• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.


There's nopony Berry Punch cares for more than her daughter, Ruby Pinch. But she's been dating Carrot Top recently, and figures now's the time to introduce Pinchy to the idea. Carrot's about to learn, though, that Pinchy's got very strict guidelines for what constitutes a good new Papa for her.

Inspired by RP logs and written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )


Trial by child. Nice.

~Skeeter The Lurker

At first I was like "top lel", but then I was all D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Because someone's going to post it eventually...



My heart hurts.

3361448 I hereby sentence you to 30 minutes in the corner. Court is dismissed.

You jerk, Pinchy's dad! You're and awful pony and you should feel awful!

3362541 Look, I can't keep posting bail for you like this. My mom is starting to notice that the cookies keep disappearing.

Of all the times to not have my defibrillator charged...


Really like stories with this kind of Berry/Pinchy relationship.

Had this on my mind once I saw the title, all the way to your post. Well done, lol :pinkiehappy:

Good. Good on you. Good all around. 97.5% of the time, most authors forget that there are already relationships at work in these characters lives, and that bringing a new person into a parent's life is a big deal for kids. Bravo on dealing with such a situation in this way. Upvoted.

Comment posted by Red Does Reviewing deleted Oct 19th, 2013

Children do often make the worst judges in the world! :pinkiehappy:

And... I can't help it, I give in... upvote time. :fluttershysad:

While I'm not much for kids, they often surprise me in how deep they can see into situations. They often have insights and wisdom beyond their limited years. I can see something like this happening. Cute and touching.

Is it Papa Top because of her being Carrot Top or is it related to that Berry is usually thought of in the fandom as a drunk? I assume it's the former, because of how cute it is for Pinchy.

Pretty Darn Cute. :yay:

It is to short to be in my favourites, but if there would be more i would take it into my favourites.

I think it is a good story and good for a nice moment.

That was a nice little adorable story.
Thank you.

Awww, that was sweet. <3 A really important aspect of dating with children that's not commonly explored.


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