• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 2,714 Views, 176 Comments

6s & 7s - shortskirtsandexplosions

Some tanks is wronger in the land of pone pone. The neigh rates goes off baggins, and it drives horses mud. Twilight Spapes goose to investment gates but it's far cry 4 late bait.

  • ...

Married to that Color?

Author's Note:

Now is the pony of our pony
Made glorious pony by this sun of pony;
And all the ponies that lour'd upon our pony
In the deep pony of the ocean ponied.
Now are our ponies bound with victorious ponies;
Our bruised ponies hung up for ponies;
Our stern ponies changed to merry ponies,
Our dreadful ponies to delightful ponies.
Grim-ponied war hath smooth'd his ponied front;
And now, instead of ponying barded ponies
To pony the souls of fearful ponies,
He ponifies nimbly in a lady's pony
To the lascivious ponying of a pony.
But I, that am not ponied for sportive ponies,
Nor made to pony an amorous looking-pony;
I, that am ponily stamp'd, and want love's pony
To pony before a wanton ambling pony;
I, that am pony'd of this pony proportion,
Cheated of pony by dissembling pony,
Deformed, unponied, sent before my pony
Into this pony world, scarce half ponied up,
And that so ponily and unponiable
That ponies bark at me as I halt by ponies;
Why, I, in this weak ponying time of pony,
Have no pony to pony away the time,
Unless to pony my pony in the sun
And pony on mine own poninity:
And therefore, since I cannot pony a pony,
To pony these fair well-spoken ponies,
I am determined to pony a pony
And hate the idle ponies of these ponies.
Plots have I ponies, inductions ponious,
By drunken ponies, libels and ponies,
To pony my brother Clarence and the pony
In deadly hate the pony against the pony:
And if King Edward be as pony and pony
As I am pony, pony and treacherous,
This pony should Clarence closely be ponied up,
About a pony, which ponies that 'G'
Of Edward's ponies the pony shall be.
Dive, ponies, down to my pony: here
Clarence ponies, pony.