• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 3,926 Views, 32 Comments

Sonic's Freedom Fighters - Amereep

After defeating Robotnik, Sonic searches for the lost civilization of Equestria in hopes of learning a way to revert robotizaztion.

  • ...

Can't Stop Me, So What!? That's The Way I Roll.

It should be noted that I made a gap between this chapter and the last for a possibility of a bonus, non-plot focusing, chapter. Not saying that I will make this extra chapter, just going to focus on the main plot for now.

"And the chimera send Celestia into the vortex, trapping her inside" Twilight informed four new ponies within the haven of her library. Spike was there being re-informed about the situation and Dash was staring out the window; giving a stern, pouting look. "That's why I called all of you here."

"To use the 'Elements of Harmony' to send that there chimera for a loop" a southern accent stated.

Twilight shook her head "I read in a prophecy that magic would be unstoppable against it, which the 'Elements of Harmony' are."

"You can't believe everything you read in a book dear, especially if it's a prophecy" a transatlantic voice notified.

"Perhaps, but I feel more comfortable if we do what the book suggest on doing."

"Ask it politely to stop being mean?" A soft tone whisper questioned.

"No, to gather the Chaos Emeralds and confront the chrimera."

"So we're going to go get these emeralds. So where are they, oh, are they guarded by a large army of changlings or maybe by a huge ferocious fire breathing dragon. No wait, geese, they're guarded by geese, those buggers can be very mean and they always love to block your path to the door" a hyped-up voice asked on and on.

"They might be guarded, but I was able to find the locations of them."

Spike's head shot up and looked around the room. "Shouldn't we wait for Sonic before going into where the emeralds are?" he wondered aloud, but before Twilight could answer...

"Forget that stupid pincushion" Rainbow blurted out with a hint of disgust within the words.

"You've been very agitated ever since we met Sonic, Dash" Twilight questioned authoritatively. "What do you have against him?"

The pegasus turned around, giving an ornery look to the topic "There's just something about him that gets under my feathers. He's so full of himself and acts like he's awesome all the time. I bet he's really just some loser that can't live up to his words, that stinkin' son-of-a-hog."

"That's 'magnificent' son-of-a-hog."

Rainbow Dash spins around to see Sonic looking through the window at her. She growls a bitter look at him and slams the blinds on his face.

The front door to the library blast opened with a strong air current and stops behind Dash, only to shock her with a blue hedgehog smirking. "Alright fine, I'll settle for wonderful son-of-a-hog, instead."

"Geez he's fast" Rainbow Dash thought while turning around"but he's nowhere as fast as me" she encouraged herself.

"Ooo, is this the Sonic you guys were talking about?" A pink pony zipped up to the new person's face. Sonic stepped back to see this face more clearly; she didn't have any special features like wings or a horn, but she did seem special in her own way. Her fur was a light bubble gum pink color with a darker tone version for her poofy mane. She looked as though she was ready to attack by her rapid movement, which actually happened a second later. She stretched out her hand to grab Sonic's and begins shaking it. "Nice to meet you mister hog, my name's Pinkie Pie" she said, gleefully smiling at Sonic.

"Don't that beat all. Never seen a fella with needles sticking out of him like you before" the southern accent spoke up again. The preoccupied hedgehog glanced over to see an orange furred mare scanning him from ear to sneakers. She seemed to be more down to Earth then anypony else around here; not just in the sense of being the type of pony Sonic is used to meeting, but also seemed to be the type who would get down and dirty at getting a job done. She took off her brown stetson hat and started scratching her blond mane at what to make out of this new prickly visitor.

"Um... they're called spines, actually" a soft tone voice barely catching Sonic's attention. She was another pony that had wings, but hers seemed more cared for then Dash's. She had butter colored fur that matched quite well with her long light-pink mane, though sadly it seemed to be a problem for her due to the fact that it was covering up her face.

"Spines or needles, they must be a hassle to try and work with" the transatlantic voice said, being the last one to get the hedgehog's attention. She had light gray fur with purple curls for the mane and tail. She too had a horn on her forehead along with eye-shadow above her curly eyelashes. She was admiring Sonic's 'due', but cringed at his choice of attire; she must have a specific taste in clothing.

"If I may" an impatient Twilight redirected to the main topic at hand. "I found the locations for the emeralds. The book said that they were in guarded locations; the clouds, crystals, young mountains, plains, falling, harmony, and royalty."

The lavender unicorn begins to walk around the room, acting as if she was a detective holding all of the cards to a mystery. "As I searched, the word 'plains' kept ringing in my head, as if the word was recently used, and then it hit me. I remembered Sonic stating that he was in the plains before he got here, the locations began to make sense from there on out. We live where there are hardly any trees, a place where we can gallop for miles, an area whe-"

*knock knock knock*

The front door declared an arrival of another visitor that stopped Twilight's rambling. Twilight walks up and opens the door to reveal a pale-ambered fur pony. She seemed formal with those thin glasses and green cravat around her collar. She was caring an old green purse around her shoulder that probably seemed just as old as her gray mane. Twilight put on her welcome face and steps aside "Mayor Mare, thank you for coming."

"I was able to find the gem you spoke of, Twilight" the government mare said walking in. She open up her purse and hands over a dark blue gem, cut into a diamond shape jewel.

Everyone focused on the shimmering gift the magical unicorn was holding, making the connections of the situation. "Is that supposed to be..." Sonic trailed off saying.

"You see, Ponyville is the plains they spoke of in the book" Twilight said, showing off the Chaos Emerald to everyone. "No doubt the Chaos Emeralds are held at specific towns, like the Crystal Empire having one because they're in crystals."

"Or Cloudsdale because they're in the clouds" Rainbow Dash caught on.

"Or Canterlot because of their royalty" the light-gray unicorn in the room announced.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying!" Twilight declared joyfully, happy to see her friends catching on.

The fashionista took another look at the gem her friend was holding "I'll admit, Twilight, that this gem is giving off a weird vibration to me, but this isn't an emerald, it's a blue goshenite."

Taking another look, Twilight raised her gaze sheepishly from the jewel back towards her friend; no doubt the egg-head was feeling she had yoke on her face.

"Vibration?" Sonic wondered at the statement, and apparently something else was too.

[Sonic, let me take a look at the jewel] Nichole asked the blue hedgehog. Sonic flips open the compact computer and a horizontal light shines over Twilight's hands. Startling the librarian at first, she quickly finds interest at Nichole's method of analyzing.

"Wait a sec" the southern accent mare in the room called for attention. "Ya said that the gems were in towns, but there no towns that correspond to falling, young mountains, and harmony."

Twilight responds "Do you remember where we found the elements of harmony? We found them in the Everfree Forest's castle ruins. That place was abandoned just like the other two town that the gems reside in; Neighagra Falls and Foal Mountain." Nichole's scanning light disappeared a few seconds later "So what did you find out?"

[The jewel is giving off a wave of electrons that stimulates organisms] the voice box told.

"What does that mean?" Sonic questioned.

[It means, that it holds energy which is equal to, the Power Rings. In fact, they are giving the same frequency to, the Power Rings.]

The hedgehog's mind was cruising at warp 7, "I get it! Sense my ring was using the same energy the Chaos Emeralds were using, it could by-pass the barrier's effect and interact with you guys even when I was outside it. When I used the power inside the ring to give me a little extra juice, that energy allowed me to enter inside and when the energy died out, I was already within the barrier so now I'm protected by the Emerald's power."

Twilight was astonished at Sonic's conclusion "That's some sharp thinking, Sonic."

"Sharp as a hedgehog's spine" he responded with a cocky look.

Rainbow groaned in disgust "Would you stop with the hedgehog puns, its getting on my nerves."

"Hey check it, somepony is getting annoyed."

The bureaucrat mare took in the spiny creature "You must be the new fellow in town, I hope you're enjoying your visit here."

"It's great, but you guys really need a Chilidog stand."

She seemed lost "What's a chi-"

"DON'T! Don't. Don't ask" Twilight interrupted.

"Very well..." Mayor Mare wondered, but decided it's best to just move along. "*cough* Come along Sonic, I have to be at a meeting soon" she said, heading towards the door.

"Huh? You want me to come with you?"

"I've asked Mayer Mare to watch over you until we get Princess Celestia back" Twilight informed "the princess will help with that magic request of yours."

The hedgehog crosses his arms across his chest "No can do Twi. I came here to find a cure and if the only way to get it is by saving a princess, then it means I'm going to have to save a princess."

"Too bad, you're staying" Dash bluntly told and pushed him towards the door.

Sonic latches onto the door's frame, pushing against Dash's persistent. "With me around you'll get this done in no time and I bet Nichole, here, can help find the locations."

[I can pick the location of the gems by their frequency, Twilight]

The unicorn's eyes shined at the new possibility of ending this ordeal quicker. The kingdom was in danger, a threat was getting stronger, what better reason did she need other then those. "Alright, you're coming along" Twilight announced.

Rainbow staggered when she heard those words, giving Sonic the chance to slid away from Dash's shoving; causing her to roll out of the front door.

"We'll be splitting up into two teams and will be meeting up at Foal Mountain. Rarity, I want you to head to the castle ruins along with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash to get the Chaos Emerald there. Using the gem spell of yours should make searching for the gem a lot easier. Spike, Pinkie, Sonic, and myself will be heading towards Neighagra Falls to get that emerald and we'll all meet up at Foal Mountain to get the final emerald before heading to Canterlot." Everyone gave a nod or an acknowledgement expression at the plan before Twilight continued. "I'm going to write to Princess Luna to spread the word to Cadence, they'll get the other emeralds that are within the other towns. We'll be leaving shortly so I want you guys to get prepared."

Against their strategic friend's suggestion, Applejack Pinkie Rarity Fluttershy and Spike took this time to learn more about Sonic. They gather around him and start asking questions about his home, life, attire and stuff like that. However, on the other side of the room, Rainbow Dash was glaring daggers at the new speed demon that was stealing her thunder.

"I hate that hedgehog."