"

Raucous laughter exploded into the room. Rainbow Dash lifted into the air and spread her forehooves.

"Oh man, that explains the headline out of Canterlot this morning! 'Manehattan Mayor's Moon Mess'." She lowered her hooves, as if blocking out the subtitle. "And below that, it said, 'Mayor Pencil Pusher Personally Escorted from Winter's Eve Ball by Princess'. He's never gonna live that down!"

Rarity held her sides as Rainbow Dash resumed her place. "I swear, if I'd not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed he could be such a boor!" She took a deep breath, calming herself, and turned to Twilight. "And speaking of being escorted from the ball... Not that I mean anything by that, Twilight, but it is later now, and I am just dying to hear what happened to you."

Applejack frowned. "Twilight, you got kicked outta that fancy shindig too?"

Twilight shrugged. "I did something stupid. I'm not mad about it. Besides, if it hadn't happened, I never would have met... him." Twilight sighed and closed her eyes. There was an excited gasp from those gathered, and they pressed in closer.

"Twilight, you mean you met a stallion and you never told me?" Rarity's jaw dropped wide open.

Fluttershy positively vibrated with excitement. "Twilight, that's so exciting!"

Twilight couldn't help it: she giggled and bit her lip, thinking back to the previous night. "Ohh, it was magical!" Her face radiated wistful ecstasy. "I never thought anything like that could happen to me; to me! I wish you all could have seen it..." She stood and began to sway back and forth to the memory of the music. "We danced through the sky! I felt like I could just float and soar forever!"

"Well who was he, what did he look like? Tell me you at least got his name, darling!"

Twilight shook her head, smiling. "Don't you see? It's not important who he was; we shared something special. One magical moment, made especially for us! I made a connection to somepony, Rarity! This one mystery stallion, who was there right when I needed him most; he left me with the memory of the most beautiful night I've ever had, and that's what matters."

Rarity clucked her tongue. "Well could you at least describe him? Perhaps I could ask my contacts in Manehattan, or even Canterlot! If you two felt a connection, as you say, then you certainly deserve to find him!"

Twilight laughed. "If that memory is all I have of him, I'll be fine with it."

"Aww, c'mon, Twi, ain'tcha the least little bit curious?" Applejack stretched and grabbed another cookie off a plate. "You're the one's always lookin' for answers t'everythin', after all."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "All right, if you must know. He was tall, thin, athletic..." She tapped her hooves together, bringing the details to mind. "Kind of a dusty greyish blue... Oh, and with a black mane."

"What about his cutie mark?" Fluttershy asked.

"I didn't see it. Actually, there wasn't much of him I could see... Except his eyes." She beamed once again. "They were so deep and beautiful; I mean, handsome. The mask shaded them, of course, but I would swear they were purple."

There was a clatter from across the room, and all heads turned to see Pinkie, her cheeks bright red, at the top of the stairs. She started frantically gathering up the muffins that had fallen off the tray she'd just dropped, and Applejack got up to help her.

"S-sorry, girls, guess I'm a little clumsy today, heh heh, oopsie!" Pinkie gave them all a too-wide smile. "I was gonna go get some more goodies anyway, maybe I'll, uh, do that now."

"But, y'all just brought these up!"

Pinkie gasped. "I know Applejack, but now they're ruined, oh no, it's so sad! But that's okay, there's plenty more where these came from! Maybe Rainbow Dash can come and help me, so I don't drop anything this time?" She shot Rainbow Dash a glance, her voice strained, and gestured with her head downstairs toward the kitchen. The pegasus looked blankly around at all of them, then nodded slowly.

"Uhh, yeah, I'll... be right back, girls," she said, and followed Pinkie back down the stairs.

"T'ain't like Pinkie t'be so clumsy," Applejack said, shaking her head and coming back to their circle, nibbling on a carrot muffin that had landed right-side-up in its wrapper and was thus unsullied by contact with the floor.

"Tsk, Applejack! Honestly, you are packing these sweets away like nopony's business! I don't care how much time you spend bucking apples, you should really give more consideration to your figure."

Applejack stuck her tongue out at Rarity. "You try livin' with a flyin' food disposal an' see if'n his habits don't rub off on ya."

"Well, I suppose Fluttershy is the only pegasus I know who doesn't spend all of her time eating," Rarity said, rolling her eyes as Twilight laughed. Then the three of them, their attentions turned to Fluttershy, realized that she had been trying to get their attention.

"Um, girls..." Her eyes widened and she shrank back a little as all eyes turned on her. "Do you hear that?"

A pot clanged against flooring from afar. Then they heard, muffled and indistinct, the otherwise unmistakable voices of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.


Twilight saw her friends' faces mirroring her own confusion. "We'd better go see what's wrong," she said, leading the way without waiting for them.

The voices got louder as they neared the kitchen, though no words could be made out. Applejack cleared her throat loudly and stomped a hoof as they approached the doorway to make their presence known. The tumult within immediately subsided. After a moment, Rainbow Dash poked her head out; emotions roiled just under the surface of a barely calm expression.

"Can we talk to Twilight? Alone, please?"

Twilight turned to look at her friends. Rarity and Fluttershy nodded, but Applejack was less amenable.

"Whatever y'all gotta say to Twi, ain't like ya can't say it in front o' the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash ignored her and dragged Twilight into the kitchen, making sure the swinging door was closed. Pinkie Pie perched on the counter next to the sink, gripping a rolling pin in her hooves. Her eyes were wet, though her mane remained bouncy.

"Pinkie, calm down, she's here."

Pinkie Pie exhaled deeply and set the rolling pin down. "Twilight, I just want to say that I'm really, really sorry." Then she scrunched up her face and scowled at Rainbow Dash. "Well? Go ahead!"

Rainbow sighed. "Pinkie Pie would like me to tell you that I'm the one you danced with last night." She spoke without looking at Twilight.

Twilight's eye twitched. "Heh heh, what? Rainbow Dash, you?" Whatever she had just heard was not making any sense. A little laugh came out, unbidden.

"Pinkie helped me dye my tail black and brush soot into my coat so you wouldn't recognize me. If you'd taken the top hat off, you would've seen rainbow mane. I just want you to know, Twilight, that I was only trying to help you..."

Twilight's face twitched once more. Her eyebrows wavered. "He... You...?"

Pinkie spoke up. "Rainbow Dash told me she needed help with a disguise for a prank, so I went along with it. I didn't even think to ask what she was doing, or I Pinkie Pie Promise you, I wouldn't have done it."

"A prank...?"

"It wasn't a prank, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash scowled at Pinkie. "How else was I going to explain to Pinkie so she'd help me?"

"You lied to me, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie stomped her hoof, her face writhing over inner turmoil. "You think that just because Pinkie Pie is all funny ha-ha, that means she's a big dum-dum head too! Well you're wrong!" She burst out of the kitchen, tears streaking her face, as the other three peered around the corner from where they'd been eavesdropping. Fluttershy made a soft noise and ducked away, following after Pinkie. Rainbow Dash swallowed, rearing back apprehensively.

"No, not in front of everyone..."

"Rainbow, I can't believe you..."

"Twilight, I'm sorry..."

"Why did you do it?" Twilight's teeth clamped together and she shut her eyes tightly against the tears welling inside them. "It was all so perfect..."

"Yes, Rainbow Dash." Rarity stepped into the kitchen, glowering. "Why would you do something so boneheaded, disrespectful and utterly devious?"


"And just what made you think lyin' to Pinkie and draggin' her into your mess was a good idea?" Applejack's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Is this what bein' with them Wonderbolts's done t'you? They make you forget how t' act like a friend?"

"Hey!" Rainbow snapped her wings open, glaring. "In case you've forgotten, your boyfriend was one of 'them Wonderbolts' too!"

Applejack returned the glare, saying nothing.

"Besides, it wasn't anything like that! I..." Rainbow Dash's wings drooped. "I got your letter, Twilight."

"You wha...?" Twilight's vision spun.

"I was scouting over the lake one day to see if any ice was forming, when suddenly this scroll just appeared, right over my face! I pulled it off, read it, and realized just what you meant the other day when you told me you were lonely. I wanted to help, I really did!" Her eyes filled with tears. "So I decided to disguise myself and go to the Ball with Soarin's ticket. I promise you, Twilight, I was just keeping an eye on you; if somepony else had danced with you first, I woulda left and you'd never have known I was there. But no one seemed interested in talking to you, and then you left crying..."

Applejack opened her mouth, looking ready to say something she'd regret. Rarity shushed her and instead they flanked Twilight, staring the pegasus down.

"I don't even know what to say... Rainbow, what made you think this was a good idea?"

Rainbow Dash scrunched up her face into a sneer. "Maybe I knew my friend was hurting, and I wanted to help! You know, give her a... a magical moment with some mystery stallion that she could treasure. That maybe it would make her confident, so she wouldn't have to be lonely anymore."

"That's awfully dirty of you, Rainbow Dash, to not have faith in your friend like that!" Rarity's scowl was becoming permanent.

"Well I was right, wasn't I?" She clapped her hooves over her mouth as soon as she said it. "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean that..."

Twilight couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Applejack stepped forward and Rainbow stepped back.

"Rainbow, I can't believe you! This ain't some kinda game; you're playin' with Twilight's feelings here!"

"Rainbow Dash, you are despicable! I never would have thought you capable of stooping so low!"

"That's downright underhanded, Rainbow!"

"Why d-did you kiss me...?" It came out so quietly that it took them all a moment to notice that Twilight had said anything. Applejack and Rarity both stared at her.

"She kissed ya?"

"She kissed you?"

"I... it was p-part of the act! I swear, it was just to make everything perfect for you, Twilight!"

"Rainbow Dash, you really have gall!"

"I got half a mind to beat some sense into you, girl..."

"Rarity, Applejack, please!" Twilight swallowed, trying to control her voice. "I appreciate that you want to stand up for me, but I need answers and I'm not going to get any with you two threatening her." Rainbow Dash for her part looked every bit the cornered animal, having placed herself as far away from the three of them as she possibly could.

"Why don't you two go check on Pinkie Pie?" She gently nudged Rarity, who exchanged a look with Applejack.

"Very well, Twilight. But Rainbow Dash can expect a severe talking-to from me at a later time! This is not over!"

"Yeah, that ain't all she can expect from me..." Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash, then followed Rarity out of the kitchen. Twilight waited until the door shut once again, then whirled on Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus sat propped up against the corner floor cabinet, staring at the floor as if she couldn't believe that wood could be painted teal. Twilight stalked up to her, her tears drying as she tried to find words to say. She choked over the anger that bubbled up within her and, finding no other emotion to hold onto, let it spew forth.

"How dare you, Rainbow Dash. I thought you were my friend! You lied to Pinkie and made her cry, you've completely humiliated me... Why'd you do it? You thought it would be funny? A prank? Is that it?" Twilight's voice rose again and again, and Rainbow Dash did nothing but flinch as she got closer and closer with each outburst.

"I'm just another one of your 'conquests', Rainbow, aren't I?"


The vehemence of Rainbow Dash's reply and the anger in her eyes caused Twilight to back up. Rainbow began to breathe raggedly and tears sprang to her eyes.

"You're my friend, Twilight! I could never... I would never do that to you!"

Twilight regained her previous anger, if not her nerve. "Then why did you kiss me?" she growled, pausing to enunciate each word clearly. "'All part of the act', isn't that what you said?"

Rainbow Dash swallowed, looking away from her once more. "I... I thought it was. Until just now." She shut her eyes tight. "I hadn't planned on it. I got caught up in everything myself and... I let something out."

Twilight gave her a moment, and when she didn't continue, asked, "What do you mean, 'something'?"

The pegasus drew in a deep breath. "This is gonna sound stupid. I can't even think of how to say it, so... Twilight, I'm sorry, but I like you. In 'that' way."

Twilight wasn't sure if she should laugh or just stare in disbelief. "You can't be serious." She immediately regretted the sarcasm in her voice when Rainbow Dash flinched.

"I told you, Twi, it sounds stupid. I haven't let myself believe it for a long time, but after tonight... it just makes sense."

Twilight let out a breath and shook her head. "I don't understand this at all."

"Me neither." Rainbow cracked a grin, though her eyes were wet. "Funny, huh?"

"How long have you felt this way?"

The pegasus swallowed. "Since right before we beat Discord. When you freed me from his spell, using your magic."

Twilight's eyes grew huge. "Rainbow, that... that was over... You mean to tell me you've been keeping your feelings secret for three years?"

Rainbow nodded. "I mean, I didn't realize even halfway what it was for a long time. We always would get caught up in adventures, and then I signed on to the Wonderbolts and pushed everything out of my mind, you know? It didn't make any sense, either, I mean, you're so smart and I'm..."


She shook her head. "I'm an idiot. I mean, look at what I did last night." She took a deep breath. "Twilight, I'm just gonna say everything I should've said years ago, and then if you wanna hate me, then that's fine.

"When we met, I just thought you were some nerdy shut-in, who I could maybe hang out with for a laugh or whatever. It was really something when you brought us together that first time, and I felt like I'd follow you anywhere. When Discord showed up... I got to see another side of you. You peeked into my mind and showed me the reasons why we were friends, but I got to peek into your mind at the same time. I could see how much you cared about me, about all of us, and suddenly, I wanted to be a pony worthy of that care."

Twilight shook her head. "Rainbow, you've always been worthy..." Rainbow Dash held up a hoof, cutting her off.

"Let me finish, Twilight. You might think so, but not me. I'm a real jerk sometimes, and I know I'm not the easiest pony to get along with. I think a lot of the times I laughed at you, or anyone, it was just to hide my feelings. Being in the Wonderbolts helped me see that, somehow." She rubbed her forehead. "Ugh. I still don't wanna do anything else, but the Wonderbolts... If they're not practicing, all they care about is drinking and bucking whatever fans wander into their rooms. And it's not like I haven't had my fair share of drunk sex, but I'm done with it. That's not what I want; what I want is..."

She looked up, directly into Twilight's eyes. The unicorn could see years of pain worn like lenses, shattering and melting away.

"All those fans wanted was to be able to say they did it with a celebrity. Spitfire was too much like me; any other mares I dated, they were dumb or clingy or they had issues. And they weren't you. Twilight, the whole time I was looking for you. I joined the Wonderbolts when I did so I could get away and stop thinking about you, and I just ended up looking for you anyway. It sounds stupid... I know I keep saying that, but it just sounds stupid! Things like that shouldn't happen anywhere but those cheap romance novels Fluttershy reads. But it happened, and the whole time I was trying to convince myself that it wasn't. I'm not the kind of pony you deserve, Twilight, but part of me really wants to be. I want you to be the goal that I reach for, I wanna make myself better so I can be the pony you deserve." She took in a deep breath and didn't rush letting it out.

Twilight's mouth was dry. None of this makes any sense; how can Rainbow Dash like me? I believe every word she says and yet... I don't understand a single one. All she could think to say was, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Honesty is AJ's deal, remember?" She tried to laugh, but her voice broke over the words. "I mean, how could I? I knew you'd only ever see me as a friend. You've never tried dating another pony, so I always thought you weren't interested in relationships! And even when you did look at somepony else, it was always stallions, so I figured I'd never have a chance. But after that talk we had the other day, and reading your letter, I knew I at least had part of that wrong. So yeah, I screwed up big time with my little 'plan', and if you hate me for that, I'll understand. Just, please believe me that some part of me wanted to get to have that magical moment with you as much as you wanted to have a magical moment with anypony." She nodded. "And that's it."

Twilight shook her head, as if that would organize all that she had heard into something easy to digest. Rainbow Dash really likes me! It just didn't make any sense, but from the sound of things, the pegasus didn't understand her feelings anymore than Twilight did.

"Rainbow Dash, I'd... like to think that I could think of you as more than a friend. I mean, I wouldn't say no just because you're a mare, is what I'm trying to say. But this is a lot to take in all at once."

"That's fine, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said softly, smiling. "I don't even care if you wanna go out and get some experience dating first. You shouldn't just throw yourself at the first mare who's interested in you, after all." She looked down, letting out a low chuckle. "I'll wait until you're ready. And if you find somepony else you'd rather be with, I'll still be your friend, as long as you can stand to look at me." She sighed. "Speaking of which, I owe Pinkie a big apology. Maybe I should do that before we talk about it more."

Twilight nodded. "You're right. And in the meantime, I'll... think about what you said. Earlier this week, I didn't even think anypony could like me in that way..."

Rainbow Dash let out a short bark of a laugh. "Twilight, y'know what I said about you being smart? It's true, but you can be really dumb about some things, and it's adorable."

Twilight found herself blushing slightly, even as she gave Rainbow Dash a look for the backhanded compliment. The pegasus stood, walked over to her, and gave her a peck on the cheek, which caused them both to blush.

"But don't sell yourself short, okay?" She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I played with your feelings, Twilight; you didn't deserve that. If you wanna forgive me, then maybe I'll forgive myself. And if you wanna give me a chance, I'll be waiting like I said."

Twilight watched her stride slowly out of the kitchen.

"I do forgive you, Rainbow Dash," she said to the empty room. Then she followed the pegasus out. Pinkie needed to be taken care of; there would be time for thinking later.

To My Special Somepony,

It's very strange writing this letter, considering you may very well be the rainbow-maned mare I just spent the day talking to. I feel I need to write it though, for some kind of closure to our little make-believe dialogues.

I guess that makes this a monologue then, huh? That's kind of sad, in a way.

Twilight sighed, drawing her mug over to sip at the tea within. She made a face.

"Ugh, lukewarm."

Do I want you to be Rainbow Dash? I'm not sure. One the one hoof, I'd never until now even considered her as a potential partner. Not that I don't like her, just... I'd never considered it. It's hard to explain.

On the second hoof, she's right that I shouldn't just jump into a relationship with the first pony who shows me any attention. All this letter-writing to supposed secret admirers reeks of desperation. That's not a good start to a relationship.

Twilight rubbed at her left eye, eliciting a moan as the strained soreness of a full day's reading left. She glanced up towards the bedroom, to make sure she hadn't woken Spike, but he was still. Turning back to the letter, she made a note of the wax left on her candle: not much.

On the third hoof, well... It's not like I'm swimming in stallions or anything. There's a clear road ahead. Would we work out? I don't know; part of me hopes so, if only because we've been friends for so long. Friendship is a great jumping-off point for something more; I read it in a book once.

She laughed softly to herself, eyes glancing guiltily up at Spike once again as she took another sip of her tea. No, it hadn't magically reheated in the intervening time. Sighing, she took it to the kitchen, dumping it in the sink and swishing a little water in the mug. Setting it on the edge of the sink, she trotted back to her desk and blinked.

So where does that leave me? With one hoof to stand on, I guess. I could go out and try to find somepony random, which would put me... exactly where I was at the start of this week. Or I could give Rainbow a chance and see where that goes. She told me she wanted to be worthy of my care, that she wanted to make herself into the kind of pony she thinks I deserve. What if she can't? What if we're totally incompatible? Then I'm still back to where I was earlier this week.

The quill's scratching stopped as she chewed her lower lip. Her eyes roved about the library, settling on nothing in particular. Out the window, a pair of bats chased insects by moonlight. She suddenly found herself missing Owloysius.

But that's what relationships are all about, right? And if somepony is worth being with, then whatever problems you have with them are worth working through so you can stay together.

So I'll take a risk. That's what love is, after all. Will I fall in love with Rainbow Dash? I hope so. If not, I hope we stay friends. But if I don't give her a chance, then none of this will have meant anything. I wanted to know if I could be loved, and somepony loves me, so I'll do it, and I'll try not to have any expectations.

And maybe, just maybe, My Special Somepony, I'll be seeing you tomorrow.

She dipped her quill once more and signed the letter, yawning wide and glancing blearily at the clock. Snorting at the hour, she dabbed the excess ink off the quill and laid it aside. Her eyes roved over the letter one last time, checking for errors or inconsistencies. She nodded in satisfaction as she reached the end, having found none, and rolled it up.

Hesitating the slightest, she held the scroll above the flickering candle flame until it caught, and then placed the burning scroll over a metal trashcan as fire consumed parchment. The glowing flames mesmerized her, and she continued to stare, eyelids growing heavy, until all that remained was an unreadable stub rimmed with ash flakes. She dropped it into the trash, extinguishing it, and blew out the candle before climbing the stairs to her bed.

The mattress gave a muffled squeak as she flopped into it and arranged the covers around herself. She looked up to the waxing crescent moon, closed her eyes, and smiled.

Comments ( 171 )

This wasn't on here earlier? I'm quite surprised.

One of the first ships I've read, and one of the most memorable at that. Glad to see it on here.


...you don't need to dance to be high...:moustache:
Just sayin!:trollestia:

This was the second ship I've ever read. And it's, to this date, the best thing ever.

Glad to see it here.

One of my favorite one-shots. Good to see it on here!

Author Interviewer

I've only just come to fimfic; I use EQD as my primary site. But I'm posting this here to see what happens, basically.

Fantastic story- one of the first I've ever read. :twilightsmile:


feature box ahoy

I remember when this was on EqD. Delightful story! I'll have to read it again now that it's on here.

Excellent! :rainbowkiss:

Already read it, so insta-fav and thumbs up! glad to see this of Fimfiction!


On a serious note I was looking far and wide to find this story again since it was just that awesome when I first read it... Time to read it again!
:twilightblush::rainbowkiss: This story is what introduced me to the concept of Twidash and how awesome it is!

I read this a while back on fimfiction and wow was it good. I really loved it. So cute and well written. Its too bad Dash had to fuck all those other ponies before getting with Twi, even if she loved her....

Quite simply my favorite one shot fic ever.

Great to see this get more exposure. Now I can stalk you better too.:rainbowwild:

Pretty amazing. Not sure why there's so many dislikes, being such a quality fic and all.

good tah see this story ere'. loved it when ah first read it, and it got me intah fanfics. ah can't thank ya enough fer writin' this.

Author Interviewer

Much obliged. :) You're a good commenter, it's nice to have you around!

Shipping haters? On my fimfic? It's more likely than you think.

Wow! Now that's just a wonderful thing to say! :D I can't thank you enough for reading it!

Life lost meaning, because this was so-
CRAP, my heart breaking
So beautiful...
seriously... So good
*crack crack crack*
The best i ever read
I now go to heaven...

First time I've ever read this. This story has all my love :heart:

Random Thought for Today: If Harry Potter was a pony, he'd have a cutie mark for cock-blocking Ron.

That was awesome.:rainbowkiss:

Ah, TwiDash, so amazing...

I loved this fic, glad to see that its finally on here.:yay:

After reading this story, I really want it to be continued into further installments! It may have been written as a one-shotter, but something about the ending and style sets it up to be a fantastic full-on story. :twilightsmile:

A beautiful love story. :rainbowkiss: :twilightblush:

Pelase tell me you're going to resurect this story into a series with some more chapters!:pinkiegasp:

this is awesome, nuff said.:rainbowkiss:

I remember first coming to Equestria Daily and seeing this on the front page. It was my first fanfic, I'm happy to see it's finally up on here man, thanks:heart:

All my love and affection! :heart:

As well as a favorite and a watch. :twilightsmile:

I was cleaning my knife after hunting and was enjoying the story until the mystery stallion was revealed.
I can never find this lesbian love between any mane6 character possible and when it happens, I am greatly disturbed.
That's just me though, i've seen worse... the clopfics, the POW's. Christ.

Oh I'm so happy to see this here. I first saw it on EQD and loved it. Then I couldn't remember enough of it to go searching but huzzah it is here now. And great thing is i can get it as .epub and read it at work on break :twilightsmile:


Just do what I do, John.
Consider everyone in Equestria universally omnisexual. No sexuality, no race, and species doesn't matter either. It's peace, John. Peace.

I remember this!!:twilightsmile::rainbowwild:
Glad to see it here so I can add it to my list of fics Ive read
Keep em coming here!

i enjoyed reading thins again. still puzzled as to why straight guys don't get all the 2 chicks stuff. I mean, we're talking a matriarchal society and an 8-2 female to male ratio, here. besides, how often do you get to see Dash trying to be charming?

Lovely story, thanks for posting it here.

Who the hell downvoted this?

Daw, :twilightsmile: but the way you spelled the owls name was uncommon. Hehe

Author Interviewer

There's like two different accepted ways to spell it. :V

Thanks everyone who commented on this. @_@ I seem to have created a monster.

To anyone asking for a continuation, I'll say what I did on EQD, and that is I've got a sequel planned but it's not high on my priorities right now. Still simmering, as it were. Rest assured you'll see more sometime!

I remember when this was posted on EqD! Glad to see it here on FimFiction!

This was a great read, but looking at it again, I think 'somepony' would just as well as 'someone'. I dunno. We're all just used to seeing it as that in fanfiction at this point, I guess!

Thanks for posting it here. I got to enjoy it all over again!

First time reading it and i loved every minute i even looked up the picture before reading and got a little scepticle about it but ignored it and read on

Ooh, this is here now? Excellent.

I had just read this on EqD. Quite a coincidence indeed! Going back to the story, I'll say this: This is truly one of the best shipping fics, and in general one of the best fanfics I've read. It wasn't one of those clopfics for sex or even one of those "perfect" love-stories. This was realistic while showing genuine love. I think my favorite part is when Rainbow Dash confesses. It even involves my head-canon of Twilight/Rainbow Dash which is Rainbow Dash admiring how smart Twilight is and thinking she herself is an idiot. Mentioning that, I love the TwiDash shipping because I love jock/nerd couplings. There is something so adorable when the jock likes the nerd instead of the cheerleader. I personally think Twilight could keep Rainbow Dash grounded without being so forceful like Applejack would (Don't get me wrong AppleDash fans, I'm a fan of that shipping too.) while Rainbow Dash could help Twilight become a little more extroverted without being so abrupt like Pinkie Pie (Nothing against you Twinkie fans either!). Plus they're in the way the two most important of the mane six. Twilight leads the group and Rainbow connected them together.

Sorry for a paragraph comment :twilightblush: Overall I love this story :heart:

Awesome story, I had a feeling that Rainbow Dash would do something like that.

Oh, yay, this made it to Fimfiction! I'm so happy to see it here, as I've had problems setting up an account to comment at Equestria Daily and therefore haven't been able to review the stories there that only have Google Docs links.

First off, extra points for referencing a Paul McCartney song--and it's a very lovely song, too. Also, not only is this one of my favorite shipping fics that I've read, it's my most favorite TwiDash. I love the pacing here, how it allows for the creation of atmosphere and nuanced characterization. I loved Twilight's letter, and I loved everything about the dashing stallion (especially once we find out just who he is). And the climatic scene in the kitchen was wonderful--a tense conversation between two old friends, laying out all their truths, providing for such an interesting and meaningful contrast to the fairy tale romance of their shared dance in the sky.

I also really liked many of the smaller details. The bit about Rarity's secret love affair, Pinkie's hit or miss love life, Pinkie holding a rolling pin while yelling at Dash in the kitchen. It's easy to lose the side characters in a romance, as one focuses on the two characters being paired, and I didn't feel as though that happened here. I like that all of the Mane Six got to at least put in an appearance.

Thanks for writing and sharing this.

Ha! I find it amusing that you felt the need to try to head off a shipper war by preemptively placating the AppleDash and TwiPie shippers. :pinkiehappy:

... BUT YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT US RAINBOWPIE FANS. I shall consider that a declaration of war. Have at you! :raritywink:

That was amazing.

Am I the only one who misread the title?

284319 Maybe I should have left that out *shrugs* As for RainbowPie, I see them as best friends, but could really see it working as a couple too. I guess anybody can start a war these days :s

Was not expecting this story to be this epic, was pleasantly surprised...at four in the morning.


Simply brilliant. Loved the description of the characters. Flowed seamlessly. I never saw Dash and Twilight as viable ship, but your work made me rethink that.

Amazing, Keep up the good work

:yay:When it was posted on Eqd, It was my Bff's Birthday!:pinkiegasp:

And they kissed and became a couple.
NOW THAT'S THE HAPPY ENDING. But, seriously. It was great.

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