• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 3,594 Views, 78 Comments

What Came Before - Lynwood

Memories of the apocalypse. Power unfathomable. Unseen controllers. History hidden. Fallen tyrants. Vengeful gods. War. Everything is at stake.

  • ...


Twilight made her way out of Canterlot Palace, away from the vault of memories and its secrets. She dearly wanted to return to the hidden room, but she had made a promise to Cadence and Shining Armor to Return home at three. Celestia had offered a carriage there, but Twilight opted to walk. She needed fresh air, and some time to think. She walked out through the large gates, and out onto the streets of Canterlot. She had memorized these paths long ago, and muscle memory carried her home. But Twilight's mind was elsewhere. She was in the strange white place, with Cee and Dr. Hammond. She nearly bumped into another stallion

"Hey, miss! Watch where you're going! You might hurt someone!" Twilight blushed and apologized, and headed the last few blocks to her childhood home. She arrived, and politely tapped on the door. It clicked open, revealing Shining Armor.

"Hey, Twily! You're back! and a minute early!" he exclaimed, allowing her inside

"Yeah, I was thinking." Twilight said.

"Oh? about what?" queried Cadence, as the entered the room.. Twilight shrugged.

"Just some studies. Nothing to worry about." Her stomach grumbled, and she grinned. "Does anypony have something to eat around here?" Shining laughed.

'I'll go grab something for you. Cadence has something to show you, by the way." He left the room, to go get something for Twilight to eat.

"So," she said. "what do you have to show me?" Cadance levitated out an old, worn out box. Twilight gasped.

"Hooves and Ladders!" She said. It was an old game from when Cadance babysat her. Then she remembered the game from the memories. Twilight shrugged it off. It had to be a coincidence. Shining reentered the room.

"Here you go, Twily. Mac and Cheese." Twilight levitated the bowl over, and began to eat. Shining walked over to the pair and sat down.

"So, are we going to play?" he said, with a grin on his face.

~That Night~

"Arrgh! I cant believe it!" Cadence had won the game for the umpteenth time in a row, and was performing a victory dance while Twilight and her brother rolled around on the carpet.

"Hah!" exclaimed Cadence. "Wanna play again, losers?" She then remembered herself, blushed, and sat down.

"I mean, would you like to play another game with me?" Twilight and Shining laughed good-heartedly, and got up to play another round. Just then, a cloud of green smoke floated though the window that had been opened to allow the evening spring air in, curled above Twilight's head, and materialized with a pop. A scroll fell onto her snout. It had been sent from Spike. The trio sent in stunned silence. Then Shining spoke.

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" Twilight did so, to read the message.

Dear Twilight,
The other day, a new pony showed up in town. He said his name was Bay, nothing else. He is nice enough, but he always seems to know everything, even the things we don't tell him. The other day I was looking for the complete anatomy of the common mouse, when he came in, without a word, and told me he had found it. And he had! Rainbow said that he had surprised her on a cloud high in the air, and he's an earth pony! And no matter how we try to follow him, we can never find where he sleeps! I know this is rude and impolite, but he's starting to scare me. Worst of all, Pinkie Sense doesn't work with him! Please come home!


~A few days earlier~

Spike was cleaning the library. Twilight was going to be gone for the weekend, and nopony had been around to watch the library. He knew that Twilight would want him to keep the room clean. He was putting all the removed books back in order, and checking for any damaged and missing books. He was looking for a missing book, the complete anatomy of the common mouse, when the door opened. The entrance was signaled by the small bell over the door.

"Welcome to the Ponyville library, how may I help you?" Called spike, without looking over his shoulder. Another call answered him.

"I found the book." came the voice from behind him. Spike turned around to see a brown earth pony stallion standing near the doorway. His eyes were green, and they were wandering around the Ponyville library. At his feet was The Complete Anatomy of the Common Mouse. Spike was bewildered. He ran over to the stallion.

"Where did you find it?"

"Aww, now, don't be like that!" The strange pony held out his hoof. "I'm Bay. A pleasure to meet you, Spike."

"Now Spike was a little bit worried. "How did you know my name?" he said, as he shook the outheld hoof. But the pony was already on the other side of the library. Bay looked around around, found what he was looking for, and pulled it out of its place on the shelf.

"Aha! Here we go!" He sauntered over to Spike. "Would you check this out for me?" Spike complied, and doing so noticed the cover of the book. Equestrian History, Volume Collections 1-4. It was a heavy book, and spike hefted it up to the counter to be stamped. Then he realized something.

"Hey, you're new in town, aren't you?" He asked. For once, Bay gave him a straight answer.

"Yep! Just moved in!" Spike was glad at a scrap of relevance. He tried to make light conversation as he checked out the book.

"So you've met Pinkie Pie then?"

The stallion looked confused. "Pinkie pie? Never heard of her!" He walked over, and took the book. "Thanks!" was all he said as we walked out the door.

"Uhh, you're welcome?"


Bay was strolling down the street when a pink pony came bouncing down the road. The two passed, but Pinkie Pie turned around to greet the new pony.

"Hey mister! Good morning!" Bay turned around.

"Good morning to you too, miss!" Pinkie gasped. This was a new pony! But she would've known, because of Pinkie Sense, right? Maybe something was wrong? I have to throw the new pony a party! she thought. Pinkie then shot straight up in the air, and gasped. Bay only saw the last part, however. he shrugged it off and continued on his way.


The door to the Carousel Boutique opened, and a brown earth pony stallion entered, with a book in his mouth. Rarity was confused. She hadn't seen this pony around, so he must have been new in town.

"Welcome to the carousel boutique, how may I help you?" she said. The stallion gave he a "Hi" and payed her no more heed, waltzing right into the shop. Rarity decided that this must be a pony from a different part of Equestria with different traditions and customs. Ten minutes later, however, he had not bought anything.

"Um, Mr. ... ?"

"Bay" he replied. Rarity cleared her throat.

"Well, Mr. Bay, were you planning on buying anything?"

"Nope." was all he replied.

"What? Why not?"

"I haven't got any money."

"Well then, I'm afraid I must ask you to leave the boutique."

"Hmmm." Said Bay. He pondered for a minute. "May I speak to Sweetie Bell?"

"Oh!" Exclaimed Rarity. "So you've met Sweetie?


"Er, then how did you know her name?"

"I know your sister's name through skill, precision, and execution."

"How did you know she was my sister?" Asked Rarity, bewildered. Bay merely shrugged.

"Well, I must be off! Good afternoon! Say hello to Sweetie Bell for me!" Bay was out the door in a heartbeat. Rarity just stared, watching the door swing back and forth in his wake.


Rainbow Dash had had a long day clearing a freak storm from over the Everfree forest. She had also helped Applejack clear an old, dead apple tree. She had also delivered some books for Spike while Twilight was away. So she was exhausted. Dash had found a nice, soft cloud to sleep on, and had settled in for a nice long nap, before her meeting with the doctor.

"Boo!" Yelled Bay, as he sat on a nearby cloud and watched as Rainbow screamed and nearly fell off the cloud she was napping on. She was very angry when she scrambled back up onto her perch. Dash scowled at this new pony, who was holding his sides and laughing.

"What the hay, you! Why'd you do that! Why, I oughta knock you into..." Dash trailed off, staring at his perfectly brown, smooth, wingless, cutie-markless sides. Bay finally pulled himself together.

"Oh, man, *snicker* you shoulda seen the *giggle* look on your face!" Dash quickly shook off her confusion and flew up to him, so their noses were about an inch apart.

"Who are you? Why do you have no cutie mark? How'd you get up here as an earth pony? Did you have somepony carry you? Are you a spy?"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down! That's ridiculous! No one carried me up, and I'm Bay. I'm also almost late for my report! See ya!" Bay rolled off the cloud and plummeted down. Rainbow let out a "whoa!", and jumped down after him. But below, no one was falling, and in the small town below, life continued normally. Dash scanned the streets and saw a brown stallion walking into an alley. She rocketed towards him, yelling at him to stop and causing more than a few heads to turn. Bay turned into the alley, Rainbow only a few seconds behind. She flew into the alley, expecting to see Bay, but all she saw was a trash can and a soda bottle. She dashed over to the trash can and yanked it open, and was rewarded with trash and a smell strong enough to singe eyebrows. She replaced the lid and trotted away. It was almost time for her appointment.


"Sorry I took so long. Subject 4 was napping, and i had to take the opportunity. I love seeing these things confused."

"You have got to stop doing this, sergeant. It's quite close now, and you're goofing around. We don't even have half the quotas in and we're running out of time!"

"Yeah, yeah. Relax. I got a history textbook to skim and I'll have a summery in by monday. Don' worry 'bout it. Also, something we missed. All the creatures have these weird butt tattoos and its abnormal for an adult to have one."

"Well, its too late now. Also, you've been starting to talk in that weird accent they have."

"Oh god, I guess I am! I should probably get going, I have work to do. Sorry this was so short. Good luck, sis.

"Good Luck. Be careful."


Spike was cleaning up when Bay sauntered through the door. Without a word, trotted over to a table relatively clear of books and sat down, taking out his book and a cookie. He started to read. After a few minutes, he looked up at Spike.

"Hey kid, I got you something." Bay tossed over a comic book to the young dragon, who caught it, confused.

"Uh thanks, sir." Spike looked around nervously, and saw a flash of cyan at the window.

"So, Spike, when does Twilight Sparkle get back from Canterlot?" Spike was astonished. What did this stallion not know?"

"How did you know Twilight was in Canterlot?"

"Its amazing what eavesdropping and a little cunning can do for ya son. And tell Rainbow Dash that she can come in." Spike's eyes opened wide in surprise, and hesitated before walking over to the door, and shakily calling in Rainbow.

"Dash, he sees you! You can come in!" Sure enough, She landed in front of the doorway. She opened her mouth to speak as she entered the library, but Bay stopped her.

"Alright, Ma'am, why have you been following me all evening?"

"How'd you know I was following you? I was using my super sneaky ninja skills! Theres no way you could've seen me! And anyway, why should I tell you? Its not like you ever give anyone a straight answer anyway!"

"Its because you're suspicious of me, and there's probably a small grudge from me waking you up, too. Isn't it?" Dash was speechless. She just stared, with her mouth hanging open.

"Well, since I obviously can't get any work done here, I guess that i'll just have to go somewhere else. Goodnight." He was out the door before either Spike or Dash could react. After a few seconds, Dash shook her head, and sprinted out the door. Spike waited a few minutes, until Rainbow appeared in the doorway.

"Couldn't find him." Dash grumbled. "Hey Spike, can I crash here? I'm exhausted, and the night patrol has a storm scheduled. Its too dangerous to fly tired." Spike accepted, and Dash shuffled up the stairs to Twilight's room. Spike sat down with a quill and empty scroll to write a letter.

Author's Note:

If anyone cares, sorry this was so late. I struggle with self-motivation.
hope you like it!
