• Published 6th Mar 2012
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The Risks of Braving a Storm - Wintergreen Diaries

Storm Blitz, a massive pegasus, comes to Ponyville after his grandfather dies.

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Chapter 18: Interrogation

Coherency is a luxury in the morning, and many ponies find it to be in short supply in the hours just after sunrise. While Storm didn’t usually have a problem with this, waking to find the mare of his dreams completely enshrouded by his wings was a tad too stimulating a sensation to wake so suddenly to, and he began to shake as he desperately attempted to make sense of the situation. After some searching the memories of the previous night came flooding back, along with the blood flow to his cheeks, and he froze. If he removed his wings from the mare snoring softly against his chest, he would most certainly wake her. However, would it be better for her to wake with a start due to movement, or arousal?

“If I choose wrong, please, forgive me, Dash,” he whispered before easing his arms around her and holding her close. She made a soft noise and pressed herself closer, still sleeping fitfully. As the desire from the evening prior came flooding back he gently reached up with a trembling hoof and began stroking her downy wings, delicate and soft, yet backed by the strength of years of training. Dash slowly came awake at the sensation and Storm froze as her deep, magenta eyes met his.

“You sure know how to ease the pain of waking up, Storm,” she whispered, blushing a bit as he continued hesitantly. Rainbow Dash, however, quickly came alive and rolled on top of him, and their body temperatures ascended towards the morning sun as they quickly picked up where they had left off, Celestia slipping in unnoticed and watching for a moment.

“Oh, so you prefer such activities under the light of my sun as well?” They both frantically separated, turning their backs to one another and staring intently at the floor. “Like father, like son, I suppose.”

“Your majesty, I beg your mercy, please stop talking about that.”

“I find no issue with it, though if you insist I shall change the subject. Oh, and you must have kept a copy of your apology to Luna for yourself; I think I recognized a couple of moves, Rainbow Dash.” Storm turned to face Rainbow Dash who mouthed “Don’t ask” before shaking her head, thankful that nopony got seriously hurt from her last prank.

“So, um, what can we do for you, Celestia?”

“Nothing, you’ve already done quite enough, I just wanted to thank you again for last night and invite you to breakfast with me. Could you spare the time?”

“Sure, after suffering through that painfully dull dinner, you owe us anyways,” Storm replied with a smirk.

“Very good, I’m glad to see we are on the same page. Follow me, if you would.” The two nodded, fortunately having calmed enough to be presentable in public, and followed her again into the dining hall, fortunately this time with no sign of Proud Skies. Luna was already seated at her usual spot, and with Celestia’s arrival they were served. Storm and Rainbow Dash both stared at the food for a moment before chuckling softly.

“What is prompting such mirth, Rainbow Dash?” Luna inquired, tilting her head slightly.

“It just strikes me as funny to see the rulers of Equestria dine on something like pancakes, especially after that fancy dinner last night.”

“Pray tell, have you something against flapjacks?” she said slowly, narrowing her eyes at the perceived disrespect for one of her favorite treats.

“Nope, nothing at all, your majesty. Thanks for letting us eat with you.” Rainbow Dash acted cheerful enough but being near Luna made her a little edgy regardless. The food, however, was simple and delicious, the morning meal passing uneventfully as they chatted with the royalty. They bid the sisters farewell and made for the station, discussing the afternoon’s training and laughing as Storm re-enacted Proud’s shaming before the guests. As the train set off towards Ponyville, Rainbow Dash cuddled up to Storm and made herself comfortable, speaking softly and taking a few hours of peace just to talk. She would have savored it more had she been expected to immediately be assailed by the rest of the Elements upon her arrival.

“Ahhh, she’s back, she’s back! Rainbow Dash, did you have fun? Did you eat candy?” Pinkie Pie shouted the moment she stepped off, hopping excitedly around the friends.

“Oh, I had my fill of sweetness, to be sure,” she mumbled, blushing slightly.

“Come, we simply must hear all about it!” Rarity cheerfully demanded, pushing Dash towards the library.

“But I was going to train today!”

“There will plenty of time for that later, there are more important things to attend to. And I want to hear everything that happened, you’re not to leave out a single detail!” Had she known what she was saying, she would have never asked. Rainbow Dash called out an apology to Storm as she was dragged off, and he acknowledged it with a grin. He was eager to get home anyways, eager to tell his parents about his unexpected little run in at the castle. Being free of the weights he made it to the apartment quickly, and was excited to find Scootaloo home as well.

“Welcome back, son. I can see by the look on your face that it must have gone well,” Quakehoof asserted from his place on the couch. His mother was sitting on the floor with Scootaloo, and he braced himself for the incoming barrage of questions that was inevitably bound to come.

“So, big brother, did you kiss her?”

“Yes, Scootaloo, I did. A lot.” Scootaloo sputtered with disgust as Storm licked his lips, punishing her for asking such a ridiculous question.

“So, what did your master plan to win her heart entail? Was it well received, or was she forced to put up with your less than conventional means of affection? Come to think of it, wasn’t there rain in Canterlot?” Grace offered, adopting a thoughtful tone before shooting a grin his way.

“No, mom, I did it right this time. Actually, I don’t think it could have been any more perfect. First, we enjoyed a nice meal and raised some ruckus at one of those real fancy restaurants, then I took her to see the Wonderbolts Derby, and who else but Princess Celestia invited us to watch with her!” His mother couldn’t help but beam as her son continued, and while she heard the words she was just enjoying seeing him so unashamedly joyous, something that was never really possible in Cloudspire.

“Wait, you got to meet the Wonderbolts?” Scootaloo interjected, flabbergasted. “That must have been really exciting! What were they like?”

“Surprisingly normal, actually. Well, more awesome than most, but they were nothing like the snobby nobility that plagued the stands.”

“Hmmm, I wonder where his hatred from the upper class could stem from,” Quakehoof laughed lightly.

“Oh just wait, dad, it gets better.”

Twilight let them into the library and, with Cerulean and Spike’s assistance, set the living room in some semblance of order.

“Twilight, would you like me to leave?” he whispered into her ear.

“Well, I don’t mind you being here but a certain fashion queen wants this to be a mare exclusive event. Could you take Spike and give us a few hours?” she replied softly, planting a quick kiss on his muzzle and smiling. He nodded his understanding and left with Spike in tow, and the five friends gathered in a semicircle around Rainbow Dash as they sat down.

“Ok, Rainbow Dash, let’s git to it. How’d it go? Start at the beginning,” Applejack said, curious to see how this stallion stacked up on her scale.

“Well, it was a pretty packed day. First thing he did was treat me to lunch at a real fancy place. The food was pretty good, but the best part was dumping hot sauce in the rich ponies’ drinks!” she exclaimed, snickering. Rarity, being a refined pony, gave a small gasp at such rude behaviour while the rest of the friends shared in Rainbow Dash’s amusement.

“And Storm just let this slide, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked as calmly as possible.

“Slide? He was right beside me the whole time! He sure knows how to have fun,” Rainbow replied, ignoring Rarity’s disapproval and continuing. “Anyways, after that he absolutely made my day by pulling out two tickets to watch the Wonderbolts Derby that afternoon! It was beyond awesome. Fleetfoot won, of course, but Spitfire didn’t let her win easy, oh no, especialy around lap seven when she pulled ahead with a sudden burst of speed! Oh, and we got to watch it with the Princess!” Twilight perked up at this, not having seen her mentor a couple of weeks.

“Wow, that’s great, Rainbow Dash!”

“Oh, that’s not the half of it. Celestia even introduced me to the Wonderbolts personally! I got to spend most of the afternoon hanging out with the fastest fliers in Equestria.”

“That Storm sure hit the bull’s eye there,” Applejack said with a grin. This Storm feller must be all right. “That’s two stallions that’ve passed me up now,” she muttered with a sigh.

“Oh, don’t worry Applejack, I’m sure you’ll find a special somepony soon,” Fluttershy said, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

“Go on, what happened next?” Rarity pressed, her mind too focused on the story to pay much heed to Applejack’s dismay.

“Well, the Princess said that in exchange for meeting the Wonderbolts, we had to entertain her during dinner at the castle.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely! What did you do?” Rarity squealed excitedly, though her enthusiasm drained as her friend’s mouth curled into a fiendish grin.

“Proud Skies was at the Princess’ banquet?” Quakehoof exclaimed, causing everypony to wince.

“Dear, your volume, please.” He immediately lowered his voice and sat down, fearing what was coming next. “Now, Storm, please continue. Something tells me that it wasn’t as horrifying as I would think.”

“Horrifying? Try glorious. Mom, the whole reason Celestia invited us in the first place was to make a fool of him. The ruler of Equestria, reaching out her hoof to make Proud Skies miserable... I don’t think it could have been a better night. The real star of the show was Rainbow Dash, though. She maintained the dignity of the elite while ripping apart everything he said.”

“Son, I approve of this mare. Know that you have your parents’ blessing,” Flying Grace proclaimed.

“Indeed!” Quakehoof readily agreed. “Give us some examples, what did she say?” Storm had just finished retelling the line about him needing some lessons on passion from Quakehoof when his father’s booming laughter shook the walls of every house within half a mile, and echoing throughout the whole of Ponyville.

The mane six looked up at the sound, and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but join in.

“Uh, was that Quakehoof?” Applejack ventured, looking towards the window

“Yep, I think it was, Storm must be telling his parents about dinner right about now,” she managed before doubling over with a severe case of the giggles.

“What’s so funny about dinner, Rainbow Dash? Did they steal my chimicherry idea?” Pinkie asked, just as confused as the rest.

“That blowhard Proud Skies was there, and we played him so bad. We ended up having him kicked out of the castle. It was almost as much fun as watching the Wonderbolts!”

“That ruffian that tore apart Storm’s family? Well, Rainbow Dash, I must applaud you. I’d say he rightly deserved it, based on everything I’ve heard from Sweetie Belle on the subject. Honestly, calling Scootaloo a mongrel, it’s simply unforgivable.”

“I can agree with ya there, Rarity. Still, it’s hard to believe the princess just sat and watched all this.”

“Oh, she didn’t just watch, she encouraged it! Even Luna joined in on the fun, it was the whole reason she brought us to dinner!” Twilight digested the news with fascination, her perception of Celestia coming into question in light of Rainbow Dash’s revelation. She made a mental note to speak with her teacher further about the matter at a later occasion.

“So after you took care of the meanie, what happened next?” Pinkie Pie chimed in, and Rainbow Dash’s transformation was immediate, her wings spreading out and the coloration of her face taking a hint from Fluttershy’s hair. Applejack shot her a horrified look as everypony in the room leaned a little closer.

“Rainbow Dash, you didn’t...”

“So the princess let you stay in a castle suite?”

“...Yeah.” His parents shot each other knowing glances before Grace turned to Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo, sweetie, why don’t you go play with your friends for a bit?” she offered, but her daughter refused to budge.

“I wanna hear the rest of the story!” she shot back, stubbornly stomping her hooves. First he had seen the Wonderbolts, and then made a fool of Proud Skies. There was no way she was about to miss the final chapter.

“Scoots, I’m really, really sure you don’t,” Storm warned. “It’s not something you’d want to hear about, or that you should, for that matter.”

“What, it’s not appropriate for a filly’s ears? That tells me plenty, son,” Quakehoof said with a frown, shaking his head slowly. Scootaloo looked from face to face before shouting in her confusion.

“What are you talking about, dad? Start making sense, somepony!”

“There was lots of, um, this,” Storm replied, acting like he was slobbering all over an imaginary Rainbow Dash’s face. Scootaloo’s scream trailed off into the distance as she bolted out the door and down the road, not heading anywhere in particular as long as it was away from her nasty brother. Storm chuckled until his father’s deep voice came from directly behind him.

“All right, Storm, out with it. What did you do?”

Silence reigned in the library once more as Applejack’s words hung in the air. Rainbow Dash had too many memories swirling through her mind to put together a coherent response, which Applejack took as a confirmation of her suspicions.

“First Twilight, and now you too, Dash? If you get pregnant, there’s no way you’re gonna be able t’ compete! An’ just look at what it’s doin’ to Twi, did ya even stop to think? I swear, you lot are the loosest bunch of ponies I’ve ever met!”

“I beg your pardon, Applejack! I, for one, have never been with a stallion, nor have these fine lips every been transgressed by those of another. Such crass behavior is not fitting for one such as myself, and I’ll thank you not lump me together in your wild and unfounded accusation.”

“Um, I’ve never been kissed either, Applejack,” Fluttershy added, blushing slightly at the mere thought of it.

“Well, I can fix that, Fluttershy!” Pinkie volunteered, and Fluttershy squeaked in surprise as the wild mare jumped towards her but stopped just short as she was covered with Twilight’s magic.

“Easy there, sugar mare, I don’t think that was an invitation. You can’t just kiss anypony, it has to be something both ponies want to do.”

“Really? That explains all those weird looks I get...” she said thoughtfully as she was floated gently back to her seat.

“For the record, we didn’t actually, you know...” Rainbow Dash piped up, finally finding the ability to speak.

“Are you lyin’ to me, Dash? ‘Cause if I find out you are, there’s gonna be trouble.”

“I’m telling the truth, Applejack! There’s no way I’m gonna get pregnant, especially with the competition in less than a month!” Applejack heaved a sigh as she relented.

“All right then, what did happen.”

“...Pretty much everything else.”

His father’s heavy hoof lifted Storm bodily and he soon found himself in the single pony sofa with Quakehoof towering over him. Flying Grace shut the door and walked over beside him, and it became painfully obvious that there was no running away.

“So, my dear child, have you started thinking of names yet?” Grace asked before Quakehoof could start his interrogation.

“Wait, what? No, mom! We didn’t... do... that.”

“Oh, well that’s no fun. It would have been interesting having three pregnant mares in Ponyville.”

“Interesting? Try monumentally disastrous. And you’re wrong, it was plenty of fun,” Storm replied with a laugh, his cheeks beginning to burn as he recalled the desires that had flooded through them both.

“...Is that so?” Storm shuddered as he again noticed that his father was standing in front of him, the shock from his mother’s question temporarily overriding his fear of reprisal. However, with that last statement, he had sealed his fate. The only way out now was through.

“She has... really soft wings.” He noted the shocked expressions on his parents faces then delved into Rainbow Dash’s insight into her past. “I couldn’t... I couldn’t just do nothing. Be angry if you want, but I don’t regret anything from that night, because I... I think I...” He paused, giving the words one last alteration before they left. “No, I know... I love her.” Storm winced as his father’s heavy hoof landed lightly on his head, ruffling his mane and causing him to peer up in confusion. To his amazement, both of this parent were smiling proudly, his mother tearing up slightly.

“Atta’ colt, son. Treat her right, or I really will give you something to fear.”

Rainbow Dash hadn’t meant to go as in depth in her explanation as she did, and even though she had known everypony present for years, she didn’t quite know what to make of their varied expressions. Fluttershy was, predictably, shell shocked by the graphic nature of her words, while Rarity devoured them like Pinkie Pie did pastries. Twilight had adopted a thoughtful expression, and Applejack was strangely calm.

“Look, I know I’m moving fast, ok? Please, don’t be mad at me.” Her request was met only with silence. “Ok, somepony, please say something. You’re making it worse.”

“Rainbow Dash, how come you never told us how ya really felt?” Applejack said softly, walking over and placing a hoof on the mare’s shoulders. “You should know by now that we’ll stick by ya no matter what happens, just like you’d never leave us. So you don’t need to hide anything, ok? An’ if you ever need somepony to talk to, we’re here for ya.” That’s what they were hung up on?

“And here I was expecting a lecture on proper dating,” Rainbow Dash said, sniffing back the tears of thanks that were budding at the corners of her eyes. Everypony moved in and wrapped her in a group hug, and they held it until Applejack’s voice whispered into her ears.

“Don’t worry, sugarcube. That’s comin’ too.”