• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 7,617 Views, 84 Comments

A Big Brother - xd77

A whole year has gone by since Nathan was adopted by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, now before too long he is going to be a big brother.

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Chapter 4: A Star Is Born - Part 3

It was past midnight in Ponyville, everypony was sleeping, including Nathan, he was already dreaming of his new sister and him becoming strong friends and even what they could be doing in the future of Equestria. Spike was upstairs sleeping in his basket, when a sudden puke feeling awoke him, he got up, belched green fire, and out came a scroll, but it read was not from Princess Celestia but instead read............

"Dear Twilight"

"I know it's late, but Shining Armor and I have good news........our baby has arrived, we want you, Spike, and Nathan to come here to the CEMC and check her out, she is 4 lbs 3 oz. and has pink skin like me, she's got my mane and Shining Armor's eye color."


"Princess Cadance"

Spike couldn't believe it, the baby had finally arrived, quickly he dashed out of his basket and into the castle library, where he found Twilight doing some late night research on portal spells for Nathan."

"TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT!!!!!!!" he said yanking on her wing, Twilight quickly got the attention, but shushed him.

"Spike, shhhh, we don't want to wake Nathan up." she whispered.

"Okay, sorry."

"Now why such a hurry?" Twilight asked

"Well read this." Spike whispered giving her the scroll, when she read it, she was just as excited, her new niece was now officially born.

"Okay, should we tell Nathan?" Twilight asked

"Well, obviously, she wants us at the Crystal Empire Medical Center immediately, so come on let's go get Nathan up." So they walked towards the guest bedroom, where Nathan was asleep, they smiled at this, he was cute when he was sleeping.

They saw a little twitch coming from him, "You know what Spike I think he dreams, did you see him twitch?" Twilight asked

"That I did, Twilight." Spike said

"Yeah, well I'm going to go wake him up." Twilight said, she walk towards his bed and placed a hoof on his back.

"Nathan, Nathan, wake up sweetie." Twilight said, gently shaking him.

"unngh!" Nathan grumbled while turning over.

"Nathan wake up." Twilight said

"Ah'm asleep, Aunt Twilight." Nathan said with his eyes still closed.

Twilight giggled, "Well you won't be so sleepy, when you see your new sister."

"What?" Nathan said immediately waking up.

"We just got a letter from your mom, sweetie, your sister has just been born."

"YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan said hopping out of his bed and jumping up and down on the floor with joy.

"All right sweetie, calm down, get you jacket and shoes on, we're going to the Crystal Empire."

"At this time of night?" Nathan asked pointing at the clock.

"Yes, sweetie, mommy knows you want to see your new sister, so she wants us over there, now go on get your jacket and shoes on, it's cold out." Twilight said.

"Yes, Aunt Twilight." Nathan said quickly putting on his shoes and jacket.


A couple of hours later, they were off the train and entering the Crystal Empire at night, beautiful and lit up just like Christmas, and pretty soon they were at the Crystal Empire Medical Center's entrance, where they were greeted by the nurse.

"What room is she in?" Twilight asked

"She is in room 337, third floor second hall on the right." The nurse said, pointing her hoof toward the elevator lobby, Twilight, Spike, and Nathan walked away from the main desk and headed towards the elevator where they entered, when they got to the third floor, they were quickly greeted by Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight and Shining Armor's parents, and Nathan's grandparents.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" Nathan said, running up to them and embracing them.

"Hey cowboy." Night Light said giving Nathan a noogie.

"Hi dear." Twilight Velvet said hugging him, "You ready to see your new sister?"

"Yes, ah've been waitin' all weekend." Nathan said jumping.

Twilight Velvet chuckled, "All right dear come on." She levitated him onto her back and all five of them headed towards room 337, where Cadance and Shining Armor were waiting.

They had found room 337 and quietly opened the door, and what Nathan saw surprised him, his mother still lying in the hospital bed with Shining Armor at her side, anyway, Cadance was lying in her hospital bed holding a new baby filly in her forehooves, bundled up in a blanket, and asleep with a pacifier in her mouth.

Night Light levitated Nathan over to the edge of the hospital bed for him to get a closer look.

"Here you go, cowboy." he said putting him down on the bed, now he was sitting in the hospital bed with his mother smiling at him.

"Nathan, say 'hi' to your new baby sister......Skyla." she said lifting her up for him to see, when Nathan saw into her sleeping face, she was as beautiful as a flower in bloom.

"Dad, what's the color of her eyes?"

"Same as me, bud." Shining Armor said, patting him, Nathan went back to looking at his new little sister seeing how cute she was, Twilight also was with glee, for her new niece was now born.

"Baby Skyla" She thought to herself, "I like it"

Nathan on the other hand, was now daydreaming about all the fun he could have with Skyla, not even knowing what was going to happen once they brought her home.

While Nathan was holding her, she opened her eyes a little, Nathan gasped out of fear that she might cry loudly, but instead, she dropped the pacifier out of her mouth and said with a soft coo..."Baba."

Nathan was on the verge of wanting to cry tears of joy, for she had now known about her big brother, Nathan looked up with wide sad puppy eyes, "Ah' hope ya'll heard that, she called me 'baba'."

Everypony giggled at this, pretty soon, Cadance tapped her son.

"Come on, dear, hand her back to me."

"Yes mommy." Nathan said giving Skyla back to Cadance.