• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 31st


Comments ( 44 )
T_K_21 #1 · Nov 19th, 2013 · · 16 ·

all stallions go through heat

No, they don't.

mares go through heat, not stallions. Stallions just get horny. also, AJ x Big Mac, Impregnation... wouldn't that mean inbred for those two?

Ya know I kinda wonder what happens later on... What happens to them to the family to applejacks friends.

all stallions go through heat

:facehoof: You fail Biology 101. Do you even know what being "in heat" is?

Females go into heat, because females are the ones who go through an ovulation cycle that determines when they can get pregnant. Being in heat means that they're in the correct part of their cycle that impregnation can occur. (And in the case of most animals, it's also the only time the female is actually receptive to sexual activity. Humans are unusual in that we're one of the few species that have sex "for fun" outside of a fixed heat cycle.)

Males do not go into heat; they're "ready to go" any time a receptive female presents herself.

Snuggly #5 · Nov 19th, 2013 · · 12 ·

Heat? are you sure you don't mean gas?

DarkRyu #6 · Nov 19th, 2013 · · 9 ·

LOL. You guys take this stuff way too seriously. I know stallions don't actually go through heat. But this is Equestria we're talking about here. Things could be different there. And in this story, they are.

Snuggly #7 · Nov 19th, 2013 · · 24 ·

3511789 but the show is based on EARTHLY creatures. we can't just ignore that.

It's like if I put a dog in equestria and tried to justify its weird powers by saying "well it can puke chocolate but this is a EQUESTRIAN dog!"

you should atleast state the differences in the description

DarkRyu #8 · Nov 19th, 2013 · · 6 ·

Well, on Earth mares can't fly or use magic. There are similarities between Earth horses and Equestrian ponies, but they're entirely different creatures on entirely different worlds.

there should be more chapters. This feels like a cliffhanger.

I enjoyed this story too much,
Could you please do a sequel or something?

I'm sorry that people are ignorant and won't open their minds to anything. I thought the story was good.

:pinkiecrazy: I love it, I love you, sir, you are the best person in the universe!

:pinkiesmile: Why not add "alternative universe" tag to calm people down.

:pinkiecrazy: Yessss... We want more my good sir!


You have to explain your story premise in the Comments.

You have to explain your story premise in the Story Summary Description.

You have to explain your story premise in the story itself.

What does this say about your story premise? It says that this is probably not a good story premise :pinkiesick: .

A more reader-believable/-acceptable story premise might have been Applejack being in a particularly severe heat cycle, with Big McIntosh trying to "help" his sister, and then things go wildly out of control for both Apples as a result.

This is not intended as a troll comment, it really isn't. I have no strong feelings either way about your fan-fiction. I am simply pointing out a flawed story premise when the Author has to step out from behind the literary curtain and say "No, no, no! You people don't 'get' it! This is what it's supposed to be about..! [insert lectured exposition]"

Well, while everybody else is busy bitching about how males don't go into heat, I will be enjoying this story quite a bit. Possibly because I'm apparently the only other one that gets what you're saying.

3518654 you have a good point there.

would like to point out that a lot of equestria is based off of myth, so it is believable that males could go into heat in their land.

Well I see that it has been discussed thoroughly and is mentioned inside the story and on the description, so I don't have to say anything about it. Ah man and that was the only reason I wanted to read this so I could complain and correct you. You guys are no fun. :pinkiesad2:

Applejack why didn't you get a door lock and magic to seal the door? Hell even a magical Traquilizer would be great. Maybe have a herb garden. Oh well at least it was Applejack and not Applebloom. That would have been much worse.

I would have liked to see more remorse from Big Mac. I'd also like to think that, as something that occurs as regularly as heat, the Apples would have been better prepared for this. It feels as though Mac's more of a kept pet in this story rather than an ethical stallion who would sooner take responsibility for his own urges and, being without the herb, would have left the farm long before his heat overtook him.
Still, I suppose you did need some device to bring these two together and it works as well as any other. Also, AJ seems a little too accepting of her situation post-violation. I feel that Stockholm syndrome is overused in stories that depict rape so as to water down the criminal aspect of the act. I mean, sure, AJ loves her brother but consent under duress isn't really consent. In the pony universe as it is in ours, rape is never okay and a story that ends abruptly with the violation of the main character feels incomplete. I don't think that this is a dark fic but I do think that you can do better.

I don't know what to feel right now.:rainbowderp:
I enjoyed it though.

My god!!! People this is fiction on a cartoon style world!!! Saying that the author failed at something or a stallion can't go into heat is like say all story's have to be based on real events.

Srsly people need to chill out and just enjoy the read.

Edit: this is completely unrelated, but, after i posted this i finally remembered what the D. in my name stands for. How does a person forget the word Dusk?

I will spectate. I will watch over. I will wait. And then I will read. :yay:


Meh... Not really rape if she let him

...I'm not entirely sure I should read this...I think I will...but I'll save it till tomorrow. Good Night Everypony. :trollestia:

I feel a little guilty just reading this let alone enjoying it.

Just add the Alternate Universe tag to shut people up. It worked for that other story with males in heat.

:pinkiecrazy: I have a gun pointed to your magnificent head... Now tell me the name of that other story.

As long as I don't have to ram into any car dealerships....
I don't actually remember the title. It was an R63 Sweetie Belle X R63 Spike story.

Will there be a sequel?:unsuresweetie:

THIS CANT BE THE END! i must know more! it was a good story! though the stallions being in heat was odd, new and new is good, but odd!


but the show is based on EARTHLY creatures. we can't just ignore that

:facehoof: Can't you see the absurdity in your own post? MLP is a show about magical, talking ponies. Horned/winged ponies; dragons; phoenixes; minotaurs; talking mules/cows; whatever Discord is and god knows what else... Reality has nothing to do with it.

Plus you're forgetting the golden rule of clopfiction: if it's hot, go for it.

3956827 I made this post like 47 years ago. I don't really care no more.

Male Heat is called Rut. Believe it or not it's actually a thing.

The more you know!

I give this nine "Eeyups" out of ten.


This is more wrong than a Ally of Justice Cycle Reader

There should be a sequel I want to know what happens next.and story was a awesome read.

The dialogue was really corny. It nearly took me out of the story, it all felt forced, especially Big Mac's. Your description were pleasing though, so good job there.

I don't know what to think or say. :rainbowderp:

Comment posted by DutchFeuer deleted Dec 14th, 2016

Just throw an Alternate Universe tag to stop the ranting.
Also fun fact, Stallions don't go into Rut, as someone stated before... they are just naturally horny and ready to bang at any moment said mare presents herself.

Just ignore that I deleted a message, kinda hard to use a phone that lags a lot...

On one hand, it's true that the author fucked up and should've used the term "rut," which is more accurate.
On the other hand, holy fuck, this comment section is proof that "it's okay because the source material doesn't follow our world's physics, so it's perfectly acceptable to have no rhyme or reason XDDDDD" is the stupidest fucking argument of all time, and that it's okay if your suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
"that's not proper usage of one hand/other hand stupid xd?" Yeah well this is a site about fanfiction for a magical horse show, I don't need to follow conventional methods and grammar. That may or may not be an attempt to show the flaw of that argument.


Fucking boomers, defending their universes from being attacked by weebs.



“Berry Blossom!” He bellowed. “Ah need her right here right now and right here and now and here and now!”

No can do bitch!

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